Chapter 10
Managing the App’s Growth

So far, our app interface has been restricted to a single view. We’ve swapped different functionality into and out of this view, but ultimately the small space of an iPhone screen limits what we can do in a single view. Most iOS apps use multiple views and switch between them with idioms like forward-backward navigation, modal alerts, iPad popovers, and so on.

Once we decide we want to start doing that, we’re going to have more scenes in our storyboard, and more files in our project. Each time we want a new scene, we’re generally going to have to create a new UIViewController subclass to provide its logic. And there are probably common tasks we’ll want to do in many places, so we want to look for opportunities that can be spilt out into utility functions or classes.

In this chapter, we’re going to reorganize the work we’ve done so far so it’s more manageable as the app grows and so we can reuse some of the work we’ve done in multiple places.

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