Implementing Activity Streams

An activity comprises a number of elements such as the person creating the activity, the object being acted upon, and the target of the activity. For instance, consider the following sentence:

Mary added to a new photo into her collection.

If we break this sentence down by Activity Stream standards, we can describe the following items:


The actor of the activity. We may create an actor object for Mary that links back to her profile or provides additional information about her.


The object of the activity. The photo may be a structure that contains media information such as a URI, width, and height.


The target of the activity. This target may be composed of many different objects such as photos and videos. The collection can be expanded with additional information or objects.

The Activity Streams specification goes beyond defining just a few simple constructs, attempting to build out a comprehensive model for developers and companies to structure their updates and activities according to the data they contain:

   "items" : [
         "verb": "post",
         "published": "2011-02-18T16:26:43Z",
         "generator": {
            "url": ""
         "provider": {
            "url": ""
         "title": "Mary added a new photo to her album.",
         "actor": {
            "url": "",
            "objectType": "person",
            "id": ",20110218,162643:mary",
            "image": {
               "url": "",
               "width": 125,
               "height": 125
            "displayName": "Mary Smith"
         "object" : {
            "url": "",
            "objectType": "",
            "id": ",20110218,162643:my_place",
            "image": {
               "url": "",
               "width": 100,
               "height": 100
         "target": {
            "url": "",
            "objectType": "",
            "id": ",20110218,162643:album4323",
            "displayName": "Mary's Photo Album",
            "image": {
               "url": "",
               "width": 100,
               "height": 100

This basic example shows how an activity (or stream of activities) may be presented on a platform. It contains our major activity sections and provides an extensive amount of information about each individual source.

Table 10-7 shows the main fields we can set within an activity.

Table 10-7. Main settable sections within an activity






A single object containing the person or entity that performed the activity. Each activity must contain one actor property.

content (optional)


A human-readable HTML string that describes the activity. Thumbnail images may also be included in the markup.

generator (optional)


An object that describes the application or provider that generated the activity.

icon (optional)


An IRI (Internationalized Resource Identifier) that identifies an image that represents the activity that is produced. The image should have an aspect ratio of height equal to width (e.g., 20×20 square) and should be legible at small sizes (i.e., for use as a small icon associated with the activity).

id (optional)


A permanent, universally unique identifier for the activity in the form of an absolute IRI. In the case where an id is not present, the URL may be used as a less reliable identifier.



The primary object that is being described in an activity. For example, in the sentence, “Erik just purchased a new phone on Amazon,” the object of the activity is the phone. If this field is not present, the object may be inferred from the context of the activity.



The date and time at which the activity occurred. This may be different from the time that it was published on the associated site—for example, if there was a posting delay. This field must be present in an activity.

provider (optional)


An object that describes the application or provider that published the activity. This may not be the same as the source that created the activity, but should be a single object in either case.

target (optional)


The object that is the target of the activity. For instance, if the activity is “Erik just added a new item to his Amazon wish list,” the target of the activity is the “Amazon wish list.” This should be a single direct target, not an indirect target source.

title (optional)


A human-readable string that may contain HTML and that is used as a title or headline for the activity.

updated (optional)


If an activity has been modified, this field should include the date and time at which the modification occurred.

url (optional)


An IRI that links to an HTML representation of the activity.



The verb string that describes the type of action in the activity and is required for each activity posted. Relative string representations other than a simple name (e.g., post) are not allowed.

These are the main, top-level items that we can set. Some of them have specific types that may also be set, such as string or date-time; however, many of them have a type set to object. This means that the item in question (e.g., actor or target) represents a larger topic that may be expanded. Each item in Table 10-7 that has a type set to object may have alternate attributes defined by the JSON Activity Streams specification, as you can see in the following example of an object comprising the actor element:

"actor": {
   "url": "",
   "objectType": "person",
   "id": ",20110218,162643:mary",
   "image": {
      "url": "",
      "width": 125,
      "height": 125
   "displayName": "Mary Smith"

Table 10-8 provides more details on the optional JSON attributes that may comprise an object.

Table 10-8. Optional object attributes





array of objects

One or more objects that are related or relevant to the activity being generated (similar to the concept of attaching files in an email message).



An entity representing the person who created or authored the object. The entity is itself represented as an object, and an object may include a single author object.

The person who authored the object may differ from the person who published the object.



A description of the object, provided in natural languages. This field may introduce HTML elements, including image representations such as thumbnails.



A human-readable, plain-text name for the object. This display name must not contain HTML markup.


array of strings

One or more absolute IRIs that reference duplicate objects in the activity. These may be duplicates in different systems (e.g., if the provider has multiple, separate places that display activities) and may prompt the implementer to launch an object deduplication effort.



Provides a permanent and universally unique identifier for the object. The id should be presented in the form of an IRI. If an id is not present in the object, the consumer of the object may use the URL as a less reliable identifier.


media link

A human-consumable visual representation of the object. (The media link type will be described further shortly.)



A string displaying the type of object that is being presented. This may be either the short form of the type or the full IRI representation of the type.



The date and time when the object was published.



A human-readable string containing a summary of the object. This string may include HTML markup and images.



If an update to an object is published, this field should include the date and time when the update occurred.


array of strings

Much like downstreamDuplicates, this contains objects that are duplicates of the current object. Instead of duplicates that already exist, however, these are objects that the provider knowingly duplicates after posting with a new id.



A string that contains an IRI pointing to an HTML-based page that provides more details about the object. For instance, if the object is a Facebook page, url would point to it.

Now we have a clearer definition of what an object is. All of the attributes listed in Table 10-8 break down into individual media types, such as string or additional objects. But there is also a new type introduced in the table—media link.

A media link type defines an object that is geared toward presenting image, audio, and video content. For example, if we return to our previous actor object, the image element contains the media link object that displays a photo of our actor:

"actor": {
   "url": "",
   "objectType": "person",
   "id": ",20110218,162643:mary",
   "image": {
      "url": "",
      "width": 125,
      "height": 125
   "displayName": "Mary Smith"

You can define any element that has a type of media link by using a series of predefined attributes in the Activity Streams specification, as listed in Table 10-9.

Table 10-9. Media link object attributes




duration (optional)


The duration of the media object in seconds. This should be included where it makes sense (e.g., video and audio files).

height (optional)


The height of the media object in pixels. Height should be included where it makes sense (e.g., videos or images).



The IRI of the media link resource. This must be included within a media link object.

width (optional)


The width of the media object in pixels. Width should be included where it makes sense (e.g., videos or images).

All of these elements define a base-level activity via the Activity Streams JSON specification. Implementers of the specification will work from this foundation to define their applications and extend it with their own verbs, object types, and additional elements beyond the defaults shown here.

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