Rule Number Three: Stay Away from the Edge

You may have your heart set on that adorable doggie paw-print border, but placing it too close to the edge or fold may result in disappointing results if there’s any error in printing, folding, or binding. The closer your artwork is to the trim edge, the smaller the margin (literally) for error, and the more obvious any inaccuracy will be. What to do?

Don’t place artwork perilously close to the edges (both internal and external). But, if you just must, make the margin as wide as possible to camouflage any problems. A small trimming error is less obvious against a larger total margin (Figure 3.6). Which leads us to Rule Number Four.

Figure 3.6. In an ideal world, your cute little paw-print border will print and trim perfectly. But a slight misalignment during printing, combined with binding and trimming errors, can produce disappointing results (middle). The effect is exaggerated for dramatic effect, but you get the idea. A larger margin (right) makes it easier to camouflage a binding error.

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