

A-roll footage 206, 239

AAC audio format 350

alpha channel 279, 281

alternative endings to films on DVD 3834

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) 2967

animatic storyboards 108

aperture settings 13, 147

archiving 1819, 285

Attenborough, David 93

audio adjustment in post-production 2669

audio cleaning tools 268

audio commentary on DVDs 383

audio interfaces 275

audio problems 1245, 135, 1869, 266, 269

audio processors 2689

audio recording equipment 1823, 1889, 271, 2757

audio recording levels 1825, 188

auditions 1201


of Blu-ray discs 36975

of DVDs 34954, 35968

autofocus 38

autoloader duplicators 380


B-roll footage 206, 23940

back light 168

background noise 147, 1867, 206; see also noise, sources of

backup routines 1719, 2826, 350

Baggs, Amanda 333

batteries 6770, 138, 181

rechargeable 70

smart 59

behind-the-scenes features on DVD 3856

Benjamin Button 221

Berkeley, Busby 27

Big Mini-DV Festival 314

Billy Jack 309

The Blair Witch Project 341

blockbusters 2201

blocking of action 21718, 226

blogs and blogging 3334

Blu-ray discs 360

authoring of 36975

burning of 373, 375

booms 140, 161, 275

bounced light 174, 178

Brando, Marlon 385

BRATS 31012

Braveheart 29

Breaking Ten 273

Brightcove 3356

Brown, Ryan 326

budgeting 112, 117, 130, 2034, 21113


in the corner of the screen 2801

in software 366

burning of discs 34951, 3545, 3737

Burns, Ken 92


in audio signals 188

from promotion of a video 341


cable tv channels 209, 28790


cases for 6

choice of 1011, 307

maintenance and cleaning of 36

positional moves 15963

preparation for shooting 139

program mode and manual control 147

Cameron, James 8

Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera 31

casting 1202, 130

Castle, William 312

CDs (compact discs) 16, 18

burning of 34950

cease and desist letters 344

celebrities, privacy rights of 346

characters in film 7881

charge-coupled devices (CCDs) 710

Choi, Hahn 1011

cinema vérité 203, 322

citizen journalism 2936

clapboards 2535, 272, 2756

cleaning cloths 5

cleaning solutions 45

clipping of digital audio 183

clothing patterns 198

cloud storage 18

CNN (Cable News Network) 294

color choice for costuming 1978

color correction 22, 25861

Comic Sans typeface 263

Commercial Advertisement Loudness Migration (CALM) Act 185

communication 11518

compact discs see CDs

complimentary metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOS) 711

compositing 27881

compression of video 3237, 369

open-source software for 327

computers recommended for video editing 714

concept proposals 11617

configuration of computers 723

contacts for individual shoots 1401

continuity 224

contrast ranges 1778

convergence in 3D 22931

copy protection on DVDs 360

copyright 3436

costs of filmmaking 11114; see also budgeting; hard costs

Craigslist website 222

cranes 278, 161

CreateSpace 306, 336

creativity 914, 133

Creator software 360

credits 241

cropping 281

cutaways 136, 207

cutting in action 2246


Dali, Salvador 150

Dasein: the Art of Being 33

de-interlacing 265

deleted scenes from films on DVD 383

delivery dates 307

demonstrations, on-screen 94

depth of field (DoF) 14, 389, 221

design elements 116

Di Caprio, Leonardo 247

diffusion of sunlight 1801

digital asset management (DAM) 15

digital audio workstations (DAWs) 268

Digital Juice 252

digital versatile discs see DVDs

director's cuts 383

Dirty Jobs 456

Discovery Channel 209, 258

distributors 303, 339

diversity receivers 512

divine proportion 150, 152

documentaries 924, 20113, 305

distribution of 33742

funding of and budgeting for 11014

subject matter of 213

Dod Mantle, Anthony 221

Dolby Digital audio 350, 360

dollies 267, 29, 43, 161


for interviewees 192

for pitching 86

for talent 1978

dual system sound 275

DVD Architect software 3612

DVD Flick software 362

DVD-lab software 361

DVD Maker software 3668

DVD Movie Factory software 361

DVDit software 3612

DVDs (digital versatile discs) 16, 18, 258, 276, 31920, 3515

authoring of 3514, 35968

burning of 34951, 3545

duplication of 305, 37681

extra features added to 3826

DVDStyler software 368

dynamics processors 267


Easter eggs 386

Edison, Thomas 13

edit suites for audio 1834

editing 5960, 1346, 148, 350

computers recommended for 714

in-camera 148

on-site 1617

organization of 2326

planning of 1356

shortcuts in 2537

of titles and graphics 2625

editors 137

educational television and video 211, 288

Elements software 238

Elliot, Sean D. 295, 297

The Empire Strikes Back 270

Encore software 362, 36970, 373

expert presenters 934

extended versions of films on DVD 383

extension cables 140


Facebook 303, 333

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 296

Fibonacci sequence 1501

file-based recording 16

file types, support for 363

fill light 16770, 17980

film, drawbacks of 220

Film Commission 208

film festivals 114, 208, 305, 31318, 3379

filters 4, 212, 221

Final Cut software 238, 326, 362

Fiscal Sponsor Directory 113

flash players 331

flashlights 58

Flickr 333

“floating head” syndrome 1789

floating stabilizer devices 161

fluorescent lighting 124, 148, 199, 216

flying camera supports 1567

focal length 162

focus 147; see also rack focus

Foundation Center 113, 212

four-walling 30812, 341

frame rates 13

framing of shots 1502

freeware for authoring of DVDs 3648

French flags 22

fuel cells 6970

fuel gauges for batteries 59

funding of filmmaking 11214, 130, 204, 21112

fur windscreens 187


gain control 9, 1314, 1478, 181, 186

Galanis, Toli 195

Gaussian blur 265

gels 173, 181

GenArts 2512

generic material common to several edits 2334

Gilson, Murphy 31617

gliding camera stabilizers 289

Goring, Trevor 109

government television channels 288

grants for film and video making 113

graphics 264

graphics accelerators 734

green screen environment 21518

The Guardian 1945

Gumbel, Bryant 195


hand-held shooting techniques 1612

hard costs of filmmaking 213

hard drives 18, 74, 2845

hard light 168, 170

hashtags 321

headphones 140, 187

Heffner, Richard 195

Herzog, Werner 107

Hester, Grinner 303

high-key lighting 16871

high-pass filters 2678

Hildebrandt, Paul 34

Hitchcock, Alfred 27, 1067, 109

Hofmeister, Kent 28

hot zone on a DVD 352

hum in audio signals 188


iDVD software 366

image sensors 710

image stabilization 1578

images, online sources of 85

iMovie software 148, 238, 324

“in” points used in editing 2556

Independent Television Service (ITVS) 208

index cards 835, 109, 2023

interlaced video 3723; see also de-interlacing

interocular distance 229, 231

interviews 923, 1905, 206, 295

best and worst examples of 1945

planning of and preparation for 191

Iowa 208


Jarvis, Chase 334


jibs 279, 434


key light 1656, 16771, 173, 178

keyboard shortcuts 255, 257

keyframes 250, 2723

Kickstarter website 107

Kjergaard, Kevin 2938

Knoll Light Factory 2512

Kristofferson, Kris 310 306

Kurosawa, Akira 106


labeling routines 323, 350, 3801

Lamb, Brian 195

lantern-style lights 58

Laughlin, Tom 309

layers, use of 2801

lectures, on-screen 94

Led Zeppelin 183

legal issues 3438

lens accessories 203

lens adapters 221

lens caps 4

lens cleaners 4

lenses, interchangeable 369

Leonardo da Vinci 150

Levey, Ryan Bruce 312

light kits, care of 181

lighting conditions 124, 148, 16577

lighting equipment

cine-type 222

for green screen environment 21617

portable 548; see also three-point lighting

limiters for digital audio signals 183

lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries 69

LiveJournal platform 334

locations 889, 102, 123, 1267, 130, 140, 177, 230

Long, J. Michael 303, 306

The Lord of the Rings 385

Lost 262, 264

loudness standards 1845

low-key lighting 168, 171

low-pass filters 267

lower thirds 27980

luminance levels 25960


macro lenses 21, 38

makeup 198200


of an idea or concept 306

of a video 3017, 3389

“marrying” of special effects 252

master copies 17

matte-box system 22

Mecca, Bill 303, 306

Media Encoder software 326, 373

media management 17, 33, 285

Melies, George 279

memory and memory cards 19, 73

menu customization on DVDs 360

Michael Wiese Books 111

microphones 459

balanced or unbalanced 478

bidirectional 47

boundary-type 478

built in to cameras 147, 1878, 271

cardioid 46, 48

directional or non-directional 467

lavaliere-type 48

shotgun-type 468, 188

signal levels from 1889

testing of 139

wireless 503

Midwest Independent Film Festival 314

Miller, Patti 202

mixers 139

moiré effect 1978

monitors 5963

camera-mounted 623

field type 62

LCD type 5960

NTSC type 61, 258

production type 613

monopods 44, 156

Moore, Michael 203, 205

Movie Maker software 148, 238, 3245

MP3 discs 34950

music, copyright-protected or royalty-free 345

Musil, Donna 31012

MySpace 333


Nero Multimedia Suite 3601 195

neutral density (ND) filters 22, 174

Newton, Sir Isaac 259

niche markets for video 302

nickel cadmium (NiCd) batteries 68

nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries 68, 79

night scenes 181

noise, sources of 1245, 147, 1867

noise reduction 2678


Old Spice 322

online video platforms 3356

open-source software 327, 3667

organization of files and footage 2326, 238, 283

O'Rourke, Jennifer 2956

“out” points used in editing 2556

outdoor videography 17681

outlines of projects 117, 129, 2034, 211


pacing of video 240, 2458

panning 160, 248

Papyrus typeface 263

parallel cuts 225

Partially True Tales of High Adventure! 31617

ParticleIllusion 252

pay rates for video work 307

pedestal positions 161

permission to shoot 126

persistence of vision 13

pickup shots 135

Pirates of the Caribbean 3856

pitching 86, 211

pixel counts 9


of the edit 1356

enemies of 1323

of the shoot 12832; see also pre-production

Plant, Robert 183

PluralEyes software 35

podcasts 333

polarizing filters 22

post-it-notes 83, 85

post-production 1326, 2669

posture for shooting 155

Power Producer software 3601

power supplies 124, 189

pre-production 826, 101, 1289, 132, 204


software for 103

in 3D 108, 230

Premiere software 3256, 362, 36970, 373

preparatory work 127, 1457

presentation methods and styles 914

press kits 319

The Price 108

privacy, right of 3467

production managers 1367

production meetings 117

progressive scan nonitors 372

promotional activities 3326

Psycho 106

public access tv channels 208, 28791, 340


QuickTime player 325


raccoon eye light 178

rack focus 162

Ran 106

Red Giant 2512

Red Vic theater 341

redundant array of independent disks (RAID) 35, 2856

reenactments 2067

reflectors 567, 1646, 17881

indoor use of 166

release forms 1268, 213, 3468

remote-controlled camcorders 22

replication of discs 381

reshooting 135

resource requirements 116

Richards, Keith 386

Riggs, Rita 1067

Rodriguez, Robert 280

rolling shutters 10 3401

Rowe, Mike 45

RSS (really simple syndication) feeds 3401


Salmon, Christopher 108

Sapphire software 2502

Saving Private Ryan 29

scary movies 81

scene cards 108

scheduling 8790, 104, 116, 118, 130

software for 130

Scorsese,Martin 120

scouting 1267, 130, 1778, 181, 230

scream appeal 81

screen direction 2237

175-degree rule 2236

screen resolution 60

screenplays 96, 129

screenwriting software 99

script supervisors 137

scripts 78, 949, 11718, 12930, 133, 136

benefits from use of 978

formality of 96

SD cards 1819

search engines 334, 339

selectable frequencies 512

serif and sans serif typefaces 2645

shaky shots 24

shot lists 101, 1034, 129, 135, 1467, 2535

ShotPut Pro 2834

shutter angle 221

shutter speed 1214, 147

Silverlight software 331

simultaneous rolling 286

Slumdog Millionaire 221

Snyder, Zack 278

social networks 333; see also Facebook

soft light 16871, 178

Softpedia certification 365, 367

solid-state storage 18, 74

Sonic Scenarist software 360

Sound Advice 50

sound effects 2703

libraries of 271

Spartan Epic, 295 278

speakers for audio editing 184

special effects 12930, 24952, 280

lenses for 22

Spielberg, Steven 27

split-screen effects 280

sponsorship 204

spyware 365

Squeeze 8 software 3267

squelch controls 52

stabilization tools and techniques 2430, 1548, 222

Star Wars 106, 221, 280, 386

status displays 52

Steadicam 289, 157, 161, 222

storyboard artists 101, 109

storyboarding software 101, 1089

storyboards 88, 94, 1019, 129, 146, 203, 230

examples of 1059

types of 1078

streaming video 209, 32831

sunlight 148, 1656, 17780

Superman Returns 385

surround sound 277

sweet spots 1512, 320

switchers 646

synchronization of sound 35, 2747

syndication 3401


T-bars 66

talent to appear on-screen 89-90, 116, 11922, 147, 181

dress for 1978

evaluation of 121

recruitment of 11922

sources of 120

tape-based production 139

advantages and disadvantages of 16

tape compression 183

tapeless production 1517, 19, 255

Tascam DR-05 audio recorder 277

tax ememption 113

tele-extenders 21

telephoto lenses 378, 146

television see cable tv channels; public access tv channels; user-generated content

television advertisements 3212

Tequila, Tila 333

thirds, rule of 1512

3D, shooting in 22831

three-point lighting 16771, 178, 181

Thunderbolt interface 74

tilting the camera 1601

time, manipulation of 240

time management 193

timecode 2545

timelines 272, 2767


of shoots 1256

of video footage 88

Titanic 247

titles, editing of 2624

transcoding programs 32930, 363

treatments 78, 836

A Trip to the Moon 279

tripods 256, 139, 156, 162

buying guide 409

trombone shots 43

Tulsa Overground festival 314

tweets 3201

Twitter 303, 3201

two-column script format 96, 129

typeface, choice of 2634


ultra-violet (uv) filters 22

United States Supreme Court 290

uploading to the web 3201, 334

user-generated content 2934


vectorscopes 259, 260

Vertigo 27

vertigo shots 43

vidcasting 210


differences from film 21920

made to look like film 2212

video forums 306

video portals 333; see also YouTube

video servers 18 website 241

VodPod website 333

voice-overs 92

volume envelopes 2678


Walker, Amy 333

wardrobe 1968

Warshawski, Morrie 113

WAV files 276

waveform monitors 259

weather conditions 133

web designers 3345

web video 31922

compression software for 3237

promotion of 3326


for distribution of videos 304

for particular videos 339

for streaming video 209

of video producers 3335

white-balance correction 261

wide-angle lenses 201, 367, 146, 231

wind noise 187

window lighting 1734

Winslet, Kate 247

wipes 280

Wiseman, Frederick 92 316, 338

The Wizard of Oz 7780

workflow 315

definition of 32

working copies 1718

workspace layout 236

workstation systems 712

WorldFest Houston Film Festival 314

Wright, Mary 199

Wurtz, Timothy 31012


Yaskin, Keith 293, 295, 298

YouTube 241, 284, 303, 31922, 329, 333, 366


Zahedi, Caveh 30910

Zoom H2 audio recorder 277

zoom lenses 389, 1467, 155, 162, 231

zoom-through adapters 20

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