Participation in Conferences and Organizations

Conferences are another great way to meet leaders in the search space and network with them. The various panels may cover topics about which you are looking to learn more, and this by itself is a great resource. Even experienced SEO practitioners can learn new things from the panel sessions.

Make sure you target the panels with the following objectives in mind:

  • Attend panels in which you can pick up some information, tips, and/or tricks that you need for your immediate SEO projects or that broaden your SEO knowledge.

  • Attend panels in which someone that you want to get to know is speaking.


If you want to meet someone and she is speaking on a panel, sit in the front row, and at the end of the session introduce yourself and/or ask a question. This is an opportunity to get some free and meaningful advice from experts. Get the speaker’s business card and follow up with her after the event.

Of course, you may encounter the people you want to meet in the hallways in and about the conference. Just go up and introduce yourself. You will find that most attendees are very open and will be happy to share information and tips.


Some panels also have search engine representatives speaking on them, so this tactic can be useful in meeting them as well.

In addition to the day’s sessions, each conference has a series of networking events during the day and sometimes in the evening. Many times these events are held in the bar of the hotel where (or near where) the conference is being held.

There is also a published party circuit, with different companies sponsoring parties every night of the conference (sometimes more than one per night). Consider going to these events as a way to meet people and build new relationships as well.

Just remember that the speakers deserve your respect. They are there to do business just as you are, and they may be able to answer questions you have or they may have other things on their minds. Be patient and treat them with respect, and this should provide you with the best results.

Here is an alphabetical list of some recommended conferences for search-specific content:


This is an interactive marketing conference that has begun to address many of the issues of SEO and search marketing.

Online Marketing Summit

Centered around Internet marketing of all kinds (but with at least one track devoted to SEO), OMS is a rising star in the conference world. One of the most valuable aspects comes from the one-on-one “lab” sessions where expert panelists sit down with attendees for 15- to 20-minute review sessions.


Two to three times per year, Brett Tabke, the owner of WebmasterWorld, runs conferences that attract a large group of SEO practitioners.

Search Engine Strategies

Each year, SES runs 6 to 10 conferences worldwide. SES San Jose is the biggest event, but SES is also quite substantial.

Search Marketing Expo

SMX runs a number of conferences worldwide, including topically focused ones such as SMX Social Media and SMX Local. SMX also has the only search conference specifically for advanced-level SEO practitioners, SMX Advanced.

SEOmoz Training Seminars

Operated by SEOmoz, these seminars run annually in August in Seattle and in October in London, and focus on expert-level content and audiences.

In terms of more in-depth workshops, the association SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization) offers a Certification program (, as does the Direct Marketing Association and Market Motive. The American Marketing Association offers a two-day SEO training intensive ( taught by Stephan Spencer.

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