Use colour to depict emotion

Try exploiting colour in your pictures in order to set the mood and feel of an image. Using one predominant colour in a scene can have a powerful influence on the attitude of those viewing it. Red is the most powerful colour, and its use can suggest energy, power, danger, passion or rage. Green often reflects purity and health (although with portraits it can subconsciously suggest illness, which may not be appropriate). Blue can create mixed moods, so think carefully before using it – as well as suggesting tranquillity, peace and calm, it can also convey sadness, coldness and loneliness. Yellow is generally regarded as a positive colour, and its warmth and brightness suggest sunlight, happiness and joy.


This portrait sings with energy and happiness, greatly helped by the choice of the warm yellow tone. The model has adopted a suitably animated and active pose, and her facial expression, pose and general manner convey great energy and positivity. The strong directional lighting also creates a subconscious link between the yellow colour and the warmth of the sun.

Canon EOS 5, 28–70mm lens, 1/250 sec at f/5.6, Fuji Velvia film.

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