Marrying Data Pipelining and Templating

We’ve explored the vast potential and power in both data pipelining and templates, which integrate rich data sets and visualization templates, respectively, into a gadget. Alone, each feature is a wonderful addition to any gadget, but their power really lies in being married into one cohesive unit.

Let’s take a look at an example of how we can merge these two technologies together to build out a data set based on the result set of an external data source. In this example, we want to scrape the main page of to capture its top headlines. Using this data source, we want to display all links within our gadget.

Our first task is to build out the ModulePrefs section of our OpenSocial gadget, integrating all data pipelining and templating requirements:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <ModulePrefs title="Reddit Headline Fetch"
                description="Obtains headlines via YQL using data
                             pipelining and visualizes using OS templates"
                author="Jonathan LeBlanc">
      <Require feature="opensocial-0.9"/>
      <Require feature="opensocial-data" />
      <Require feature="opensocial-templates" />

Within the ModulePrefs node, we need to set up the Require elements for the features that we will need in our gadget. For this use case, we need to implement at least OpenSocial version 0.9 (opensocial-0.9) as well as the OpenSocial data (opensocial-data) and OpenSocial templates (opensocial-templates) features.

The next section, where we actually use these features, is our Content section. This is where we make an external data request to scrape and loop through all headlines to display them in the gadget:

   <Content type="html">
      <script type="text/os-data"
         <os:HttpRequest key="reddit" href="
      <script type="text/os-template" require="reddit">
            <li repeat="${reddit.content.query.results.a}">
               <a href="${Cur.href}">${Cur.content}</a>

The first script block in our Content section is the data pipelining feature. Within the data pipe, we make an os:HttpRequest to get an external data source and set the key for the return data to reddit. The href source of our data is an HTML page-scrape query using the Yahoo! Query Language (YQL). This query obtains the HTML from, drills down to the headlines using an XPath string, and returns all headline results as a JSON object.

Once the data returns, the reddit variable should comprise an array of anchor objects. This data source will look something like the following:

"a": [
      "class": "title",
      "href": "",
      "rel": "nofollow",
      "content": ""Your
car has a broken headlight and, oh no, pack of wolves
                  coming down
the road""
      "class": "title",
      "href": "",
      "content": "I'm not sure which system
this is referring to [PIC]"

We then define a second script block for our template, requiring our reddit variable in order to render the template. Our markup sets up an unordered list and then repeats the <li> tags for each anchor tag returned in our result set. Each <li> will then contain an anchor tag pointing to the headline URL and display the text of the headline for the link.

With just a minimal amount of effort, we have laid the foundation for a gadget that is based on a dynamic list of data, providing users with new results each time they visit the gadget. In doing so, we are building our gadget to update its content without us ever having to lift a finger after the initial construction is complete.

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