Placing the order

The order flowchart begins with the delivery of order information by the customer on checkout pages. First of all, we collect information about Shipping Method, Payment Method, Shipping Address, and Payment Address. As we can notice from the following screenshot, shipping and payment addresses can be defined differently. So, while shipment is made to an address, invoice can be sent to another (if needed).

Placing the order

We also get information about ordered products, their quantities, and the price on the order date. Note that all sub-totals are separately shown to the customer. In the following case there is a per item shipping rate, but it was cancelled by a $5 discount coupon applied with free shipping.

Placing the order

The customer can also apply a coupon code for the order.

Placing the order

Finally, we also get extra comments which customer can provide us. In the following case, the customer stated that he or she needs the order after a defined date.

We have also provided information about payment. In the following case, it is a bank payment:

Placing the order

The customer is informed by the result of order confirmation on the screen:

Placing the order

The OpenCart system generates an email according to the order and sends it automatically after the customer places the order. The following screenshot shows the sample order which the customer will get in the email box:

Placing the order

On the administration side, we see a dashboard screen after the login where we can see the latest orders, total sales, total customers, etc. There is a statistics graph which is useful to have a look at the sales, and customer trends. This graph can be generated according to the ranges such as day, week, month, and year.

Placing the order

We can edit an order directly from the dashboard or by using the Sales | Orders menu. OpenCart shows the order details in tabs for ease of management. The following screenshot shows the first tab. The Order Details tab shows the Customer name, personal information (email, telephone), order date, shipping method, payment method, order total, customer comment, etc. Let's note that the order website is also shown. As we already know, OpenCart allows for running multiple stores on a single installation. The most important section is Order Status. In this case, it is set to Pending for new orders. Let's remember that the default value can be arranged according to each payment type. In our case, we had arranged it as Pending for the bank payment option since we hadn't got the payment yet.

Placing the order

The next tab is Products. We see the details of ordered products and the sub-totals and total value:

Placing the order

On the Shipping Address tab, we see the details of the shipping address:

Placing the order

The Payment Address tab is similar to the Shipping Address tab. This is where we will send the invoice (if needed):

Placing the order

Finally, we open the most important screen for order management. The Order History tab shows the original order date, and status. We will track all the changes made to Order Status in this screen. We will also use this screen to change the Order Status and inform the customer by email about the changes.

Placing the order
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