List of Tables


7.1  Protection bitmask

7.2  Some signal events defined in Linux

8.1  Summary of the task-related primitives of FreeRTOS

8.2  Summary of the main message-queue related primitives of FreeRTOS

8.3  Summary of the semaphore creation/deletion primitives of FreeRTOS

8.4  Summary of the semaphore manipulation primitives of FreeRTOS

8.5  Summary of the time-related primitives of FreeRTOS

11.1 Notation for real-time scheduling algorithms and analysis methods

11.2 A simple task set to be executed by a cyclic executive

11.3 A task set in which a since task, τ4, leads to a large major cycle because its period is large

11.4 Large execution times, of τ3 in this case, may lead to problems when designing a cyclic executive

12.1 An example of Rate Monotonic priority assignment

13.1 A task set definitely schedulable by RM.

13.2 A task set for which the sufficient RM scheduling condition does not hold.

13.3 A task set for which the sufficient RM scheduling condition does not hold.

14.1 A sample task set.

14.2 Worst-case response time for the sample task set

14.3 RMand DMpriority assignment

15.1 Task response times for Figures 15.5–15.7

16.1 Attributes of the tasks shown in Figure 16.1 when τ1 is allowed to self-suspend

16.2 Attributes of the tasks shown in Figure 16.2 when τ1 is allowed to self-suspend

17.1 Contents of a FreeRTOS Task Control Block (TCB)

17.2 Contents of a FreeRTOS message queue data structure (xQUEUE)

17.3 xQUEUE fields that have a different meaning when the message queue supports a mutual exclusion semaphore with priority inheritance

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