Time for action—creating a new customer group and assigning a customer to it

In this section, we will learn how to create a new customer group and assign a customer to it. By doing this, we will also cover the topic of how to edit and change a customer's information.

  1. Let's open the Sales | Customer Groups menu and click on the Insert button.
    Time for action—creating a new customer group and assigning a customer to it
  2. We will write Customer Group Name and click on the Save button to complete the operation.
    Time for action—creating a new customer group and assigning a customer to it
  3. We can browse to customer listings under the Sales | Customers menu and edit one of them.
    Time for action—creating a new customer group and assigning a customer to it
  4. The new customer group now is enabled in the Customer Group option. Optionally, we can also edit other information such as whether the customer will get a newsletter or not. We can disable a customer from loggin in to the system without deleting from the database. We click the Save button to complete the operation.
    Time for action—creating a new customer group and assigning a customer to it

What just happened?

We have just learned how to create a new customer group and assign a customer to it. We have also seen that we can change important customer information such as Telephone, Email and whether a customer will get a newsletter or not.

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