

ACMA. See Algebraic Constant Modulus Algorithms (ACMA)
Across-track interferometry, 1044
Across-track SAR interferometry
statistical characterization of, 1055
surface topography, measuring, 1054
Across-track velocity
parameter estimation, 957
SAR imaging, 936
Active constellation extension (ACE), 242243
Adaptive beamformer pattern synthesis, 624
Adaptive channel estimation, 118119
Adaptive filter implementations
reduced-dimension STAP (RD-STAP), 630
post-Doppler STAP, 632
pre-Doppler STAP, 634
reduced-rank STAP, 622
adaptive beamformer pattern synthesis, 624
cross spectral metric, 627
diagonal loading, 626
eigencanceler, 625
Hung Turner Projection (HTP), 626
Multi-StageWiener Filter (MWF), 629
principle components inverse (PCI), 624
Adaptive precoding, 314
Adaptive SINR loss, 613
Adaptive SISOf nonlinear Kalman equalizer, 122
ADC. See Analog to digital conversion (ADC)
Additive colored noise case, 730
Additive Gaussian colored noise (AGCN), 732
Additive noise, 182
Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), 190191, 414415
Advanced polarimetric decomposition techniques, 1162
adaptive model-based decomposition, 1168
2-component decomposition, improved volume description, 1165
efficient eigenvector based decomposition, 1171
Yamaguchi 4-component decomposition, 1162
Airborne Early Warning (AEW) systems, 12461247
Algebraic Constant Modulus Algorithms (ACMA), 138140
Algebraic graph theory, 85, 343344, 400
Algorithms, for optimal resource allocation, 425
Along-track acceleration
SAR imaging, 940
Along-track interferometry (ATI), 943948, 10441045
Along-track velocity
parameter estimation, 958959
SAR imaging, 934936
Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), 354
Alternating projection timing estimator (APTE), 7677
Ambiguity function (AF), 668, 675
Analog to digital conversion (ADC), 9
APC algorithm. See Autonomous power control (APC) algorithm
a-priori distribution, 12
Arbitrary networks, optimal topology and power allocation for, 388
Architectures, multitarget multisensor tracking, 783
AR models. See Autoregressive (AR) models
ASKF. See Augmented state Kalman filter (ASKF)
Attenuation, 846, 1294
Augmented state Kalman filter (ASKF), 786
Autonomous power control (APC) algorithm, 426
Autoregressive (AR) models, 98, 140141, 564
AWGN channel. See Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN)


Backscatter, 1294
Band occupancy prediction, 487
Band occupancy scheduling, 488
Barankin Bound (BB), 2829
Basis expansion models (BEMs), 99, 126
Bayesian and Neyman-Pearson (NP) formulations, 380381
Bayesian approach, 358359, 761
BB. See Barankin Bound (BB)
Beaufort Wind Scale, 528
BEMs. See Basis expansion models (BEMs)
Benett Equality, 144
BER. See Bit-error-rate (BER)
BICM. See Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM)
Bio-inspired approaches, 85
Bistatic ambiguity functions, 825
Bistatic challenges, 649
Bistatic ISAR, 1031
cross-range image formation, 1035
PSF of, 1033
range compression, 1034
signal modeling, 1032
Bistatic radar, 816
geometry, 816
radar equation, 817
Bistatic radar clutter, 821, 848
characterization of, 848
geometry, 822
Bistatic radar imaging, 1030
bistatic ISAR, 10311032
Bit-error-rate (BER), 1415, 192
Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM), 121, 192, 449450
Blind channel estimation, 104
combined channel and symbol estimation, 104
methods of moments, 106
Blind signal separation, 5
Blind Source Separation (BSS)
additive noise, 182
for communication signals, 136
convolutive mixtures, 171, 173
generalities on, 135
instantaneous mixtures, 148
non-circular sources, case of, 182
non-stationarity, exploiting the, 182
organisation of paper, 138
signals, 141
simulation, 180
Block-adaptive channel estimation, 118
Border control problem via electronic fence, 1290
electronic fence, 12911292
multi-scale approach, 1290
Bragg scatterers, 522
Bragg scattering and long waves, 556
Broadband multipath interference, 734
Broadcast consensus based phase synchronization, 703
BSS. See Blind Source Separation (BSS)


Canonical scatterers, 11311132
Canonical scattering mechanisms, 1131
Carrier frequency offset (CFO), 25, 38, 57, 250, 252
Cartesian polarization basis, canonical scattering mechanisms, 1131
Cartography-enabled route optimization, 493
CAS. See Subband carrier allocation scheme (CAS)
Cauchy-Schwarz theorem, 733
CCRB derivations, 45
CE-BEM. See Complex exponential basis expansion model (CE-BEM)
Cellular networks, 487
Central fusion center (CFC), 767
Centralized data fusion process model, 1267
Centralized tracking, 784
Central limit theorem (CLT), 234, 518, 1137
CFC. See Central fusion center (CFC)
CFO. See Carrier frequency offset (CFO)
CG map construction, 482
Change detection based MTI approach, 888
change detection, 891
experimental results, 893
signal model, 890
Channel estimation
blind channel estimation, 104
MIMO channel estimation, 108
semi-blind approaches, 107
superimposed training-based approaches, 107
training-based channel estimation, 103
Channel gain cartography, 480
CG map construction, 482
coverage region estimation, 485
spatio-temporal channel correlation, 482
Channel gain map, 481
Channel impulse response (CIR), 53, 200201
Channel matrix structure, 301
Channel models
MIMO channels, 102
time-invariant channels, 100
time-variant (doubly selective) channels, 96
Channel state information (CSI), 116, 278, 442
Chemical sensors networks, dynamic collaboration, 1275
Circular polarization, 1124
Circular polarization basis, canonical scattering mechanisms, 1131
Circular-polarization scattering matrix, 525526
Clairvoyant SINR loss, 612
Classical dual-channel techniques, 943
along-track interferometry (ATI), 943944
displaced phase center antenna (DPCA) technique, 948, 950
Clock characteristics, compariosn of, 82
Clock drift, 8182
discrete clutter, 617
distributed clutter, 615
Clutter diversity, 823
Clutter modeling, 505506, 764
amplitude statistics, 517
clutter volume reflectivity, 517
discrete scatterers, 526
Doppler spectrum, 522
normalized clutter reflectivity, 515
polarization characteristics, 524
spatial correlation, 526
Clutter suppression, GMTI, 952
adaptive clutter suppression, 953
DPCA technique, 952
Clutter volume reflectivity, 517
Coarse synchronization methods, 58
Code-aided synchronization, 46
Code-division multiple-access (CDMA) receiver, 195196
Coded–OFDM, 217218
Coding gain, 221222
Cognitive radio applications, 276
Cognitive radio networks (CRN), 454456, 474
Cognitive radio sensing and cross-layer design, 489
cartography-enabled route optimization, 493
joint sensing and resource optimization, 490
real-time traffic, sequential sensing for, 492
throughput-aware sequential sensing, 490
Coherency and covariance matrices, 1139
Coherent ambiguity function, 675
Coherent and non stationary pixels (yellow class), 1211
Coherent and stationary pixels (white class), 1211
Coherent decomposition techniques, 1143
Coherent MIMO radar, 669
Coherent processing, 672673
Coherent time-frequency characterization, 1187
SAR image spectral content, 11881190
time frequency decomposition, 11901191
Collaborative signal and information processing (CSIP), 1263
Column-wise diagonally dominant (CWDD), 301302
Communication network, 1292
Communication networks, resource allocation, 409
Competitive sensor data fusion, 1261
Complementary sensor data fusion, 1261
Complex exponential basis expansion model (CE-BEM), 99
Complex scattering coefficients, 1129
Compound-Gaussian model, 505506, 519
Compressed sensing approach, 476
Compressive sensing approach, 896
experimental results, 900901
signal model, 897898
Computational complexity theory, 424
Conditional-CCRB, 43
Conformal array, 650
Consensus algorithm, 343344, 348
over realistic channels, 348
Consensus-type approaches, 85
Constant acceleration, 762
Constant velocity, 762
Control Time Protocol (CTP), 82
Conventional SAR processing, 952
Convolutive mixtures
case of sparse channels, 171
frequency-domain approaches, 176
global BSS approaches, 175
identifying the symbols, algebraic methods, 173
iterative BSS, general cyclo-stationary, 178
iterative BSS, stationary case, 176
MA/AR structures (stationary data), 174
subpace methods (cyclo-stationary data), 174
temporal approaches, 175
Cooperative sensor data fusion, 1261
Cooperative sensor network, optimal deployment and functioning, 1268
Cost function, 22, 27, 34
Covariance Intersection (CI) algorithm, 764
Coverage region estimation, 485
CP. See Cyclic prefix (CP)
CP-OFDM. See Cyclic-prefix OFDM (CP-OFDM)
CP philosophy, 211
Cramer-Rao bound (CRB), 10, 18, 42, 673674
CRB. See Cramer-Rao bound (CRB)
CRN. See Cognitive radio networks (CRN)
Cross-covariance, of estimation errors, 761
Cross-layer design
cellular networks, 487
channel gain cartography, 480
CR sensing and cross-layer design, 489
MAC layer, 486
physical layer, 473
sparsity-aware power spectrum cartography, 475
wireless regional area networks (WRAN), 486
CSI. See Channel state information (CSI)
CSI information, 276
CSIP. See Collaborative signal and information processing
CTP. See Control Time Protocol (CTP)
CWDD. See Column-wise diagonally dominant (CWDD)
Cyclic prefix (CP), 50
Cyclic-prefix OFDM (CP-OFDM), 204
vector-matrix representation of, 209
Cyclo-correlation function, 143144
Cyclostationarity detection, 473
Cyclostationarity tool, 37


DA approach. See Data-aided approach
2-D assignment, measurement-to-track association, 776
Data-aided (DA) approach, 1718
Data collection programs, 654
knowledge-aided sensor signal processing and expert reasoning (KASSPER) data, 657
mountaintop database, 656
multichannel airborne radar measurements (MCARM), 654
naval research laboratory (NRL) database, 656
Data fusion, 510, 12451246, 1253
Data Information Knowledge and Wisdom (DIKW), 12561257
Data uploading, 333336
Decentralized observations with centralized estimation, 367
Decentralized observations with decentralized estimation, 353
conditionally independent observations, 353
distributed Bayesian estimation under Gaussian noise and Laplacian prior, 358
distributed ML estimation under Gaussian noise, 357
distributed recursive least square estimation with sparsity constraint, 361
spatially correlated observations, 364
Decentralized sensor network, sensor coordination in, 12871288
Decentralized tracking, 785
Decision center
conditionally independent observations, 379
nodes send data to, 376
signal embedded in additive noise, 376
Decision-Directed (DD) mode, 2425
Decision feedback equalization, 111
Decision feedback equalizer, 323
Degree of polarization (DoP), 1139
Degrees of Freedom (DoF), 415, 458, 1143
Degrees of freedom region, 415
Delay-Doppler spread function, 96
Deployment of simple and complex nodes, 1288
DERD. See Double bounce Eigenvalue Relative Difference
Deterministic maximum likelihood estimation, 105106
Deterministic scatterers, 1227
DFT. See Discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
DFT-based implementation, OFDM, 198
Difference of convex (DC) problem, 395
Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR), 1061
Digital audio broadcasting (DAB), 199
Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED), 13001301
Dihedral scattering, 1144
Dihedral, scattering matrices, 1133
DIKW. See Data Information Knowledge and Wisdom
DInSAR. See Differential SAR Interferometry
Directly achievable rate regions, 417
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) matrix, 220221
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 176, 187188, 299, 1053
Discrete Karhunen-Loève (DKL), 255257
Discrete prolate spheroidal BEM (DPS-BEM), 99100
Discrete scatterers, 526
Displaced phase center antenna (DPCA) technique, 948, 950
Distributed Bayesian estimation under Gaussian noise and Laplacian prior, 358
Distributed coherency matrix, 1142
Distributed ML estimation under Gaussian noise, 357
Distributed projection algorithms, 381
Distributed resource allocation, interference channel, 445
Distributed scatterers, 12261227
Distributed tracking, 785
Dithered quantization, 349
Dolph-Chebyshev weighting function, 523524
Dominant scatterer autofocus, ISAR, 1009
Doppler effects, 12, 99, 262263
Doppler parameter estimation, 962
fractional Fourier transform (FrFT), 966
matched filter bank, 963
radon transform, 971
Doppler spectrum, 522, 534, 536
Double bounce Eigenvalue Relative Difference (DERD), 1183
Douglas Sea State, 528
DPS-BEM. See Discrete prolate spheroidal BEM (DPS-BEM)
4D SAR imaging, 1103
DSC. See Dynamic sensor collaboration
DTED. See Digital Terrain Elevation Data
Dual polarization SAR, 1138
Dynamic sensor collaboration (DSC), 1275


EDPCA. See Extended displaced phase center antenna technique
Efficient eigenvector based decomposition, 11711173
parametrization using number of degrees of freedom, 11741175
target vector, circular basis, 1173
Eigenvector based decomposition technique, 1144
cloude dominant scattering mechanism decomposition, 1144, 1145
H/A/image decomposition, 1145
Eigenvector decomposition, 174175, 1143
EKF. See Extended Kalman filter (EKF)
Ellipse amplitude, 1123
Ellipse aperture, 1123
Ellipse orientation, 1123
Ellipticity, 1123
Elliptic polarization, 1124
EM algorithm. See Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm
Energy detection, 473
Epidemics, estimation and forecasting, 1302
modeling, 1304
numerical results, 13071309
sequential Bayesian solution, 1305
Equal-gain combining (EGC), 230231
decision feedback equalization, 111
linear equalization, 108
maximum likelihood sequence detection, 113
turbo equalization, 114
Equation error, 106
ESPRIT algorithm. See Estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance technique (ESPRIT) algorithm
Estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance technique (ESPRIT) algorithm, 7273
Euclidean Random Matrix (ERM), 403
Euler’s totient function, 221222
Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, 33
Extended displaced phase center antenna technique (EDPCA), 977
Extended Kalman filter (EKF), 767, 834


Far end crosstalk (FEXT), 298
FCs. See Fusion centers (FCs)
FECs. See Forward Error Correcting codes (FECs)
FEXT. See Far end crosstalk (FEXT)
Filter-bank multicarrier (FBMC), 277
FIM. See Fisher information matrix (FIM)
Fine synchronization methods, 65
Finite Set Statistics (FISST), 782
First-order statistics based methods, 63
First scheme, DA phase and CFO, 20
Fisher information matrix (FIM), 4344, 673674
for coherent MIMO radar joint estimation, 718
for localization with phase errors, 719
FISST. See Finite Set Statistics (FISST)
Fitting error, 106
Flat fading channel, synchronization in
code-aided synchronization, 46
CRB, 42
DA case, 18
DA phase and CFO estimation, 25
DA timing estimation, 21
NDA case, 31
NDA ML phase and CFO estimator, 33
NDA ML timing estimator, 32
sub-optimal estimators, 36
Flat plate, scattering matrices, 1131
FOliage PENetrating (FOPEN) radar, 1293
Forestry remote sensing, 12371239
Forward Error Correcting codes (FECs), 219
Fourier series expansion, 37
Fourier transform, 5556, 144, 189
Fractional Fourier transform (FrFT), 966
Freeman-Durden decomposition, 11491150
Free-space propagation, 858
Frequency division multiplexing, 193
concept of, 194
Frequency-selective multipath channels, 200
Frequency spread signals, 714
FrFT. See Fractional Fourier transform
Fully polarimetric SAR, 1139
Fully polarimetric tomography
mono-dimensional estimators, 12311233
multi-dimensional estimators, 1233
numerical examples, 12331235
Fundamental information-theoretical issues, 341
Fusion centers (FCs), 785
nodes send local decisions to, 380
Fusion engines, 12971298
classification function, 1301
local tracking function, 1299


Game theoretical formulations, 447
Game theoretic approaches, 474
Gamma texture (GK), 520
Gaussian amplitude statistics, 526
Gaussian-GCRB, 43
Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF), 339
Gaussian noise, 13, 412413
Gaussian process, 11, 234, 550551
Gaussian statistics, 518519
Gauss-Markov Random field (GMRF), 371373
GCRB derivations, 45
GDFE. See Generalized decision feedback equalizer (GDFE)
GEMS. See Generic Error modeling System
General GMTI processing chain, 950
clutter suppression, 952
detection, 953
parameter estimation, 957
preprocessing, 951
signal extraction, 955
visualization, 962
Generalizations, BSS methods, 162
Generalized decision feedback equalizer (GDFE), 323
Generalized eigen-analysis, 609
Generalized sidelobe canceler, 606
Generic Error modeling System (GEMS), 1257
GEOINT. See Geospatial Intelligence
Geometric Programming (GP) technique, 432
Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT), 12581259
Global BSS, stationary mixture, 158
first result, 159
generalization: notion of contrast function, 160
JADE, 161
GMRF. See Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF)
GP technique. See Geometric Programming (GP) technique
Graphical models and consensus algorithm, 343
Ground clutter
Doppler spectra for land clutter, 536
land clutter, 535
Ground moving target indication (GMTI), 508509
Group and coefficient levels, sparsity, 477
Grouped linear precoding (GLP), 222


H/A/image decomposition
decomposition parameters, 11461149
mean scattering mechanism, 11451146
Han-Kobayashi region, 415
Heterogeneous clutter, 645
Heterogeneous multi-sensor network management, 1285
Hidden Markov Model (HMM), 104105
High entropy multiple scattering, 1153
High entropy vegetation scattering, 1152
High resolution image formation, 1046
High resolution radar and radar imaging, 988
high cross-range resolution, 992
high range resolution, 990
resolution, 989
Homeland Protection (HP), 1249
HOMHT. See Hypothesis-oriented MHT (HOMHT)
Homogeneous sensor networks, 12591260
sensor configuration, 1260
Horizontal dipole, scattering matrices, 1132
HP. See Homeland Protection
HTP. See Hung Turner Projection (HTP)
Human Intelligence (HUMINT), 12581259
HUMINT. See Human Intelligence
Hung Turner Projection (HTP), 626
Huynen parameters, 11401141
Hybrid scatterers, 1227
Hypothesis-oriented MHT (HOMHT), 780


IBI. See Inter-block interference (IBI)
ICBF. See Iterative Coordinated BeamForming (ICBF)
ICI. See Inter-carrier interference (ICI)
IF. See Improvement factor (IF)
IHP. See Internal Hermitian Product
ILSP. See Iterative Least Square with Projection (ILSP)
Image autofocus, ISAR, 1007
dominant scatterer autofocus (DSA), 1009
IEBA, 1009
image contrast based autofocus (ICBA) algorithm, 1007
PGA, 10101011
Image contrast based autofocus (ICBA) algorithm, 1007
Image formation, ISAR, 998
radial motion compensation, 998
range-doppler image formation, 999
Imagery Intelligence (IMINT), 12581259
Image scaling, ISAR, 1015
Imaging space-time adaptive processing (ISTAP), 978
IMINT. See Imagery Intelligence
Impact assessment, 1254
Improvement factor (IF), 614, 870
Impulse response function (IRF), 10461047
Incoherent and non-stationary pixels (red class), 1211
Incoherent and stationarity pixels (green class), 1211
Incoherent decompositions, 1143
Information fusion, 12551256
Information sources, 1258
Information-theoretic results, 414
Instantaneous mixtures, 146147
algebraic methods, 149
deflation step, 157
extensions, 158
global BSS, 158
improving the deflation, 157
indeterminacies, 149
iterative BSS, 151
practical aspects, 155
second-order based identification, 150
theoretical considerations, 152
Integrated sensor systems, 510
Integration time, 1049
Interacting multiple-model estimator, 770
Inter-block interference (IBI), 50, 202
Inter-carrier interference (ICI), 5556, 197198
Interference alignment, 458
Interference channel (IC), 6, 410
capacity results for, 414
distributed resource allocation in, 445, 449
optimal resource allocation in, 420
algorithms for, 425
comparisons of, 445
complexity of, 424
hybrid formulations, algorithms for, 441
lagrangian dual decomposition, 428
min-rate maximization, algorithms for, 426
problem formulations, 420
QoS constrained power minimization, 439
robust resource allocation, algorithms for, 442
weighted sum-utility maximization, 428
system model, 412
Interfering broadcast channel (IBC), 411412
Interfering multiple access channel (IMAC), 411
Internal Hermitian Product (IHP), 11981199
polarimetric, 1200
single polarization, 11991200
Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI), 11
Inverse DFT (IDFT), 199
Inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR), 509
geometry, 995997
high resolution radar and radar imaging, 988
historical overview, 987988
image formation, 998
SAR to ISAR, 995
signal modeling, 996
IRF. See Impulse response function
ISAR. See Inverse synthetic aperture radar
ISAR image evaluation, 1001
image coordinates, 1001
image projection plane, 1002
image resolution, 1002
images, examples of, 10041007
point spread function, 1002
ISB algorithm. See Iterative spectrum balancing (ISB) algorithm
ISTAP. See Imaging space-time adaptive processing
Iterative BSS, general cyclo-stationary case
global BSS, 168
semi-analytical considerations, 169
Iterative Coordinated BeamForming (ICBF), 430
Iterative Least Square with Projection (ILSP), 138140, 149
Iterative spectrum balancing (ISB) algorithm, 429


JADE algorithm. See Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Eigenmatrices (JADE) algorithm
Joint Approximate Diagonalization of Eigenmatrices (JADE) algorithm, 138140
Joint Directors of Laboratories (JDL) fusion model, 12531255, 12571258
Joint domain space-time adaptive processing, 972
Joint location and velocity estimation, 670, 680
Joint probabilistic data association (JPDA), 778
Joint sensing and resource optimization, 490
Joint separating methods, 138140
Jones vector, 1125
JPDA. See Joint probabilistic data association (JPDA)


Kalman detector, 109
Kalman filter, 109110, 767
Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimal solution, 495
KASSPER data. See Knowledge-aided sensor signal processing and expert reasoning (KASSPER) data
k-mean segmentation technique, 1155, 1158
Knowledge-aided (KA) methods, 753
Knowledge-aided sensor signal processing and expert reasoning (KASSPER) data, 657
Kriged Kalman filtering (KKF), 483
Kronecker delta function, 103
Kronecker index, 1314


Lagrangian dual function, 429
Laplacian matrix, 344
Lasso algorithm, 394
Least-absolute shrinkage and selection operator (lasso) method, 359
Left helix, scattering matrices, 1133
LFC. See Local fusion center (LFC)
Lightweight Tree-based Synchronization (LTS), 82
Likelihood function, 102
Linear constraints, 747
pre-nulling on transmit, 748
Linear equalization, 108
Linearly precoded-OFDM (LP-OFDM), 219
Linear polarization, 1124
Linear precoding
partial ZF precoding, 312
reduced complexity ZF, 309
word length for ZF, 311
zero forcing precoder, 307
Linear precoding (LP) matrix, 219220
Linear receiver, 322
Linear rotated basis, canonical scattering mechanisms, 1131
Linear time-varying (LTV)
channel equalization, 253
channel estimation, 255
Line-of-sight (LOS), 10461047
Local fusion center (LFC), 767, 785, 12471248
Lorentzian function, 522
Low-cost scientific measurements, 836
bistatic adjunct to weather radar, 837
Manastash Ridge Radar (MRR), 836
ocean remote sensing using gps signals, 838
Low entropy dipole scattering, 1152
Low entropy multiple scattering events, 1152
Low entropy surface scatter, 1152
LP-OFDM. See Linearly precoded-OFDM (LP-OFDM)
LTI channels for OFDM, 243
LTS. See Lightweight Tree-based Synchronization (LTS)
LTV. See Linear time-varying (LTV)
Lyapunov theorem, 429


MAI. See Multiple-access interference (MAI)
Manastash Ridge Radar (MRR), 836
MANET. See Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET)
Markov observations, 337338
MASINT. See Measurement and Signature Intelligence
Master-slave closed-loop phase synchronization, 700
Matching communication network topology, 393
numerical results, 396
precision matrix, 396
preserving total transmit power, encouraging sparsity by, 394
Maximum likelihood sequence detection (MLSD), 113
Maximum ratio combining (MRC), 230231
Maximum SINR filter, 603
MCARM. See Multichannel airborne radar measurements (MCARM)
Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT), 12581259
Medium access control (MAC) protocol, 332
Medium entropy multiple scattering, 1152
Medium entropy surface scatter, 1152
Medium entropy vegetation scattering, 1152
MHT. See Multiple hypothesis tracker (MHT)
Microwave high resolution imaging, 1043
MIMO. See Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
Minimum energy consensus, 385
analytic approach, 391
arbitrary networks, optimal topology and power allocation for, 388
numerical examples, 389
optimization criterion, 387
random geometric graphs, 391
Minimum variance beamformer, 605
MLSD. See Maximum likelihood sequence detection (MLSD)
Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET), 10
Mode-conditioned filtering, 772
Mode jump process, 771
Modified-MCRB, 4344
Monochromatic plane wave, polarization of, 1121
Motion adapted SAR processing, 952
Mountaintop database, 656
Moving point target signal model, 925926
multi-channel signal model, 929
single-channel signal model, 926
Moving target indication (MTI), 914915, 925
Moving target indication (MTI) radar, 611612
adaptive SINR loss, 613
Clairvoyant SINR loss, 612
improvement factor (IF), 614
optimal and adaptive filter patterns, 614
MTI radar. See Moving target indication (MTI) radar
Multi-band testing, 473
Multibaseline SAR interferometry, 1071
Multicarrier CDMA (MC-CDMA), 225
Multicarrier communications in nonlinear systems, 233
Multicarrier (MC) communication system, 193
Multichannel airborne radar measurements (MCARM), 654
Multichannel SAR, 508
Multi-channel signal model, 929
Multidimensional polarimetric SAR signal processing, 1187
Multipass interferometry, 1080
multipass phase unwrapping, 1088
Multipath exploitation, 874
experimental results, 886
image formation algorithm, 876
multipath exploitation algorithm, 885
multipath model, 877
Multipath exploitation principle, 884
Multipath model, 877
multipath focusing analysis, 882884
multipath locations, 880
Multiple-access interference (MAI), 49, 230231
Multiple hypothesis tracker (MHT), 779
hypothesis-oriented MHT (HOMHT), 780
track oriented MHT (TOMHT), 781
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)
channel estimation, 108
channels, 102
coherent MIMO radar, 669
coherent ambiguity function, 675
joint location and velocity estimation, 670
phase errors, localization with, 676
distinguishing coherent and noncoherent processing, 716
equalization for, 276
FIM, for coherent MIMO radar joint estimation, 718
FIM, for localization with phase errors, 719
frequency spread signals, 714
IC model, 413, 423424
Neyman-Pearson signal detection, 692
signal model, 692
signal space dimension, 693
noncoherent MIMO radar, 679
joint location and velocity estimation, 680
noncoherent ambiguity function, 685
performance and complexity analysis for, 688
normalized mean square error difference, 688
numerical examples, 690
phase synchronization for, 699
broadcast consensus based phase synchronization, 703
master-slave closed-loop phase synchronization, 700
round-trip phase synchronization, 701
radars, 506507
technologies, 5
waveform design for, 705
optimal waveform design for, 709
signal model and design criteria, 706
Multiple input single output (MISO), 414
Multiple Mode (MM) approach, 770771
Multi-sensor data fusion, 1253
Multisensor integration, 1253
Multi-sensor networks, mathematical issue for, 1288
Multisensor tracking, 507
Multi-StageWiener Filter (MWF), 629
Multistatic radar, 506507
Multitarget multisensor tracking
architectures of, 783
centralized tracking, 786
parallel updating, 787
sequential updating, 786
data association
measurement-to-measurement association, 778
measurement-to-track association, 774
distributed tracking
covariance intersection, 764
cross-covariance of the estimation errors, 761
with dependent errors, 762
tracklet fusion, 763
filter initialization, 773
issues related to track initialization, 773
single-point track initialization, 773
two-point difference track initialization, 773
filters, 766
extended Kalman filter (EKF), 767
interacting multiple-model estimator, 770
Kalman filter, 767
particle filter, 769
unscented Kalman filter (UKF), 768
formulation of, 761
clutter model, 764
sensor models, 763
spatial clutter intensity estimation, 765
target dynamic models, 762
multitarget tracking algorithms, 778
joint probabilistic data association (JPDA), 778
multiple hypothesis tracker (MHT), 779
probabilistic data association (PDA), 778
probability hypothesis density (PHD) method, 782
performance evaluation, 794
Posterior Cramér-Rao Lower Bound (PCRLB) of tracking, 794
simulations, 799
tracker-related measures, 798
Multi-terminal source/channel coding problem, 399
Multiuser multicarrier systems
versus CDMA, 232
equalization and data recovery for, 228
Multiuser synchronization
with generalized CAS, 74
with interleaved CAS, 71
subband CAS, 70
uplink OFDMA systems, 77
uplink signal model and synchronization policy, 68
MWF. See Multi-StageWiener Filter (MWF)


Naval research laboratory (NRL) database, 656
NDA approach. See Non-data-aided (NDA) approach
Near end crosstalk (NEXT), 298
Network architecture scheme, 1288
Network centric data fusion process model, 1267
Network Centric Operation (NCO), 1248
Network synchronization
clock models, 81
distributed clock sync, 85
pairwise synchronization, 83
protocols, 82
unilateral synchronization, 83
Network Time Protocol (NTP), 83
NEXT. See Near end crosstalk (NEXT)
Neyman-Pearson (NP) hypothesis testing, 473
Neyman-Pearson (NP) signal detection, 692
Node positions, 348
Noise, achievable rate regions, 416
Non-Circularity tool, 37
Non-circular sources, case of, 182
Noncoherent ambiguity function, 685
Noncoherent MIMO radar, 679
Non-data-aided (NDA) approach, 18
Non-flat fading channels, synchronization for
carrier frequency offsets, 57
coarse synchronization methods, 58
downlink OFDMA, 57
fine synchronization methods, 65
OFDM transmission, 52
signal model and preliminaries, 50
simulation results for downlink OFDMA systems, 66
SIR versus fractional carrier frequency offset, 58
subcarrier allocation strategies, 51
timing errors, 55
Nonlinear constraints
constant modulus and the method of stationary phase, 752
NLFM to achieve constant modulus, 753
relaxed projection approach, 750
relaxed projection example, 751
Nonlinear frequencymodulated (NLFM) pulse, 752
to achieve constant modulus, 753
Nonlinear precoding, 304
Nonparametric basis pursuit method, 478
Non-stationarity, exploiting the, 182
Nonstationary clutter, 647
non-stationary polarimetric SAR responses, 1192
Bragg resonant scattering, 11961198
discrete time-frequency decomposition, range and azimuth, 11921194
TF behaviors detection, 11941196
NRL database. See Naval research laboratory (NRL) database
NTP. See Network Time Protocol (NTP)
Nyquist filter, 1314
Nyquist raised-cosine filter, 136
Nyquist rate, 100101
Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, 196, 198199


Observation model, impact of, 336
Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) loop, 1257
Ocean remote sensing, GPS signals, 838
OFDM. See Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)
OFDMA. See Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA)
OHGR. See Osborne Head Gunnery Range (OHGR)
Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT), 12581259
Operational modes, SAR system, 1050
scanSAR mode, 10511052
spotlight mode, 1051
staring spotlight mode, 1051
stripmap mode, 1050
Optical Network Unit (ONU), 297298
Optimal and adaptive filter patterns, 614
Optimal radar waveform design
additive colored noise case, 730
broadband multipath interference, 734
clutter case, 737
optimum pulse shaping for maximizing SCR, 740
sidelobe clutter discrete suppression, 739
constrained optimum transmit-receiver radar, 747
linear constraints, 747
nonlinear constraints, 750
open issues and problems, 753
transmit-receive functions, for target identification, 742
multitarget ID, 746
multi-target identification case, 745
two-target identification example, 744
Optimal receiver structure, 14
Optimal resource allocation problems, 424
Optimal Voronoi partition, 1272
Optimal waveform design, 709
ORC. See Orthogonal restoring combining (ORC)
Oriented dipole, scattering matrices, 1132
Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA), 49, 410
downlink OFDMA representation, 59
downlink OFDMA transmission, 53, 57
simulation results for, 66, 77
uplink representation, 69
Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), 5, 49
bit and power-loading, 269
coded, 218
cognitive radio applications, 276
CSI information, 276
filter-bank multicarrier (FBMC), 277
in frequency-selective multipath channels, 200
linearly precoded-OFDM, 219
LTI channels for, 243
mathematical background, 189
MIMO, 276
and multicarrier communications in nonlinear systems, 233
multiuser multicarrier systems, 224
operational principle, 51
path to, 193
practical guidelines and commercial standards, 260
principle, 196
rapidly time-varying channels, 248
relay communications, 277
single carrier background, 189
symbol error rate (SER) performance analysis, 214
time and frequency synchronization, 263
time-varying channel estimation, 276
transmission, 52
underwater communications, 276
vector-matrix representation for, 207
Orthogonal multiplexing principle, 194
Orthogonal restoring combining (ORC), 230231
Osborne Head Gunnery Range (OHGR), 559
OSINT. See Open-Source Intelligence
Outlook, 6
Overlap-and-add (OLA) approach, 217218


Pairwise-error probability (PEP), 215
PAMF. See Parametric adaptive matched filtering (PAMF)
PAPRs. See Peak-to-average power ratios (PAPRs)
Parallel IC model, 413, 424
Parameter estimation, 957
accelerations, 959960
across-track velocity, 957958
along-track velocity, 958959
true target position, 960961
Parametric adaptive matched filtering (PAMF), 635
Parseval’s identity, 2223
Partial transmit sequences (PTS), 242
Particle filter, 769
Particle orientation, 1167
Passive bistatic radar (PBR)
airborne PBR, 839840
applications, 836
border/perimeter surveillance, 838
HF skywave signals, 846
imaging, 839
issues and problems, 847
countermeasures and detection of, 847
identifying applications, 847
Low-cost scientific measurements, 836
short-range surveillance, WiFi and WiMAX, 840
waveforms, 823
See also Bistatic radar
Passive radar, 506507
Pauli target vector, 1130
PBR. See Passive bistatic radar
PCI. See Principle components inverse (PCI)
PCRLB. See Posterior Cramér-Rao Lower Bound (PCRLB)
PDA. See Probabilistic data association (PDA)
Peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR)
reduction methods, 241
Peak-to-average power ratios (PAPRs), 50, 241
Perron-Frobenius theorem, 346
Perron matrices, 346
Phase synchronization for MIMO, 699
Phase unwrapping, 1066
Bayesian statistical solution to, 1076
graph cuts solution to, 1078
minimum cost flow solution, 1070
residue cut algorithms for, 1067
PHD. See Probability hypothesis density (PHD)
PLL scheme, 31
Point Spread Function (PRF), 865866, 1002, 10461047
Poisson point processes, 765766
Polarimetric anisotropy, 1149
Polarimetric decomposition techniques, 1142
eigenvector based decomposition technique, 1144
necessity of polarimetric decompositions, 1142
types of, 1143
Polarimetric decomposition techniques, soil characterization, 1181
H, A, and image and the Small Perturbation surface scattering Model (SPM) model, 1183
reflection symmetry and Integral Equation Model (IEM) model, 1183
Polarimetric diversity, 11271128
Polarimetric ISAR (Pol-ISAR), 1021, 1023
image formation, 1025
initialisation, 1027
most focussed ISAR image, 1028
optimization, 1028
polarimetric autofocus, 1026
polarimetric ISAR imaging, 10231024
polarimetric SAR imaging, 1022
signal model, 1024
Polarimetric SAR imaging, 1022
Polarimetric SAR interferometry, 1045
Polarimetric SAR interferometry (PolinSAR), 1120
Polarimetric SAR tomography, 1046, 1222
basics of, 1222
tomographic focusing techniques, 1228
tomographic signal models, 1225
Polarimetric scattering, 1121
Polarimetric scattering descriptors, 1127
Polarimetric time-frequency characterization, 1204
Polarimetry, 1119
Polarization (SAR), 1119
Polarization basis change, 1126, 1130
Polarization characteristics, 524
Polarization ellipse, 1121, 1123
Polarizations, types of, 1124
PolSAR TF analysis, 1210
classification, 12101211
TF cleaning of PolSAR data, 1211
PolSAR TF signal modeling, 1204, 1207
coherent pixel discrimination, 12091210
non-stationary pixel discrimination, 12081209
second order statistics, 12071208
Possible architectures, 342
Post-doppler STAP, 974
Posterior Cramér-Rao Lower Bound (PCRLB), 760761, 1264
tracking of, 794
Practical vegetation height estimation, 1220
Precision matrix, 396
CSI at transmitter, 117
for MIMO channels, 117
for SISO channels, 116
Preprocessing, GMTI Kernel
conventional SAR processing, 952
motion adapted SAR processing, 952
range compression with RCMC, 952
Preserving total transmit power, encouraging sparsity by, 394
PRF. See Point Spread Function
Principle components inverse (PCI), 624
Probabilistic data association (PDA), 778
Probability density function (pdf), 1137
Probability evaluation, 772
Probability hypothesis density (PHD)
filter, 766
method, 782
Probability hypothesis density (PHD) filtering and tracking, 835
Process refinement, 1254
Progressive correction algorithm, 1283
Propagation model, 477
Pure coherency matrix, 1143


QoS. See Quality of service (QoS)
Quality of service (QoS), 49, 409, 439


Radar, 507508
Radar clutter, 505506
Radar clutter analysis
land clutter analysis, farmland area, 567
sea clutter, 540
Radar clutter modeling and analysis
clutter modeling, 515
radar clutter analysis, 539
radar design and analysis, 585
simulation methods, 581
Radar design and analysis, 585
performance acceptance and trials analysis, 587
performance prediction, 585
radar performance, specification and measurement of, 587
signal processing and design of detectors, 586
Radar polarimetry, 510
organization of work, 1120
overview of, 1119
polarimetric SAR interferometry (PolinSAR), 1120
Radar signal processing, 505
Radioactive point sources, 1279
Radio frequency interference, 619
Rain clutter
atmospheric attenuation, 537
rain attenuation, 537
rain Doppler spectrum, 538
theoretical and empirical model for, 537
Random Geometric Graphs (RGG)
adjacency matrix, 403
spectrum of, 403
Random link failuresmodel, 349
Range compression with RCMC, 952
Rapidly time-varying channels, 248
carrier frequency offset (CFO), 252
LTV channel equalization, 253
LTV channel estimation, 255
Rate region, definition of, 416
Rayleigh flat-fading channel, 218
Rayleigh quotient, 608
RBS. See Reference Broadcast Systems (RBS)
RD-STAP. See Reduced-dimension STAP (RD-STAP)
Received signals
assumptions on channels, 148
models of sampled data, 146
Receiver noise, 620
Receiver structure, 121122
Reduced-dimension STAP (RD-STAP), 630
Reduced-rank STAP, 622
Reference Broadcast Systems (RBS), 82
Reflection symmetry and Integral Equation Model (IEM) model
roughness and moisture retrieval, 11851186
SERD and the DERD parameters, 11831185
Relaxed projection approach, 750
Reliable coherent digital communication systems, 910
Residual range cell migration
SAR imaging, 931
Resource allocation
in communication networks, 409
directly achievable rate regions, 417
information-theoretic results, 414
interference channel (IC), 410, 420, 445
MIMO IC model, 413
multiple input multiple output (MIMO), 411
notation, 410
parallel IC model, 413
rate region, definition of, 416
scalar IC model, 412
via interference alignment, 458
Rethinking mathematical algorithms, net-centric approaches, 1266
RF cartography, 472, 490
Right helix, scattering matrices, 1133
Roll-off factor, 143
Round-trip phase synchronization, 701
Round trip time (RTT), 8283
Row-wise diagonally dominant (RWDD), 304
RTT. See Round trip time (RTT)
RWDD. See Row-wise diagonally dominant (RWDD)


Sample matrix inversion, 609, 974
SAR imaging
across-track velocity, 936
along-track acceleration, 940
along-track velocity, 934
basics concepts, 1046
effects on, 931
effects, summary of, 941
residual range cell migration, 931
SAR interferometry, 1054, 1212
basics concepts, 1046
interferometric coherence, 1214
interferometric phase and height of scatterer, 1212
polarimetric RVOG model, 12181219
Pol-inSAR representations, 1218
single polarization channel, random volume over ground model, 1214
SAR interferometry (InSAR), 509510
SAR response, 11351136
SAR tomography, 1093
compressive sensing inversion for, 1098
linear adaptive inversion for, 1096
linear non-adaptive inversion for, 1095
methods, performance comparison of, 1101
SAR tomography (Tomo-SAR), 509510
SCA. See Successive convex approximation (SCA)
Scalar IC model, 412, 423424
SCALE. See Successive Convex Approximation for Low complexity (SCALE)
S&C and S&S estimators, 6263
Scattering matrix, 1129
Scattering mechanisms characterization, 1175
azimuthal orientation, 11751178
statistical Wishart segmentation, 11781179
Schmidl and Cox (S&C) algorithm, 5961
SCNR. See Signal-to-clutter-plus-noise ratio
Sea clutter, 527
amplitude statistics, 532
AR model, 564
Bragg scattering and long waves, 556
clutter amplitude, statistical models of, 541
correlation analysis and power spectrum estimation, 552
cumulant domain analysis, 550
Doppler spectrum, 534
mean range texture autocovariance sequence, 556
speckle autocorrelation and cross-correlation sequences, 552
texture autocorrelation sequence, 553
theoretical and empirical models for, 529
Second-Order Blind Identification (SOBI) algorithm, 138140
Second order cone programs (SOCP), 426
Second order incoherent representations, 1133
Second-order statistics based methods, 59
Second scheme, DA phase and CFO, 20
Self-organizing sensor networks, 1264
Self-synchronization mechanism, 1265
Semi-blind approaches, 107
Sensor behavior assignment, 12861287
Sensor deployment, 12851286
Sensor models, 763
Sensor network, 12961297
Sensor networks, study cases of, 1268
Sensor registration, 786, 12651266
Sensors, 12921293
airborne sensors, 1293
electro-optic (EO), 1296
FOliage PENetrating (FOPEN) radar, 1293
ground-based sensors, 1293
and scenario parameters, 800
unattended ground passive sensors (UGPS), 1296
Sequential alternatives, 473
SERD. See Single bounce Eigenvalue Relative Difference
SER performance analysis. See Symbol error rate performance analysis
Shi and Serpedin (S&S) timing estimator, 6162
SIGINT. See Signals Intelligence
Signal and interference environment, 827, 829
multilateration and tracking, 834
performance prediction, 831
suppression techniques, 830
Signal extraction
azimuth lines, extraction of, 956
range history tracking, 955
Signal models
and design criteria, 706
receiver noise, 620
Signal processing and communications
blind signal separation, 5
channel estimation, equalization, precoding, and tracking, 4
contents and contributors, 4
history, 3
OFDM and multicarrier signal processing, 5
and optimal resource allocation, 6
outlook, 6
spectrum sensing and cross-layer design for cognitive radio networks, 6
synchronization, 4
vectored multichannel VDSL, 5
wireless sensor networks, 5
cyclo-stationarity of source, 143
received signals, 145
source signals, 142
Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), 12581259
Signal-to-clutter-plus-noise ratio (SCNR), 975976
Signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR), 737738
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 13, 414415, 595, 889890
SIMO Channel Estimation, 107
Simple polarimetric classification scheme, 1150
H/α classification, 11501152
polarimetric anisotropy, 1153
Simulation methods, 180
correlated non-gaussian random numbers, 582
generating correlated gaussian random numbers, 582
generating uncorrelated random numbers, 581
Single bounce Eigenvalue Relative Difference (SERD), 1183
Single carrier background, 189
Single-channel signal model, 926
Single-input multi-output (SIMO) systems, 109
Single-input single-output (SISO) systems, 100101, 109
Single polarization SAR, 1133
Single polarization tomography, 1228
mono-dimensional estimators, 1229
multi-dimensional estimators, 12291230
numerical examples, 12301231
SISO channel estimation, 106
Situation assessment, 1254
SNR. See Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
SOBI algorithm. See Second-Order Blind Identification (SOBI) algorithm
SOCP. See Second order cone programs (SOCP)
Space-time adaptive processing (STAP), 971
adaptive filter implementations, 622
application, 639
algorithm performance, 642
interference characteristics, 639
with nonadaptive solution, 644
summary, 644
basic concepts, 602
bistatic, 649
conformal array, 650
heterogeneous clutter, 645
nonstationary clutter, 647
data collection programs, 654
detection, 602
extended displaced phase center antenna technique (EDPCA), 977
imaging space-time adaptive processing (ISTAP), 978
implementation, 651
joint domain, 972
metrics, 611
post-doppler, 974
sample matrix inversion, 609
signal models, 615
clutter, 615
radio frequency interference, 619
receiver noise, 620
space-time snapshot, 621
target, 620
space-time filter formulations, 603
Space-time filter formulations, 603
generalized eigen-analysis, 609
generalized sidelobe canceler, 606
maximum SINR filter, 603
minimum variance beamformer, 605
Rayleigh quotient, 608
Space-time snapshot, 621
Sparsity-aware power spectrum cartography, 475
compressed sensing approach, 476
group and coefficient levels, sparsity, 477
nonparametric basis pursuit, 478
propagation model, 477
splines, group-lasso on, 479
Spatial clutter intensity estimation, 765
Spatial filtering, 862
imaging results, 869870
moving average wall removal, 865
notch filtering, 868
target spatial signature, 864
wall reflection, characteristic of, 862
Spatio-temporal channel correlation, 482
Speckle effect, 11201121, 11331134
Speckle filtering, 1137
Spectrum sensing, 486
Sphere, scattering matrices, 1131
Splines, group-lasso on, 479
STAP. See Space-time adaptive processing; Space-time adaptive processing (STAP)
Stationary and mutually independent, 151
Stationary point target signal model, 921
Statistically independent observations, 336
Stochastic maximum likelihood estimation, 104105
Stochastic-SCRB, 4243
Straight-iso-range approximation, 998
Strongly connected component (SCC), 401
Structure of adaptive soft-input soft-output equalizer, 123124
Subband carrier allocation scheme (CAS), 5152
generalized CAS, 74
interleaved CAS, 71
synchronization with, 70
Subcarrier allocation strategies, 5152
Sub-object assessment, 1253
Sub-optimal estimators, 36
Suboptimal linear equalization, 218
Successive convex approximation (SCA), 431432
Successive Convex Approximation for Low complexity (SCALE), 431432
Superimposed training-based approaches, 107
Surface scattering, 1144
Surveillance architecture, 1291
Surveillance, classical approach to, 1261
Symbol error rate (SER) performance analysis, 214
Synchronization, 4
flat fading channel, 11
multiuser synchronization, 68
network synchronization, 79
non-flat fading channels, 49
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging, 11331134
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) polarimetry, 11191120
basics, 1121
organization of work, 1120
polarimetric decomposition techniques, 1142
polarimetric scattering, 1121
Synthetic aperture radar principle, 918
acquisition geometry and operation, 918
pulse compression and image formation, 923
stationary point target signal model, 921


Tapped delay line model, 96
Target dynamic models, 762
Target parameters, 801
Target signatures, 818
forward scatter, 818
Target vector, 1129
TCRB derivations, 44
Telecommunication signals. See Signals
TF polarimetric characterization, 1198
CS detection based on multiple criteria, 1203
CS detection based on TF entropy, 1200
point-like scatterers, Internal Hermitian Product (IHP), 1198
Theory to real application problems, 1265
Threat refinement, 1254
Through-the-wall radar imaging
change detection based MTI approach, 888
compressive sensing approach, 896
data sets, 903
issues and problems, 902903
multipath exploitation, 874
wall clutter mitigation, 861
wall parameter estimation/modeling, and subtraction, 871
Through-the-wall radar imaging (TWRI), 508, 889890
Through-the-wall sensing, 857858
Through-the-wall synthetic aperture radar model, 876
Time and frequency synchronization, OFDM, 263
Time-division multiple-access (TDMA)-fashion, 409, 482
Time-frequency image formation, 1019
Time-variant (doubly selective) channels
autoregressive (AR) models, 98
basis expansion models (BEMs), 99
tapped delay line model, 96
Time-varying channel estimation, 276
Time-windowing, 1013
Timing estimation, 37
Timing-sync Protocol for Sensor Networks (TPSN), 82
Tiny/Mini-Sync (TMS) protocol, 82
TMS protocol. See Tiny/Mini-Sync (TMS) protocol
Toeplitz convolution matrix, 207208
TOMHT. See Track oriented MHT (TOMHT)
Tomographic focusing techniques, 1228
fully polarimetric tomography, 1231
single polarization tomography, 1228
Tomographic signal models
PolTomSAR signal model, 1227
TomSAR signal models, 12531255
Tone injection (TI), 242243
Tone reservation (TR), 242
TPSN. See Timing-sync Protocol for Sensor Networks (TPSN)
Trackers, 801
adaptive channel estimation
for slowly varying channels, 118
via subblock tracking, 119
block-adaptive channel estimation using CE-BEM, 118
symbol-adaptive joint channel estimation and data detection, 120
Tracklet fusion, 763
Track oriented MHT (TOMHT), 781
Training-based channel estimation, 103
Trihedral, scattering matrices, 1131
True target position, 960
True-TCRB, 4243
Turbo equalization, 125128
for doubly-selective channels, 115
principle of, 114
using EKF and CE-BEM, 121
Turbo-synchronization, 47
TWRI. See Through-the-wall radar imaging (TWRI)
Typical telecommunication (TLC) network, 332


UGPS. See Unattended ground passive sensors
UKF. See Unscented Kalman filter (UKF)
Unattended ground passive sensors (UGPS), 1296
Unconditional-UCRB, 4243
Underfoliage imaging, 1239
Underwater communications, 276
Uniform linear array (ULA), 622, 739
Unilateral synchronization, 83
Unscented Kalman filter (UKF), 768
recursion, 768
sigma point generation, 768
Unsupervised H/A/image segmentation, 11591163
Urban remote sensing, 1235


Vectored multichannel VDSL
channel matrix structure, 301
downstream transmission, 304
linear precoding, 307
nonlinear precoding, 304
system model, 297
upstream transmission, 322
decision feedback equalizer, 323
linear receiver, 322
Vector-matrix representation, OFDM
of CP-OFDM, 209
CP philosophy, 211
of ZP-OFDM, 212
Vegetation bias removal, 1219
Volume scattering, 1144


Wall clutter mitigation, 861
spatial filtering, 862
wall parameter estimation/modeling, and subtraction, 871
Wall parameter estimation/modeling, and subtraction, 871
approach, 871
imaging results, 873
Water-filling (WF) principle, 270271
Wave covariance matrix, 11381139
Waveform design, 506507, 705
Waveforms, passive bistatic radar (PBR), 823
Wave polarization, 1125
Wave temporal trajectory, 1122
Werner channel model, 312
Wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) channel, 96, 98
Wireless local area networks (WLANs), 102
Wireless personal area networks (WPANs), 102
Wireless regional area networks (WRAN), 486
Wireless sensor networks (WSN), 5, 10, 1275
computing while communicating, 332
distributed detection, 371
distributed estimation, 351
distributed projection algorithms, 381
fundamental information-theoretical issues, 341
general framework, 332
graphical models and consensus algorithm, 343
Markov observations, 337
matching communication network topology, 393
minimum energy consensus, 385
observation model, impact of, 336
possible architectures, 342
statistically independent observations, 336
Wishart statistics, unsupervised statistical segmentation, 1155
WLANs. See Wireless local area networks (WLANs)
WPANs. See Wireless personal area networks (WPANs)
WRAN. See Wireless regional area networks (WRAN)
WSN. See Wireless sensor networks (WSN)
WSSUS channel. See Wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) channel


Yule-Walker equation, 98


Zero forcing precoder, 307
Zero-mean Gaussian vector, 207
Zero-padded OFDM (ZP-OFDM), 202
detection for, 218
vector-matrix representation of, 212
Ziv-Zakaï Bound (ZZB), 2829
ZP-OFDM. See Zero-padded OFDM (ZP-OFDM)
ZZB. See Ziv-Zakaï Bound (ZZB)
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