
Career Fantasies

When you were a kid, you likely fantasized about what you wanted to do when you grew up. Odds are, you imagined things like being a firefighter, a ballet dancer, a cowboy, a cowgirl, an astronaut, a doctor, etc.

Remember your first “career fantasy.” Starting there, move forward in time and recall every career fantasy you ever had—lawyer, corporate executive, explorer, whatever. Picture yourself doing each one of them. Create a list of the names of these fantasy occupations.

Finally, review your list, paying special attention to the following:

  • Patterns you detected: Leading people, creating something new, building things, overcoming physical challenges, etc.
  • Desirable features: Working independently during the hours of your choice, being considered an expert in your field, etc.
  • The environments in which you'd work if you performed those jobs: Traveling all over the world, working in a busy office, facing dangers in the outdoors, etc.

Notice what you're drawn to—what gives you pleasure and satisfaction.

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