Make use of stage lighting

An indoor situation that is often difficult to photograph, concerts and stage shows nevertheless offer a great opportunity to capture colourful and unusual portraits. While the technique is relatively straightforward, many amateur photographers struggle to do it well. This is mainly because most choose to use the integral flash, which yields images that are often underexposed and almost always lacking atmosphere. The secret is to switch the flash off and take the exposure using ambient light only. To avoid camera shake, you should use a high ISO rating (400 to 1600) and shoot at the widest aperture to give the highest possible shutter speed. Using a wider focal length helps avoid camera shake too, so avoid using long telephoto settings.

For any real chance of success, you need to be as close to the stage as possible. Contact the venue well in advance for permission to take photographs – visiting with your portfolio and credentials may help – and offer to shoot at dress rehearsals rather than performances.


You are fully dependent on stage lighting when taking pictures at concerts and shows, so good photographers know how to use the colours and effects of stage spotlights to their advantage. Here, shooting at a wide angle emphasized the performer in the foreground, but also allowed the spotlights in the background to be included in the frame to add interest to the overall composition. A fast aperture and a high ISO rating allowed for a sharp image free of camera shake that makes the most of the colourful spotlights.

Canon EOS 10D, 28–70mm f/2.8 lens, 1/125 sec at f/2.8, ISO 1600.

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