Appendix III
List of Symbols

A Transverse inertia moment of the projectile, cross‐section area, linearization coefficient
a3-i0001 Matrix of system, rotation matrix
a Acceleration of the mass center of the projectile
ap Axial acceleration of original point o0 of rocket launcher coordinate system ooxoyozo relative to the launching guider
Bz, a3-i0002 Linearization coefficients
C Polar inertia moment of the projectile, mass center of the rigid body, linearization coefficient
C j Damping coefficient of damper j
a3-i0003 Damping coefficient of torsional damper j
a3-i0004 Damping matrix
D Action point of exterior forces, interphase drag
D1, D3 Operator
Dx , Dy, Dxy Bending stiffness of the plate
dp Equivalent diameter of the propellant grain
Dp Diameter of the propellant grain
Dz , a3-i0005 Linearization coefficients
d1, d3 Operator
d0 Rotating band diameter of the projectile
E Young’s modulus
a3-i0006 Transform matrix
EA Tensile stiffness
EI Bending stiffness of the beam
EX , EY, EZ Longitudinal, vertical, lateral mean square
e1 Half the web size of the propellant
eg Internal energy of gas
a3-i0007 External forces matrix acting on the system
a3-i0008 External force (including external torque) matrix acting on element i
fp Impetus of the propellant
Fi , a3-i0009 External forces acting on element i
a3-i0010 Contact force between the front bourrelet and the launching tube
a3-i0011 Contact force between the rear bourrelet and the launching tube
Fp Engine thrust
G Shear elastic modulus
GJp Torsional rigidity of axis
GAs Shearing rigidity
g Gravity acceleration
h Thickness of plate
a3-i0012 Coordinate transformation matrix
Hc Burned released enthalpy of principal charge per unit mass
hp Convective heat transfer coefficient
hre Radiative heat interchange coefficient
i, i Number of element, imaginary unit
I Input point of element
a3-i0013 Unit matrix of order n
j Number of element
Jp Polar product of inertia of axial section
a3-i0014 Inertia matrix
k Modal order
a3-i0015 Augmented operator
Kj Stiffness coefficient of the spring j
a3-i0016 Stiffness coefficient of the torsional spring j
K * Winckler (elastic) basic modulus
K* Rotating basic modulus
kp Coefficient of thermal conductance of the propellant
a3-i0017 Eccentricity of thrust
a3-i0018 Eccentricity of mass
Lp Length of the propellant grain
a3-i0019 Position coordinate matrix
a3-i0020 Skew symmetric matrix of position vector
l1 Distance between the mass center of the projectile and the front end plane of front bourrelet of the projectile
lR Distance between the mass center of the projectile and the rear end plane of rear bourrelet of the projectile
lα Distance between the interface point of the combined rifling and rifling initial point
a3-i0021 Bending moment, moment, augmented operator, internal moment matrix under modal coordinate
Mj Mass parameter matrix of the body j
m Mass of body element, mass of the projectile
a3-i0022 Internal moment matrix under physics coordinate
a3-i0023 Rate of gas mass production of principal charge per unit volume
a3-i0024 Linear density of the beam
o Rear bourrelet center of the projectile
O Output point of element
a3-i0025 m × n zero matrix
O1 Geometric center of the projectile
o2 Front bourrelet center of the projectile
O3 Intersection point of the bore axis and the vertical plane of the bore axis with the mass center
P Gas pressure
Pi,j Connection point in the system
p Distributed load intensity
a3-i0026 Internal force matrix under modal coordinate
a3-i0027 Internal force matrix under physics coordinate
qk Generalized coordinate
Qs Heat exchange capacity between solid phase and gas phase per unit volume
R Gas constant
a3-i0028 Linear displacement matrix under modal coordinate
a3-i0029 Linear displacement matrix under physics coordinate
rb Radius of neutral circularity of guide pin
Re Gas motion Reynold’s number
Rp Stress of solid phase intergranular
T Temperature
t Time
ΔT Time step
tg The time when the projectile flies out of the muzzle (or the muzzle of the launching tube)
a3-i0030 , a3-i0031 Transfer matrix of the element
a3-i0032 Extended transfer matrix
a3-i0033 Complex transfer matrix
a3-i0034 Complex extended transfer matrix
a3-i0035 Overall transfer matrix of the system
a3-i0036 Augmented eigenvector corresponding to the kth eigenfrequency of the system
u1 Burning rate coefficient of the propellant
up Solid phase rate
ug Gas phase rate
v Augmented eigenvector matrix under physics coordinate
v Burning rate exponent of the propellant
v0 Muzzle velocity of the projectile
vp Velocity of the origin o0 of rocket launcher coordinate system ooxoyozo relative to the launching tube
vg Axial component of the velocity of the mass center of the projectile relative to the muzzle (muzzle of the launching tube)
w Deflection of transverse vibration plate
X Artillery recoil displacement
xq Longitudinal displacement of the projectile relative to the barrel
a3-i0037 , a3-i0038 Vertical and lateral component of displacement of the mass center of the projectile relative to the artillery coordinate system
a3-i0039 , a3-i0040 , a3-i0041 Longitudinal, vertical and lateral components of displacement of the mass center of the rocket relative to the rocket launcher coordinate system
Z Relative burned thickness of the propellant
a3-i0042 State vector of connection point P i,j or (i,j) under modal coordinate
a3-i0043 State vector of connection point P i,j or (i,j) under physics coordinate
α Rifling (guide slot of launching tube) twist angle
α0 Twist angle of the rifling initial point
αg Muzzle rifling twist angle
a3-i0044 Dynamic unbalance angle
a3-i0045 Thrust malalignment angle
γ Spin angle of projectile, gas adiabatic exponent
a3-i0046 Spin angular speed of projectile
γ0 Initial orientation angles of guide slot
δ Nutation angle
Δ Attack angle
a3-i0047 Vertical swing angle of the projectile axis relative to the launching tube
a3-i0048 Lateral swing angle of the projectile axis relative to the launching tube
ε Strain
a3-i0049 Angular displacement matrix under modal coordinate
a3-i0050 Angular displacement matrix under physics coordinate
θ1 Departure angle of the rocket launcher
θx , θy, θz Generalized angle of the rigid body for describing orientation
μ Friction coefficient between the guide pin and the tube wall of the launching tube, Poisson’s ratio of material
μg Kinematic viscosity coefficient of gas
ρ Material density, distributed density
ρg Gas phase density
ϕ Voidage
ϕ0 Criticality voidage of propellant charge with free loading
a3-i0051 Projectile oscillation angle
φ1 Vertical swing angle of the projectile
φ2 Lateral swing angle of the projectile
a3-i0052 Deflection angle of the projectile
ψ1 Vertical deflection angle of the projectile
ψ2 Lateral deflection angle of the projectile
a3-i0053 Vertical spin angle of barrel (launching tube)
a3-i0054 Lateral spin angle of barrel (launching tube)
ω Angle velocity
ωk The kth order eigenfrequency of system
Ω Excitation frequency
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