
Book Description

This second volume of a five volume set, edited and authored by world leading experts, gives a review of the principles, methods and techniques of important and emerging research topics and technologies in communications and radar engineering.

With this reference source you will:

  • Quickly grasp a new area of research 
  • Understand the underlying principles of a topic and its application
  • Ascertain how a topic relates to other areas and learn of the research issues yet to be resolved

    • Quick tutorial reviews of important and emerging topics of research in communications and radar engineering
    • Presents core principles in signal processing theory and shows their application
    • Reference content on core principles, technologies, algorithms and applications
    • Comprehensive references to journal articles and other literature on which to build further, more specific and detailed knowledge
    • Edited by leading people in the field who, through their reputation, have been able to commission experts to write on a particular topic

    Table of Contents

    1. Cover image
    2. Title page
    3. Table of Contents
    4. Copyright
    5. Introduction
      1. Signal Processing at Your Fingertips!
    6. About the Editors
    7. Section Editors
      1. Section 1
      2. Section 2
    8. Authors Biography
      1. Chapter 2
      2. Chapter 3
      3. Chapter 4
      4. Chapter 5
      5. Chapter 6
      6. Chapter 7
      7. Chapter 8
      8. Chapter 9
      9. Chapter 11
      10. Chapter 12
      11. Chapter 13
      12. Chapter 14
      13. Chapter 15
      14. Chapter 16
      15. Chapter 17
      16. Chapter 18
      17. Chapter 19
      18. Chapter 20
      19. Chapter 21
      20. Chapter 22
    9. Section 1: Signal Processing for Communications Modules
      1. Chapter 1. Introduction to Signal Processing for Communications
        1. 2.01.1 Some history
        2. 2.01.2 Contents and contributors
        3. 2.01.3 Outlook
        4. References
      2. Chapter 2. Synchronization
        1. Abstract
        2. 2.02.1 Introduction
        3. 2.02.2 Synchronization in flat fading channel
        4. 2.02.3 Synchronization for non-flat fading channels
        5. 2.02.4 Multiuser synchronization
        6. 2.02.5 Network synchronization
        7. 2.02.6 Conclusion
        8. References
      3. Chapter 3. Channel Estimation, Equalization, Precoding, and Tracking
        1. Abstract
        2. 2.03.1 Introduction
        3. 2.03.2 Channel models
        4. 2.03.3 Channel estimation
        5. 2.03.4 Equalization
        6. 2.03.5 Precoding
        7. 2.03.6 Tracking
        8. 2.03.7 Conclusion
        9. References
      4. Chapter 4. Blind Signal Separation for Digital Communication Data
        1. Abstract
        2. 2.04.1 Introduction
        3. 2.04.2 Signals
        4. 2.04.3 Instantaneous mixtures
        5. 2.04.4 Convolutive mixtures: case of sparse channels
        6. 2.04.5 Convolutive mixtures
        7. 2.04.6 Simulation
        8. 2.04.7 Extensions and further readings
        9. 2.04.8 Conclusion
        10. References
      5. Chapter 5. OFDM and Multicarrier Signal Processing
        1. Abstract
        2. 2.05.1 Introduction
        3. 2.05.2 Mathematical background
        4. 2.05.3 Single carrier background
        5. 2.05.4 The path to OFDM
        6. 2.05.5 OFDM in frequency-selective multipath channels
        7. 2.05.6 A vector-matrix representation for OFDM
        8. 2.05.7 Symbol error rate (SER) performance analysis
        9. 2.05.8 Coded—OFDM
        10. 2.05.9 Linearly precoded-OFDM (LP-OFDM)
        11. 2.05.10 Multiuser multicarrier systems
        12. 2.05.11 OFDM and multicarrier communications in nonlinear systems
        13. 2.05.12 Estimation of LTI channels for OFDM
        14. 2.05.13 OFDM propagation in rapidly time-varying channels
        15. 2.05.14 Design of OFDM systems: practical guidelines and commercial standards
        16. 2.05.15 OFDM time and frequency synchronization
        17. 2.05.16 Capacity for OFDM transmissions: bit and power-loading
        18. 2.05.17 Further research topics and directions
        19. References
        20. Additional References
      6. Chapter 6. Signal Processing for Vectored Multichannel VDSL
        1. Abstract
        2. 2.06.1 Introduction
        3. 2.06.2 System model
        4. 2.06.3 Downstream transmission
        5. 2.06.4 Upstream transmission
        6. 2.06.5 Conclusion
        7. References
      7. Chapter 7. Distributed Detection and Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks
        1. Abstract
        2. 2.07.1 Introduction
        3. 2.07.2 General framework
        4. 2.07.3 Graphical models and consensus algorithm
        5. 2.07.4 Distributed estimation
        6. 2.07.5 Distributed detection
        7. 2.07.6 Beyond consensus: distributed projection algorithms
        8. 2.07.7 Minimum energy consensus
        9. 2.07.8 Matching communication network topology to statistical dependency graph
        10. 2.07.9 Conclusions and further developments
        11. Appendix A
        12. References
      8. Chapter 8. Signal Processing and Optimal Resource Allocation for the Interference Channel
        1. Abstract
        2. 2.08.1 Introduction
        3. 2.08.2 Information-theoretic results
        4. 2.08.3 Optimal resource allocation in interference channel
        5. 2.08.4 Distributed resource allocation in interference channel
        6. 2.08.5 Resource allocation via interference alignment
        7. References
      9. Chapter 9. Advances in Spectrum Sensing and Cross-Layer Design for Cognitive Radio Networks
        1. Abstract
        2. Nomenclature
        3. 2.09.1 Introduction
        4. 2.09.2 Sensing at the physical layer
        5. 2.09.3 Sensing at the MAC layer
        6. 2.09.4 CR Sensing and cross-layer design
        7. 2.09.5 Conclusion
        8. References
    10. Section 2: Radar Signal Processing
      1. Chapter 10. Introduction to the Radar Signal Processing Section
        1. References
      2. Chapter 11. Radar Clutter Modeling and Analysis
        1. Abstract
        2. 2.11.1 Introduction
        3. 2.11.2 Clutter modeling
        4. 2.11.3 Radar clutter analysis
        5. 2.11.4 Simulation methods
        6. 2.11.5 Use of clutter models in radar design and analysis
        7. 2.11.6 Conclusions
        8. References
      3. Chapter 12. Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Radar
        1. Abstract
        2. 2.12.1 Introduction
        3. 2.12.2 Basic concepts
        4. 2.12.3 Signal models
        5. 2.12.4 Adaptive filter implementations
        6. 2.12.5 Application
        7. 2.12.6 Challenges
        8. 2.12.7 Implementation
        9. 2.12.8 STAP data collection programs
        10. 2.12.9 Summary
        11. Symbols and notation
        12. Acronyms
        13. References
      4. Chapter 13. MIMO Radar with Widely Separated Antennas—From Concepts to Designs
        1. Abstract
        2. 2.13.1 Introduction
        3. 2.13.2 Coherent MIMO radar
        4. 2.13.3 Noncoherent MIMO radar
        5. 2.13.4 Performance and complexity analysis for coherent and noncoherent MIMO radar
        6. 2.13.5 Diversity gain for MIMO radar Neyman-Pearson signal detection
        7. 2.13.6 Phase synchronization for coherent MIMO radar
        8. 2.13.7 Waveform design for MIMO radar
        9. 2.13.8 Summary
        10. Notation
        11. Appendix
        12. References
      5. Chapter 14. Optimal Radar Waveform Design
        1. Abstract
        2. Nomenclature
        3. 2.14.1 Introduction
        4. 2.14.2 Optimum transmit-receiver design for the additive colored noise case: detection
        5. 2.14.3 Optimum transmit-receiver design for the clutter case: detection
        6. 2.14.4 Optimizing the transmit-receive functions for target identification
        7. 2.14.5 Constrained optimum transmit-receiver radar
        8. 2.14.6 Open issues and problems
        9. 2.14.7 Conclusions and future trends
        10. Glossary
        11. Acronyms
        12. References
      6. Chapter 15. Multitarget Multisensor Tracking
        1. Abstract
        2. 3.15.1 Introduction
        3. 3.15.2 Formulation of multisensor-multitarget tracking problems
        4. 3.15.3 Filters
        5. 3.15.4 Filter initialization
        6. 3.15.5 Data association
        7. 3.15.6 Multitarget tracking algorithms
        8. 3.15.7 Architectures of multisensor-multitarget tracking
        9. 3.15.8 Centralized tracking
        10. 3.15.9 Distributed tracking
        11. 3.15.10 Performance evaluation
        12. 3.15.11 Simulations—a multiple closely-spaced target scenario
        13. 3.15.12 Summary
        14. References
      7. Chapter 16. Passive Bistatic Radar
        1. Abstract
        2. Nomenclature
        3. Acknowledgments
        4. 2.16.1 Introduction
        5. 2.16.2 Bistatic radar
        6. 2.16.3 Bistatic radar equation
        7. 2.16.4 Target signatures
        8. 2.16.5 Bistatic radar clutter
        9. 2.16.6 PBR waveforms
        10. 2.16.7 The signal and interference environment [43]
        11. 2.16.8 Applications
        12. 2.16.9 Open issues and problems
        13. 2.16.10 Conclusions and future trends
        14. Acronyms
        15. Glossary
        16. Supplementary data
        17. Supplementary data
        18. References
        19. Websites
      8. Chapter 17. Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging: Theory and Applications
        1. Abstract
        2. 2.17.1 Introduction
        3. 2.17.2 Wall clutter mitigation
        4. 2.17.3 Multipath exploitation
        5. 2.17.4 Change detection based MTI approach
        6. 2.17.5 Compressive sensing approach to moving target indication for urban sensing
        7. 2.17.6 Applications
        8. 2.17.7 Open issues and problems
        9. 2.17.8 Data sets
        10. 2.17.9 Conclusion
        11. References
      9. Chapter 18. Multi-Channel SAR for Ground Moving Target Indication
        1. Abstract
        2. Nomenclature
        3. 2.18.1 Introduction
        4. 2.18.2 Synthetic aperture radar principle
        5. 2.18.3 Moving point target signal model
        6. 2.18.4 Effects on SAR imagery
        7. 2.18.5 Classical dual-channel techniques
        8. 2.18.6 General GMTI processing chain
        9. 2.18.7 Doppler parameter estimation: basic methods
        10. 2.18.8 Space-time adaptive processing
        11. 2.18.9 Conclusion and future trends
        12. References
      10. Chapter 19. Introduction to Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar
        1. Abstract
        2. Acknowledgment
        3. 2.19.1 Introduction
        4. 2.19.2 Historical overview
        5. 2.19.3 High resolution radar and radar imaging
        6. 2.19.4 Inverse synthetic aperture radar
        7. 2.19.5 ISAR image evaluation
        8. 2.19.6 Examples of ISAR images
        9. 2.19.7 Image autofocus
        10. 2.19.8 Time-windowing
        11. 2.19.9 Image scaling
        12. 2.19.10 Time-frequency image formation
        13. 2.19.11 Polarimetric ISAR (Pol-ISAR)
        14. 2.19.12 Bistatic radar imaging
        15. 2.19.13 Conclusion
        16. Acronyms
        17. Supplementary data
        18. Supplementary data
        19. References
      11. Chapter 20. SAR Interferometry and Tomography: Theory and Applications
        1. Abstract
        2. Acknowledgments
        3. 2.20.1 Introduction
        4. 2.20.2 Basics concepts in SAR imaging and SAR interferometry
        5. 2.20.3 SAR interferometry
        6. 2.20.4 Multibaseline SAR interferometry
        7. 2.20.5 Multipass interferometry
        8. 2.20.6 SAR tomography
        9. 2.20.7 4D Imaging
        10. 2.20.8 Conclusion
        11. References
      12. Chapter 21. Radar Polarimetry Basics and Selected Earth Remote Sensing Applications
        1. 2.21.1 Introduction
        2. 2.21.2 SAR polarimetry basics
        3. 2.21.3 Advanced polarimetric decomposition techniques and some of their applications
        4. 2.21.4 Selected topics in multidimensional polarimetric SAR signal processing
        5. 2.21.5 Conclusion and trends
        6. References
      13. Chapter 22. Integrated Sensor Systems and Data Fusion for Homeland Protection
        1. Abstract
        2. Acknowledgments
        3. 2.22.1 Introduction
        4. 2.22.2 The Problem of homeland protection
        5. 2.22.3 Definitions and background
        6. 2.22.4 The information sources
        7. 2.22.5 Homogeneous sensor networks
        8. 2.22.6 Real study cases: novel approaches to sensor networks
        9. 2.22.7 Heterogeneous multi-sensor network management
        10. 2.22.8 Border control problem via electronic fence
        11. 2.22.9 Estimation and forecasting of an epidemic
        12. 2.22.10 Conclusions
        13. List of Acronyms
        14. References
    11. Index