

What do the people who work in your field read to stay current on trends? You need to be reading the same publications. It's surprising how many job seekers don't do this. If I'm interviewing you, I want to know that you're aware of trends, changes, and forecasts. This is how I know we speak the same language and that you'll fit in with my team. Immerse yourself in our world.

There are other benefits to keeping current on what's happening in your industry. Years ago, I was interested in working in the music business, so I started reading its bible, Billboard. Each issue featured a column called “Executive Roundtable,” which covered personnel changes in the field. I read it regularly.

At the time, my daughter, Monique, was an au pair for the daughter of a couple we knew, Jeff and Melody. Jeff worked at Epic Records. One Monday, the “Executive Roundtable” column noted that Jeff's assistant, Connie, was taking a leave of absence. I immediately called Jeff and asked him if he'd thought of a replacement for Connie. He said he hadn't yet—and wondered if I'd be interested in the job. I was. I went in to see him, and the job was mine!

As you get more involved in your field, you'll meet more people. Industries are fluid. Companies change ownership, expand, and contract. New companies are formed. People move around. As you're looking for opportunities, you'll begin to see more and more people you know who are starting companies or getting promoted.

Your next job or project could be a phone call away. It might go something like this:

You: “Mary! How are you? I just read in [insert industry publication] that you've been named to start a new division of your company. Congratulations!”

Mary: “How thoughtful of you to call! Your timing's great. I remember when we had lunch a couple of weeks ago that you said were now specializing in [insert your newly acquired skill]. I'm staffing up and need someone who can do this. Would you have some time at 4 o'clock this afternoon to come in and meet with me about it?”

Yes, it can be that easy—because you've laid the groundwork. Luck, as they say, is the residue of design.

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