Styling using CSS class references

We could style our app in the traditional way by defining CSS classes in a CSS file and referencing these within our components. In fact, this is what CRA did with the App component. We have removed a lot of the content in App.tsx, but if we look at the JSX, we'll see a reference to a CSS class called App:

<div className="App">
<Header />
<HomePage />

We'll also see a file called App.css, which has been imported into App.tsx:

import './App.css';

If we look in App.css, we'll see the App CSS class, along with lots of others that are now redundant because we've replaced a lot of the content in the App component:

.App {
text-align: center;

Why is a className attribute used to reference CSS classes? Shouldn't we use the class attribute? Well, we already know that JSX compiles down to JavaScript, and since class is a keyword in JavaScript, React uses a className attribute instead.

The React team is currently working on allowing class attributes to be used instead of className. See for more information.

This is a traditional approach to styling that we could use and it is great if our team has developers who only work in the CSS layer in our app with other developers implementing the React components. However, there are downsides to the traditional approach.

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