Prepare for candid shots

Candid photographs are, by their very nature, a spontaneous form of portraiture but can be the simplest and most effective way to capture your subject. With no preparation possible, the results can never be properly predetermined or controlled. However, if you want to shoot candid portraits successfully, then you need to be ready to take advantage of that split-second moment when the perfect image presents itself.

If you are taking pictures of someone you don’t know, it is important that they don’t see you – once they spot you, you may as well give up. So, use a long telezoom, such as a 70–300mm, and keep your distance. Study your subject first without attempting to photograph them. Watch how they behave and see if they have any habits. Busy places like markets are ideal locations, as you will be inconspicuous in the crowd. Have your camera and lens set to the appropriate settings so you are ready to work fast. Watch, wait and, when the moment presents itself, raise the camera, take a quick frame or two, then lower the camera before you draw attention to yourself. With people you know, you may need a different approach, as they are probably more aware that you will be taking their picture. The secret is to spend a bit of time with them so that they forget you have a camera with you. Once they are relaxed and comfortable, be ready to fire off a few frames.


The best way to capture candid shots is when your subject is distracted. In this instance, the child was busy feeding bread to some ducks, which allowed the photographer to prepare for the shot. When everything was ready, the child’s name was called and the shutter was fired as she looked round.

Nikon D70S, 18–70mm at 70mm, 1/500 sec at f/4.5, ISO 200.

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