One Size Does Not Fit All

Even if you don’t sew, you can nonetheless anticipate the unfortunate results of using a defective pattern. The old adage “measure twice, cut once” applies to any manufacturing process, whether it’s sewing or printing (Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1. Careful planning when creating a pattern can mean the difference between being stylish (left) and facing public humiliation (right).

Building your files without considering the finishing processes (like trimming and binding) can cost you money and delay your job. Consequently, the more you know about folding, trimming, binding, and imposition, the better prepared you’ll be to correctly build files. Let’s start with two dimensions—width and height—and work our way up to the challenge of designing in three dimensions. Think of it as one of those fun, spatial reasoning games that you loved as a child. (Or maybe you didn’t. In that case, you’ll hate this part of the book.) And all games have rules....

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