

This book addresses three different topics: Embedded Systems, Real-Time Systems, and Open Source Operating Systems. Even if every single topic can well represent the argument of a whole book, they are normally intermixed in practical applications. This is in particular true for the first two topics: very often industrial or automotive applications, implemented as embedded systems, must provide timely responses in order to perform the required operation. Further, in general, real-time requirements typically refer to applications that are expected to react to the events of some kind of controlled process.

Often in the literature, real-time embedded systems are presented and analyzed in terms of abstract concepts such as tasks, priorities, and concurrence. However, in order to be of practical usage, such concepts must be then eventually implemented in real programs, interacting with real operating systems, to be executed for the control of real applications.

Traditionally, textbooks concentrate on specific topics using different approaches. Scheduling theory is often presented using a formal approach based on a set of assumptions for describing a computer system in a mathematical framework. This is fine, provided that the reader has enough experience and skills to understand how well real systems fit into the presented models, and this may not be the case when the textbook is used in a course or, more in general, when the reader is entering this area as a primer. Operating system textbooks traditionally make a much more limited usage of mathematical formalism and take a more practical approach, but often lack practical programming examples in the main text (some provide specific examples in appendices), as the presented concepts apply to a variety of real world systems.

A different approach is taken here: after a general presentation of the basic concepts in the first chapters, the remaining ones make explicit reference to two specific operating systems: Linux and FreeRTOS. Linux represents a full-fledged operating system with a steadily growing user base and, what is more important from the perspective of this book, is moving toward real-time responsiveness and is becoming a feasible choice for the development of real-time applications. FreeRTOS represents somewhat the opposite extreme in complexity. FreeRTOS is a minimal system with a very limited footprint in system resources and which can therefore be used in very small applications such as microcontrollers. At the same time, FreeRTOS supports a multithreading programming model with primitives for thread synchronization that are not far from what larger systems offer. If, on the one side, the choice of two specific case studies may leave specific details of other widespread operating systems uncovered, on the other one it presents to the reader a complete conceptual path from general concepts of concurrence and synchronization down to their specific implementation, including dealing with the unavoidable idiosyncrasies of specific application programming interfaces. Here, code examples are not collected in appendices, but presented in the book chapters to stress the fact that concepts cannot be fully grasped unless undertaking the “dirty job” of writing, debugging, and running programs.

The same philosophy has been adopted in the chapters dealing with scheduling theory. It is not possible, of course, to get rid of some mathematical formalism, nor to avoid mathematical proofs (which can, however, be skipped without losing the main conceptual flow). However, thanks to the fact that such chapters follow the presentation of concurrence-related issues in operating systems, it has been possible to provide a more practical perspective to the presented results and to better describe how the used formalism maps onto real-world applications.

This book differs from other textbooks in two further aspects:

  • The presentation of a case study at the beginning of the book, rather than at its end. This choice may sound bizarre as case studies are normally used to summarize presented concepts and results. However, the purpose of the case study here is different: rather than providing a final example, it is used to summarize prerequisite concepts on computer architectures that are assumed to be known by the reader afterwards. Readers may in fact have different backgrounds: less experienced ones may find the informal description of computer architecture details useful to understand more in-depth concepts that are presented later in the book such as task context switch and virtual memory issues. The more experienced will likely skip details on computer input/output or memory management, but may nevertheless have some interest in the presented application, handling online image processing over a stream of frames acquired by a digital camera.

  • The presentation of the basic concepts of control theory and Digital Signal Processing in a nutshell. Traditionally, control theory and Digital Signal Processing are not presented in textbooks dealing with concurrency and schedulability, as this kind of knowledge is not strictly related to operating systems issues. However, the practical development of embedded systems is often not restricted to the choice of the optimal operating system architecture and task organization, but requires also analyzing the system from different perspectives, finding proper solutions, and finally implementing them. Different engineering disciplines cover the various facets of embedded systems: control engineers develop the optimal control strategies in the case the embedded system is devoted to process control; electronic engineers will develop the front-end electronics, such as sensor and actuator circuitry, and finally software engineers will define the computing architecture and implement the control and supervision algorithms. Active involvement of different competencies in the development of a control or monitoring system is important in order to reduce the risk of missing major functional requirements or, on the opposite end, of an overkill, that is ending in a system which is more expensive than what is necessary. Not unusual is the situation in which the system proves both incomplete in some requirements and redundant in other aspects.

    Even if several competencies may be required in the development of embedded systems, involving specialists for every system aspect is not always affordable. This may be true with small companies or research groups, and in this case different competencies may be requested by the same developer. Even when this is not the case (e.g., in large companies), a basic knowledge of control engineering and electronics is desirable for those software engineers involved in the development of embedded systems. Communication in the team can in fact be greatly improved if there is some overlap in competencies, and this may reduce the risk of flaws in the system due to the lack of communication within the development team. In large projects, different components are developed by different teams, possibly in different companies, and clear interfaces must be defined in the system’s architecture to allow the proper component integration, but it is always possible that some misunderstanding could occur even with the most accurate interface definition. If there is no competence overlap among development teams, this risk may become a reality, as it happened in the development of the trajectory control system of the NASA Mars Climate Orbiter, where a software component developed by an external company was working in pounds force, while the spacecraft expected values in newtons. As a result, the $125 million Mars probe miserably crashed when it reached the Mars atmosphere [69].

As a final remark, in the title an explicit reference is made to open source systems, and two open source systems are taken as example through the book. This choice should not mislead the reader in assuming that open source systems are the common solution in industrial or automotive applications. Rather, the usage of these systems is yet limited in practice, but it is the authors’ opinion that open source solutions are going to share a larger and larger portion of applications in the near future.

The book is divided into three parts: Concurrent Programming Concepts, Real-Time Scheduling Analysis, and Advanced Topics. The first part presents the basic concepts about processes and synchronization, and it is introduced by a case study represented by a nontrivial application for vision-based control. Along the example, the basic concepts of computer architectures and in particular of input/output management are introduced, as well as the terminology used in the rest of the book.

After the case study presentation, the basic concepts of concurrent programming are introduced. This is done in two steps: first, the main concepts are presented in a generic context without referring to any specific platform and therefore without detailed code examples. Afterwards, the same concepts are described, with the aid of several code examples, in the context of the two reference systems: Linux and FreeRTOS.

Part I includes a chapter on network communication; even if not explicitly addressing network communication, a topic which deserves by itself a whole book, some basic concepts about network concepts and network programming are very often required when developing embedded applications.

The chapters of this part are the following:

  • Chapter 2: A Case Study: Vision Control. Here, an application is presented that acquires a stream of images from a Web camera and detects online the center of a circular shape in the acquired images. This represents a complete example of an embedded application. Both theoretical and practical concepts are introduced here, such as the input/output architecture in operating systems and the video capture application programming interface for Linux.

  • Chapter 3: Real-Time Concurrent Programming Principles. From this chapter onwards, an organic presentation of concurrent programming concepts is provided. Here, the concept of parallelism and its consequences, such as race conditions and deadlocks, are presented. Some general implementation issues of multiprocessing, such as process context and states, are discussed.

  • Chapter 4: Deadlock. This chapter focuses on deadlock, arguably one of the most important issues that may affect a concurrent application. After defining the problem in formal terms, several solutions of practical interest are presented, each characterized by a different trade-off between ease of application, execution overhead, and conceptual complexity.

  • Chapter 5: Interprocess Communication Based on Shared Variables. The chapter introduces the notions of Interprocess Communication (IPC), and it concentrates on the shared memory approach, introducing the concepts of lock variable, mutual exclusion, semaphore and monitors, which represent the basic mechanisms for process coordination and synchronization in concurrent programming.

  • Chapter 6: Interprocess Communication Based on Message Passing. An alternate way for achieving interprocess communication, based on the exchange of messages, is discussed in this chapter. As in the previous two chapters, the general concepts are presented and discussed without any explicit reference to any specific operating system.

  • Chapter 7: Interprocess Communication Primitives in POSIX/Linux. This chapter introduces several examples showing how the general concurrent programming concepts presented before are then mapped into Linux and POSIX. The presented information lies somewhere between a user guide and a reference for Linux/POSIX IPC primitives.

  • Chapter 8: Interprocess Communication Primitives in FreeRTOS. The chapter presents the implementation of the above concurrent programming concepts in FreeRTOS, the other reference operating system for this book. The same examples of the previous chapter are used, showing how the general concepts presented in Chapters 3–6 can be implemented both on a full-fledged system and a minimal one.

  • Chapter 9: Network Communication. Although not covering concepts strictly related to concurrent programming, this chapter provides important practical concepts for programming network communication using the socket abstraction. Network communication also represents a possible implementation of the message-passing synchronization method presented in Chapter 6. Several examples are provided in the chapter: although they refer to Linux applications, they can be easily ported to other systems that support the socket programming layer, such as FreeRTOS.

  • Chapter 10: Lock and Wait-Free Communication. The last chapter of Part I outlines an alternative approach in the development of concurrent programs. Unlike the more classic methods discussed in Chapters 5 and 6, lock and wait-free communication never forces any participating process to wait for another. In this way, it implicitly addresses most of the problems lock-based process interaction causes to real-time scheduling—to be discussed in Chapter 15—at the expense of a greater design and implementation complexity. This chapter is based on more formal grounds than the other chapters of Part I, but it is completely self-contained. Readers not mathematically inclined can safely skip it and go directly to Part II.

The second part, Real-Time Scheduling Analysis, presents several theoretical results that are useful in practice for building systems which are guaranteed to respond within a maximum, given delay. It is worth noting now that “real-time” does not always mean “fast.” Rather, a real-time system is a system whose timely response can be trusted, even if this may imply a reduced overall throughput. This part introduces the terminology and the main results in scheduling theory. They are initially presented using a simplified model which, if on the one side it allows the formal derivation of many useful properties, on the other it is still too far from real-world applications to use the above results as they are. The last two chapters of this part will progressively extend the model to include facts occurring in real applications, so that the final results can be used in practical applications.

The chapters of this part are the following:

  • Chapter 11: Real-Time Scheduling Based on Cyclic Executive. This chapter introduces the basic concepts and the terminology used thorough the second part of the book. In this part, the concepts are presented in a more general way, assuming that the reader, after reading the first part of the book, is now able to use the generic concepts presented here in practical systems. A first and simple approach to real-time scheduling, cyclic executive, is presented here and its implications discussed.

  • Chapter 12: Real-Time, Task-Based Scheduling. After introducing the general concepts and terminology, this chapter addresses real-time issues in the concurrent multitask model, widely described in the first part. The chapter presents two important results with immediate practical consequences: Rate Monotonic (RM) and Earliest Deadline First (EDF), which represent the optimal scheduling for fixed and variable task priority systems, respectively.

  • Chapter 13: Schedulability Analysis Based on Utilization. While the previous chapter presented the optimal policies for real-time scheduling, this chapter addresses the problem of stating whether a given set of tasks can be schedulable under real-time constraints. The outcome of this chapter is readily usable in practice for the development of real-time systems.

  • Chapter 14: Schedulability Analysis Based on Response Time Analysis. This chapter provides a refinement of the results presented in the previous one. Although readily usable in practice, the results of Chapter 13 provide a conservative approach, which can be relaxed with the procedures presented in this chapter, at the cost of a more complex schedulability analysis. The chapter also takes into account sporadic tasks, whose behavior cannot be directly described in the general model used so far, but which nevertheless describe important facts, such as the occurrence of exceptions that happen in practice.

  • Chapter 15: Process Interactions and Blocking. This chapter and the next provide the concepts that are required to map the theoretical results on scheduling analysis presented up to now onto real-world applications, where the tasks cannot anymore be described as independent processes, but interact with each other. In particular, this chapter addresses the interference among tasks due to the sharing of system resources, and introduces the priority inheritance and priority ceiling procedures, which are of fundamental importance in the implementation of real-world applications.

  • Chapter 16: Self-Suspension and Schedulability Analysis. This chapter addresses another fact which differentiates real systems from the model used to derive the theoretical results in schedulability analysis, that is, the suspension of tasks due, for instance, to I/O operations. The implications of this fact, and the quantification of its effects, are discussed here.

The last part will cover other aspects of embedded systems. Unlike the first two parts, where concepts are introduced step by step to provide a comprehensive understanding of concurrent programming and real-time systems, the chapters of the last part cover separate, self-consistent arguments. The chapters of this part are the following:

  • Chapter 17: Internal Structure of FreeRTOS. This chapter gives a description of the internals of FreeRTOS. Thanks to its simplicity, it has been possible to provide a sufficiently detailed example showing how the concurrent programming primitives are implemented in practice. The chapter provides also practical indications on how the system can be ported to new architectures.

  • Chapter 18: Internal Structures and Operating Principles of Linux Real-Time Extensions. It is of course not possible to provide in a single chapter a detailed description of the internals of a complex system, such as Linux. Nevertheless, this chapter will illustrate the main ideas and concepts in the evolution of a general purpose operating system, and in particular of Linux, towards real-time responsiveness.

  • Chapter 19: OS Abstraction Layer. This chapter addresses issues that are related to software engineering, and presents an object-oriented approach in the development of multiplatform applications. Throughout the book general concepts have been presented, and practical examples have been provided, showing that the same concepts are valid on different systems, albeit using a different programming interface. If an application has to be implemented for different platforms, it is convenient, therefore, to split the code in two parts, moving the semantics of the program in the platform-independent part, and implementing a common abstraction of the underlying operating system in the other system-dependent one.

  • Chapter 20: Basics of Control Theory and Digital Signal Processing. This chapter provides a quick tour of the most important mathematical concepts for control theory and digital signal processing, using two case studies: the control of a pump and the development of a digital low-pass filter. The only mathematical background required of the reader corresponds to what is taught in a base math course for engineering, and no specific previous knowledge in control theory and digital signal processing is assumed.

The short bibliography at the end of the book has been compiled with less experienced readers in mind. For this reason, we did not provide an exhaustive list of references, aimed at acknowledging each and every author who contributed to the rather vast field of real-time systems.

Rather, the bibliography is meant to point to a limited number of additional sources of information, which readers can and should actually use as a starting point to seek further information, without getting lost. There, readers will also find more, and more detailed, references to continue their quest.

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