Chapter 5. Setting Payment Models

Enabling a store to accept credit cards online and other alternative payment methods for customers is vital for high availability of an online store.

In this chapter we shall learn:

  • The basics of online credit card processing
  • Merchant account
  • Payment gateway
  • PayPal as a payment method
  • The differences between several PayPal services
  • Bank Transfer, Cheque or Money Order, Cash on Delivery payment options

We should clearly understand the three core elements of accepting credit card payments for an online store before starting on the details of online credit card processing.

Shopping cart system

The shopping cart is special software which allows customers to add / delete products to a basket from a store catalogue and then complete the order. The shopping cart also automatically updates the total amount which the customer will pay according to product additions or deletions on the basket.

OpenCart provides a built-in shopping cart system which provides all such functionality. So, you don't need to install or buy separate software for the shopping cart.

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