
Take The Meeting—Always

Many people think that social networking is the same as networking. It's a beginning, but nothing will ever replace face-to-face communication. People hire people they know and trust, and trust is developed by getting to know someone in person and over time.

Linda Hudson, the President and CEO of BAE Systems, Inc., said this in an interview in the New York Times:

Business school graduates come with a great theoretical knowledge about business. But...they have almost no people skills.... We give them all the book smarts, but we don't tend to give them the other skills that go along with business.

To hone the skills to which Hudson refers, always take the meeting. You never know who can help you in your career. Not every meeting will result in a new client or job, however. Just remember: If you can't make a sale, make a friend. It's a slow seduction; you're getting people to fall in love with you professionally.

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