

0-based index, 51

3D border effects, creating with RadialGradientBrush in Expression Blend, 63


abstract classes, 32

ActiveX controls, 8

Add Service Reference dialog, 528

Add Silverlight Application dialog box, 263


comments to XML documents, 27

Full Screen button to Expression video player, 256–259

interactivity to Thumbnails project, 181–185

media to scenes, 74–79

overlays to videos, 242

Adding a namespace listing (18.2), 366

Adding a SolidColorBrush listing (24.20), 545

Adding an event handler listing (22.21), 486

Adding and removing items listing (18.16), 379

Adding elements to a Grid in code listing (15.7), 307

Adding event handlers listing (22.30), 495

Adding namespaces listing (19.9), 397

Adding the SelectionChanged event handler listing (19.15), 404

AddUser and ValidateUser methods listing (22.31), 495

AddUser method, 276–277, 493, 495

AddUserCompleted event handler, 497

Adobe Flash, 8

Adobe Illustrator, converters, 551

adorners, 77

advanced parameters in Expression Encoder, 237

advanced properties, setting for overlays, 242

affine transforms, 37

agTweener, 552

airline application demo, 14


Alpha channel, 67–71

ancestors, 180


color animations, 51

elements, 204–205

key frames, 49, 199

PointAnimation, 206

properties, editing, 202–203

rotating, 46–48

scale animations, 49–50

Silverlight, adding to Thumbnails project, 210–213, 215–220

smooth transitions, 50

starting and stopping, 208


reversing, 206

triggering, 201–202

synchronizing, 204

testing in Blend, 201

anonymous types, 476

Another button listing (14.9), 268

API keys, obtaining Flickr, 504

App.xaml file, storing resources in, 347–348

Apple Macintosh computers, debugging applications, 465

application assemblies, versioning, 434

Application object, 434–435


client applications, updating, 494–497

code, stepping through, 459–461

Debug version, 458

debugging, 458–465

drawing applications

creating, 328–335

running, 335

HTML, blending with, 285

initializing JavaScript, 453–454

items, scrolling, 422–425

JavaScriptDotNet, 439–443

media information, removing, 467–468

parameters, passing, 470

refactoring, 430–434

Release version, 458–459

rich interactive applications, 499

running applications, debugging, 464–465

startup screens, adding, 468–469

test applications, creating, 542–544

testing, 480

Thumbnails application

embedding fonts in, 354–356

styling, 352–354

thumbnails viewer, creating, 387–396

web browsers, caching, 439

Applying the template listing (19.26), 414

ArrayList (old implementation) listing {20.11}, 436

arrays, JavaScript, 452

ASP.NET control listing (24.10), 536

ASP.NET controls, 536–541

aspect ratio of videos, changing in Expression Encoder, 228

ASPX versus HTML, 160

attached properties, 305–307

Attaching an event listing (21.25), 455

attaching properties, 26

auto-play, disabling for videos, 80

automatic property, 178–179


background parameter (object tag), 110

backslash characters, C#, 391

Barber, Corrina, 550

binary numbering system, 68

Binding class, 369–370

Binding to an object listing (24.8), 535

Binding to the DataContext listing (24.9), 535


Binding class, 369–370

Blend, setting in, 531–532

Converter classes, 534–535

data binding, 363

data object creation, 364–369

data objects, writing to, 366–367

errors, notifications, 367–368

objects, 535–536

special configurations, 531–536

templates, 427

to controls, 359–360

validation errors, handling, 533–534

values, converting in, 368–369

Blend. See Expression Blend

blog sites

Abrams, Brad, 121

HTML tags, adding, 115

Silverlight-related blogs, 553

blueprints, creating custom controls, 405–406

borders, surrounding elements with, 308–310

Bouquain, Thierry, 552

breakpoints, conditional, 461

Brush in App.xaml listing (24.24), 547

brushes, storing resources in, 345

bubbling exceptions, 518–519

Bubbling exceptions listing (23.24), 518

build actions, checking media files, 282–283

built-in objects (JavaScript), 133

built-in types (.NET), 163

Button control, 319–320, 387

ButtonBase control, 319–320



backslash character, 391

Border element, 309

casting, 185

elements, 294


do_while, 170

for, 167

for_each, 168–169

if_then_else, 166–167

while, 169

methods, overloading, 185–186

namespaces, 176


conditional, 174

logical, 173

mathematical, 171–172

parenthesis, 174

Popup, 310

properties, 178–179

resources, defining, 344

ScrollViewer, 308

switch_case operator, 170–171

TabControl, 336

TextBlock control, 317

type conversion, 165


floating point types, 164–165

integer types, 163

using directive, 176–177

visibility, 177

C# Elements listing (15.2), 294

c: emp directory, availability, 489

Cache panel listing (22.2), 469

cacheFadeOut_Completed event handler, 479

caching applications, web browsers, 439

Calendar control, 325–326

Call to RegisterScriptableObject listing (14.2), 262

calling JavaScript methods from .NET, 267–269

Campbell, Dave, 553

Canvas class, 297–298

elements, dragging, 298–301


creating, 25–26

shapes, drawing on, 311–313

captions, adding to videos, 234

case sensitivity in JavaScript, 131

casting, 165, 185


.NET events, 285–287

unhandled exceptions, 522–524

chapters, adding to videos, 233–234

characteristics of XML documents, 22

CheckBox control, 320

CheckBox template, 358–361

Checking if someone subscribed listing (23.8), 506

Chess demo, 14

Class CounterTickedEventArgs listing (14.3), 263–264

class libraries

classes, moving to, 430

creating, 429–434

Class MyDate listing (21.11), 446


abstract, 32, 292

Binding class, 369–370

Canvas, 297–301

class libraries, creating, 429–432, 434

Control, 315–317

Converter, 534–535

DataFile, 488–491

decorating, 407

DependencyObject, 292

EventArgs, 187

external assemblies, exporting to, 429–434

FrameworkElement, 293

generics, 436–437

GridSplitter, 324

hierarchy, 291–293

HtmlPage, 443–445

ItemsControls, 335–337


creating, 388–390

extending, 390–391


creating, 390–391

extending, 481

MediaExCollection, creating, 391

MediaInformationFile, 469–472

MyDate, 446

Object, 292

Page, modifying, 278–280

scriptable classes, creating, 263–264

ScriptObject class, converting, 449–452

Settings, 421

silverlightControlHost, 443

Style, 348–352

creating, 348–349

priority system, 349–350

using, 349

StylusDevice, 332

System.Windows.Controls.Panel, 296–307

Thumb, 322–324

UIElement, 292–293

User, 517

UserInformation, 492

client applications

service references, adding to, 494–495

updating, 494–497

client-side proxies, 496

ClientBin, creating in MediaFiles folder, 401

clientPhoto_OpenReadCompleted event handler, 514

client_DownloadProgressChanged event handler, 483

client_DownloadStringCompleted event handler, 472

client_OpenReadCompleted event handler, 483–485

clipping paths, 94–95


Border element, 309

breakpoints, conditional, 461

debugging, 458–465

Grid layout, 303

intermediate language (IL) code, 429

.NET code, obfuscation, 530

Popup, 310

protecting, 530

ScrollViewer, 308

StackPanel, 301

stepping through, 459–461

TabControl, 336

TextBlock control, 317


inspecting, 462–463

modifying, 462–463


Grid, adding elements to, 307

resources, using in, 345

XAML compared, 293–294, 296

Code-behind for dragging listing (15.4), 299–300

codecs, allowing viewers to select, 245–250

collections, storing objects in, 342–343

color animations, 51

color picker (Expression Blend), 61

Color Slider listing (16.9), 329


mixing, 67, 69

opacity, setting, 71

OpacityMask, creating, 90, 92

predefined color listing, 68

transparency, setting, 69–70

combining shapes, 93–94


adding to XML documents, 27

writing in JavaScript, 130

comparing vector and raster graphics, 72


testing, 432

versioning, 434


elements, 297

scenes in XAML, 32–34

transforms, 45

conditional breakpoints, 461

conditional operators, 173

configurations, binding special configurations, 531–536

configuring FTP client, 122–123

connecting to your web server, 123

constructors, User class, 271–272

Constructors of User class listing (14.13), 271


do_while, 170

for, 167

if_then_else, 166–167

while, 169–170

content controls, ScrollViewer, 307–308

Content Property, 35

ContentPresenter for a CheckBox listing (17.8), 361

Control class, 315–317

controls, 387

ASP.NET controls, 536–541

Button, 319–320, 387

ButtonBase, 319–320

Calendar, 325–326

CheckBox, 320

custom controls

creating, 405–414

MediaInfoDisplay custom control, 405–414

data controls, 363, 372–386

DatePicker, 326–327

disabling, 316, 424

Ellipses, 387

enabling, 316

fonts, 317

HyperlinkButton, 319–320

Image, 74

InkPresenter, 327–328, 332–335

lockless controls, templating, 356–361

MediaElement, 387

MediaInfoDisplay control

creating templates, 419–420

default template creation, 415–417

removing test data, 421

scenes, adding to 418–419

test data, adding to, 417–418

transitions, 420–421

using, 417–422

wiring up, 421–422

MultiScaleImage, deep zooming, 339

Paths, 387

pop-ups, 310–311

primitives, 387

property setters, 348–350

RadioButton, 320

Rectangle, 387

RepeatButton, 319–320

changing transitions, 426–427

disabling, 423

event handlers, 423

styling, 427–428

template creation, 425–428

testing, 427

Scrollbar, 320–321

skins, 550–551

Slider, 320–321, 387

styling, 316–317, 348–352

templates, binding, 359–360

templating, 316–317

TextBlock, 317–318, 387

TextBox, 318–319

third-party controls, 552

ThumbnailsViewerControl, packing, 391–393

ToggleButton, 319–320

user controls, 405


connecting to real data, 403

creating, 387–396

DataTemplate, 399–401

moving media files, 401–402

namespaces, 397

removing test data source, 401

SelectionChanged event, 403–405

XAML media instances, 397–399

Convenience setter and getter listing (19.6), 395

conversions (data), 446–448

ConvertBack method, implementing, 368

Converter classes, 534–535


Adobe Illustrator, 551

Flash, 551


files to XAML, 551–552

ScriptObject class, 449–452

types to other types, 165

cookies, 190

copying Silverlight applications, 124–126

Corby, Karen, 503–504

Correcting the error listing (17.6), 347

CounterButton_Click event handler, 446

CounterTicked event

creating, 263–264

raising, 264–265

subscribing to on JavaScript side, 265–267

testing, 267

createDelegate method, 286


canvases, 25–26

LinearGradientBrush in Expression Blend, 61–62

objects with JSON, 139–140

OpacityMask, 90, 92

paths, 92

RadialGradientBrush in Expression Blend, 63

Silverlight 2 applications in Visual Studio 2008, 156, 161–162

compilation errors, finding, 158

Silverlight project files, 160–161

Web Site project files, 159

test pages, 107–108

transforms, 89

user controls, 98–101

Creating a StringReader listing (23.16), 512

Creating a StringReader listing (23.17), 512

creating new projects in Expression Blend, 56

cropping videos in Expression Encoder, 229

cross-domain policy files

Flash, 500

Silverlight, 501–502

cross-domain requests

placing, 499–503

restrictions, 502–503

Crumb bar, 352

CSS (Cascaded Style Sheets), 5


Silverlight, comparing with, 341

CSS class silverlightControlHost listing (21.7), 443

CSS rules listing (14.27), 284

custom controls, 405

blueprints, creating, 405–406

creating, 405–414

DependencyProperties, adding to, 408–410

MediaInfoDisplay custom control, creating, 405–414


handling, 411–413

specifying, 407

shells, creating, 406–410


handling, 410–411

specifying, 407

templates, applying, 413–414

Custom Exception constructor listing (23.28), 523

Custom Exception constructor listing (23.29), 524

Custom Exception listing (23.26), 520

custom exceptions, creating, 523–524

CustomTimestamp property, 446


data, ItemsControls, presenting, 335–337

data bindings, 363, 388

Binding class, 369–370

data objects, creating, 364–369

Data bound ThumbItemsControl listing (19.12), 398

Data class MyColor listing (18.12), 372

data controls, 363, 372–386

data conversions, 446–448

data objects

creating, 364–369, 388–391

writing to, bindings, 366–367

Data property, drawing shapes, 312–313

data sources, XML data sources, 386

data templates, creating, 376–378

DataContext property, setting, 370–371

DataFile classes

moving to servers, 488–489

running on servers, 489–491


elements, editing, 385–386

manually defined columns, 383

using, 380–386

DataGrid with manually defined columns listing (18.20), 384

DataTemplate, designing for UserControl, 399–401

DataTemplate for a brush listing (18.14), 377

DatePicker control, 326–327

dates, picking, 325

Calendar control, 325–326

DatePicker control, 326–327

DateTimeConverter class listing (24.6), 534

Debug mode, killing processes, 530

Debug toolbar (Visual Studio), 460

Debug version, comparing with Release version, 458


applications, 458–465

JavaScript, 150, 463–464

running applications, 464–465

web sites, 463

declaring events, 188


JSON strings, 510–514

responses, 509–510

decorating classes, 407

deep zooming image collections, 337–339

DeepZoom, 15, 337–339

Default Style for MediaInfoDisplay listing (20.2), 416

default templates, 357

editing, 357–358

MediaInfoDisplay control, creating for, 415–417

Defining a Style in XAML listing (17.7), 348

Defining resources in C# listing (17.2), 344

Defining resources in XAML listing (17.1), 344

defining XML namespaces, 24–25

delegates, 187–188


airline application, 14

Chess, 14

Hard Rock Cafe, 15

Dependency Object class, 292

DependencyProperties, 292, 393–396

custom controls, adding to, 408–410

LongDescription DP, 409

MediaInfo DP, 410

registration, 394

SelectedItem DependencyProperty, 395–396

ShortDescription DP, 408

deprecated functionality, 154

derived types, 180

DescriptionPanelPart property, 411–412

DescriptionPanelPart property listing (19.24), 411

designing DataTemplate for UserControl, 399–401

detecting Silverlight version number with JavaScript, 149

developing Silverlight, requirements, 16–17

development web server, 108

DHTML (Dynamic HTML), 6


Add Service Reference, 528

Add Silverlight Application, 263

login dialogs, Thumbnails application, 270–289

Publish Web Site, 457


auto–play feature for videos, 80

controls, 316, 424

RepeatButtons, 423

ScrollBar, 308

Disabling both RepeatButtons listing (20.5), 423

display frame, adding to Thumbnails project, 101–102

Displaying the parameters listing (21.22), 454

DLLs (Dynamic-Link Libraries), 429, 432

documentation for Silverlight, installing, 18

DOM (Document Object Model), 443

DoubleAnimation property, 46–48

DoubleToThicknessConverter class listing (18.6), 368

DoubleToThicknessConverter in resources listing (18.7), 369

downloading videos versus streaming, 239–240

DoWork method, 527

do_while loop, 170

DPs (DependencyProperties), 50, 393–396

custom controls, adding to, 408–410

LongDescription DP, 409

MediaInfo DP, 410

registration, 394

SelectedItem DependencyProperty, 395–396

ShortDescription DP, 408

dragging elements on canvas, 298–301

Dragging a Thumb, C# code listing (16.2), 323

Dragging a Thumb, XAML markup listing (16.1), 322

drawing shapes, 311–313

drawing applications

creating, 328–335

events, handling, 330–335

running, 335

scenes preparing, 328–330

Dynamic HTML, 443



DataGrid elements, 385–386

default templates, 357–358

editing animation properties, 202–203


aligning Grid panel, 302–305

Border, 308–310

borders, surrounding with, 308–3101

ButtonBase control, 319–320

C#, 293–296

Calendar, 325–326

Canvas, 297–301

composing, 297

Control class, 315–317

DataGrid, editing, 385–386

DatePicker, 326–327

DeepZoom, 337–339

DependencyObject, 292

dragging, Canvas class, 298–301

FrameworkElement, 293

Grid panel, 302–307

GridSplitter, 324

grouping, 95–96

hierarchy, composing in Expression Blend, 64–65

HTML elements, attaching to .NET events, 454–457

InkPresenter, 327–328

ItemsControls, 335–337

JavaScript, finding in, 441–443

MultiScaleImage, 339

Object, 292

Popup, 310–311

reusable UI elements, 405

Scrollbar control, 320–322

ScrollViewer, 307–308

Slider control, 320–322

StackPanel, 301–302

TextBlock control, 317–318

TextBox control, 318–319

Thumb control, 322–323

UIElement, 292

walking the tree, 346–347

XAML, 293–296

Ellipses control, 387

embedded media files, 401


fonts, Thumbnails application, 354–356

HTML applications in existing web pages

using iframe, 253

using Live Control, 254

Empty ResourceDictionary listing (20.1), 416

enabling controls, 316

encoding videos for Silverlight, 235–236

Endless loop listing (24.2), 529

Enumerating the items and setting brushes listing (22.12), 478

enums, parsing, 476

equality operators, redefining, 272

Error handling listing (22.11), 478

errors, 478

bindings, notifications, 367–368


JavaScript, 524

validation errors, 533–534

Event handler ColorSlider_ValueChanged listing (16.18), 334

Event handler CounterButton_Click listing (14.6), 265

Event handler CounterButton_Click listing (21.13), 446

Event handler handleCounterTicked listing (21.14), 447

Event handler handleNewUserClicked listing (14.32), 289

Event handler handleSubmitClicked listing (14.31), 288

Event handler HtmlButton_Click listing (21.26), 456

Event handler InkPresenter_MouseLeftButtonDown listing (16.14), 332

Event handler InkPresenter_MouseMove listing (16.15), 333

Event handler LoginLink_Click listing (14.25), 281

Event handler SaySomethingButton_Click listing (14.10), 268

Event handler SettingsButton_Click listing (16.17), 334

Event handler SetTitleButton_Click listing (21.10), 444

Event handler SizeSlider_ValueChanged listing (16.19), 335

event handlers, 413

adding to Thumbnails project, 181–182

AddUserCompleted, 497

cacheFadeOut_Completed, 479

clientPhoto_OpenReadCompleted, 514

client_DownloadProgressChanged, 483

client_DownloadStringCompleted, 472

client_OpenReadCompleted, 483–485

CounterButton_Click, 446

handleCounterTicked, 447, 449

JavaScript, 135–136

LoginLink_Click, 281

mediaFile_DownloadProgressChanged, 486

_mediaFile_Loaded, 477

Media_Loaded, 487

Page_Loaded, 477

RepeatButtons, 423

SetTitleButton_Click, 444

ValidateUserCompleted, 496

VideoPlayer_Ended, 539

Event handlers for RepeatButtons listing (20.6), 423

Event handlers InkPresenter_MouseLeftButtonUp and LayoutRoot_MouseLeave listing (16.16), 333

Event handlers listing (19.25), 413

EventArgs class, 187


adding, 396

CounterTicked event

creating, 263–264

raising, 264–265

subscribing to on JavaScipt side, 265–267

testing, 267

declaring, 188

drawing applications, handling, 330–335

HTML events, handling, 288–289

Loaded, 470

.NET events

attaching to HTML elements, 454–457

catching, 285–287

handling in JavaScipt, 263–267

parameters, 187

raising, 187

SelectionChanged events, 396

subscribing to, 189

testing, 267

Exception instance, 521


bubbling, 518–519

custom exceptions, creating, 523–524

packing, 520–521

re-throwing, 519–521

throwing, 517–521

unhandled exceptions, catching, 522–524

exchanging data between JavaScript and .NET, 445–452

executing Silverlight applications in browser, 59

exporting classes to external assemblies, 429–432, 434

Expression Blend


properties, editing, 202–203

testing, 201

bindings, setting in, 531–532

color picker, 61

elements, grouping, 95–96

elements hierarchy, composing, 64–65

fonts, embedding in, 354–356

installing, 54

keyboard shortcuts, 60

keyframes, 199

launching, 54

LinearGradientBrush, creating, 61–62

options, 55–56

panels, 57–58

player template, adding Full Screen button, 256–257, 259

Project panel, 58–59

projects, creating, 56

properties, resetting to default value, 64

Properties panel, 60

RadialGradientBrush, creating, 63

resources, moving in, 354

results, testing in web browser, 77

running Silverlight applications in browser, 59

shapes, working with, 60

Style class

creating in, 350–351

editing in, 351–352

timelines, 200–201

transforms, creating, 89

Expression Design, creating XAML resources, 549–550

Expression Encoder, 224

advanced parameters, 237

captions, adding to videos, 234

chapters, adding to videos, 233–234

leader/trailer video segments, adding, 230

Metadata panel, 232–233

options, setting, 224–225

panels, 225

script commands, 254–256


cropping, 229

encoding for Silverlight, 235–236

importing, 226–227

playing in full screen, 237

profiles, 227–228

size of, changing, 228

testing before encoding, 231–232

Expression Studio, 16–17, 549


Media class, 390–391

MediaEx class, 481

User object, 270–274

extension methods, 542, 544–548

extensions (markup), 346–347

external assemblies, exporting to classes, 429–434

ExtractResponse method, 509

ExtractResponse method listing (23.11), 509


Fajardo, Jose, 339

File clientaccesspolicy.xml, sample 1 listing (23.2), 501

File clientaccesspolicy.xml, sample 2 listing (23.3), 501

File crossdomain.xml listing (23.1), 500


XAML, converting to, 551–552

XML files, loading, 467–477, 479–480

Zip files

creating, 480

loading, 480–483

reading, 483–485

filtering LINQ (Language Integrated Query), 476

Flash, 8

converters, 551

cross-domain policy file, 500

Flick JSON response listing (23.14), 511


API keys, obtaining, 504

requests, 504–508

responses, handling, 508–514

TOS (terms of service), accepting, 503

flickr-search entry listing (23.4), 505

floating point types, 164–165

flow layout, StackPanel, 301–302

Flow layout with StackPanel listing (15.5), 302

folders, References folder, 429


Blend expression, embedding in, 354–356

controls, 317

Thumbnails application, embedding in, 354–356

Visual Studio, embedding in, 356

for construct, 167

foreach construct, 168

formats, passing standard data formats, 448–449

FrameworkElement class, 293

frameworks, unit tests, 541, 121

FTP client

configuring, 122–123

web server, connecting to, 123

Full Screen button, adding to Expression video player, 256–257, 259

full screen videos, playing, 237

functions (JavaScript), 132

future of Silverlight, 19


Generic class implementation listing (20.14), 437

Generic List (new implementation) listing {20.12}, 436

Generic method implementation listing (20.13), 436

generics, 186, 436–437

GetColor method, 331

GetProperty method, 452

Getting and starting the Storyboard listing (22.13), 479

Getting the parameters at startup listing (21.23), 454

GetUser method, 277

global object (JavaScript), 137–138

Gomes, Celso, 19

GoToState method, 410

GoToState method listing (19.23), 410

Grid panel

adding elements to, 305–307

aligning elements, 302–305

GridSplitter class, 324

grouping elements, 95–96

Guthrie, Scott, 3


handleCounterTicked event handler, 447–449

handleNewUserClicked method, 289

handleSubmitClicked method, 288


errors, 478

JavaScript, 524

events, 330–335

HTML, 288–289

.NET, 263–267

images, UserControl, 399–400

multiple users, 274–277

parts, custom controls, 411–413

SelectionChanged event, 403–405

states, custom controls, 410–411

third-party responses, 508–514

validation errors, 533–534

videos, UserControl, 400–401

hard disks, placing websites on, 282

Hard Rock Cafe demo, 15

hardware requirements for Silverlight, 11

height attribute (object tag), 109

Heuer, Tim, 553

hexidecimal numbering system, 68

hiding media from mouse input, 83

hiding ScrollBar, 308


classes, 291–293

inheritance, 291

history of CSS, 5

history of JavaScript, 5

history of Silverlight, 4


applications, blending with, 285

Dynamic HTML, 443

elements, attaching .NET events to, 454–457

events, handling, 288–289

login dialogs, adding applications to, 283–284

object tag, 109

background parameter, 110

height attribute, 109

id attribute, 109

onerror parameter, 110

onload parameter, 110

type attribute, 109

windowless parameter, 110


access, preventing, 445

.NET, accessing, 443–445

versus ASPX, 160

HTML control listing (24.11), 536

HTML login dialog listing (14.26), 284

HtmlPage class, 443–445

HyperlinkButton control, 319–320


id attribute (object tag), 109

IDEs (Integrated Development Environments), Visual Studio, 457

iframe, embedding HTML applications in existing web pages, 253

if_then_else construct, 166–167

IL (intermediate language) code, 429

image collections, deep zooming, 337–339

Image control, 74

image pyramids, creating, 337–339

images, handling with UserControl, 399–400

implementing interfaces, 342–343

Implementing two event handlers listing (23.22), 515

importing videos in Expression Encoder, 226–227

Infragistics, 552

inheritance, 180

hierarchy, 291

methods, overriding, 447

Initialization code listing (16.12), 331

initialization parameters (JavaScript), passing, 453–454

InitializeComponent method, stepping through, 461

Initializing the ColorBrushes class listing (18.13), 374

Initializing the TextBoxes listing (18.17), 379

InkPresenter control, 327–328, 332–335

inputting text, 317–319


Expression Blend, 54

framework unit tests, 541

Silverlight documentation, 18

Visual Studio, 54, 156


Exception, 521

JavaScript, 137

XAML media instances. creating, 397–399

integer types, 163

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), Visual Studio, 457

integrating Silverlight with existing web page, 115–116, 143–149

animated logo, creating, 117–118

results, testing, 119

XAP files

referencing from external web servers, 119–120

retrieving, 117

Intellisense, 35, 162

interactivity, adding to Thumbnails project, 181–185


implementing, 342–343

thumbnails viewer, creating, 391–393

user interfaces, updating, 486–488

intermediate language (IL) code, 429

interoperability, 261

JavaScript in .NET environment, 261–269, 289

interpreter, 141

isolated storage, 190–193

multibrowser compatibility, 197

reading from, 195

writing to, 195–197

items, scrolling, 422–425

ItemsControls class, 335–337

ItemsSource properties, adding, 393–396

ItemsSourceProperty DP listing (19.5), 395


Januszewski, Karsten, 549

Java applets, 7–8

JavaScript, 261

arrays, 452

built-in objects, 133

case sensitivity, 131

comments, writing, 130

debugging, 150, 463–464

detecting, 150


errors, handling, 524

event handlers, 135–136

multiple event handlers, registering, 440–441

functions, 132

global object, 137–138

history of, 5

initialization parameters, passing, 453–454

instances, 137

JSON, creating objects, 139–140

libraries, 133

literal notation, 138–139

methods, calling from .NET, 267–269

modifying web pages during runtime, 150

.NET environment

data exchange, 445–452

events, attaching to HTML elements, 454–457

events, handling, 263–267

interoperability, 261–269, 289

methods, calling from, 269

objects, 136, 452

prototype property, 132

scripts, loading in web page, 141–142


applications, initializing, 453–454

elements, finding in, 441–443

integrating in existing web page, 143–149

version number, detecting, 149

simple values, 452

statements, 130

static members, 140

this keyword, 142–143

types, 132

variables, 131

null value, 135

undefined values, 134

JavaScriptDotNet application, 439

multiple JavaScript event handlers, registering, 440–441

Silverlight elements, finding, 441–443

JavaScriptDotNet application, JavaScript Code listing (14.7), 265

JavaScriptDotNet application, Page class listing (14.4), 264

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 138

objects, creating, 139–140

strings, decoding, 510–514


Kaxaml, testing XAML markup, 29–30

key frames, 49

keyboard shortcuts for Expression Blend, 60

keyframes, 199, 233


loops, 170

processes, 528–530

Kinney, Adam, 553


launching Expression Blend, 54

Laying out elements in a Grid listing (15.6), 305


flow layout, StackPanel, 301–302

Grid, 302–307

panels, 296–307

ScrollViewer, 307–308

leader video segments, adding in Expression Encoder, 230

Lee, Gigi, 335

libraries, 133

class libraries, creating, 429–432, 434

DLLs, checking, 432

third-party, 552


creating in Expression Blend, 61–62

gradient vector, changing, 62

LINQ (Language Integrated Query)

filtering, 476

XML files, reading, 473–476

ListBox markup listing (18.15), 378

ListBoxes, 372–376

literal notation, 138–139

Live Control, embedding HTML applications in

existing web pages, 254

Loaded event, 470

Loaded event and companion method listing (22.5), 470


XML files, 467–480

Zip files, 480–483

Loading the Zip file listing (22.16), 482

LoadMediaFile method, 471–472

LoadMediaFile method listing (22.6), 471

LoadUsers method, 275, 490

LoadUsers method listing (22.25), 490

LoadZipFile method, 482

LoadZipFile method listing (22.17), 482

lockless controls, templating, 356–361

logical operators, 173

login dialogs, adding to Thumbnails application, 270–289

login link, adding to XAML user interfaces, 280–282

LoginLink_Click event handler, 281

LongDescription DP, 409

LongDescription DP listing (19.21), 409

lookless objects, 405

Looping through the photos, placing requests

listing (23.18), 513

looping videos, 80–81


do_while, 170

for, 167

foreach, 168–169

if_then_else, 166

killing, 170

while, 169–170


Macintosh computers, debugging running applications, 465

Making a LINQ Query listing (22.8), 474

managed codes, 155

manually defined columns, DataGrid, 383

markup extensions, 346–347

mathematical operators, 172

MatrixTransform, 43–44


adding to scenes, 74–79

files, moving with UserControl, 401–402

instances, creating in XAML, 397–399

presenting, 324

removing information from applications, 467–468

transforms, adding, 86


build actions, checking, 282–283

cropping in Expression Encoder, 229

hiding from mouse input, 83

importing with Expression Encoder, 226–227

overlays, adding, 242

players, allowing viewers to select, 245–250

profiles, 227–228

reflection, adding, 104

size of, changing in Expression Encoder, 228

writing with, 84–85

web-based, 86–87

Media class

creating, 388–390

extending, 390–391

MediaDataSource collection listing (19.10), 397

MediaElement control, 387

MediaEx class

creating, 390–391

extending, 481

MediaEx class listing (19.2), 390–391

MediaExCollection class, creating, 391

MediaExCollection class listing (19.3), 391

_mediaFile_Loaded event handler, 477

_mediaFile_Loaded event handler listing (22.10), 477

MediaFileLoadedEventArgs class listing (22.4), 470

MediaFiles folder, creating in ClientBin, 401

mediaFile_DownloadProgressChanged event handler, 486

mediaFile_DownloadProgressChanged handler listing (22.22), 486

MediaInfo class listing (24.3), 531

MediaInfo DP, 410

MediaInfo DP listing (19.22), 409

MediaInfoDisplay constructor listing (19.17), 406

MediaInfoDisplay control

creating, 405–414

default template, creating for, 415–417

parts, handling, 411–413

scenes, adding to, 418–419

states, handling, 410–411


applying, 413–414

creating, 419–420

test data

adding, 417–418

removing, 421

transitions, creating, 420–421

using, 417–422

wiring up, 421–422

MediaInformationFile class, 469–472

MediaPlayer ASP.NET control, 538–541

MediaPlayer ASP.NET control with chapters listing (24.15), 540

MediaPlayer ASP.NET control with event handler listing (24.14), 540

MediaType enumeration and Media class listing (19.1), 388–389

Media_Loaded event handler, 487

Media_Loaded event handler listing (22.24), 487

media_MouseLeftButtonDown event handler listing (19.14), 403

MediaInfoDisplay custom control

blueprints, creating, 405–406

DependencyProperties, adding, 408–410

parts, specifying, 407

shells, creating, 406–410

states, specifying, 407

members (.NET), creating scriptable members, 261–262

Metadata panel (Expression Encoder), 232–233

metainformation, 407

Method AddUser in Page class listing (14.21), 278

Method createDelegate listing (14.29), 286

method execution context, 142–143

Method GetColor listing (16.13), 331

Method OnLoginClicked listing (14.24), 281

Method saySomething listing (14.8), 267

Method saySomething listing (21.6), 442

Method ToString listing (21.15), 447

Method TryFindResource overloaded for the Application class listing (24.26), 548

Method ValidateUser in Page class listing (14.22), 279


AddUser, 276–277, 493–495

ConvertBack, 368

createDelegate, 286

DoWork, 527

extension methods, 542–544

TryFindResource extension method, 544–548

ExtractResponse, 509

generics, 436–437

GetColor, 331

GetProperty, 452

GetUser, 277

GoToState, 410

handleNewUserClicked, 289

handleSubmitClicked, 288

inherited methods, overriding, 447

InitializeComponent, 461

JavaScript methods, calling from .NET, 267–269

LoadMediaFile, 471–472

LoadUsers, 275, 490

LoadZipFile, 482

.NET methods, calling from JavaScript, 269

Object class, overriding, 292

OnLoginClicked, 281

overloading, 185–186

ResponseCallback, 508

SaveUsers, 275–276, 490

saySomething, 442

Scriptable, 454–457

test methods, 449

TestTryFindResourceInLayoutRoot, 543

ToString, 271, 447–448

ValidateUser, 277, 493–495

Methods AddUser listing (14.18), 276

Methods Equals and GetHashCode listing (14.15), 274

Methods GetUser listing (14.20), 278

Methods LoadUsers listing (14.16), 275

Methods SaveUsers listing (14.17), 276

Methods ValidateUser listing (14.19), 277

MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes), 155

Microsoft Silverlight Streaming servers, publishing on, 250–252

Microsoft Visio, converters, 552

mixing colors, 67–69

Modified method TryFindResource listing (24.25), 547

Modified test div element listing (21.24), 455

Modified TryFindResource method listing (24.19), 545

modifying paths with splines, 93

Modifying the Binding listing (24.7), 535

Modifying the DoWork method listing (24.1), 528

multiple JavaScript event handlers, registering, 440–441

multiple users, handling, 274–277

MultiScaleImage control, deep zooming, 339

multithreading programming, 509

MyDate class, 446


namespaces, 23, 176

changing, 430–431

defining, 24–25

UserControl, adding, 397

using directive, 176–177

navigating property paths, 51–52

.NET, 154

code, obfuscation, 530

deprecated functionality, 154


catching, 285–287

HTML elements, attaching to, 454–457

JavaScript, handling in, 263–267

HTML pages, accessing, 443–445


calling methods from, 267–269

data exchange, 445–452

interoperability, 261–269, 289

methods, calling from JavaScript, 269

objects, 180

Silverlight applications, registering with, 262–263

System.Windows.Browser namespace, availability, 262

RegisterScriptableObject method, 262–263

ScriptableMember attribute, 261–262

types, 163

converting to other types, 165

floating point types, 164–165

integer types, 163

versions, 154

New button listing (14.5), 264

New event handler handleCounterTicked listing 21.17), 449

New event handler HtmlButton_Click listing 21.27), 456

new keyword (JavaScript), 132

New method ToString listing (21.16), 449

New SizeSlider listing (18.4), 366

New SolidColorBrush listing (24.23), 547

nonsquare shapes, clipping paths, 94–95

notifications, binding errors, 367–368

Notifying the user and getting the stream listing 23.12), 510

null value (JavaScript), 135


obfuscation, .NET code, 530

Object class, 292

object tag

background parameter, 110

height attribute, 109

id attribute, 109

onerror parameter, 110

onload parameter, 110

type attribute, 109

windowless parameter, 110


Application object, 434–435

binding to, 535–536

collections, storing in, 342–343

data objects

creating, 364–369, 388–391

writing to, 366–367

global objects, 137–138

inspecting, 462

JavaScript, 452

lookless objects, 405

.NET objects, registering, 262–263

User objects, extending, 270–274

value coercion, 321–322

Objects and Timeline category (Style class), 351

ObservableCollection, 374

obtaining web space, 120–121

FTP client, configuring, 122–123

web server requirements, 121

onerror parameter (object tag), 110

OnItemsSourceChanged event handler listing (19.4), 394

online resources, XAML resources, 550–551

onload parameter (object tag), 110

OnLoginClicked method, 281

OnLongChanged event handler listing (19.20), 408

OnSelectionChanged helper method listing (19.8), 396

OOP (object-oriented programming), 175

inheritance, 180

polymorphism, 32

static members, 140

opacity, setting, 71

Opacity property, 50

OpacityMask, creating, 90, 92

opening Solution Explorer, 160


conditional, 173

logical, 173

mathematical, 172

options, setting in Expression Encoder, 224–225


adding to videos, 242

advanced properties, setting, 242

XAML overlays, adding to videos, 243–244

overloading methods, 185–186

Overriden method ToString listing (14.12), 271


inherited methods, 447

object class methods, 292



exceptions, 520–521

panels, 296–307

ThumbnailsViewerControl, 391–393

Packing and re-throwing an exception listing (23.27), 521

Page class, modifying, 278–280

Page_Loaded event handler, 477

Page_Loaded event handler listing (22.9), 477

panels, 296–307

Canvas, 298–301

Expression Blend, 57–58

Metadata panel, 232–233

Expression Encoder, 225

Grid, 302–307

StackPanel, 301–302

parameters, passing, 470

parsing, 141, 476

parts, custom controls

handling, 411–413

specifying, 407

Parts and states listing (19.18), 407


parameters, 470

standard data formats, 448–449

Passing initialization parameters in JavaScript listing (21.21), 453

passwords, storing on web clients, 270

Path Markup Syntax, 95


clipping paths, 94–95

creating, 92

in XAML, 95

modifying with splines, 93

shapes, combining, 93–94

Paths control, 387

pausing videos, 82–83

Pen tool, 92, 426

Pencil tool, 92

photographs, sending for requests, 513–514

placing POST requests, 516–517

playing videos, 82–83

polymorphism, 32, 166, 180

pop-up controls, 310–311

POST requests, placing, 516–517

predefined color listing, 68


data, ItemsControl, 335–337

media, 324

text, 317–319

preventing HTML page access, 445

Preview tab UserControl, 399

primitives, 387

priorities, property setters, 349–350

processes, killing, 528–530

profiles (Expression Encoder), 227–228

programming, multithreading programming, 509

progressive downloads, 240

project files, 58

Project panel (Expression Blend), 58–59


classes, moving, 430

creating, 56

web site projects, debugging, 463

properties, 178–179

Application object, 435

attached properties, 305–307

attaching, 26

CustomTimestamp, 446

DataContex, setting, 370–371

DependencyProperties, 393–396

adding to, 408–410

LongDescription DP, 409

MediaInfo DP, 410

registration, 394

SelectedItem DependencyProperty, 395–396

ShortDescription DP, 408

DescriptionPanelPart, 411–412

Exception instance, 521

ItemsSource, adding, 393–396

OpacityMask, 90, 92

resetting to default value, 64

setting in XAML, 30–31

stretch, 83

User class, 270

UserControl, 98–101

VideoBrush, 84–85

Properties panel (Expression Blend), 60

Property CustomTimestamp listing (21.12), 446

Property in Application object listing (20.10), 435

property paths, navigating, 51–52

property setters, 348–350

protecting source code, 530

prototype property (JavaScript), 132

proxies, client-side, 496

public .NET members, creating scriptable public members, 261–262

Publish Web Site dialog, 457


on Microsoft Silverlight Streaming servers, 250–252

videos on website, 240–241

websites with Visual Studio, 457–458


RadialGradientBrush, 63

RadioButton control, 320

raising events, 187

CounterTicked event, 264–265

SelectionChanged event, 403–405

raster graphics, 72

re-throwing exceptions, 519–521

Re-throwing an exception listing (23.25), 520


XML files. LINQ, 473–476

Zip files, 483–485

Reading the string listing (23.15), 511

Rectangle control, 387

recursion, implementing unit testing, 545–548

redefining equality operators, 272

Redefining the equality operators listing (14.14), 272

refactoring, 432–434

referenced assemblies, 176

References folder, 429


adding to videos, 104

creating under thumbnails, 102–104

registering multiple JavaScript event handlers, 440–441

Registering and unregistering event handler to a Silverlight element listing (21.4), 441

Registering one event handler listing (21.1), 440

Registering two event handlers listing (21.3), 441

Registering two event handlers listing (23.21), 515

RegisterScriptableObject method (.NET), 262–263


DependencyProperties, 394

.NET objects with Silverlight applications, 262–263

Release version

creating, 458–459

Debugged version, comparing, 458

RenderTransform property, 37–39

RepeatButtons control, 319–320

disabling, 423

event handlers, 423

styling, 427–428


binding, 427

creating, 425–428

testing, 427

transitions, changing, 426–427


cross-domain requests, placing, 499–503


preparing for, 504–508

sending to, 504–508

pictures, sending for, 513–514

POST requests, placing, 516–517

security checks, 500

sending, 471–472

triggering, 477

WCF, sending to, 488–497

requirements for Silverlight, 11, 16–17

resetting Blend properties to default value, 64

ResourceDictionaries, 343–344


App.xaml file, storing in, 347–348

Blend expression, moving in, 354

brushes, storing in, 345

code-behind, using in, 345

data objects, creating in, 365–366

Silverlight-related blogs, 553

storing, 343–344

Style class, 348

creating, 348–349

creating in Expression Blend, 350–351

editing in Expression Blend, 351–352

priority system, 349–350

using, 349


creating and purchasing, 549–552

defining in, 344

online resources, 550–551

using in, 345–347

ResponseCallback method, 508

ResponseCallback method listing (23.10), 509


decoding, 509–510

obtaining, 472–473

third-party services, handling, 508–514

restrictions on cross-domain requests, 502–503

retrieving JavaScript initialization parameters, 453–454

reusable UI elements, 405

reusing unit tests, 549

reversing storyboards, 206

rich interactive applications, 499

RotateTransform, 39–40

rotating animations, 46–48

Roxio Buzz, 223

running DataFile classes on servers, 489–491

running applications, debugging, 464–465


SaveUsers method, 275–276, 490

SaveUsers method listing (22.26), 491

saving users, 275–276

saySomething method, 442

Scalable Vector Graphics SVG, 552

scale animations, 49–50

ScaleTransform, 41, 49–50


composing in XAML, 32–34

dragging Canvas class, 298–301

drawing applications, preparing, 328–330

media, adding, 74–76, 78–79

MediaInfoDisplay control, adding, 418–419

scrollbars, adding, 97

schema, 24

script commands, firing in Expression Encoder, 254–256

scriptable classes, creating, 263–264

Scriptable method, 454–457

scriptable public .NET members, creating, 261–262

ScriptableMember attribute (.NET), 261–262

ScriptableMember listing (14.1), 262

ScriptObject class, converting, 449–452

scripts (JavaScript)

loading in web page, 141–142

wiring up, 287–288

Scrollbar control, 320–321


adding to a scene, 97

disabling and hiding, 308

scrolling items, 422–425

ScrollViewer, 97–98, 307–308

ScrollViewer in code listing (15.9), 308

ScrollViewer in XAML listing (15.8), 307

ScrollViewer property, 97


of web applications, 10–11

source code, protecting, 530

SelectedItem DependencyProperty, adding, 395–396

SelectedItem DP listing (19.7), 395

SelectionChanged event, 396, 403–405

SendFlickrRequests method listing (23.9), 507

sending requests, 471–472

serialization, 270–271

serialization languages, XAML, 293


DataFile classes

moving to, 488–489

running on, 489–491

users, moving to, 488–489

Service Reference, updating, 527–528

service references, adding to client applications, 494–495


third-party services, communicating with, 503–516

WCF services

creating, 491–492

implementing, 492–494


DataContext property, 370–371

initialization parameters in JavaScript, 453

Setting the data context listing (18.9), 371

Setting the first column’s width listing (18.19), 382

Setting the TextBlocks’ brushes in code listing (19.13), 402

Setting the ThumbDisplay1 listing (22.23), 487

Settings Border and Grid listing (16.8), 329

Settings Button listing (16.11), 330

Settings class, 421

Settings class listing (18.1), 364

Settings class listing (20.4), 421

Settings in resources listing (18.3), 366

Settings Popup listing (16.7), 329

SetTitleButton_Click event handler, 444


combining, 93–94

drawing, 311–313

working with in Expression Blend, 60

Shapes listing (15.10), 312

shells, creating custom controls, 406–410

ShortDescription DP, 408

ShortDescription DP listing (19.19), 408


applications, copying, 124–126

CSS (Cascaded Style Sheets), comparing with, 341

detecting, 114

developing, requirements, 16–17

documentation, 18

evolution of, 553

future of, 19

hardware requirements, 11

history of, 4

integrating with existing web page, 115–116, 143–149

animated logo, creating, 117–118

results, testing, 119

XAP files, retrieving, 117

XAP files, referencing from external web server, 119–120

running on multiple platforms, 9–10

tutorials, 18–19

Silverlight ASP.NET control listing (24.12), 537

Silverlight Cream blog, 553

Silverlight Streaming Servers, publishing on, 250–252

silverlightControlHost class, 443

SilverlightDraw, setting the scene listing (16.6), 328

SilverlightPad, testing XAML markup, 27–29

Simple DataGrid listing (18.18), 380

simple property syntax, 30

simple values, JavaScript, 452

SimpleUserLogin logic listing (20.9), 433

SimpleUserLogin UI listing (20.8), 433

size of videos, changing in Expression Encoder, 228

Size Slider listing (16.10), 330

SkewTransform, 42–43

skins, controls, 550–551

Slider control, 320–321, 387

smooth transitions, 50

SoftwareFX, 552

solution files, 58

Solution Explorer, opening, 160

source code, protecting, 530

special configurations, binding, 531–536

splines, modifying paths, 93

stacking elements with StackPanel, 301


elements, stacking, 301

flow layout, 301–302

standard data formats, passing, 448–449

starting animations, 208

startup screens, adding to applications, 468–469

statements (JavaScript), 130

states, custom controls

handling, 410–411

specifying, 407

States category, modifying, 358–359

static members, 140

static registrations, classes, 394

Status TextBlock listing (23.20), 515

stepping through code, 459–461

stopping animations, 208

storing data

in App.xaml file, 347–348

collections, 342–343

isolated storage, 190–193

multibrowser compatibility, 197

reading from, 195

writing to, 195–197

resources, 343–344

Storyboard to hide the cache listing (22.3), 469

storyboards, 200

reversing, 206

triggering, 201–202

streaming servers, publishing on Streaming Silverlight servers, 250–252

streaming videos, 239–240

Stretch property, 83

StringReader, creating, 512

strings, decoding JSON strings, 510–514

Style class, 348–352

Blend expression

creating in, 350–351

editing in, 351–352

creating, 348–349

Objects and Timeline category, 351

priority system, 349–350

using, 349

XAML, defining in, 348

styles, applying, 341

to controls, 316–317, 348–352

to RepeatButtons control, 427–428

to TextBlocks, 352–353

to Thumbnails application, 352–354

StylusDevice class, 332

subscribing to events, 189, 265–267

Swanson, Mike, 551

switch_case condition operator, 170–171

synchronizing animations, 204

System.Windows.Browser namespace, .NET objects availability, 262

System.Windows.Controls.Panel class, 296–307


TabControl, 336–337

tablets, writing text with, 327–328

TargetProperty syntax, 48

TDD (Test Driven Development), 458, 541

Teach Yourself ASP.NET 2.0 in 24 Hours, 489

Telerik, 552

TemplateColumn for the Name column listing (18.21), 385

TemplateColumn for the Timestamp column listing (18.22), 385

templates, 316–317, 341

CheckBox, 358–361

controls, binding in, 359–360

custom controls, applying, 413–414

data templates, creating, 376–378

default templates, 357–358

lockless controls, 356–361

MediaInfoDisplay control, creating for, 415–420

RepeatButtons control

binding, 427

creating, 425–428

XAML templates, purchasing, 551

TEMPMediaDataSource collection listing (19.11), 398

test applications, creating, 542–544

test data

MediaInfoDisplay control

adding to, 417–418

removing from, 421

UserControl, removing from, 401

Test div element listing (21.8), 444

Test Driven Development (TDD), 458, 541

Test initialization method listing (24.16), 543

test methods, 449

Test methods listing (21.18), 450

test pages, creating, 107–108


animations in Blend, 201

applications, 480

components, 432

events, 267

RepeatButtons control, 427

Silverlight files on web server, 126

unit tests, 541

creating, 541–549

frameworks, 541

recursion, 545–548

reusing, 549

test applications, 542–544

test passes, 545

TryFindResource extension method, 544–548

video in Expression Encoder, 231–232

XAML markup

with KaXaml, 29–30

with SilverlightPad, 27–29

TestTryFindResourceInLayoutRoot method, 543

TestTryFindResourceInLayoutRoot method listing (24.17), 543

TestTryFindResourceNotFound method listing (24.22), 546


inputting, 317–319

presenting, 317–319

writing, 327–328

TextBlock and HyperlinkButton listing (14.23), 280

TextBlock control, 317–318, 352–353, 387

TextBox control, 318–319

TextBoxes, initializing, 379

TextBox_BindingValidationError error handler, 533

TextBox_BindingValidationError error handler listing (24.4), 533

third-party controls, 552

third-party libraries, 552

third-party plugins, 7–8

third-party services, communicating with, 503–506, 508–514, 516

third-party web technologies, running on multiple platforms, 9

this keyword (JavaScript), 132, 142–143

threading context, 508

threads, 509

Three event handlers listing (21.20), 451

Three TextBlocks listing (21.19), 450

throwing exceptions, 517–521

Thumb class, 322–324

thumbnails, placing into ScrollViewer, 97–98

Thumbnails application

display frame, adding, 101–102

fonts, embedding in, 354–356

HTML events, handling, 288–289

HTML login dialogs, adding to, 283–284

interactivity, adding, 181–185

items, scrolling, 422–425

login dialogs, adding to, 270–289

media files, build actions, 282–283

media information, removing, 467–468

.NET event, catching, 285–287

reflection, adding under thumbnails, 102–104

scripts, wiring up, 287–288

Silverlight animations, adding, 210–220

startup screen, adding, 468–469

styling, 352–354

web projects, adding to, 282

Thumbnails constructor listing (14.28), 2851

Thumbnails prototype listing (14.30), 286

thumbnails viewer

creating, 387–396

data objects, creating, 388–391

DataTemplate, designing for, 399–401

images, handling, 399–400

interface, creating, 391–393

media files, moving, 401–402

namespaces, adding, 397

Preview tab, 399

real data, connecting to, 403

SelectionChanged event, raising and handling, 403–405

videos, handling, 400–401

XAML media instances, creating, 397–399

ThumbnailsViewerControl, packing, 391–393

ThumbnailsViewerControl_LayoutUpdated event handler listing (20.7), 424

ThumbnailsViewer_SelectionChanged event handler listing (19.16), 404

timelines, 200–201

timeouts, 522

ToggleButton control, 319–320

TOS (terms of service), Flickr, 503

ToString method, 270–271, 447–448

trailer video segments, adding in Expression Encoder, 230

TransformGroup, composing transforms, 45

transforms, 37

adding to media, 86

composing, 45

creating, 89

MatrixTransform, 43–44

RotateTransform, 39–40

ScaleTransform, 41, 49–50

SkewTransform, 42–43

TranslateTransform, 40


MediaInfoDisplay control, creating, 420–421

RepeatButtons control, changing, 426–427

Translate animation, 212–220

TranslateTransform, 40

transparency, setting, 69–70


requests, 477

storyboards, 201–202

TryFindResource extension method, 544–548

TryFindResource method listing (24.18), 544

Trying to register two event handler listing (21.2), 440

tutorials for Silverlight, 18–19

Two event handlers listing (21.5), 442

Two events and a helper method listing (23.7), 506

Two methods listing (24.21), 546

Two new classes listing (23.5), 505

Two new classes listing (23.6), 505

Two new properties listing (14.11), 270

Two new properties listing (22.15), 481

type attribute (object tag), 109


anonymous, 476

JavaScript, 132

.NET, 163

converting to other types, 165

floating point types, 164–165

integer types, 163


UIElement class, 292–293

UIs (user interfaces), updating, 486–488, 514–516

Undefined resource listing (17.5), 347

undefined values (JavaScript), 134

unhandled exceptions, catching, 522–524

unit tests, 541

creating, 541–549

framework, installing, 541

recursion, implementing, 545–548

reusing, 549

test applications, creating, 542–544

test passes, 545

TryFindResource extension method, 544–548

unmanaged code, 155

Updated Border listing (18.5), 367


client applications, 494–497

Service Reference, 527–528

user interfaces, 486–488, 514–516

User class, 517

constructors, 271–272

properties, 270

ToString method, 270–271

User class constructor listing (23.23), 517

user controls, 98, 100–101, 405

user interfaces

describing with XML, 23

updating, 486–488, 514–516

user objects, extending, 270–274


creating, 387–388, 390–396

data objects, creating, 388–391

DataTemplate, designing for, 399–401

images, handling, 399–400

ItemsSource property, adding, 393–396

media files, moving, 401–402

namespaces, adding, 397

Preview tab, 399

properties, 98, 100–101

real data, connecting to, 403

SelectionChanged event, raising and handling, 403–405

test data source, 401

videos, handling, 400–401

XAML media instances, creating, 397–399

UserInformation class, 492

UserInformation class listing (22.27), 492


comparing, 272–274

saving, 275–276

servers, moving to, 488–489

Using a DatePicker and catching errors, C# code listing (16.5), 327

Using a DatePicker and catching errors, XAML markup listing (16.4), 327

Using a generic class listing (20.15), 437

Using a GridSplitter listing (16.3), 324

Using a resource in code listing (17.3), 345

using directive, 176–177

using statements, 183

Using the Bubbly style listing (24.27), 551

Using the DoubleToThicknessConverter listing (18.8), 369

Using the explicit data context in the Border listing (18.10), 371

Using the explicit data context in the Slider listing (18.11), 371


ValidateUser method, 277, 493–495

ValidateUser method listing (22.28), 493

ValidateUserCompleted event handler, 496

ValidateUserCompleted event handler listing (22.32), 496

validation errors, handling, 533–534

Validation properties listing (24.5), 534

value coercion, 321–322


bindings, converting in, 368–369

JavaScript, 131


inspecting, 462–463

JavaScript, 452

modifying, 462–463

vector graphics, 72–73


application assemblies, 434

components, 434

versions of .NET, 154

VideoBrush property, painting videos with, 84–85

VideoPlayer_Ended event handler, 539

VideoPlayer_Ended event handler listing (24.13), 539


auto-play, disabling, 80

captions, adding, 234

chapters, adding, 233–234

cropping in Expression Encoder, 229

encoding for Silverlight, 235–236

full screen, enabling, 237

handling, UserControl, 400–401

hiding from mouse input, 83

importing with Expression Encoder, 226–227

looping, 80–81


adding, 242

advanced properties, setting, 242

XAML overlays, adding, 243–244

pausing, 82–83

players, allowing viewer to select, 245–250

playing, 82–83

profiles, 227–228

publishing on website, 240–241

reflections, adding, 104

size of, changing in Expression Encoder, 228

streaming, 239–240

writing with, 84–85

visibility, 177

Visual Studio. See also Visual Studio 2008 17


debugging, 458–465

refactoring, 430–434

Debug toolbar, 460

fonts, embedding in, 356

installing, 54

websites, publishing directly from, 457–458

Visual Studio 2008, 17

installing, 156

Intellisense, 162

Silverlight 2 applications, creating, 156–157, 162

compilation errors, finding, 158

Silverlight project files, 160–161

Web Site project files, 159


Walking the tree listing (17.4), 346

walking the tree of elements, 346–347

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation)

requests, making, 488–497


creating, 491–492

implementing, 492–494

WCF Unleashed, 489

web applications, security of, 10–11

web browsers, caching applications, 439

web clients

JavaScript, 261

passwords, storing on, 270

web projects, adding applications to, 282

web servers

connecting to, 123

FTP client, configuring, 122–123

requirements, 121

Silverlight files, testing, 126

web space, obtaining, 120–121

web sites

debugging, 463

publishing with Visual Studio, 457–458

web space, obtaining, 120–121

web-based media, 86–87

webpages, modifying during runtime, 150

websites, placing on hard disks, 282

while loop, 169–170

windowless parameter (object tag), 110

Windows Presentation Foundation, 345

wiring up scripts, 287–288, 421–422

WPF/E (Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere), 3


to data objects, bindings, 366–367

to isolated storage, 195–197

text, 327–32


XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language), 21–23

Border element, 309

code-behind, comparing with, 293–296

elements, 294

files, converting to, 551–552

Grid layout, 303

login links, adding to user interfaces, 280–282

markup, testing

with KaXaml, 29–30

with SilverlightPad, 27–29

media instances, creating in, 397–399

overlays, adding to videos, 243–244

paths, 95

Popup, 310

properties, setting, 30–311


creating, 549–552

defining in, 344

online resources, 550–551

purchasing, 549–552

using in, 345–347

scenes, composing, 32–34

ScrollViewer, 307

StackPanel, 301

Style class, defining in, 348

TabControl, 336

templates, purchasing, 551

TextBlock control, 317

XAML Archive, 551

XAML Elements listing (15.1), 294

XAML scene for dragging listing (15.3), 298–299

XAML test markup listing (21.9), 444

xap files, 110, 119–120

Xceed, 552

XML (eXtensible Markup Language)

comments, adding, 27

data sources, 386

document characteristics, 22


loading, 467–480

reading, LINQ, 473–476

namespaces, 23–25

user interfaces, describing, 23

XML Media Information File listing (22.1), 468

Zip files

creating, 480

loading, 480–483

reading, 483–485

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