Links in the Body of the Page

The body of a Wikipedia page is where the content goes. It’s a blank page Wikipedia provides for editors to fill in. On regular Wikipedia pages, category links always appear at the very bottom of a page’s body. All other types of links, including the table of contents, can show up wherever the editor wants to put them.

However, as discussed in Chapter 13, there are standards for article pages: which sections go where, and how sections should be named, and where the table of contents goes. Still, these are human-monitored standards, not software-determined formats, so if you see something unusual, take a look—it may be something that needs fixing.

There are two kinds of pages where human editors can’t add or edit links:

  • Special pages. Special pages are automatically generated one-time reports. Since you can’t edit these pages, you can’t add links to them.

  • Category pages. The body of a Category page is essentially a bunch of links that the software has kept track of.

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