

64-bit SQL Server, 32-bit compared to, 37

% Disk Time counter, 471

% Privilege Time counter, 457

% Processor Time counter, 457




to database securables, 222

to server securables, 221


to database securables, 222

to server securables, 221

to SQL Server by Windows users, 213

Account Provisioning tab (Database Engine Configuration screen), 84

accountable, being, as DBA, 529

actions, specifying when running command-line installation, 99

active node, 45

Activity Monitor, starting, 3

Address Windows Extensions (AWE), enabling, 163

Advanced category (SQL Server Installation Center), 77

Advanced tab (SQL Server Properties dialog), 147

AFTER trigger, 290

alerts, SQL Server Agent, 429432

ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS relational index option, 307

ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS relational index option, 307

ALTER DATABASE command, for changing compatibility level, 139


ALTER TABLE statement

CASCADE option, 262

default constraints on columns and, 257


DROP CONSTRAINT keywords, 260262



NO CHECK option, 262

primary key constraints and, 260

SPARSE option, 267

unique constraints, creating with, 261

WITH NOCHECK option, 265

WITH VALUES clause, 258


functions, 290

views, 274

Analysis Wizard (Upgrade Advisor)

affected objects, 117

analysis report, 116

authentication page, 113

confirmation screen, 114

database selection, 113

rule analysis, 115

server and components selection, 112

warning screen, 115

Welcome screen, 111

application roles, creating, 220

Apress book resources for DBA, 542543

arguments, searchable, 303

assembly, 294295

Assessment and Planning toolkit (MAP, Microsoft), 40


server principals to database principals, 217

users to schemas, 223

asymmetric keys

associating logins with, 213214

encryption using, 244246

Audit feature, 6

audit objects, 494


audit objects, 494

database audit specification

creating with GUI, 490492

creating with T-SQL, 484485

database-level audit action groups, 485486

database-level audit actions, 486487

testing, 487489

overview of, 479

reviewing files with SSMS, 492

server audit

creating with GUI, 489490

creating with T-SQL, 480481

server-level action groups, 481482

server audit specification

creating with T-SQL, 481

testing, 483484

shutdown problems, 494

startup problems, 493

type of, choosing, 479480


Mixed Mode, 108, 211

SQL Server, 211

Windows, 190, 211212, 215

Authorization command, 219

autogrowth options for data and log files, enabling, 171

automatic recovery from corrupted page, 8

automating maintenance tasks

Database Mail

cleanup procedures, 425426

Configuration Wizard, 413422

configuring using T-SQL, 422424

sending, 424425

overview of, 413

SQL Server Agent

alerts, 429432

enabling notifications, 427429

jobs, 432439

operators, 426427

proxies, 439441

automating monitoring, 477478

autoshrink option for data and log files, 172

availability. See high availability

availability enhancements, 89

Available MBytes counter, 465

Avg Disk Queue Length counter, 471

Avg Disk Reads/Sec or Writes/Sec counter, 471

AWE (Address Windows Extensions), enabling, 163


backing up

See also backups; restoring

database after reverting, 257

master and database keys, 249

backup compression, 6, 353355

Backup Compression Default option, 163164

Back Up Database dialog box

General section, 358360

Options section, 358, 362363

Backup Device dialog box

General section, 355

Media Contents section, 356

backup drive, determining size of, 33

BackupGroup workload group, creating, 514

backup history, 369370

backup history tables, 369

Back Up interface, 358, 362363

Backup resource pool (Resource Governor), 513

BACKUP statement

COPY_ONLY option, 352

FORMAT option, 345




See also backing up; full database backups

copy-only type of, 352353

database recovery model, 343344

differential type of, 347349

encryption keys and, 366367

file type of, 351352

logical backup devices, 355358

media sets, 344346

overview of, 343

partial type of, 350351

Resource Governor and, 354

of system databases, 367

transaction log type of, 349

from T-SQL, 364366

types of, 346

baseline metrics on server, collecting, 451452

Batch Requests/Sec counter, 458

Best Practices Analyzer, 170

blocked process threshold option, 168

book resources for DBA, 542543

B-tree data structure, parts of, 298

built-in system accounts, using, 70

bulk-logged recovery model, 343


CAL (client access license), 22

cardinality of data, 303

catalog views, Resource Governor, 522

central management servers

configuring multi-server query options, 194195

creating, 190193

description of, 7, 177, 189

evaluating policies using, 196199

running multi-server queries, 193194

certificate encryption, 242244


associating logins with, 213214

backing up, 367

certification authorities, 242

certification exams, 537

Change Data Capture feature, 6, 64

Change Tracking feature, 6

check condition, 7

check constraints

creating, 264265

disabling, 266

dropping, 266

classifier function (Resource Governor), 511, 516519

cleanup procedures, Database Mail, 425426

client access license (CAL), 22

Client Protocols Properties dialog box, 155

Client Protocols subsection (SQL Native Client Configuration), 154156

CLR (common language runtime)

enabling, 166

working with, 293295

clr enabled option, 166

clustered indexes

creating, and retrieving data from newly created tables, 331333

creating via GUI, 317321

creating via T-SQL, 304305

description of, 297298

structure of, 299

clustered index keys, 300

clustered index scan, query to create, 504

clustered index seek, query to create, 505

clustering, 9, 64. See also failover clustering


defining default constraints on, 257259

include, 303

command-line installation

action and components, specifying, 99

data directories, specifying, 100

instance, configuring, 99100

level of silence, choosing, 98

overview of, 95

parameters passed to executable, 9698

parameters passed to installer, 98

running, 101102

command-line interface, executing configuration file installation, 108


ALTER DATABASE, for changing compatibility level, 139

Authorization, 219


Database Consistency Checks for monitoring memory, 467469

DBCC CHECKDB, for testing object integrity, 139

DBCC memorystatus, 469

DBCC UPDATEUSAGE, for correcting row and page counts, 140




common language runtime (CLR)

enabling, 166

working with, 293295

communication issues for DBA

listening, 531

providing too much information, 531

target audience, talking to, 530531

compatibility level, changing after upgrade, 139

Complete screen

configuration file installation, 109

for in-place upgrade, 127

when installing first instance, 89

components, specifying when running command-line installation, 99

composite indexes, 302

composite keys, 259

compressed and encrypted database restore

certificates, restoring, 403

setting up, 399403

transaction logs, restoring, 403409

compressed indexes, 302

compression, tables and, 267269

compromise, accepting, 528

condition to use in policy, creating, 178179

configuration file installation, 104, 108110

Configuration Manager

description of, 143144, 157

SQL Native Client Configuration section, 154156

SQL Server Network Configuration section, 148154

SQL Server Services section, 144147


Database Mail

using Configuration Wizard, 413422

using T-SQL, 422424

disk subsystem, 36


Backup Compression Default option, 163164

CLR option, 166

dedicated administrator connections option, 166

default trace option, 166

enabling Address Windows Extensions, 163

for in-place upgrade, 125

lightweight pooling option, 167

login failure auditing option, 165

other options, 168170

query governor cost limit option, 167168

specifying maximum and minimum server memory, 161162

viewing advanced options, 157

viewing configuration settings, 157161

when running command-line installa-tion, 99100

xp_cmdshell option, 168

multi-server query options, 194195


of SQL Server, 3840

with virtual servers, 40

constraints, indexes created by, 301

Context Switches/Sec counter, 457

Copy Database Wizard

Complete the Wizard screen, 137

database selection, 133

destination database selection, 134

destination server selection, 132

for migrating database to new instance, 130

package configuration, 136

Performing Operation screen, 138

scheduling SSIS package, 136

server objects selection, 135

source server selection, 131

starting, 131

transfer method selection, 133

Welcome screen, 131

copy-only backup, 352353

copying data with log shipping. See log shipping

copying databases, methods for, 130

correlating Profiler and Performance Monitor, 495496

corrupted page, automatic recovery from, 8

cost threshold for parallelism option, 169


for general monitoring, 472

for monitoring disk IO, 469470

for monitoring memory

overview of, 463465

SQL Server counters, 466467

Windows counters, 465466

covering queries, 303, 333337


hot-adding, 9


DMVs and, 459462

overview of, 454456

SQL Server counters and, 458459

Windows counters and, 457458

CPU needs

deriving baseline specification, 29

example using questions, 3031

future utilization, considering, 30

CREATE ASSEMBLY statement, 294

Create Audit dialog box, 489


Create Database Audit Specification dialog box, 490

CREATE DATABASE command, AS SNAP-SHOT OF clause, 254

Create New Condition dialog box (Policy-Based Management), 178179

Create New Policy dialog box (Policy-Based Management)

accessing, 179

completed, 182

Description page, 181

entering information into, 180

CREATE VIEW statement, WITH SCHEMA-BINDING clause, 276

credentials, linking to logins, 214215

criticism, accepting and learning from, 528

CrossServerSelect stored procedure, 200

CUBE function syntax, 1820

Current Disk Queue counter, 471

current state, exporting as policy, 185187

cursor threshold option, 169


Dam, Sajal, SQL Server 2008 Query Perfor-mance Tuning Distilled, 495


See also log shipping

cardinality of, 303

Data and Log File Location Policy

Description tab (Policy-Based Manage-ment), 189

General tab (Policy-Based Management), 188

Data Collector, 7

DATA_COMPRESSION relational index option, 307

data directories, specifying when running command-line installation, 100

Data Directories tab (Database Engine Configuration screen), 85

data files

autogrowth options for, 171

autoshrink option, 172

size of, 171

data locators, 300

DATA_PURITY option (DBCC CHECKDB command), 139

Data Transformation Services (DTS), 119120

database administrator. See DBA

database audit, choosing, 480

database audit specification

action groups, 485486


with GUI, 490492

with T-SQL, 484485

testing, 487489

Database Consistency Checks (DBCC) commands for monitoring memory, 467469

Database Engine Configuration screen

installing multiple instances and, 94

when installing first instance, 8486

database-level audit action groups, 485486

database-level audit actions, 486487

Database Mail

cleanup procedures, 425426

Configuration Wizard

Complete the Wizard screen, 421

Configure System Parameters screen, 419422

Manage Profile Security screen, 418419

New Database Mail Account dialog box, 416418

New Profile screen, 415

Select Configuration Task screen, 414

Welcome screen, 413

configuring using T-SQL, 422424

sending, 424425

database master key, backing up, 366367

database mirroring

high-performance mode, 5152

high-safety mode, 5051

implementation of, 49

key terms, 48

log shipping compared to, 53

overview of, 89, 4849

pros and cons of, 5253

snapshot feature, 4950

transparent client redirect feature, 50

database preproduction tasks, 170172

DATABASEPROPERTYEX system function, 344

database recovery model, 343344

Database Role – New dialog box (SQL Server Management Studio)

General page, 235237

Securables page, 237238

database roles, 218219

database scope securables, 211

database securables, 221222

database security features, principals

application roles, 220

database users, creating, 217218

overview of, 216

roles, 218219

Database Settings section (Server Properties dialog), 163

database sizing, 3233

database snapshots

creating, 254255

description of, 253254

reverting database to, 256257

viewing and querying, 255256

Database Snapshots folder (Object Explorer), 253

database users, creating, 217218


See also recovery examples; restoring databases

copying, methods for, 130

moving to new instance

backup/restore migration method for, 130

Copy Database Wizard migration method for, 130138

detach/attach migration method for, 129130

methods for, 128

msdb, 185, 253, 422

physical files of, 251

Resource, 253

reverting to database snapshot, 256267

system, backing up, 367

tempdb, 253

db_datareader role

creating login and user for, and adding user to, 223

creating schema and table for, then removing user from, 224

DBA (database administrator)

accepting and learning from criticism, 528

accepting things won't always go your way, 528

accepting you are not best, 527

Apress titles for, 542543

being good at what you do, 527

building reputation as, 528529

communication issues for, 530531

developing non-technical skills as, 527

facing reality as, 527528

free training events for, 538

going above and beyond as, 529530

leadership issues for, 534536

ongoing experimentation and learning for, 537538

podcasts for, 538

pressure situations and, 532534

support options for, 539541

updating skill set as, 537

web site resources for, 542

DBCC (Database Consistency Checks) commands, for monitoring memory, 467469

DBCC CHECKDB command, for testing object integrity, 139

DBCC memorystatus command, 469

DBCC UPDATEUSAGE command, for correcting row and page counts, 140

DDL triggers, 291292

decision-making, as DBA, 535


DECRYPTBYCERT function, 243

DECRYPTBYKEY function, 246

dedicated administrator connections, enabling, 166

default constraints, defining on columns in table, 257259

default resource pools (Resource Governor), 512

defaulting user schemas, 223224

default trace, disabling, 166

delete statement, post-index creation, 325326

denying access

to database securables, 222

to server securables, 221

dependable, being, as DBA, 529

dependency reporting, 199207

design-time support for DTS add-on, installing, 119

Developer Edition, features of, 21, 24

Device Contents dialog box, 361

dictionary compression, 268

differential backup, 347349

differential restore

description of, 371

uses of, 377378


See also enabling

check constraints, 266

default trace, 166

foreign key constraints, 264

lightweight pooling, 294

Resource Governor, 513

disaster recovery

See also recovery examples; restoring databases

defining amount of time allowed for, 44

high availability compared to, 43

disk IO, monitoring

overview of, 469470

SQL Server counters and, 471472

Windows counters and, 471

Disk Space Requirements screen, 82

disk storage configuration, 36

disk subsystems, determining design, size, and utilization of, 3132

DML triggers, 290291

DMVs (Dynamic Management Views)

capturing performance monitor counters using, 472

monitoring CPU and, 459462

monitoring memory and, 467469

querying, 326

reports compared to, 501

Resource Governor and, 521523

storing results of, 478



sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_features DMV, 40

sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants DMV, 468

sys.dm_exec_query_plan, 507


sys.dm_exec_query_optimizer_info DMV, 462

sys.dm_os_performance_counters DMV, 472

sys.dm_os_process_memory DMV, 468

sysdm_os_schedulers DMV, 460

sys.dm_os_sys_memory DMV, 467

sys.dm_os_tasks DMV, 461

sys.dm_os_threads DMV, 459

sys.dm_os_workers DMV, 459

sys.dm_server_audit_status DMV, 494

documentation for recovery from scratch, 385

documenting process for spec'ing out servers, 38

domain accounts, using, 70

downloading Upgrade Advisor, 111

DROP ASSEMBLY statement, 295

DROP DATABASE command, 256

DROP_EXISTING relational index option, 307

DROP SYNONYM command, 280


assembly, 295

check constraints, 266

database snapshots, 256

default constraints, 259

foreign key constraints, 264

functions, 290

primary key constraints, 260

stored procedure, 285

unique constraints, 262

DTS (Data Transformation Services), 119120

DTS xChange tool, 120

Dynamic Management Views. See DMVs


Edit Filter dialog box (Profiler), 474475

editions of SQL Server

choosing, 21

Developer, 24

Enterprise, 2223

Express, 2627

Standard, 2324

Standard Edition for Small Businesses, 24

Web, 25

Workgroup, 25

EKM (Extensible Key Management), 20, 247248

enabled protocols, viewing, 149


See also disabling

Address Windows Extensions, 163

autogrowth options for data and log files, 171

backup compression, 353

classifier function, 517518

CLR integration functionality, 293

dedicated administrator connections, 166

foreign key constraints, 264

lightweight pooling, 167

Resource Governor, 513

Service Broker for msdb database, 422

SQL Server Agent notifications, 427429


ENCRYPTBYCERT function, 243

ENCRYPTBYKEY function, 246

encrypted views, creating, 273


backing up master and database keys, 249

backups and, 366367

certificate type, 242244

Extensible Key Management and, 247248

overview of, 242

Transparent Data Encryption and, 248249

using asymmetric keys, 244246

using symmetric keys, 246247

ENCRYPTION BY keyword, 247


Enterprise Edition, features of, 2223

Error and Usage Reporting screen, 86

error message

in command-line window during installation, 102

when accessing data from offline filegroup, 394

when adding data to table that has nonclustered indexes in offline state, 395

when attempting to restore encrypted database without encryption keys in place, 403

Evaluate Policies dialog box

defined targets and, 183

results page, 198

with group name displayed, 196

with selected policies, 198

Evaluate Policies option (context menu), 196

evaluating policies against multiple servers, 196199

example table, creating via GUI, 316317

execution plans

forcing, 506507

joining multiple tables with all filegroups restored, 398

OPTIMIZE FOR query hint to optimize

for unknown value, 503

for value of one, 502

query to generate execution plan that uses hash joins, 502

query to generate execution plan that uses merge joins, 501

when primary filegroup is only available filegroup online, 393

Export as Policy dialog box (Policy-Based Management), 186

Export Integration Services maintenance plan package, 445

Export Package dialog box, 446


current state as policy, 185187

maintenance plans, 445447

Express Edition, features of, 2627

Extensible Key Management (EKM), 20, 247248


facet, current state of, 185187

Failed status of rule, 79

failover clustering

database mirroring compared to, 49

enhancements to, 9

implementation of, 4748

key terms, 4445

overview of, 4447

pros and cons of, 48

fast recovery feature, 45

feature selection for in-place upgrade, 124

Feature Selection screen, 8182, 92

file backup, 351352

file restore, 372, 378380


description of, 251


after restoring all applicable files, 397

after restoring with NORECOVERY, 396

restoring, 378380

state description of, after primary is no longer read-only, 395

utilizing for faster restores, 383384


Database Engine Configuration screen, 85

SQL Server Properties dialog, 146

FILLFACTOR relational index option, 307308

filter condition, 7

filtered indexes

creating, 339341

creating via T-SQL, 310314

description of, 4, 302

filtered statistics, 4

finding similar queries, 497499

first instance, installing

Complete screen, 89

Database Engine Configuration screen, 8486

Disk Space Requirements screen, 82

Error and Usage Reporting screen, 86

Feature Selection screen, 8182

Installation Progress screen, 88

Installation Rules validation process, 87

Instance Configuration screen, 82

Ready to Install screen, 88

Server Configuration screen, 8384

stand-alone installation, 80

System Configuration Checker and, 7981

fixed database roles, 218219

flexible database roles, 218

fn_get_audit_file function, 484494

FORCESEEK table hint, 5, 504505


execution plans, 506507

index seeks, 504505

foreign key constraints

creating, 262263

disabling, 263

dropping, 264

free training events, 538

Fritchey, Grant, SQL Server, 2008 Query Performance Tuning Distilled, 495

FROM SOURCE clause, 212

full database backup

description of, 346347

differential backup compared to, 348

restoring file and filegroup of, 378

restoring page of, 380

restoring, syntax for, 374

full database restore, 371, 376

full recovery model, 343

Full Scans/Sec counter, 471


classifier function (Resource Governor), 516





description of, 286




fn_get_audit_file, 484494

ROLLUP, syntax for, 1820

scalar-valued, 286287

sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities dynamic management, 201

sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities dynamic management, 203

sys.fn_validate_plan_guide, 509

table-valued, 287290

trace, 475


geographically disbursed clustering, 64

granting access

to database securables, 222

to server securables, 221

GROUPING_ID function syntax, 1820

grouping permissions, 226

GROUPING SETS operator, 10, 17


See also SQL Server Management Studio

Back Up interface, 358, 362363

creating indexes via

clustered, 317321

example table, 316317

nonclustered, 322324

database audit specification, creating with, 490492

detaching and attaching databases using, 130

server audit, creating with, 489490


hardware failures, preparing for, 384

hardware requirements

CPU needs

deriving baseline specification, 29

example using questions, 3031

future utilization, considering, 30

database sizing, 3233

disk subsystems, 3132

memory, 3637

overview of, 2729

RAID levels

choosing, and laying out files, 3536

disk storage configuration, 36

overview of, 3435

server, 3738

hash joins, query to generate execution plan that uses, 502

heap index structure, 301

heaps, 297

high availability

database mirroring

high-performance mode, 5152

high-safety mode, 5051

implementation of, 49

key terms, 48

pros and cons of, 5253

snapshot feature, 4950

transparent client redirect feature, 50

failover clustering

implementation of, 4748

key terms, 4445

overview of, 4447

pros and cons of, 48

feature comparison, 64

log shipping

implementation of, 5455

key terms, 53

pros and cons of, 56

restoring database to secondary server, 5556

other techniques for, 64

overview of, 4344


key terms, 57

merge type, 6263

overview of, 5657

pros and cons of, 63

snapshot type, 58

transactional type, 5962

types of, 57

high-performance mode of database mirroring, 49, 5152

high-safety mode of database mirroring, 4951


adding through plan guides

creating plan guides, 507509

validating plan guides, 509511

types of, 5

hot-adding CPUs, 9


IGNORE_DUP_KEY relational index option, 301, 307

immediate updating, 60


of database mirroring, 49

of failover clustering, 4748

of log shipping, 5455

Import dialog box (Policy-Based Management), 187

Import Package dialog box, 447


maintenance plans, 445447

predefined policies, 187189

include columns, 303

Include the Actual Execution Plan option, 313

index seeks, forcing, 504505

indexed views, 276277


cardinality of data, 303


creating via GUI, 317321

creating via T-SQL, 304305 description of, 297298

composite, 302

compressed, 302

covering queries, 303

created by constraints, creating via GUI, 316317

creating via T-SQL

example, 308309

overview of, 304 syntax for, 306308


clustered index seeks, 331333

covering queries, 333337

filtered index, creating, 339341

JOIN criteria, indexing, 337339

scenario for, 329 table scans, 330331


creating, 339341

creating via T-SQL, 310314

description of, 4, 302

heaps, 297

include columns, 303


creating via GUI, 322324

creating via T-SQL, 305306 description of, 298

post-index creation processes

Dynamic Management Views, 326329

insert, update, and delete statements, 325326

overview of, 324

primary, creating via T-SQL, 309310

primary XML, creating via T-SQL, 315

searchable arguments, 303

secondary XML, creating via T-SQL, 316

structure of

clustered, 299

heap, 301

nonclustered, 300301

overview, 298

terminology of, 297298

unique, creating via T-SQL, 309310


creating via T-SQL, 314315

description of, 302

inline table-valued function, creating, 288

in-place upgrade, 121128

INSERT statement

post-index creation, 325326

row constructors and, 1012


See also pre-installation considerations


action and components, specifying, 99

data directories, specifying, 100

instance, configuring, 99100

level of silence, choosing, 98

overview of, 95

parameters passed to executable, 9698

parameters passed to installer, 98

running, 101102

configuration file, 104, 108110

of first instance

Complete screen, 89

Database Engine Configuration screen, 8486

Disk Space Requirements screen, 82

Error and Usage Reporting screen, 86

Feature Selection screen, 8182

Installation Progress screen, 88

Installation Rules validation process, 87

Instance Configuration screen, 82

Ready to Install screen, 88

Server Configuration screen, 8384

stand-alone installation and, 80

System Configuration Checker and, 7981

of multiple instances

Database Engine Configuration screen, 94

Instance Configuration screen, 9394

preparation for, 90

Ready to Install screen, 94

System Configuration Checker, 9092

prerequisites for, 71

SQL Server Installation Center

Advanced category, 77

Installation category, 73

Maintenance category, 74

options, 7172

Options category, 7778

Planning category, 7273

Resources category, 76

Tools category, 7576

Upgrade option, 121

starting, 70

Installation category (SQL Server Installation Center), 73

installation methods, 69

Installation Progress screen

configuration file installation, 108

during command-line installation, 102

when installing first instance, 88

Installation Rules validation process, 87

Installation Type screen, 91

Installed SQL Server Features Discovery Report option (Tools category), 75

Installed SQL Server Features Setup Dis-covery Report, installing multiple instances and, 91


See also installation

support for DTS add-on, 119

Upgrade Advisor, 111


See also first instance, installing; multiple instances, installing


Backup Compression Default option, 163164

CLR option, 166

dedicated administrator connections option, 166

default trace option, 166

enabling Address Windows Extensions, 163

for in-place upgrade, 125

lightweight pooling option, 167

login failure auditing option, 165

other options, 168170

query governor cost limit option, 167168

specifying maximum and minimum server memory, 161162

viewing advanced options, 157

viewing configuration settings, 157161

when running command-line installa-tion, 99100

xp_cmdshell option, 168

configuring as central management server, 190193

moving database to new

backup/restore migration method for, 130

Copy Database Wizard migration method for, 130138

detach/attach migration method for, 129130

methods for, 128

Instance Configuration screen, 82, 9394

instance ID, installing multiple instances on same server and, 90

instance selection for in-place upgrade, 124

INSTEAD OF trigger, 290

internal resource pools (Resource Governor), 512

IO subsystem, testing, 170

IP Addresses tab (TCP/IP Properties dialog), 152

IsAlive message, 47


jobs, SQL Server Agent, 432439

JOIN criteria, indexing, 337339

joining multiple tables without indexes, 331

Jumpstart TV SQL Channel, 538


Keep Alive selection (TCP/IP Properties dialog), 152



Activity Monitor, 3

Performance Monitor, 452

Profiler, 472

leadership issues for DBA

making others better, 535536

making tough decisions, 535

overview of, 534

level of silence, choosing when running command-line installation, 98

license agreement screen for in-place upgrade, 123

lightweight pooling

disabling, 294

enabling, 167

links in Resources category, 76

listening skills, 531


alerts for severity 19 messages, creating, 431


creating stored procedure that references, 295

dropping, 295

registering, 294

signing with strong key, 294

attaching database, 129

Backup and Reporting resource pools, creating, and enabling Resource

Governor, 513

backup compression, enabling, 353

Backup, Reporting, and Testing workload groups, creating, 514


creating with and without compression, 353

determining compression percentage per, 354

syntax for creating, 364366

bringing database online and reviewing status of filegroups, 394

certificate, backing up, 367

certificate encryption, 243

check constraint

creating when creating table, 264

creating with ALTER TABLE statement, 265

dropping, 266

classifier function

creating and enabling, 517518

removing from Resource Governor, 518

CLR integration functionality, enabling, 293

clustered indexes, creating and retrieving data from tables, 331

composite key, creating using ALTER TABLE statement, 260

compression, adding or changing on existing table, 269

configuration file sample, 104108

copy-only backup, creating, 352

CrossServerSelect stored procedure, 200

database audit specification

creating, 484

creating and firing, 487488

Database Mail setup, 423424

database master key, backing up, 366367

database recovery model, viewing and changing, 344

database snapshot

creating, 254

creating using multiple filegroups, 254

query to view snapshot metadata, 255

reverting database to, 256

db_datareader role

creating login and user for, and adding user to, 223

creating schema and table for, then removing user from, 224

DDL trigger, creating, 291292

default, creating

on column using ADD VALUES clause, 258

on column when creating table, 257

on preexisting column, 258

detaching database, 129

differential database backup, creating, 348

distributed partition view, creating, 274

DML trigger, creating, 291

encrypted view, creating, 273


using asymmetric keys, 245

using symmetric keys, 246

execution plans, specifying by supplying USE PLAN query hint, 506

file backup, creating, 351

filtered index, creating, 339

foreign key constraint

creating between two tables, 262

disabling and enabling, 264

dropping, 264

full database backup, creating, 347

GROUPING SETS operator, script demon-strating, 17

identifying amount of time worker has

been running compared to being

suspended, 460

indexed view, creating, 276

inline table-valued function, creating, 288

lightweight pooling, disabling, 294

log send buffers, enhancements to, 9

log sequence number, 349

log shipping

implementation of, 5455

key terms, 53

overview of, 5354

pros and cons of, 56

restoring database to secondary server, 5556

side-by-side upgrade and, 128

logical backup device, adding or remov-ing, 355


creating, script for, 233234

SQL Server, syntax for, 211

logon trigger, creating, 293

media set with multiple devices, creating, 345

MERGE statement, three uses of, 1416

multi-statement table-valued function, creating, 289

nonclustered indexes

creating, and querying data for given date range, 334

creating, and querying multiple tables, 338

creating, and using different indexes

existing on table, 336

forcing SQL Server to use for date range scan, 335

OPTIMIZE FOR query hint, using

for unknown value, 503

for value of one, 502

partial backup, creating, 350

partitioned table, creating, 269270

performance counters for default work-load group and resource pool, 519

piecemeal restore, 381

piecemeal restore example, 386388

plan guide, creating, 509

primary key constraint, 260

private key, backing up, 367


to aggregate execution count and total worker time using hash values, 498

to analyze hash values, 497

by average CPU time, top ten, 500

to cause performance spike, 495

to create clustered index scan, 504

to create clustered index seek, 505

to create similar hash values, 497

to generate execution plan that uses hash join, 502

to generate execution plan that uses merge join, 501

to retrieve information from invoice table with isPaid = 1, 312

querying multiple tables and inserting data into table, 398

removing backup history, 369370

Resource Governor

catalog views, 522

Dynamic Management Views, 521

RESTORE HEADERONLY and transaction logs query for restore header information, 391392


database and retrieving data from new tables, 389

from database snapshot, 381

file and filegroup, and applying transac-tion log to that filegroup, 379

file and filegroup of full database backup, 378


page of full database backup, 380

transaction log to mark, 407

role, creating, and granting execute permissions, 219

ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING_ID syntax, 18

row constructors compared to prior meth-ods of inserting multiple rows, 11

scalar-valued function, 286287

schedulers, gathering statistics on, 461

server audit, 480

server audit and server audit specification, creating and firing, 483484

server audit specification

creating, 481

with server-level audit action, creating, 482

server-side trace, creating, 476477

service master key, backing up, 366

sp_help_job stored procedure, 204

statement retrieving invoices from invoice table where isPaid = 0, 313 stored procedure

altering, 282

altering to use RETURN clause, 284

creating and executing, 281

dropping from database, 285

enabling execution of, on startup, 286

forcing to generate new execution plan, 285

sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities dynamic management function, 201

sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities dynamic management function, 203

sysjobshistory table, 202

sys.sql_expression_dependencies catalog view, 200

table, creating

enabling page compression when, 269

using sparse columns, 267

table-valued parameters, script demon-strating use of, 1314

tasks in task_state, showing number of, 461

TDE example, setting up, 399402

top ten queries by average CPU time, 500

transaction log backup, creating, 349

transaction logs, restoring, 377

unique constraints

creating using ALTER TABLE statement, 261

creating when creating table, 261

dropping, 262

updateable view, creating using WITH CHECK option, 275

user-defined function, dropping from database, 290

views, 274

Loading Policies dialog box, 198

local server groups, running multi-server queries using, 194

local user accounts, using, 70

LOCK_ESCALATION option (ALTER TABLE statement), 5

log drive, determining size of, 33

log files

autogrowth options for, 171

autoshrink option, 172

size of, 171

logical backup devices, 355358

logical sequence number, 372

login failure auditing option, 165

Login properties (General page) dialog box (SQL Server Management Studio), 228229

Login properties (Securables page) dialog box (SQL Server Management Studio), 231

Login properties (Server Roles page) dialog box (SQL Server Management Studio), 229

Login properties (Status page) dialog box (SQL Server Management Studio), 232

Login properties (User Mapping page) dialog box (SQL Server Management Studio), 230


adding to server-level roles, 216

associating with certificates and asym-metric keys, 213214


script for, 233234

SQL Server-authenticated, 213

for SQL Server, 211212

for Windows principals, 212213

linking credentials to, 214215

removing from server-level roles, 216

Logins folder (SQL Server Management Studio), 228

Logins/Sec counter, 472

Log On tab (SQL Server Properties dialog), 144

logon triggers, 292293

LooksAlive message, 47


Maintenance category (SQL Server Installation Center), 74

Maintenance Plan Wizard

Design tab, 443444

Select Maintenance Tasks page, 442

Select Plan Properties page, 442

tasks, 444445

maintenance plans

importing and exporting, 445447

overview of, 441

maintenance preproduction tasks, 172173

maintenance tasks, automating

Database Mail

cleanup procedures, 425426

Configuration Wizard, 413422

configuring using T-SQL, 422424

sending, 424425

overview of, 413

SQL Server Agent

alerts, 429432

enabling notifications, 427429

jobs, 432439

operators, 426427

proxies, 439441

maintenance window, defining, 44

Manage Policy Categories dialog box (Policy-Based Management), 184

manageability enhancements

Audit feature, 6

backup compression, 6

central management servers, 7

Change Data Capture feature, 6

Change Tracking feature, 6

Data Collector, 7

overview of, 5

policy-based management, 7

PowerShell scripting tool, 8

Resource Governor feature, 8

management data warehouse, 7

Management Studio Object Explorer, SQL Server 2005 compared to SQL Server 2008, 3


See also managing query performance

database securables, 221222

permissions, 226

server securables, 220

managing query performance

correlating Profiler and Performance Monitor, 495496

finding and tuning similar queries, 497499

forcing execution plans, 506507

forcing index seeks, 504505

optimizing for specific parameter values, 501504

overview of, 495

plan guides

creating, 507509

validating, 509511

Resource Governor

classifier function, 516519

monitoring, 519523

overview of, 511

resource pools, 512513

workload groups, 514516

running standard reports, 499501

master database

description of, 253

building using REBUILDDATABASE, 410411

restoring from single user mode, 409

MAXDOP relational index option, 307

maximum degree of parallelism option, 169

MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components), 50

media family, 345

media sets, 344346



counters, 463465

DMVs and DBCC commands and, 467469

overview of, 462

SQL Server counters and, 466467

usage of memory in SQL Server, 462463

Windows counters and, 465466

requirements for, 3637

Memory section (Server Properties dialog), 161

merge joins, query to generate execution plan that uses, 501

merge replication, 6263

MERGE statement, 10, 1417


Advisory Services, 541

Assessment and Planning (MAP) toolkit, 40

certification exams, 537

Data Access Components (MDAC), 50

Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC), 60

Help and Support web site, 541

learning web site, 537

SQL Server Connect web site, 542

SQL Server Training Portal, 537

Technical Communities web site, 540541

minimum hardware requirements, 2829

mirrored and striped disks (RAID 10), 35

mirrored disks (RAID 1), 34

Mixed Mode authentication, 108, 211

model database, 253


automating, 477478


DMVs and, 459462

overview of, 454456

SQL Server counters and, 458459

Windows counters and, 457458

disk IO

overview of, 469470

SQL Server counters and, 471472

Windows counters and, 471


counters, 463465

DMVs and DBCC commands and, 467469

overview of, 462

SQL Server counters and, 466467

usage of memory in SQL Server, 462463

Windows counters and, 465466

Resource Governor

performance counters, 519520

trace events, 520521

views, 521523


baseline metrics, collecting, 451452

performance monitor, 452453

setting up processes for, as preproduction task, 172173

msdb database

description of, 253

enabling Service Broker for, 422

policies stored in, 185

MSDTC (Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator), 60

multi-node cluster configuration, 46

multi-node cluster configuration after failure, 47

multiple instances, installing

Database Engine Configuration screen, 94

Instance Configuration screen, 9394

preparation for, 90

Ready to Install screen, 94

System Configuration Checker, 9092

multi-server administration. See central management servers; Policy-Based Management

Multiserver Results options (SQL Server Management Studio), 195

multi-statement table-valued function, creating, 289


named pipes

description of, 150

TCP/IP compared to, 153

network load balancing, log shipping and, 54

New Index dialog box

Filter section, 323

General section, 317, 322

Included Columns section, 322

Index Key Columns area, 319

Options section, 320

Storage section, 320

New Plan Guide dialog box, 507508

New Query option (context menu), 193

New Server Group Properties dialog box (SQL Server Management Studio), 191

New Server Registration dialog box (SQL Server Management Studio), 190191

New Synonym dialog box, 278

nodes, 44

nonclustered indexes

covering queries and, 333337


via GUI, 322324

via T-SQL, 305306

description of, 298

structure of, 300301

NORECOVERY option, 55, 372

norms, challenging, 530

notifications, SQL Server Agent, 427429


object dependencies, determining, 199207

Object Explorer (SQL Server Management Studio)

Databases folder, 252

Database Snapshots folder, 253

Programmability folder, 280

System Databases folder, 252253

object integrity after upgrade, 139140


See also functions; tables; triggers; views

stored procedures, 280286

synonyms, 277280

offline restore, 372

online recovery, 383

ONLINE relational index option, 307

online restore, 372

OPTIMIZE FOR query hint, 5, 501504

optimizing for specific parameter values, 501504

Options category (SQL Server Installation Center), 7778


packages, DTS, converting to SSIS, 120

PAD_INDEX relational index option, 308

page counts, correcting after upgrade, 140

Page Faults/Sec counter, 466

page-level compression, 268

Page Reads/Sec counter, 466

page restore, 372, 380

Page Splits/Sec counter, 472

page verification method, setting after upgrade, 140141

PAGE_VERIFY option, 140141

Pages/Sec counter, 466

Pages Input/Sec counter, 466

parameter values, optimizing for, 501504


passed to executable for command-line installation, 9698

passed to installer for command-line installation, 98

table-valued, 1214

partial backup, 350351

partitioned views, 274

partitions, tables and, 269271

Passed status of rule, 79

passive node, 45

password options, 212

passwords, strong, 215

patches, applying, 170

pecking order, remembering, 528

peer-to-peer replication, 9, 6162

% Disk Time counter, 471

% Privilege Time counter, 457

% Processor Time counter, 457

perfmon. See Performance Monitor

performance. See managing query performance

performance counters (Resource Governor), 519520

Performance Monitor (perfmon)

Add Counters dialog box, 453

capturing counters using DMVs, 472

correlating with SQL Server Profiler, 495496

CPU and, 456

default counters displayed within, 453

highlighted counters in, 453

monitoring memory and, 464

overview of, 452

Resource Governor and, 519520

Trace section of, 478

Performance - Top Queries by Average CPU Time Standard report, 500


groups of, 226

managing, 226

registering assemblies and, 294

synonyms and, 280

types of, 225226

Physical Disk object Windows counters, 471

physical files of databases, 251

piecemeal restore

database for, 386388

description of, 372, 386

execution plan for, 388389

syntax, 380381

plan guides

creating, 507509

validating, 509511

planned role changes, 55

Planning category (SQL Server Installation Center), 7273

podcasts, 538

point-in-time recovery, 371


evaluating against multiple servers, 196199

exporting current state as, 185187

importing predefined, 187189

Policy-Based Management

creating policy manually, 178185

exporting current state as policy, 185187

importing predefined policy, 187189

overview of, 7, 177

terminology, 177

Policy Evaluation Warning message box (Policy-Based Management), 184

post-index creation process

Dynamic Management Views, 326329

insert, update, and delete statements, 325326

overview of, 324

post-installation. See Configuration Manager; configuring instance

post-upgrade procedures

compatibility level, changing, 139

object integrity, checking, 139140

overview of, 138

page verification method, setting, 140141

row and page counts, correcting, 140

PowerShell scripting tool, 8

practicing recovery strategy, 373374

predefined policies, importing, 187189

prefix compression, 268

pre-installation considerations

editions of SQL Server

choosing, 21

Developer, 24

Enterprise, 2223

Express, 2627

Standard, 2324

Standard Edition for Small Businesses, 24

Web, 25

Workgroup, 25

hardware requirements

CPU needs, 2931

database sizing, 3233

disk storage configuration, 36

disk subsystems, 3132

memory, 3637

overview of, 2729

RAID levels, 3436

server, 3738

preparation and prerequisites, 70

user accounts, 70


for hardware failures, 384

for installation, 70

for installation of multiple instances, 90

preproduction tasks

database, 170172

maintenance and monitoring, 172173

server, 170

pressure situations for DBAs, dealing with, 532534

primary indexes, 301, 309310

primary key constraints, 259260

primary XML indexes, creating via T-SQL, 315



application roles, 220

overview of, 216

roles, 218219

users, creating, 217218

description of, 210211


associating with certificates and asymmetric keys, 213214

linking credentials to, 214215

logins, creating

for SQL Server, 211212

SQL Server-authenticated, 213

for Windows, 212213

server-level roles, 215216

private keys

backing up, 367

description of, 244

Processor Queue Length counter, 458

Product Key screen for in-place upgrade, 123

product solution center for SQL Server, 539


correlating with Performance Monitor, 495496

description of, 326, 472

Edit Filter dialog box, 474475

launching, 472

plan guide events in, 510

Trace Properties dialog box, 473

programmability enhancements

GROUPING SETS operator, 17

MERGE statement, 1417

overview of, 10

ROLLUP, CUBE and GROUPING_ID syntax, 1820

row constructors, 1112

table-valued parameters, 1214

variables, 1011

Programmability folder (Object Explorer), 280


Resource Governor, 518

workload groups (Resource Governor), 514

Properties dialog box

of Named Pipes protocol, 150

of Shared Memories protocol, 149

pros and cons

of database mirroring, 5253

of failover clustering, 48

of log shipping, 56

of replication, 63

Protocol tab (TCP/IP Properties dialog), 151


Named Pipes, 150

Shared Memory, 149

TCP/IP, 153

testing to determine performance, 154

proxies, SQL Server Agent, 439441

public keys, 244

pull subscription, 57

push subscription, 57



See also querying

covering, 303, 333337

enhancement to performance and processing of, 5

finding and tuning similar, 497499


configuring options, 194195

running, 193194

query governor cost limit, enabling, 167168

query hash, 497

query hints

OPTIMIZE FOR, 5, 501504

USE PLAN, 506507

query plan hash, 497

query wait option, 169


See also queries

database snapshots, 255256

synonyms, 279

sys.backup_devices catalog view, 357




sys.messages catalog view, 432

three tables, 330

queued updating, 60


RAID 0 (striped disks), 34

RAID 1 (mirrored disks), 34

RAID 5 (striped disks with distributed parity), 34

RAID 10 (mirrored and striped disks), 35

RAID levels

choosing, and laying out files, 3536

overview of, 3435

Reads/Sec or Writes/Sec counter, 471

Ready to Install screen

installing multiple instances and, 94

when installing first instance, 88

Ready to Upgrade screen for in-place upgrade, 126

rebuilding master database, 410411


See also recovery examples

automatic, from corrupted page, 8

fast recovery feature, 45

from scratch, documentation for, 385

recovery examples

compressed and encrypted database restore

certificates, restoring, 403

setting up, 399403

transaction logs, restoring, 403409

piecemeal restore

database for, 386388

description of, 372

execution plan for, 388389

syntax for, 380381

system database restore

master database, rebuilding using


master database, restoring from single user mode, 409

transaction log restore

attempting to bring database online, 394396

completing recovery, 396398

description of, 371, 389

restoring database, 389392

reviewing execution plans without non-clustered indexes, 392394

uses of, 376377

verifying correct execution plans, 398

recovery model, 371373

RECOVERY option, 372

recovery strategy, practicing, 373374

Registered Servers window (SQL Server Management Studio), 189

registering assembly, 294


See also dropping

backup history, 369370

classifier function from Resource Governor, 518

logical backup device, 355

views from database, 274


key terms, 57

merge type, 6263

overview of, 5657

pros and cons of, 63

snapshot type, 58

transactional type

overview of, 59

peer-to-peer, 6162

updateable subscriptions, 60

types of, 57

replication agents, 57

ReportingGroup workload group, creating, 514

Reporting resource pool (Resource Governor), 513


dependency, 199207

DMVs compared to, 501

standard performance, running, 499501

reputation as DBA, building, 528529

Resource database, 253

Resource Governor

backups and, 354

classifier function, 516519

features of, 8


performance counters, 519520

trace events, 520521

views, 521523

overview of, 511

properties, 518

resource pools, 512513

in SSMS, 515

workload groups, 514516

resource pools (Resource Governor), 511513

Resources category (SQL Server Installation Center), 76


Restore Database dialog box, General tab, 402

RESTORE statement

FILELISTONLY option, 372, 382

FROM DISK clause, 378

HEADERONLY option, 372, 382

PARTIAL option, 381

syntax for, 376

VERIFYONLY option, 382

Restore Transaction Log dialog box, General page, 404

Restore Transaction Log selection, 403

restoring databases

See also backing up; recovery examples

differential backups, 377378

filegroups, utilizing for faster restores, 383384

files and filegroups, 378380

from scratch, 384385

full backups, 376

methods for, 374376

overview of, 371

pages, 380

piecemeal restores, 372, 380381, 386389

preparing for hardware failures, 384

to secondary server, 5556

snapshots, 372, 381382

terminology of, 371372

transaction logs, 371, 376377, 389398

result set after multi-server query, 194

Results Detailed View dialog box (Policy-Based Management), 183

RETURN clause, 284

RETURNS clause, 286

reverting database to database snapshot, 256257


audit files with SSMS, 492

summary.txt file, 103

role changes and log shipping, 5455


application, 220

creating in SQL Server Management Studio, 234239

database, 218219

db_datareader, 223224

server-level, 215216

Roles folder (SQL Server Management Studio), 234

ROLLUP function syntax, 1820

row constructors, 1012

row counts, correcting after upgrade, 140

row-level compression, 268


command-line installation, 101102

multi-server queries, 193194

standard performance reports, 499501

running balance, function for returning, 286287

runtime support for DTS add-on, installing, 119


scalability enhancements, 45

scalar-valued functions, 286287

Schema – New dialog box (SQL Server Management Studio), 240

schema scope securables, 211

schema securables

creating, 224225

description of, 222223

user schemas, defaulting, 223224

schemas, 211, 239242

searchable arguments (SARGs), 303

secondary server, restoring database to, 55

secondary XML index, creating via T-SQL, 316


database, 221222

description of, 211


creating, 224225

description of, 222223

user schemas, defaulting, 223224


access to, 221

managing, 220

security enhancements, 20

security features

See also encryption


associating logins with certificates and asymmetric keys, 213214

description of, 210211

linking credentials to logins, 214215

logins for SQL Server, creating, 211212

logins for Windows, creating, 212213

server-level roles, 215216

SQL Server-authenticated logins, creating, 213

schemas, 211

securables, 211

terminology for, 209

Security folder (SQL Server Management Studio), 227

security options within SQL Server Management Studio

roles, creating, 234239

schemas, creating, 239242

users, creating, 227234

Security section (Server Properties dialog), 165

Select Columns dialog box, 318

Select Marked Transaction dialog box, 405

Select Object Types dialog box (SQL Server Management Studio), 240

Select Policy dialog box, 197

Select Source dialog box, 196

sending Database Mail, 424425

server audit

choosing, 479


with GUI, 489490

with T-SQL, 480481

server-level action groups, 481482

server audit specification

creating with T-SQL, 481

testing, 483484

Server Configuration screen, 8384

server-level roles, 215216

server memory, specifying maximum and minimum, 161162

server preproduction tasks, 170

Server Properties dialog box

Database Settings section, 163

Memory section, 161

Security section, 165

Server Properties window, 159

server scope securables, 211

server securables

access to, 221

managing, 220

server-side tracing, 475477


See also central management servers


baseline metrics, collecting, 451452

performance monitor, 452453

requirements for, 3738

secondary, restoring database to, 55

virtual, consolidation with, 40

witness, database mirroring high-safety mode with, 5051

Service Broker, enabling for msdb database, 422

Service Level Agreement (SLA), high availability goal and, 43

service master key, backing up, 366

Service tab (SQL Server Properties dialog), 145

Setup Support Files screen

during command-line installation, 101

when installing first instance, 80

Setup Support Rules screen for in-place upgrade, 122

Setup Support Rules, summary of, 79

Shared Memory protocol, 149

SHOWPLAN_XML_SET statement, 506

shutdown problems, audit-related, 494

side-by-side upgrade

backup/restore migration method, 130

Copy Database Wizard migration method, 130138

detach/attach migration method, 129130

performing, 128129

signing assembly with strong key, 294

simple recovery model, 344

single-node cluster configuration, 45

64-bit SQL Server, 32-bit compared to, 37

SLA (Service Level Agreement), high availability goal and, 43

SMO (SQL Management Objects), copying databases using, 130

snapshot feature of database mirroring, 4950

snapshot replication, 58

snapshot restore, 372, 381382

SORT_IN_TEMPDB relational index option, 308

source databases, database snapshots and, 253

sp_add_operator stored procedure, 427

sp_addrolemember stored procedure, 219

sp_addsrvrolemember stored procedure, 216

sp_addumpdevice stored procedure, 355

sp_attach_db stored procedure, 129

sp_configure stored procedure

‘backup compression default’ parameter, 353

overview of, 422

results of executing, 157

sp_delete_database_backuphistory stored procedure, 370

sp_detach_db stored procedure, 129

sp_dropsrvrolemember stored procedure, 216

sp_estimate_data_compression_savings stored procedure, 268

sp_get_composite_job_info stored procedure, 205

sp_help_jobserver stored procedure, 206

sp_help_job stored procedure, 204

sp_ prefix stored procedure, 281

sp_procoption stored procedure, 286

sp_recompile stored procedure, 285

sp_send_dbmail stored procedure, 424

sp_settriggerorder stored procedure, 290

sp_spaceused stored procedure, 346

sp_start_job stored procedure, 432

sp_trace_create stored procedure, 475

sp_trace_event stored procedure, 475

sp_trace_setFilter stored procedure, 475

sparse columns feature, 266267

sparse files, 253

spec'ing out server, 27

SQL Compilations/Sec counter, 458

SQL Management Objects (SMO), copying databases using, 130

SQL Native Client Configuration section (Configuration Manager), 154156

SQL Recompilations/Sec counter, 458

SQL Server Agent

alerts, 429432

enabling notifications, 427429

jobs, 432439

New Alert dialog box

General page, 429

Options page, 431

Response page, 430

New Job dialog box

General page, 433

Notifications page, 438

Steps page, 433

New Job Schedule dialog box, 437

New Job Step dialog box

Advanced page, 436

General page, 434

New Operator dialog box, 426

New Proxy Account dialog box

General page, 440

Principals page, 440

operators, 426427

Properties dialog box, Alert System page, 428

proxies, 439441

SQL Server-authenticated logins, creating, 213

SQL Server authentication, 211

SQL Server counters

for monitoring CPU usage, 458459

for monitoring disk IO, 471472

for monitoring memory, 466467

SQL Server Installation Center

Advanced category, 77

Installation category, 73

Maintenance category, 74

options, 7172

Options category, 7778

Planning category, 7273

Resources category, 76

Tools category, 7576

Upgrade option, 121

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), 119120

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

See also GUI; Object Explorer

adding logical backup device using, 355

description of, 316

Multiserver Results options, 195

New Credential dialog box, 439

New Server Group Properties dialog box, 191

New Server Registration dialog box, 190191

Policy Management node folder structure, 177

Registered Servers window, 189

Resource Governor in, 515

restoring log files using, 407

reviewing audit files with, 492

roles, creating, 234239

schemas, creating, 239242

security options within, 227

standard reports list in, 499

users, creating, 227234

SQL Server Network Configuration section (Configuration Manager), 148154

SQL Server Profiler

correlating with Performance Monitor, 495496

description of, 326, 472

Edit Filter dialog box, 474475

launching, 472

plan guide events in, 510

Trace Properties dialog box, 473

SQL Server Properties dialog

Advanced tab, 147


Log On tab, 144

Service tab, 145

SQL Server Services section (Configuration Manager), 144147

SQL Server 2008 Query Performance Tuning Distilled (Fritchey and Dam), 495

SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services), 119120

SSMS. See SQL Server Management Studio

stand-alone installation, selecting, 80

Standard Edition, features of, 2324

Standard Edition for Small Businesses, features of, 24

STANDBY option, 55

starting. See launching

startup problems, audit-related, 493


See also ALTER TABLE statement; BACKUP statement; RESTORE statement




delete, post-index creation, 325326


INSERT, 1012, 325326

MERGE, 10, 1417



update, post-index creation, 325326

statistics, filtered, 4

STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE relational index option, 308

STATISTICS XML SET statement, 506

stored procedures

CrossServerSelect, 200

to reference assembly, creating, 295

sp_add_operator, 427

sp_addrolemember, 219

sp_addsrvrolemember, 216

sp_addumpdevice, 355

sp_attach_db, 129


‘backup compression default’ parameter, 353

description of, 422

results of executing, 157

sp_delete_database_backuphistory, 370

sp_detach_db, 129

sp_dropssrvrolemember, 216

sp_estimate_data_compression_savings, 268

sp_get_composite_job_info, 205

sp_help_job, 204

sp_help_jobserver, 206

sp_prefix, 281

sp_procoption, 286

sp_recompile, 285

sp_send_dbmail, 424

sp_settriggerorder, 290

sp_spaceused, 346

sp_start_job, 432

sp_trace_create, 475

sp_trace_event, 475

sp_trace_setFilter, 475

sysmail_add_account_sp, 422

sysmail_add_profile_sp, 422

sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp, 422

sysmail_delete_log_sp, 426

sysmail_delete_mailitems_sp, 426

working with, 280286

xp_cmdshell, 168

xp_instance_regwrite, 165

storing tables, heaps and, 297

stream compression, 8

striped disks (RAID 0), 34

striped disks with distributed parity (RAID 5), 34

strong passwords, creating, 215

structure of indexes

clustered, 299

heap, 301

nonclustered, 300301

overview of, 298

summary.txt file, reviewing, 103

support options

free, 539541

Microsoft Advisory Services, 541

paid, 541

Surface Area Configuration policy, exporting using current state, 185187

symmetric keys, encryption using, 246247

Synonyms folder, 278

synonyms, working with, 277280


See also listings

backups, creating, 364366

for creating index via T-SQL, 306308

restoring differential backups, 378

restoring full database backups, 374376

sys.backup_devices catalog view, querying, 357

sys.configuration system view, results of querying, 158

sys.database_files, querying from snapshot, 255

SYS.DM_DB_INDEX_USAGE_STATS, querying, 326327


sys.dm_db_persisted_sku_features DMV, 40

sys.dm_exec_query_memory_grants DMV, 468

sys.dm_exec_query_plan DMV, 507

SYS.DM_EXEC_QUERY_STATS, querying, 326327, 497

sys.dm_exec_query_optimizer_info DMV, 462

sys.dm_os_performance_counters DMV, 472

sys.dm_os_process_memory DMV, 468

sys.dm_os_schedulers DMV, 460

sys.dm_os_sys_memory DMV, 467

sys.dm_os_tasks DMV, 461

sys.dm_os_threads DMV, 459

sys.dm_os_workers DMV, 459

sys.dm_server_audit_status DMV, 494

sys.dm_sql_referenced_entities dynamic management function, 201

sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities dynamic management function, 203

sys.fn_validate_plan_guide function, 509

sysjobshistory table, 202

sysmail_add_account_sp stored procedure, 422

sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp stored procedure, 422

sysmail_add_profile_sp stored procedure, 422

sysmail_delete_log_sp stored procedure, 426

sysmail_delete_mailitems_sp stored procedure, 426

sys.messages catalog view, querying, 432

sys.sql_expression_dependencies catalog view, 200

System Configuration Checker

installing first instance and, 7981

installing multiple instances and, 9092

Planning category, 72

Tools category, 75

system database restore, 409411

system databases, backing up, 367

System Databases folder (Object Explorer), 252253


table hints, FORCESEEK, 5, 504505

table scan

clustered index seek compared to, 332

description of, 297

execution plans, 330331

table-valued functions, 10, 287290

table-valued parameters, 1214


See also table scan

backup history, 369

check constraints, 264266

compression and, 267269

defining default constraints on columns in, 257259

example, creating via GUI, 316317

foreign key constraints, 262264

joining multiple without indexes, 331

overview of, 257

partitions and, 269271

primary key constraints, 259260

sparse columns feature, 266267

storing, heaps and, 297

sysjobshistory, 202

tblReader, data within after restoration of transaction logs, 408

temporary, 271272

unique constraints, 261262

Tables folder, 257

target audience, talking to, 530531

tblReader table, data within after restoration of transaction logs, 408

TCP/IP, named pipes compared to, 153

TCP/IP Properties dialog box

Client Configuration section, 156

IP Addresses tab, 152

Keep Alive selection, 152

Protocol tab, 151

warning messages after changes made in, 153

TDE (Transparent Data Encryption), 20, 248249, 399

tempdb database, 253

tempdb drive, determining size of, 33

temporary tables, 271272


database mirroring, 48

encryption, 242

failover clustering, 4445

indexes, 297298

log shipping, 53

network configuration, 148

overview of, 31

Policy-Based Management, 177

replication, 57

restoring databases, 371372

security, 209

testing IO subsystem, 170

TestingGroup workload group, creating, 514

testing protocols to determine performance, 154


See also Configuration Manager; Performance Monitor; Profiler

DTS xChange, 120

PowerShell scripting, 8

Upgrade Advisor, 111114

Upgrade Analysis, 115117

Upgrade Assistant, 118

Tools category (SQL Server Installation Center), 7576

trace events (Resource Governor), 520521

Trace Properties dialog box (Profiler)

Events Selection tab, 473

General tab, 473

transaction log bac

Transact-SQL. See T-SQL kup, 349

transaction log restore

attempting to bring database online, 394396

completing recovery, 396398

description of, 371, 389

restoring database, 389392

reviewing execution plans without nonclustered indexes, 392394

uses of, 376377

verifying correct execution plans, 398

transactional replication

overview of, 59

peer-to-peer, 6162

updateable subscriptions, 60

transparent client redirect feature of database mirroring, 50

Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), 20, 248249, 399


DDL, 291292

DML, 290291


logon, 292293

T-SQL (Transact-SQL)

backups from, 364366

configuring Database Mail using, 422424

creating indexes via

clustered indexes, 304305

example, 308309

filtered, 310314

nonclustered indexes, 305306

overview of, 304

primary, 309310

primary XML, 315

secondary XML, 316

syntax for, 306308

unique, 309310

XML, 314315

database audit specification

creating, 484485

testing, 487489

database-level audit action groups, 485486

database-level audit actions, 486487

logical backup device, adding or removing with, 355

plan guide, creating, 509

restore options in, 374376

row constructors, 1112

server audit, creating with, 480481

server audit specification

creating with, 481

testing, 483484

server-level action groups, 481482

server-side trace, creating, 476477

tuning similar queries, 497499


unique constraints, 261262

unique indexes, 301, 309310

unplanned role changes, 55

updateable subscriptions, in transactional replication, 60

updateable views, 275276

update statement, post-index creation, 325326

updating skill set as DBA

Apress titles for, 542543

free training events for, 538

ongoing experimentation and learning for, 537538

podcasts for, 538

support options for, 539541

web site resources for, 542

Upgrade Advisor

Analysis Wizard

affected objects, 117

analysis report, 116

authentication page, 113

confirmation screen, 114

database selection, 113

rule analysis, 115

server and components selection, 112

warning screen, 115

Welcome screen, 111

installing, 111

Planning category, 73

Upgrade Assistant, 118

Upgrade Integration Services Packages option (Tools category), 76

Upgrade Progress screen for in-place upgrade, 126

upgrade rules for in-place upgrade, 125


in-place upgrade, 121128

post-upgrade procedures

compatibility level, changing, 139

object integrity, checking, 139140

overview of, 138

page verification method, setting, 140141

row and page counts, correcting, 140

side-by-side upgrade

backup/restore migration method, 130

Copy Database Wizard migration method, 130138

description of, 128

detach/attach migration method, 129130

performing, 128129

SQL Server Integration Services and, 119120

strategies for, 120

USE PLAN query hint, 506507

user accounts, pre-installation decisions about, 70

User Connections counter, 472

user connections option, 169

user-defined table type, 10

user schemas, defaulting, 223224


creating in SQL Server Management Studio, 227234

database, creating, 217218

USING XML INDEX option, 315


validating plan guides, 509511

variables, enhancements to, 1011

View Facets dialog box (Policy-Based Management), 185


database snapshots, 255256

enabled protocols, 149


altering existing, 274

creating, 273

description of, 272

indexed, 276277

partitioned, 274

removing from database, 274

Resource Governor, 521523

updateable, 275276

virtual servers, consolidation with, 40


warning messages (TCP/IP Properties dialog), 153

Web Edition, features of, 25

web sites

dedicated to SQL Server, 542

free training events, 538

Jumpstart TV SQL Channel, 538


Advisory Services, 541

Help and Support, 541

learning, 537

SQL Server Connect, 542

SQL Server Training Portal, 537

Technical Communities, 540541

podcasts, 538

product solution center for SQL Server, 539

Windows authentication, 190, 211212, 215

Windows counters

for monitoring CPU usage, 457458

for monitoring disk IO, 471

for monitoring memory, 465466

Windows principals, creating logins for, 212213

WITH CHECK option, 275


witness server, database mirroring high-safety mode with, 5051

Workgroup Edition, features of, 25

workload groups (Resource Governor), 511, 514516

write-ahead events, enhancements to, 9


XML indexes, 302, 314315

xp_cmdshell stored procedure, 168

xp_instance_regwrite stored procedure, 165

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