Installing Partuza on Mac OS X (Leopard)

This section will guide you through installing Partuza on a local Apache server on Mac OS X (Leopard), which allows you to host the sample OpenSocial social networking container at http://partuza/.

The first step is to obtain and configure the Partuza container code base. To obtain the source code for Partuza, open Terminal and enter the following commands:

mkdir /Library/WebServer/Documents/partuza
cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/partuza
svn checkout .

Once the checkout has completed, we need to change the permissions of the people images directory. The web server runs under a different username and set of permissions, so taking this step will allow it to write thumbnails to that directory:

chmod 777 partuza/html/images/people

Now we need to add the host entry so that the system can relate a virtual host entry with localhost. Edit your hosts file to add this entry:

sudo vi /etc/hosts

There should be an existing entry for localhost and shindig, such as:  localhost shindig

We need to add the Partuza reference to this entry so we can reference our new shindig directory. Your new entry should look like this:  localhost shindig partuza

Save and close this file. Now that the host entry is in place, we need to change the configuration settings for http://partuza/ to our virtual hosts configuration file. Load the virtual hosts file.

sudo vi /etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

The entries for localhost and shindig should already exist in this file. After those two entries, at the end of the file, add the following entry for Partuza:

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerName partuza
 DocumentRoot /Library/WebServer/Documents/partuza/html
 <Directory /Library/WebServer/Documents/partuza/html>
  AllowOverride All

Save and close that file. Now we’ll edit our PHP configuration to add in the extensions and settings needed for Partuza. Load your php.ini file to begin adding them:

sudo vi /etc/php.ini

Search for “short_open_tag” and ensure that the value is set to On. Once you’ve verified this, save and close the php.ini file.

Our next setup task is to download and configure MySQL on the system. If you already have MySQL installed, you can skip this step. Go to and download the MySQL .dmg image for your system. Once it’s downloaded, double-click the .dmg file to mount the image and view its contents.

Run the installer by double-clicking the mysql-5.1.50.osx10.5-x86_64.pkg file (or whatever package name you downloaded). Go through the installation with the default settings.

Once the installation has completed, double-click the MySQL.prefPane item in the mounted image to add the MySQL preference pane to the system preferences panel. Select the “Automatically Start MySQL on Startup” option and then click Start MySQL Server.

To be able to execute MySQL commands from the Terminal, we need to add the MySQL directory to our global system profile. From the Terminal, load the system profile:

sudo vi /etc/profile

At the bottom of the file, add:

export PATH

Save and close the file, and then close and reopen the Terminal for the changes to take effect. Our MySQL installation should now be complete. To test it out, type mysql on the command line.

You will be presented with the MySQL Terminal interface, which allows you to edit and configure your databases. To see the current databases on the system, type show databases; after the mysql> prompt.

Once you press Enter, you will be presented with the current databases on your system, which should look similar to this:

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

If everything was successful, type exit to leave the MySQL Terminal interface. We can now create a database for Partuza to store user profile and social information. Within the partuza folder is a file called partuza.sql, which we will use to import default settings for the database. To accomplish this, we just need to run a few commands:

cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/partuza/
sudo mysqladmin create partuza
sudo mysql partuza < partuza.sql

The partuza database has now been created on your system. To access this database in the future, run the following command:

sudo mysql partuza

We now need to configure Shindig to use the Partuza data handler. To do this, add a new configuration file to the shindig directory as follows:

cd /Library/WebServer/Documents/shindig/php/config
vi local.php

Within the new local.php file, add the following PHP code:

$shindigConfig = array(
    'person_service' => 'PartuzaService',
    'activity_service' => 'PartuzaService',
    'app_data_service' => 'PartuzaService',
    'messages_service' => 'PartuzaService',
    'oauth_lookup_service' => 'PartuzaOAuthLookupService',
    'extension_class_paths' => '/Library/WebServer/Documents/partuza/Shindig'

Save and close the file, and then restart Apache. The values entered into local.php will override those in container.php, allowing you to keep the SVN repository files intact.

Shindig is now fully set up and configured for you to use.

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