Types of Link Building

There are many different link-building tactics—too many to list in this book. This section will examine in depth some of the more common ones.

Using Content to Attract Links

In natural link building, the publisher must provide compelling content. Publishers need a good reason to provide links to another site, and it is not something they do frivolously. Superior content or tools are the key to obtaining such links.

Aggressive publishers can even let their content strategy be guided by their link-building strategy. This is not to say that they should let their link-building strategy drive their business strategy.

Normally, however, there are many different types of content a site could produce. The concept is simply to identify the link-building targets and what content will most resonate with the publisher of the target sites, and then tweak the content plan accordingly. Keyword research can also help identify content related to your target market, and can play a role in identifying topics that may help attract links.

Content is at the heart of achieving link-building nirvana—having a site so good that people discover it and link to it without any effort on the publisher’s part. This can be done, but it does require that the publisher create content that truly stands out for the topics that its site covers, and that it thinks about link acquisition in every aspect of the publishing process.

The types of content that can attract links vary by market. Here are a few basic rules that a publisher can follow to maximize its results:

  • Use content that helps establish your site as a leading expert on its topic matter. When you produce really high-quality stuff, it builds trust with the user community and increases your chances of getting links.

  • Minimize the commercial nature of the content pages. As an extreme example, no one is going to link to a page where the only things they see above the fold are AdSense ad units, even if the content below it is truly awesome. Of course, there are less obvious ways to present too many ads, such as too much advertising in the areas around the content or obtrusive overlays and animations.

  • Do not put ads in the content itself or link to purely commercial pages unless such pages really merit a link based on the content. No one wants to link to a commercial.

  • Do not disguise the relationship between the content and the commercial part of your site. This is the opposite side of the coin. If you are a commercial site and you hide it altogether, you run the risk of being viewed as deceitful.

You can use many types of content to attract links. Article content, compelling images, videos, widgets/tools, or even developing online games can be effective link-building tactics.

When content is published on your site, you have other decisions to make, such as whether the content goes in a special section or whether it is integrated throughout the site.

As an example of how you can make this decision, an e-tail site that publishes a large catalog of products may not want all (or some of) the pages in its catalog laden with a lot of article content. A site such as this might build a separate section with all kinds of tips, tricks, and advice related to the products it sells.

On the other hand, an advertising-supported site might want to integrate the content throughout the main body of the site.

Marketing Content for Link Acquisition

Content can be marketed in many ways. These include:

Content syndication

A publisher may choose to create content for placement on another site. One reason for this would be to provide the content to another site in return for a link to its site. This can be an effective link-building strategy.

Social media

Social media sites such as Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Delicious can be useful in marketing content. We will cover this more in Social Networking for Links.

Spreading content via blogs

Blogging can also be a great tactic for link building. Bloggers are very social and interactive by nature, and they tend to link back and forth quite freely. As with other forms of social media, it’s best to do this by being an active contributor to other blogs through commenting and building relationships. We will discuss the concept of blogging for links in more detail in Social Networking for Links.


Directories can be a great way to obtain links. A large number of directories are out there, and they may or may not require cash to be paid to obtain a listing. Table 7-1 lists some examples of quality directories.

Table 7-1. List of quality directories

Directory name


DMOZ (open directory project)


Yahoo! Directory


Librarians’ Internet Index


Inc.com Recommended Start-Up Resources


Nature.com Recommended Links






The Vegetarian Resource Group




Open Source Initiative




Best of the Web




eHub by Emily Chang




Environment Directory


Audioholics Buying Guide


Fast Company Talent & Careers Resource Center


Yudkin’s Recommended Publicity & Marketing Resources


Wheelock College Recommended Websites


New Zealand Tourism Online


Eat Well Guide




American Library Association Great Web Sites for Kids


Princeton University Outdoor Action Program Guide to Outdoor Resources on the Web


Essential Links to Sports Resources


Blog Toplist


Blog Catalog




Online Ethics Center


I Train Online


The Library of Economics and Liberty


The TalkOrigins Archive



Arts and Humanities



National Institute of Nursing Research


National Marine Fisheries Service Northwest Regional Office


Sexuality Information and Education Council of the US




U.S. Global Change Research Program


American Society for Quality





Arts and Humanities

American Philosophical Association

Arts and Humanities

Art History Resources

Arts and Humanities

Rethinking Schools Online


International Reading Association

Arts and Humanities

David Chalmers Philosophy Links

Arts and Humanities

The key to success in link-building to directories is to identify the high-quality ones and stay away from the poor-quality ones. A good-quality indicator is whether the directory exists for users or for webmasters; if it’s the latter, stay away from it.

What search engines want from directories

Here are the essential factors the search engines look for:

  • The paid fee is made in payment for an editorial review, not for a link.

  • Editors may, at their whim, change the location, title, and description of the listing.

  • Editors may reject the listing altogether.

  • Regardless of the outcome, the directory keeps the money (even if the publisher doesn’t get a listing).

  • The directory has a track record of rejecting submissions. The inverse of this, which is more measurable, is that the quality of the sites listed in the directory is high.

Ultimately, “anything for a buck” directories do not enforce editorial judgment, and therefore the listings do not convey value to the search engines.

To take a closer look at this, let’s examine some of the key statements from Yahoo!’s Directory Submission Terms:

For websites that do not feature adult content or services, the Yahoo! Directory Submit service costs US$299 (nonrefundable) for each Directory listing that is submitted.

I understand that there is no guarantee my site will be added to the Yahoo! Directory.

I understand that Yahoo! reserves the right to edit my suggestion and category placement; movement or removal of my site will be done at Yahoo!’s sole discretion.

These statements make it pretty clear that Yahoo! will in fact reject your submission if your site is not a quality site, and it will keep your money.

Classifying directories

You can divide directories into three buckets:

Directories that provide sustainable links

These are directories that comply with the policies as outlined earlier. Most likely, these links will continue to pass link juice for the foreseeable future.

Directories that pass link juice that may not be sustainable

These are directories that do not comply with the policies as outlined earlier. The reason such directories exist is that search engines tend to use an “innocent until proven guilty” approach. So, the search engine must proactively make a determination of guilt before a directory’s ability to pass link juice is turned off.

Even so, link juice from these types of directories is probably not going to be passed in the long term.

Directories that do not pass link juice

These are the directories that the search engines have already flagged. They do not pass any value. In fact, submission to a large number of them could be seen as a spam signal, although it is unlikely that any action would be taken solely on this signal alone.

Detecting directories that pass link juice

The process is relatively simple for directories that pass sustainable links, as defined earlier:

  • Investigate their editorial policies and see whether they conform to what search engines want.

  • Investigate the sites they list. Are they high-quality, valuable resources that do not contain spam or manipulative SEO tactics?

  • Investigate their track record. Do they enforce their policy for real? This may be a bit subjective, but if there are lots of junky links in their directory, chances are that the policy is just lip service.

  • As another check, search on the directory name and see whether there is any SEO scuttlebutt about the directory.

The process is a bit harder for directories that do not conform to the policies search engines prefer. There are still some things the publisher can do:

  • Search on the name of the directory to see whether it shows up in the search engine results. If not, definitely stay away from it.

  • Take a unique phrase from the directory’s home page and see whether it shows in the search engine results. If not, definitely stay away from it.

  • Does the directory have premium sponsorships for higher-level listings? This is a sure signal that indicates to the search engines that the directory’s editorial policies may be secondary to its monetization strategy.

  • Does the directory promote search engine value instead of traffic? This is another bad signal.

  • Evaluate the directory’s inbound links. If the directory is obviously engaged in shady link-building tactics, it is a good idea to avoid it.

  • Is the directory’s target audience webmasters and SEO practitioners? If so, stay away from it.

Incentive-Based Link Requests

Incentive-based link requests use an incentive as part of the process of requesting a link. This can run dangerously close to violating the search engines’ Webmaster Guidelines, but there are also ways to do it that remain compliant with those guidelines.


Content syndication can be a powerful tactic, and we will cover this in more detail in More Approaches to Content-Based Link Acquisition. The concept is to develop content with the intent of publishing it on third-party sites. The site that is publishing the content provides a link back to your site in return for being permitted to publish the content. Ideally, this content should be distinct from the content on your own site to avoid any risk of duplicate content issues.

Widgets are another way of syndicating content to third-party sites. They have the advantage of coming with a way to package the content so that it is not seen as duplicate content. This is because they are usually implemented in JavaScript such that the web page publishing the widget calls back to a remote server to fetch the content. The result is that a search engine crawler does not see the content.

This also results in any links embedded within a widget being invisible to the search engine as well. However, it is possible to implement a widget in such a way that it has an HTML wrapper around it with a simple HTML text link in it, a link that is visible to the crawler.

Popular widgets can get adopted by a large number of websites, and can result in a large number of links as a result. Widget campaigns can also result in links to deep pages on the site.

Dangerous tactics

Of course, the incentives can be over the line too. For example, proactively going out and buying links might be a way to rapidly acquire links, but the search engines are increasingly good at detecting these types of links algorithmically (and discounting or even penalizing them).

Google also provides a method for third parties to report paid links directly to Google on an anonymous basis. There is every incentive for those third parties to do so.

Based on these risks, buying links is a dangerous practice, and it is harder to safely execute than it appears to be on the surface.

Another dangerous tactic is doing a large percentage of your link building through reciprocal links. Once again, this is easy to do in principle. It is not hard to find sites that will accept the “link to me and I will link to you” value proposition.

However, the search engines potentially view this as barter. They are not likely to question a few selected link exchanges with sites closely related to yours. It becomes a problem when the link swapping becomes a significant portion of your backlink profile. That is a situation that looks manipulative, and they will most likely discount those links.

Direct Link Requests

If the site looking for links is a high-quality site with unique and/or authoritative content, the publisher may simply need to tell other publishers about what it has.

If there is already a relationship between the publisher requesting the link and the publisher being asked to provide the link, this process is pretty easy. The requesting site sends the other party a note with whatever pitch it wants to make. This pitch is easy to personalize, and the nature of what is said is likely to be guided by the existing relationship.

However, if the person requesting the link does not know the person from whom she is requesting the link, it is a very different ballgame. Table 7-2 summarizes how to decide how to contact a site, including how much effort to put in.

Table 7-2. Categorizing the value of potential links

Low-value sites

Targets may result from large-scale research. Contact is by email and is personalized but likely in a somewhat automated way. These types of sites are being relied on to obtain a volume of links. No customized content is developed.

Medium-value sites

Targets may result either from large-scale research or from industry knowledge by the publishers of the link destination site. Contact is by email and is personalized, likely done by a human but with only low to moderate levels of effort in customizing a template. No customized content is developed.

High-value sites

Targets are identified by principals of the business or senior marketing people, or through market analysis. Email contact is entirely customized and tailored to the targeted site. Phone calls may also be used in pursuit of these links. Content may be developed just to support a campaign to get links from these types of sites.

Very-high-value sites

Targets are identified by principals of the business or senior marketing people, or through market analysis. Email contact is entirely customized and tailored to the targeted site. Phone calls may be advisable in pursuit of these links. Face-to-face visits may also be involved. Content may be developed just to support a campaign to get links from these types of sites.

Creating a value proposition for direct requests

One of the key points is how the publisher can make its pitch interesting enough for the potential linking site. As noted earlier, this starts with understanding what content or tools the publisher has on its site that would be of interest to the potential linking site.

Sites do not link to other sites for the purpose of helping those sites make money. They link because they perceive that the other sites’ users might value the content or tools on their own sites.

This relates to the fundamental structure of the Web, which is designed around the notion of interlinking related documents. Positioning a site or a section of a site as being related to the potential linking site is a requirement of each link-building request.

With high-value sites and very-high-value sites (as defined in Table 7-2), it may be worth spending a bit of time and energy on defining a compelling value proposition. In many cases, it is even worth doing custom content development to increase the perceived value and relevance of the content to the potential linking site.

In all cases, developing a link request value proposition begins with understanding the nature of the potential linking site’s content, and then deciding how to match up the content of the requester’s site with it.

Once you have done this you are in a position to contact the site publisher and communicate what you have to offer, and request a link.

Basic email pitch

The most important thing to remember is that the person you are emailing to request a link probably did not wake up this morning wondering what links she was going to add to her site. And certainly, she was not expecting or waiting for your email. Basically, you are interrupting her to ask her to do something for you, and she has no prior reason to trust you. Based on this, there are few simple guidelines you should follow when making a link pitch:

  • Keep it simple and short. The person you are contacting is receiving an email that is unsolicited. She is not going to read a two-page email, or even a one-page email.

  • Clearly articulate the request. It is an investment to get someone to read an email, and it is critical that the pitch be clear about the desired result.

  • Clearly articulate why your site deserves a link. Generally speaking, this involves pointing out the great content or tools on the site, and perhaps citing some major endorsements.

  • Follow each and every guideline of the CAN-SPAM Act. Unsolicited emails are not illegal as long as they follow the guidelines of the act. Do not even think about violating them.

Manual Social Media Link Creation

Some social media sites, such as LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com), allow you to link back to your own sites in your personal profile, and these links are not NoFollowed (i.e., they do pass link juice). Leveraging this can be a great tactic, as it is simple and immediate.

In the case of LinkedIn, the process takes a few steps. There are two major things you need to do:

  1. Make sure you list selected web pages in your profile.

  2. Go into the Edit Public Profile Settings section and let LinkedIn know you want the web pages you specified to be visible in your public profile.

The preceding process was what was required as of early 2009, but the specifics may evolve over time as LinkedIn releases updates, or LinkedIn may start NoFollowing those links. Other social media sites that do not NoFollow links in their public profiles include Digg, Propeller, Kirtsy, Technorati, MyBlogLog, and Mixx.

Two longer lists of such sites are at http://www.searchenginepeople.com/blog/22-dofollow-social-media-sites-offering-profile-links.html and http://www.seomoz.org/social-directory. The policies of sites regarding NoFollow change on a regular basis, so you should check the current status of the links they provide before investing a lot of time in pursuing this type of strategy.

Another way to create links manually in social media environments is by visiting social media sites, forums, and blogs and leaving behind comments with self-referential links in them. The major steps of this process, using blogs as an example, are as follows:

  1. Build a list of blogs that are related to your topic area.

  2. Start visiting those blogs and adding comments without linking back to yourself, and develop a relationship with the author(s). The early stages of the relationship begin when the author starts responding to your comments. You can even reach out to the author through one of the major social networks.

  3. Once the relationship has been built and seems solid, let the author know about a related value-add resource you have, either through direct contact with her or in a comment. Make sure there is a real connection between your resource and the content from the author (even if you have to create the content on a custom basis, that’s OK).

These steps are meant to be conservative to avoid a backlash from the owners and/or the authors of the blog. You can extend this process to forums or social media sites as well.

There are ways to be more aggressive with this. Some publishers do not really care about building relationships first and want to push the process much faster. However, there are two significant issues with this:

  • Depending on the level of aggressiveness, it may be a violation of the Webmaster Guidelines and the search engines may choose to take action against the publisher who pursues this.

  • There could be a backlash from the community itself. Offending one blogger may not be a huge issue, perhaps, unless she is very influential. Offending hundreds of bloggers would probably be much worse, particularly if you are trying to establish your site as authoritative in a topic area. In forums, blogs, and social media sites, offending people can quickly scale to a problem of large proportions.

Gray Hat/Black Hat

As we previously discussed, some publishers choose to push the limits or ignore the Webmaster Guidelines in their quest for links. On the next few pages we will look at some of the more popular tactics in detail.

Buying links for SEO

One of the more popular techniques is to buy links. This has two significant advantages:

  • It is easy. There is no need to sell the quality of the content of your site. The only things that need to happen are determining that the third party is willing to sell a link, and setting a price.

  • Since the link is an ad, you can simply specify the anchor text you want. Anchor text is a powerful ranking signal, and this is one of the major reasons people engage in link buying.

Google’s policy on paid links

The major downside is that buying links for SEO is against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. Here is a brief summary of Google’s policy on paid links:

  • Links given in return for compensation should not be obtained for purposes of increasing PageRank.

  • The link should be freely given, and the publisher of the potential linking site should be informed of what the publisher is doing. An example of a link where the publisher is not informed is one that is hidden in the NoScript tag of a JavaScript-based widget.

Google is not saying that publishers should not be able to buy ads on the Web. Its policy is that links should be purchased only for the traffic and branding value they bring. Google also recommends that publishers selling ads on its site use the NoFollow links, which means they will have no SEO value.

On another note, PPC campaigns using AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, and so on are not considered a violation of the policy against paid links. This is because such links are easy for the crawlers to recognize, and due to their paid nature, they do not pass link juice.

Methods for buying links

There are three major methods for buying links. These are:

Direct link advertising purchases

This method involves contacting sites directly and asking them whether they are willing to sell text link ads. Many sites have pages that describe their ad sales policies. However, sites that openly say they sell text links are more likely to get caught in a human review, resulting in the link being disabled from passing PageRank by Google.

Link brokers

As we mentioned earlier, link brokers are companies that specialize in identifying sites selling links and reselling that inventory to publishers looking to buy such links.

The major danger here is that ad brokers may have a template of some sort for their ads, and a spider can recognize a template as being from a particular broker.

Charitable donations

Many sites of prominent institutions request charitable contributions. Some of these provide links to larger donors. Search for pages such as the one at http://genomics.xprize.org that links to its supporters. This may be considered a legitimate link if there is an editorial review of which sponsors receive acknowledgment via a link on the institution’s site.

Sometimes these types of links do not cost much money. However, Google frowns upon this tactic, so it’s best to use it with care. One way a publisher can potentially make the tactic more acceptable is to support causes that are related in a material way to its site. However, it is not clear that Google would find this acceptable either.

Finding these types of sites may seem hard, but the search engines can help with this. One way is to use a series of related searches that will expose sponsor sites. For example, you could go to the search engine of your choice and search on sponsors.

This should bring up a number of sites accepting sponsorships. However, you may want to target that search a bit more. If you have a nursing-related site, the next step might be to search on nursing sponsors, or even sponsors inurl:nursing. You can also try other related words, such as donors, donations, or patrons.

Strategies that are not considered buying links

It is worth noting that in some strategies, money is involved in obtaining a link, yet such links are not considered to have been bought. Here are some examples:

  • Using a consultant to help your articles reach the home page of social media sites such as Digg (note, however, that this practice may not meet with the approval of the social media site)

  • Paying a PR firm to promote a site

  • Paying a link-building firm to ask for (as opposed to buying) links

The key point is that these strategies do not compensate the site itself for the links given, and the links are given freely.

Link farms/link networks

In the early days of search, publishers developed link farms and link networks as tactics for gaining cheap links. A link farm is a website or a group of sites whose primary reason for existence is to cross-link between themselves and other websites. Generally speaking, the links are created through aggressive reciprocal linking.

Since these sites are typically very heavily interlinked, they can be pretty easy to detect. Part of the reason is that since they have little redeeming value, they typically do not have high-value links coming in to them from other sites, and most of the links result from various cross-linking schemes.

Link networks are a similar concept. The network exists for the purposes of creating links between sites, and it can be a bit more sophisticated than a link farm. For example, you could create a club where publishers agree to contribute a link in return for getting a link from somewhere else.

If managed with great care, the clustering of links between sites can be limited, and this can be a bit harder for search engines to detect. However, the tactic remains highly exposed to a disgruntled webmaster simply reporting the scheme to Google.

A related concept is the notion of three-way link swaps (a.k.a. triangular link swapping), where Site A links to Site C in return for Site B linking to Site A. In this scenario, Site C may be the site the publisher is trying to promote, and Site B may be a site it uses to provide low-value links to people it trades links with.

This is almost always a scam, because Site B is probably a low-value site with little to recommend it. So, the publisher of Site A is providing a good-quality link in return for a low-quality one.

Automated link dropping

Spam tactics can include the concept of creating a bot that crawls around the Web looking for open forums and blogs and leaving behind automatically generated comments. Clearly this is spam, as no human is involved in the comment process (other than the programmer) and no effort was made to read the blog post or forum where the comment was left.

The great majority of these comments are deleted or NoFollowed by the blog or forum software content management system (CMS), but the spammer does not care because she is operating on a large scale. If she leaves behind 1 million comments and 98% of them are filtered by one means or another, she still ends up with 20,000 links.

This is, of course, a very risky tactic. The search engines may be able to detect this behavior algorithmically, or competitors can recognize it and turn you in via a spam report. We do not recommend this tactic.

Spammy giveaways

As we previously discussed, you can use widgets as part of a link-building campaign. However, this tactic can be abused as well. One popular way of doing that is to develop a JavaScript-based widget and then embed a link back to the widget publisher’s site in the NoScript tags. Since this is the code the browser presents to users who do not support JavaScript, and the search engines do not run JavaScript, the crawlers see the link and not the widget.

An example of someone who did this is discussed in the post “Another Paid Links Service Disguised As Hit Counter” (http://blogoscoped.com/archive/2008-02-06-n19.html). Four days after this post went up, the sites referenced lost all of their high rankings in Google, and therefore lost most of their traffic.

However, be aware that making the link visible is not enough to make this practice legitimate in Google’s eyes. Google has confirmed that it considers tactics such as the use of unrelated widgets for link building a no-no, even if the link is visible.

The underlying reason for this is that if the link is unrelated to the widget, it is pretty unlikely that the link given actually represents an endorsement of the web page receiving the link. The goal of the person installing the widget is to get the benefit of the widget’s contents.

As another example, Google considers the use of so-called sponsored WordPress templates with embedded links, even if they are visible to be spammy as well—unless, of course, the publisher distributing the WordPress template is in the WordPress template business. The key issue that needs to be addressed in these types of link-building campaigns is relevance.

NoFollow uses and scams

One of the most common uses of NoFollow is to NoFollow all links in comments on a blog or in a forum. This is a common and legitimate use of the tactic, as it is used to prevent spammers from flooding forums and blogs with useless comments that include links to their sites.

However, as you might expect, people did implement some common scams using NoFollow. One simple example of this is that someone proposed a link swap and provided the return link but NoFollowed it. The goal of the site using the NoFollow was simple: to get a link that passes link juice, but not to provide any link juice in return.

However, Google announced that it had changed the way it handles NoFollow in June 2009. At this point in time, NoFollow still prevents the passing of link juice to the site receiving the link, but it is lost to the linking site as well. As a result, this scam no longer benefits those who attempt to use it.

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