SEO Research and Analysis

SEO is rapidly evolving. Search engines are constantly changing their algorithms, and new media and technologies are being introduced to the Web on a regular basis. Staying current requires an ongoing commitment to research.

SEO Resources

One of the easiest ways to research what is happening in the world of SEO is to study the websites and periodicals that cover SEO in detail, but ongoing testing of SEO hypotheses should also play a role.


A large number of online sites cover the search marketing space. Here is a short list of some of the most well-known ones:

Each of these sites publishes columns on a daily basis, with Search Engine Land and Search Engine Watch publishing multiple posts every weekday. The columns are typically written by industry experts who have been chosen for their ability to communicate information of value to their reader bases. SEOmoz also provides a wide range of tools and resources for SEO practitioners.


Magazines and journals that cover search and web marketing issues provide an additional information stream. Despite the fact that they provide less frequent coverage (as they are published monthly/bimonthly), the following are worth investigating:

Commentary from search engine employees

Search engine representatives sometimes actively participate in forums, or publish blog posts and/or videos designed for webmasters. The main blogs for each of the three major search engines at the time of this writing are:

The search engines use these blogs to communicate official policy, announce new things, and provide webmasters with useful tips. You can reach Google personnel via the Google Webmaster Help group in Google Groups ( Members of the Google webspam team are active in this group, answering questions and even starting their own new threads from time to time.

You can also interact with search engine representatives in various forums, such as WebmasterWorld ( and Search Engine Roundtable ( Sometimes they use a nickname such as “googleguy” or “msndude,” so watch for those. You can also watch for search engine personnel who leave comments in popular SEO blogs. We will discuss the value of forums in more detail in The SEO Industry on the Web.

Interpreting commentary

Search engine reps are “managed” by their corporate communications departments. Some aren’t allowed to go on the record. Some need approval before doing so, and/or need their comments edited before publication. A rare few have free reign (e.g., Matt Cutts). Often they can’t be very specific or they can’t answer questions at all. The algorithms the search engines use are highly proprietary and they need to keep them secret.

This means there are certain types of questions they won’t answer, such as “What do I have to do to move from position 3 to position 1 on a particular search?” Or “How come this spammy site ranks so much higher than mine?”

In addition, they have their own motives and goals. They will want to reduce the amount of spam in their search index and on the Web overall (which is a good thing), but this may lead them to take positions on certain topics based on those goals.

As an example, Google does not talk about its capability for detecting paid links, but it suggests that its ability to detect them is greater than the general webmaster community believes. Taking this position is, in itself, a spam-fighting tactic, since it may scare people away from buying links who otherwise might have chosen to do so (as we indicated in Chapter 7, we do not recommend purchasing links, but this example is meant to illustrate how a policy might affect communications).

In spite of these limitations, you can gather a lot of useful data from interacting with search engine representatives.

SEO Testing

SEO is both an art and a science. As with any scientific discipline, it requires rigorous testing of hypotheses. The results need to be reproducible, and you have to take an experimental approach so as not to modify too many variables at once. Otherwise, you will not be able to tell which changes were responsible for the results.

And although you can glean a tremendous amount of knowledge of SEO best practices, latest trends, and tactics from SEO blogs, forums, and e-books, it is hard to separate the wheat from the chaff and to know with any degree of certainty that an SEO-related claim will hold true. That’s where the testing of your SEO comes in: proving what works and what doesn’t.

Unlike multivariate testing for optimizing conversion rates, where many experiments can be run in parallel, SEO testing requires a serial approach. Everything must filter through the search engines before the impact can be gauged. This is made more difficult by the fact that there’s a lag between making changes and having the revised pages get spidered, as well as another lag while the spidered content makes it into the index and onto the search engine results pages (SERPs). On top of that, the results delivered depend on the user’s search history, the Google data center accessed, and other variables that you cannot hold constant.

Sample experimental approach

Let’s imagine you have a product page with a particular ranking in Google for a specific search term, and you want to improve the ranking and resultant traffic. Rather than applying a number of different SEO tactics at once, start varying things one at a time:

  1. Tweak just the title tag and see what happens.

  2. Continue making further revisions to the title tag in multiple iterations until your search engine results show that the tag truly is optimal.

  3. Move on to the H1 tag, tweaking that and nothing else.

  4. Watch what happens. Optimize it in multiple iterations.

  5. Move on to the intro copy, then the breadcrumb navigation, and so on.

You can test many different elements in this scenario, such as:

  • Title tag

  • Headline (H1) tag

  • Placement of the body copy in the HTML

  • Presence of keywords in the body copy

  • Keyword prominence

  • Keyword repetitions

  • Anchor text of internal links to that page

  • Anchor text of inbound links to that page from sites over which you have influence

Testing should be iterative and ongoing, not just a “one-off” in which you give it your best shot and you’re done. If you’re testing title tags, continue trying different things to see what works best. Shorten it; lengthen it; move words around; substitute words with synonyms. If all else fails, you can always put it back to the way it was.

When doing iterative testing, it’s good to do what you can to speed up the spidering and indexation so that you don’t have to wait as long between iterations to see the impact.

You can do this by flowing more link juice to the pages you want to test. That means linking to them from higher in the site tree (e.g., from the home page). But be sure to give it some time before forming your baseline, because you will want the impact of changing the internal links to show in the search engines before initiating your test (to prevent the two changes from interacting).

Or you can use the Google Sitemaps protocol to set a priority for each page from 0 to 1.0. Dial up the priority to 1.0 to increase the frequency with which your test pages will be spidered.


Don’t make the mistake of setting all your pages to 1.0; if you do, none of your pages will be differentiated from each other in priority, and thus none will get preferential treatment from Googlebot.

Since geolocation and personalization mean that not everyone is seeing the same search results, you shouldn’t rely on rankings as your only bellwether regarding what worked or didn’t work.

Other useful SEO metrics

As we discussed in Chapter 9, many other meaningful SEO metrics exist, including:

  • Traffic to the page

  • Spider activity

  • Search terms driving traffic per page

  • Number and percentage of pages yielding search traffic

  • Searchers delivered per search term

  • Ratio of brand to nonbrand search terms

  • Unique pages spidered

  • Unique pages indexed

  • Ratio of pages spidered to pages indexed

  • Conversion rate

  • And many others

But just having better metrics isn’t enough. An effective testing regimen also requires a platform that is conducive to performing rapid-fire iterative tests, in which each test can be associated with reporting based on these new metrics. Such a platform comes in very handy with experiments that are difficult to conduct under normal circumstances.

Testing a category name revision applied sitewide is harder than, say, testing a title tag revision applied to a single page. Specifically, consider a scenario where you’re asked to make a business case for changing the category name “kitchen electrics” to a more search-engine-optimal “kitchen small appliances” or “small kitchen appliances”. Conducting the test to quantify the value would require applying the change to every occurrence of “kitchen electrics” across the website. A tall order indeed, unless you can conduct the test as a simple search-and-replace operation, which you can do by applying it through a proxy server platform.

By acting as a middleman between the web server and the spider, a proxy server can facilitate useful tests that normally would be invasive on the e-commerce platform and time-intensive for the IT team to implement.


During the proxying process, not only can words be replaced, but also HTML, site navigation, Flash, JavaScript, frames, even HTTP headers—almost anything. You also can do some worthwhile side-by-side comparison tests; a champion/challenger sort of model that compares the proxy site to the native website.

Start with a hypothesis

A sound experiment always starts with a hypothesis. For example, if a page isn’t performing well in the engines and it’s an important product category, you might hypothesize that this product category isn’t performing well because it’s not well linked from within your site. Or you may conclude that this page isn’t ranking well because it is targeting unpopular keywords, or because it doesn’t have enough copy.

Once you have your hypothesis, you can set up a test to gauge its truth. Try these steps:

  1. In the case of the first hypothesis, link to that page from the home page and measure the impact.

  2. Wait at least a few weeks for the impact of the test to be reflected in the rankings.

  3. If the rankings don’t improve, formulate another hypothesis and conduct another test.

Granted, this can be a slow process if you have to wait a month for the impact of each test to be revealed, but in SEO, patience is a virtue. Reacting too soon to changes you see in the SERPs can lead you to false conclusions. You need to give the search engines time to fully process what you have done so that you can improve the chances that you are drawing the right conclusions based on your tests. You also need to remember that the search engines may be making changes in their algorithms at the same time.

Analysis of Top-Ranking Sites and Pages

There are many reasons for wanting to analyze top-ranking sites, particularly those that are top-ranking in your market space. They may be your competitors’ sites—which is reason enough to explore what they are doing—but even if they are not, it can be very helpful to understand the types of things they are doing to see how those things helped them get their top rankings. With this information in hand you can be better informed as you decide how to put together the strategy for your site.

Let’s start by reviewing a number of metrics of interest and how to get them:

  1. Start with a simple business analysis to see how a particular company’s business overlaps with yours and with other top-ranked sites in your market space. It is good to know who is competing directly and who is competing only indirectly.

  2. Find out the starting year for the website. This can be helpful in evaluating the site’s momentum. Determining the domain age is easy; you can do it by checking the domain’s Whois records. Obtaining the age of the site is trickier. However, you can use the Wayback Machine ( to get an idea of when a site was launched (or at least when it had enough exposure that started tracking it).

  3. Determine the number of Google results for a search for the domain name (including the extension) for the past six months, excluding the domain itself. To get this information, search for in Google. Then append as_qdr=m6 to the end of the results page URL and reload the page.

  4. Determine the number of Google results for a search for the domain name (including the extension) for the past three months, excluding the domain itself. This time modify the results page URL by adding &as_qdr=m3 to the end of it.

  5. Perform a query on Google Blog Search ( for the domain name, excluding the domain itself, on the default settings (no particular timeline).

  6. Find out from Google Blog Search how many posts have appeared about the site in the past month. To do this, search for the domain in Google Blog Search, but then append &as_qdr=m1 to the end of the results page URL and reload the page.

  7. Obtain the PageRank of the domain’s home page as reported by the Google Toolbar.

  8. Use Yahoo! Site Explorer to determine how many backlinks the site has. Better still is if you have an industrial-strength tool such as SEOmoz’s Linkscape ( or Majestic-SEO ( These tools provide a much richer set of link data based on their own crawl of the Web, including additional critical details such as the anchor text of the links.

  9. Pull a traffic chart from Compete ( that compares the site’s traffic to that of its direct competitors to see how it is doing trafficwise. Repeat the traffic analysis with Quantcast ( and Alexa ( Be careful to not put too much stock in the specific numbers, as the measurement techniques of these services are crude, but the relative traffic numbers should be information of great interest (e.g., competitor A is doing better than competitor B and how they both compare to you).

  10. If you are able to access a paid service such as Hitwise ( or comScore (, you can pull a rich set of additional data, breaking out the site’s traffic by source (e.g., organic versus paid versus direct traffic versus other referrers). You can also pull information on their highest-volume search terms for both paid and organic search.

  11. Determine the number of indexed pages in each of the three major search engines, using

  12. If relevant, obtain Technorati’s authority number for the site, which derives from the number of individual, unique blogs that have linked to a site in the past 90 days.

  13. If relevant, get Google’s feed subscriber numbers for the site, which you can find by searching for domains inside Google Reader.

  14. If relevant, determine Bloglines’ subscription numbers for the site, which derives from searches performed inside Bloglines.

  15. Search on the company brand name at Google, restricted to the past six months (by appending &as_qdr=m6 as outlined earlier).

  16. Repeat the preceding step, but for only the past three months (using &as_qdr=m3).

  17. Perform a Google Blog Search for the brand name using the default settings (no time frame).

  18. Repeat the preceding step, but limit it to blog posts from the past month (using &as_qdr=m1).

Of course, this is a pretty extensive analysis to perform, but it’s certainly worthwhile for the few sites which are the most important ones in your space. You might want to pick a subset for other related sites.


As valuable as website metrics are, brand names can sometimes provide even more insight. After all, not everyone is going to use the domain name when talking about a particular brand, nor will they all link. Thus, looking at brand mentions over the past few months can provide valuable analysis.

Analysis of Algorithmic Differentiation Across Engines and Search Types

Each search engine makes use of its own proprietary algorithms to crawl and index the Web. Although many of the basic elements are the same (such as links being used as votes), there are significant differences among the different engines. Here are some examples of elements that can vary in on-page SEO analysis:

  • Weight of title tags

  • Weight of heading tags

  • Emphasis on title tags

  • Weight placed on synonyms

  • Value of internal link anchor text

  • How internal links are weighted as votes for a page

  • Duplicate content filtering methods

  • And many, many more

Similarly, there are many different ways a search engine can tune its algorithm for evaluating links:

  • Percentage of a page’s link juice that it can vote for other pages

  • Weight of anchor text

  • Weight of text near the anchor text

  • Weight of overall linking page relevance

  • Weight of overall relevance of the site with the linking page

  • Factoring in placement of the link on the page

  • Precise treatment of NoFollow

  • Other reasons for discounting a link (obviously paid, manually tagged as paid, etc.)

  • And many, many more

A detailed understanding of the specifics of a search engine’s ranking system is not possible. However, with determination you can uncover various aspects of how the search engines differ. One tactic for researching search engine differences is to conduct some comparative searches across the engines. For example, if you search on blog in Google and Yahoo! you get the data shown in Table 11-1.

There are some pretty significant differences. For example, notice how Yahoo! has Google Blog Search as its #3 result. Google has most likely filtered this out of the results because it is a search engine home page, and Yahoo! has not. Yahoo! also has in the #2 position, whereas Google does not list it as a result at all.

You can also try to conduct some detailed analysis to guess why Seth Godin shows up in Google but not in Yahoo!, or why Yahoo! is showing the WordPress site. You may find that Google is weighting anchor text more heavily, whereas Yahoo! places greater value on contextual analysis.

It is also interesting to analyze the similarities. Both search engines have in the #1 position and the Wikipedia page in a high position. This speaks to things in common in the algorithms.

Using Experience and Instinct

There are some commonly perceived differences among the search engines. For example, Yahoo! is perceived to be more focused on contextual analysis than Google. Google is believed to place greater weight on link analysis than Yahoo! or Bing (note that link analysis is very important to all three engines).

There are also institutional biases to consider. Yahoo!, for example, has some of the world’s most popular websites (e.g.,, and this gives Yahoo! access to data that the other search engines don’t have from those sites. Given its huge market share, Google has the richest array of actual search data. Similarly, Microsoft has substantial assets in terms of its software and operating businesses, MSN (, and products such as Hotmail. The nature of the data that they have available to them can be influencing factors in how the search engines make their decisions.

Over time and with experience, you can develop a sixth sense for the SERPs so that when you look at a set of search results you will have a good grasp of the key factors in play without having to analyze dozens of them.

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