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Similar checks can be performed using the Metasploit modules. Open Kali Linux, which we installed in the VM, and type the following command in Terminal:


This is used to open the Metasploit console. There is also a GUI version of Metasploit available with the name Armitage. To find out the various Metasploit modules that are available for SCADA, enter the following command:


As shown in the preceding screenshot, various modules for SCADA that are supported by Metasploit are loaded. Let's try a specific search for Modbus to see what modules are supported:


From the preceding screenshot, you can use modbusdetect to identify whether Modbus is running on port 502 using the following syntax:

use auxiliary/scanner/scada/modbusdetect

Fill in the required details by using show options to identify the same:

Set RHOSTS to using the following command and run the exploit:


The preceding screenshot shows that the module has detected the presence of Modbus on port 502.

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