Content Delivery and Search Spider Control

On occasion, it can be valuable to show search engines one version of content and show humans a different version. This is technically called cloaking, and the search engines’ guidelines have near-universal policies restricting this. In practice, many websites, large and small, appear to use content delivery effectively and without being penalized by the search engines. However, use great care if you implement these techniques, and know the risks that you are taking.

Cloaking and Segmenting Content Delivery

Before we discuss the risks and potential benefits of cloaking-based practices, take a look at Figure 6-30, which shows an illustration of how cloaking works.

How cloaking works

Figure 6-30. How cloaking works

Google’s Matt Cutts, head of Google’s webspam team, has made strong public statements indicating that all forms of cloaking (other than First Click Free) are subject to penalty. This was also largely backed by statements by Google’s John Mueller in a May 2009 interview, which you can read at

Google makes its policy pretty clear in its Guidelines on Cloaking (

Serving up different results based on user agent may cause your site to be perceived as deceptive and removed from the Google index.

There are two critical pieces in the preceding quote: may and user agent. It is true that if you cloak in the wrong ways, with the wrong intent, Google and the other search engines may remove you from their index, and if you do it egregiously, they certainly will. But in some cases, it may be the right thing to do, both from a user experience perspective and from an engine’s perspective.

The key is intent: if the engines feel you are attempting to manipulate their rankings or results through cloaking, they may take adverse action against your site. If, however, the intent of your content delivery doesn’t interfere with their goals, you’re less likely to be subject to a penalty, as long as you don’t violate important technical tenets (which we’ll discuss shortly).

What follows are some examples of websites that perform some level of cloaking:


Search for google toolbar or google translate or adwords or any number of Google properties and note how the URL you see in the search results and the one you land on almost never match. What’s more, on many of these pages, whether you’re logged in or not, you might see some content that is different from what’s in the cache.

The interstitial ads, the request to log in/create an account after five clicks, and the archive inclusion are all showing different content to engines versus humans.

In addition to some redirection based on your path, there’s the state overlay forcing you to select a shipping location prior to seeing any prices (or any pages). That’s a form the engines don’t have to fill out.

Geotargeting through cookies based on location is a very popular form of local targeting that hundreds, if not thousands, of sites use.

At SMX Advanced 2008 there was quite a lot of discussion about how Amazon does some cloaking ( In addition, Amazon does lots of fun things with its subdomain and with the navigation paths and suggested products if your browser accepts cookies.

Trulia was found to be doing some interesting redirects on partner pages and its own site (

The message should be clear. Cloaking isn’t always evil, it won’t always get you banned, and you can do some pretty smart things with it. The key to all of this is your intent. If you are doing it for reasons that are not deceptive and that provide a positive experience for users and search engines, you might not run into problems. However, there is no guarantee of this, so use these types of techniques with great care, and know that you may still get penalized for it.

When to Show Different Content to Engines and Visitors

There are a few common causes for displaying content differently to different visitors, including search engines. Here are some of the most common ones:

Multivariate and A/B split testing

Testing landing pages for conversions requires that you show different content to different visitors to test performance. In these cases, it is best to display the content using JavaScript/cookies/sessions and give the search engines a single, canonical version of the page that doesn’t change with every new spidering (though this won’t necessarily hurt you). Google offers software called Google Website Optimizer to perform this function.

Content requiring registration and First Click Free

If you force registration (paid or free) on users to view specific content pieces, it is best to keep the URL the same for both logged-in and non-logged-in users and to show a snippet (one to two paragraphs is usually enough) to non-logged-in users and search engines. If you want to display the full content to search engines, you have the option to provide some rules for content delivery, such as showing the first one to two pages of content to a new visitor without requiring registration, and then requesting registration after that grace period. This keeps your intent more honest, and you can use cookies or sessions to restrict human visitors while showing the full pieces to the engines.

In this scenario, you might also opt to participate in a specific program from Google called First Click Free, wherein websites can expose “premium” or login-restricted content to Google’s spiders, as long as users who click from the engine’s results are given the ability to view that first article for free. Many prominent web publishers employ this tactic, including the popular site,

To be specific, to implement First Click Free, the publisher must grant Googlebot (and presumably the other search engine spiders) access to all the content they want indexed, even if users normally have to log in to see the content. The user who visits the site will still need to log in, but the search engine spider will not have to do so. This will lead to the content showing up in the search engine results when applicable. However, if a user clicks on that search result, you must permit him to view the entire article (all pages of a given article if it is a multiple-page article). Once the user clicks to look at another article on your site, you can still require him to log in.

For more details, visit Google’s First Click Free program page at

Navigation unspiderable to search engines

If your navigation is in Flash, JavaScript, a Java application, or another unspiderable format, you should consider showing search engines a version that has spiderable, crawlable content in HTML. Many sites do this simply with CSS layers, displaying a human-visible, search-invisible layer and a layer for the engines (and less capable browsers, such as mobile browsers). You can also employ the noscript tag for this purpose, although it is generally riskier, as many spammers have applied noscript as a way to hide content. Adobe recently launched a portal on SEO and Flash and provides best practices that have been cleared by the engines to help make Flash content discoverable. Take care to make sure the content shown in the search-visible layer is substantially the same as it is in the human-visible layer.

Duplicate content

If a significant portion of a page’s content is duplicated, you might consider restricting spider access to it by placing it in an iframe that’s restricted by robots.txt. This ensures that you can show the engines the unique portion of your pages, while protecting against duplicate content problems. We will discuss this in more detail in the next section.

Different content for different users

At times you might target content uniquely to users from different geographies (such as different product offerings that are more popular in their area), with different screen resolutions (to make the content fit their screen size better), or who entered your site from different navigation points. In these instances, it is best to have a “default” version of content that’s shown to users who don’t exhibit these traits to show to search engines as well.

How to Display Different Content to Search Engines Versus Visitors

A variety of strategies exist to segment content delivery. The most basic is to serve content that is not meant for the engines in unspiderable formats (e.g., placing text in images, Flash files, plug-ins, etc.). You should not use these formats for the purpose of cloaking. You should use them only if they bring a substantial end-user benefit (such as an improved user experience). In such cases, you may want to show the search engines the same content in a search-spider-readable format. When you’re trying to show the engines something you don’t want visitors to see, you can use CSS formatting styles (preferably not display:none, as the engines may have filters to watch specifically for this), JavaScript, user-agent, cookie, or session-based delivery, or perhaps most effectively, IP delivery (showing content based on the visitor’s IP address).

Be very wary when employing cloaking such as that we just described. The search engines expressly prohibit these practices in their guidelines, and though there is leeway based on intent and user experience (e.g., your site is using cloaking to improve the quality of the user’s experience, not to game the search engines), the engines do take these tactics seriously and may penalize or ban sites that implement them inappropriately or with the intention of manipulation.

The robots.txt file

This file is located on the root level of your domain (e.g.,, and it is a highly versatile tool for controlling what the spiders are permitted to access on your site. You can use robots.txt to:

  • Prevent crawlers from accessing nonpublic parts of your website

  • Block search engines from accessing index scripts, utilities, or other types of code

  • Avoid the indexation of duplicate content on a website, such as “print” versions of HTML pages, or various sort orders for product catalogs

  • Auto-discover XML Sitemaps

The robots.txt file must reside in the root directory, and the filename must be entirely in lowercase (robots.txt, not Robots.txt, or other variations including uppercase letters). Any other name or location will not be seen as valid by the search engines. The file must also be entirely in text format (not in HTML format).

When you tell a search engine robot not to access a page, it prevents the crawler from accessing the page. Figure 6-31 illustrates what happens when the search engine robot sees a direction in robots.txt not to crawl a web page.

Impact of robots.txt

Figure 6-31. Impact of robots.txt

In essence, the page will not be crawled, so links on the page cannot pass link juice to other pages since the search engine does not see the links. However, the page can be in the search engine index. This can happen if other pages on the Web link to the page. Of course, the search engine will not have very much information on the page since it cannot read it, and will rely mainly on the anchor text and other signals from the pages linking to it to determine what the page may be about. Any resulting search listings end up being pretty sparse when you see them in the Google index, as shown in Figure 6-32.

SERPs for pages that are listed in robots.txt

Figure 6-32. SERPs for pages that are listed in robots.txt

Figure 6-32 shows the results for the Google query inurl:page. This is not a normal query that a user would enter, but you can see what the results look like. Only the URL is listed, and there is no description. This is because the spiders aren’t permitted to read the page to get that data. In today’s algorithms, these types of pages don’t rank very high because their relevance scores tend to be quite low for any normal queries.

Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Ask, and nearly all of the legitimate crawlers on the Web will follow the instructions you set out in the robots.txt file. Commands in robots.txt are primarily used to prevent spiders from accessing pages and subfolders on a site, though they have other options as well. Note that subdomains require their own robots.txt files, as do files that reside on an https: server.

Syntax of the robots.txt file

The basic syntax of robots.txt is fairly simple. You specify a robot name, such as “googlebot”, and then you specify an action. The robot is identified by user agent, and then the actions are specified on the lines that follow. Here are the major actions you can specify:

  • Disallow: the pages you want to block the bots from accessing (as many disallow lines as needed)

  • Noindex: the pages you want a search engine to block and not index (or de-index if previously indexed); this is unofficially supported by Google and unsupported by Yahoo! and Bing

Some other restrictions apply:

  • Each User-Agent/Disallow group should be separated by a blank line; however, no blank lines should exist within a group (between the User-Agent line and the last Disallow).

  • The hash symbol (#) may be used for comments within a robots.txt file, where everything after # on that line will be ignored. This may be used either for whole lines or for the end of lines.

  • Directories and filenames are case-sensitive: “private”, “Private”, and “PRIVATE” are all uniquely different to search engines.

Here is an example of a robots.txt file:

User-agent: Googlebot

User-agent: msnbot
Disallow: /

# Block all robots from tmp and logs directories
User-agent: *
Disallow: /tmp/
Disallow: /logs     # for directories and files called logs

The preceding example will do the following:

  • Allow “Googlebot” to go anywhere.

  • Prevent “msnbot” from crawling any part of the site.

  • Block all robots (other than Googlebot) from visiting the /tmp/ directory or directories or files called /logs (e.g., /logs or logs.php).

Notice that the behavior of Googlebot is not affected by instructions such as Disallow: /. Since Googlebot has its own instructions from robots.txt, it will ignore directives labeled as being for all robots (i.e., uses an asterisk).

One common problem that novice webmasters run into occurs when they have SSL installed so that their pages may be served via HTTP and HTTPS. A robots.txt file at will not be interpreted by search engines as guiding their crawl behavior on To do this, you need to create an additional robots.txt file at So, if you want to allow crawling of all pages served from your HTTP server and prevent crawling of all pages from your HTTPS server, you would need to implement the following:


User-agent: *


User-agent: *
Disallow: /

These are the most basic aspects of robots.txt files, but there are more advanced techniques as well. Some of these methods are supported by only some of the engines, as detailed in the list that follows:

Crawl delay

Crawl delay is supported by Yahoo!, Bing, and Ask. It instructs a crawler to wait the specified number of seconds between crawling pages. The goal with the directive is to reduce the load on the publisher’s server:

User-agent: msnbot
Crawl-delay: 5
Pattern matching

Pattern matching appears to be usable by Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. The value of pattern matching is considerable. You can do some basic pattern matching using the asterisk wildcard character. Here is how you can use pattern matching to block access to all subdirectories that begin with private (e.g., /private1/, /private2/, /private3/, etc.):

User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /private*/

You can match the end of the string using the dollar sign ($). For example, to block URLs that end with .asp:

User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /*.asp$

You may wish to prevent the robots from accessing any URLs that contain parameters in them. To block access to all URLs that include a question mark (?), simply use the question mark:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /*?*

The pattern-matching capabilities of robots.txt are more limited than those of programming languages such as Perl, so the question mark does not have any special meaning and can be treated like any other character.

Allow directive

The Allow directive appears to be supported only by Google, Yahoo!, and Ask. It works the opposite of the Disallow directive and provides the ability to specifically call out directories or pages that may be crawled. When this is implemented it can partially override a previous Disallow directive. This may be beneficial after large sections of the site have been disallowed, or if the entire site itself has been disallowed.

Here is an example that allows Googlebot into only the google directory:

User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /
Allow: /google/
Noindex directive

This directive works in the same way as the meta robots noindex command (which we will discuss shortly) and tells the search engines to explicitly exclude a page from the index. Since a Disallow directive prevents crawling but not indexing, this can be a very useful feature to ensure that the pages don’t show in search results. However, as of October 2009, only Google supports this directive in robots.txt.


We discussed XML Sitemaps at the beginning of this chapter. You can use robots.txt to provide an autodiscovery mechanism for the spider to find the XML Sitemap file. The search engines can be told to find the file with one simple line in the robots.txt file:

Sitemap: sitemap_location

The sitemap_location should be the complete URL to the Sitemap, such as You can place this anywhere in your file.

For full instructions on how to apply robots.txt, see You may also find it valuable to use Dave Naylor’s robots.txt generation tool to save time and heartache (

You should use great care when making changes to robots.txt. A simple typing error can, for example, suddenly tell the search engines to no longer crawl any part of your site. After updating your robots.txt file it is always a good idea to check it with the Google Webmaster Tools Test Robots.txt tool.

The Rel="NoFollow” attribute

In 2005, the three major search engines (Yahoo!, Google, and Microsoft) all agreed to support an initiative intended to reduce the effectiveness of automated spam. Unlike the meta robots version of NoFollow, the new directive could be employed as an attribute within an <a> or link tag to indicate that the linking site “does not editorially vouch for the quality of the linked-to page.” This enables a content creator to link to a web page without passing on any of the normal search engine benefits that typically accompany a link (things such as trust, anchor text, PageRank, etc.).

Originally, the intent was to enable blogs, forums, and other sites where user-generated links were offered to shut down the value of spammers who built crawlers that automatically created links. However, this has expanded as Google, in particular, recommends use of NoFollow on links that are paid for—as the search engine’s preference is that only those links that are truly editorial and freely provided by publishers (without being compensated) should count toward bolstering a site’s/page’s rankings.

You can implement NoFollow using the following format:

<a href="" rel="NoFollow">

Note that although you can use NoFollow to restrict the passing of link value between web pages, the search engines may still crawl through those links (despite the lack of semantic logic) and crawl the pages they link to. The search engines have provided contradictory input on this point. To summarize, NoFollow does not expressly forbid indexing or spidering, so if you link to your own pages with it, intending to keep those pages from being indexed or ranked, others may find them and link to them, and your original goal will be thwarted.

Figure 6-33 shows how a search engine robot interprets a NoFollow attribute when it finds one associated with a link (Link 1 in this example).

Impact of NoFollow attribute

Figure 6-33. Impact of NoFollow attribute

The specific link with the NoFollow attribute is disabled from passing link juice. No other aspects of how the search engines deal with the page have been altered.

After the introduction of the NoFollow attribute, the notion of PageRank sculpting using NoFollow was a popular idea. The belief was that when you NoFollow a particular link, the link juice that would have been passed to that link was preserved and the search engines would reallocate it to the other links found on the page. As a result, many publishers implemented NoFollow links to lower value pages on their site (such as the About Us and Contact Us pages, or alternative sort order pages for product catalogs). In fact, data from SEOmoz’s Linkscape tool, published in March 2009, showed that at that time about 3% of all links on the Web were NoFollowed, and that 60% of those NoFollows were applied to internal links.

In June 2009, however, Google’s Matt Cutts wrote a post that made it clear that the link juice associated with that NoFollowed link is discarded rather than reallocated ( In theory, you can still use NoFollow however you want, but using it on internal links does not (at the time of this writing, according to Google) bring the type of benefit people have been looking for in the past. In fact, in certain scenarios it can be harmful.

The following example will illustrate the issue. If a publisher has a 500-page site, every page links to its About Us page, and all those links are NoFollowed, it will have cut off the link juice that would otherwise be sent to the About Us page. However, since that link juice is discarded, no benefit is brought to the rest of the site. Further, if the NoFollows are removed, the About Us page would pass at least some of that link juice back to the rest of the site through the links on the About Us page.

This is a great illustration of the ever-changing nature of SEO. Something that was a popular, effective tactic is now being viewed as ineffective. Some more aggressive publishers will continue to pursue link juice sculpting by using even more aggressive approaches, such as implementing links in encoded JavaScript or within iframes that have been disallowed in robots.txt, so that the search engines don’t see them as links. Such aggressive tactics are probably not worth the trouble for most publishers.

The meta robots tag

The meta robots tag has three components: cache, index, and follow. The cache component instructs the engine about whether it can keep the page in the engine’s public index, available via the “cached snapshot” link in the search results (see Figure 6-34).

Snapshot of cached element in the SERPs

Figure 6-34. Snapshot of cached element in the SERPs

The second, index, tells the engine whether the page is allowed to be crawled and stored in any capacity. A page marked NoIndex will thus be excluded entirely by the search engines. By default, this value is index, telling the search engines, “Yes, please do crawl this page and include it in your index.” Thus, it is unnecessary to place this directive on each page. Figure 6-35 shows what a search engine robot does once it sees a NoIndex tag on a web page.

Impact of NoIndex

Figure 6-35. Impact of NoIndex

The page will still be crawled, and the page can still accumulate and pass link juice to other pages, but it will not appear in search indexes.

The final instruction available through the meta robots tag is follow. This command, like index, defaults to “yes, crawl the links on this page and pass link juice through them.” Applying NoFollow tells the engine that the links on that page should not pass link value or be crawled. By and large, it is unwise to use this directive as a way to prevent links from being crawled. Since human beings will still reach those pages and have the ability to link to them from other sites, NoFollow (in the meta robots tag) does little to restrict crawling or spider access. Its only application is to prevent link juice from spreading out, which has very limited application since the 2005 launch of the rel="nofollow" attribute (discussed earlier), which allows this directive to be placed on individual links.

Figure 6-36 outlines the behavior of a search engine robot when it finds a NoFollow meta tag on a web page.

Impact of NoFollow meta tag

Figure 6-36. Impact of NoFollow meta tag

When you use the NoFollow meta tag on a page, the search engine will still crawl the page and place the page in its index. However, all links (both internal and external) on the page will be disabled from passing link juice to other pages.

One good application for NoIndex is to place this tag on HTML sitemap pages. These are pages designed as navigational aids for users and search engine spiders to enable them to efficiently find the content on your site. However, on some sites these pages are unlikely to rank for anything of importance in the search engines, yet you still want them to pass link juice to the pages they link to. Putting NoIndex on these pages keeps these HTML sitemaps out of the index and removes that problem. Make sure you do not apply the NoFollow meta tag on the pages or the NoFollow attribute on the links on the pages, as these will prevent the pages from passing link juice.

The canonical tag

In February 2009, Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft announced a new tag known as the canonical tag. This tag was a new construct designed explicitly for purposes of identifying and dealing with duplicate content. Implementation is very simple and looks like this:

<link rel="canonical" href="" />

This tag is meant to tell Yahoo!, Bing, and Google that the page in question should be treated as though it were a copy of the URL and that all of the link and content metrics the engines apply should technically flow back to that URL (see Figure 6-37).

How search engines look at the canonical tag

Figure 6-37. How search engines look at the canonical tag

The canonical URL tag attribute is similar in many ways to a 301 redirect from an SEO perspective. In essence, you’re telling the engines that multiple pages should be considered as one (which a 301 does), without actually redirecting visitors to the new URL (often saving your development staff trouble). There are some differences, though:

  • Whereas a 301 redirect points all traffic (bots and human visitors), the canonical URL tag is just for engines, meaning you can still separately track visitors to the unique URL versions.

  • A 301 is a much stronger signal that multiple pages have a single, canonical source. Although the engines are certainly planning to support this new tag and trust the intent of site owners, there will be limitations. Content analysis and other algorithmic metrics will be applied to ensure that a site owner hasn’t mistakenly or manipulatively applied the tag, and you can certainly expect to see mistaken use of the canonical tag, resulting in the engines maintaining those separate URLs in their indexes (meaning site owners would experience the same problems noted in Duplicate Content Issues).

  • 301s carry cross-domain functionality, meaning you can redirect a page at to and carry over those search engine metrics. This is not the case with the canonical URL tag, which operates exclusively on a single root domain (it will carry over across subfolders and subdomains).

We will discuss some applications for this tag later in this chapter. In general practice, the best solution is to resolve the duplicate content problems at their core, and eliminate them if you can. This is because the canonical tag is not guaranteed to work. However, it is not always possible to resolve the issues by other means, and the canonical tag provides a very effective backup plan.

Blocking and cloaking by IP address range

You can customize entire IP addresses or ranges to block particular bots through server-side restrictions on IPs. Most of the major engines crawl from a limited number of IP ranges, making it possible to identify them and restrict access. This technique is, ironically, popular with webmasters who mistakenly assume that search engine spiders are spammers attempting to steal their content, and thus block the IP ranges to restrict access and save bandwidth. Use caution when blocking bots, and make sure you’re not restricting access to a spider that could bring benefits, either from search traffic or from link attribution.

Blocking and cloaking by user agent

At the server level, it is possible to detect user agents and restrict their access to pages or websites based on their declaration of identity. As an example, if a website detected a rogue bot, you might double-check its identity before allowing access. The search engines all use a similar protocol to verify their user agents via the Web: a reverse DNS lookup followed by a corresponding forward DNS→IP lookup. An example for Google would look like this:

> host domain name pointer

> host has address

A reverse DNS lookup by itself may be insufficient, because a spoofer could set up reverse DNS to point to or any other address.

Using iframes

Sometimes there’s a certain piece of content on a web page (or a persistent piece of content throughout a site) that you’d prefer search engines didn’t see. As we discussed earlier in this chapter, clever use of iframes can come in handy, as Figure 6-38 illustrates.

Using iframes to prevent indexing of content

Figure 6-38. Using iframes to prevent indexing of content

The concept is simple: by using iframes, you can embed content from another URL onto any page of your choosing. By then blocking spider access to the iframe with robots.txt, you ensure that the search engines won’t “see” this content on your page. Websites may do this for many reasons, including avoiding duplicate content problems, reducing the page size for search engines, or lowering the number of crawlable links on a page (to help control the flow of link juice).

Hiding text in images

As we discussed previously, the major search engines still have very little capacity to read text in images (and the processing power required makes for a severe barrier). Hiding content inside images isn’t generally advisable, as it can be impractical for alternative devices (mobile, in particular) and inaccessible to others (such as screen readers).

Hiding text in Java applets

As with text in images, the content inside Java applets is not easily parsed by the search engines, though using them as a tool to hide text would certainly be a strange choice.

Forcing form submission

Search engines will not submit HTML forms in an attempt to access the information retrieved from a search or submission. Thus, if you keep content behind a forced-form submission and never link to it externally, your content will remain out of the engines (as Figure 6-39 demonstrates).

Use of forms, which are unreadable by crawlers

Figure 6-39. Use of forms, which are unreadable by crawlers

The problem comes when content behind forms earns links outside your control, as when bloggers, journalists, or researchers decide to link to the pages in your archives without your knowledge. Thus, although form submission may keep the engines at bay, make sure that anything truly sensitive has additional protection (e.g., through robots.txt or meta robots).

Using login/password protection

Password protection of any kind will effectively prevent any search engines from accessing content, as will any form of human-verification requirements, such as CAPTCHAs (the boxes that request the copying of letter/number combinations to gain access). The major engines won’t try to guess passwords or bypass these systems.

Removing URLs from a search engine’s index

A secondary, post-indexing tactic, URL removal is possible at most of the major search engines through verification of your site and the use of the engines’ tools. For example, Yahoo! allows you to remove URLs through its Site Explorer system (, and Google offers a similar service ( through Webmaster Central. Microsoft’s Bing search engine may soon carry support for this as well.

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