Users, user groups, and permissions

Users are people who do the administrative functions for our store, such as tracking sales, adding products, setting store options, and so on. They are different from customers and not related to them at all.

Users are grouped in user groups in an OpenCart system. Each group can hold more than one user and each user can have different permissions inherited by user groups.

OpenCart operates in modules. It allows us to separately assign permissions at the module level. For example, we could assign access or modify permissions for a user on Catalog | Products and/or Catalog | Categories menu.

A user with access permission can view the module information but cannot change it.

The following diagram shows a sample user (login) organization:

Users, user groups, and permissions

According to this diagram, we can conclude the following sample permissions:

  • admin and admin2 logins can do anything on the store, including changing store settings, creating products, categories, changing order status, and defining payment models.
  • Since Julie is a manager, she can do everything except the things related to store and administration settings.
  • Jack is only allowed to manage products. He can add, change, and view product information, but let's say that he cannot create a category or change order status.
  • On the other hand, Kate and Steve can only deal with the orders while they cannot change product information and cannot add new products.
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