SEO for Mindshare/Branding

A less popular but equally powerful application of SEO is its use for branding purposes. Bloggers, social media/community websites, content producers, news outlets, and dozens of other web publishing archetypes have found tremendous value in appearing atop search results and using the resulting exposure to bolster their brand recognition and authority.

The process is fairly simple, much like the goals in traditional advertising of ad repetition to enter the buyer’s consideration set. (Read about the three laws of branding at for more information on this topic.) Similarly, online marketers have observed that being at the top of search rankings around a particular subject has a positive impact on traffic, consideration, and perceived authority.

Here are some factors to think about when considering SEO for mindshare/branding:

When to employ

Use it when branding, or communicating a message, is your goal. If you do not have direct monetization goals for the moment or for the foreseeable future, this is the approach for you.

Keyword targeting

A keyword focus is less critical here—you’ll likely have a few broad terms that receive the high traffic you want, but the long tail may be far more achievable and the better target. Focus on keywords that are going to bring you visitors who are likely to be interested in and remember your brand.

Page and content creation/optimization

Make an accessible site, use good link structure, apply best practices, and focus on links for domain authority rather than chasing after specific keywords.

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