Table of Contents


How This Book Is Organized

Conventions Used in This Book

Let Me Know What You Think

I Get Acquainted with iPad Hardware and iOS Basics

1 Overview of the iPad

What Is the iPad?

How Does the iPad Differ from Laptops and Desktops?

What Are the Benefits of an iPad?

What Are the iPad’s Weaknesses?

A Closer Look at the iPad Hardware

2 Overview of the iOS

Say Hello to iOS!

What Is iOS?

Take a Quick Tour of iOS

Moving Apps and Creating Folders

Using Gestures with iOS

What About Typing?

3 iCloud and Settings

Customization and Backup

Settings, Settings, Settings

Take a Tour of Settings

Fun and Easy Settings to Tweak

The Power of iCloud

II Using the iPad’s Basic Productivity Apps

4 Contacts

Say Hello to the Contacts App

Adding a New Contact

Send Message


Share Contact

Add to Favorites

Settings Tweaks

5 Notes and Reminders

Takin’ Some Notes!

Creating Notes

Editing Notes

Searching and Deleting Notes

Using Reminders

Choosing When You Want to Be Reminded

Setting Recurring Reminders

Receiving Alerts

6 The Calendar App

Check Your Schedule

Create an Event

Create a Recurring Event

Add a New Calendar Category

Importing Other Calendars

7 The Mail App

Configuring the Mail App

Touring Mail

Adding New Mailboxes

Flagging Emails

Marking an Email as Unread

Archiving and Trashing Email

Replying, Forwarding, and Printing

Writing a New Email

Extra Features

Sending Attachments

Other Email Apps

Email Access with a Web Browser

Mail Settings

8 The Safari App

Opening Safari

Touring Safari

Using the Share Feature

Bookmarks and Reading List

iCloud Tabs

III Camera, Video, and Communication Apps

9 Apps for Photos and Videos

Using Camera

Using Photo Booth

The Photos App

Editing Photos

10 Apps for Instant Communication

The Messages App

Using FaceTime

11 Social Apps

Installing Facebook and Twitter

Built-in Integration

Twitter and Facebook Resources



IV Movies, Books, Music, and Apps

12 Apps for the iPad

Exploring the App Store

Searching the App Store

Purchasing an App

Good App Management

13 iBooks and the iBooks Store

Exploring iBooks

Visiting the iBooks Store

Reading an eBook in the iBooks App

Alternatives to iBooks

14 Movies, Music, and More

Exploring iTunes

Listening to Music

Using Playlists

15 Magazine, Newspaper, or Movie?

Exploring Newsstand

Watching Movies and TV Shows

V Everything Else

16 Finding Things

Using Search

Explore the Maps App

Say Hello to Siri

17 The Two iPad Centers

Exploring the Notification Center

Configuring the Notification Center

Exploring the Game Center

18 Charging and iPad Peripherals

Peripherals and Add-Ons

AirPrint Printers

External Keyboard





19 Eight Great Free Apps




eBooks: Kindle and Nook





Finding More Free Apps

20 Eight Great Paid Apps





Paper by FiftyThree



Angry Birds (Anything)

Finding More Paid Apps


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