Adding a store provider

Let's provide the store to the root of our component tree:

  1. In App.tsx, import the Provider component from React Redux and the configureStore function we created in the previous section. Add these import statements just after the React import statement:
import React, { lazy, Suspense } from 'react';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';

import { configureStore } from './Store';

This is the first time we have referenced anything from React-Redux. Remember that this library helps React components interact with a Redux store.

  1. Just before the App component is defined, create an instance of our store using our configureStore function:
const store = configureStore();

  1. In the App component's JSX, wrap a Provider component around the BrowserRouter component by passing in our store instance:

return (
<Provider store={store}>

Components lower in the component tree can now connect to the store. 

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