
The following questions will test your knowledge of the topics that were covered in this chapter:

  1. We have the following xUnit test method, but it isn't being picked up by the test runner. What's wrong?
public void Minus_When2Integers_ShouldReturnCorrectInteger()
var result = Calc.Add(2, 1);
Assert.Equal(1, result);
  1. We have a string variable called successMessage in a xUnit test and we need to check that it contains the word "success". What method in the Assert class could we use?
  2. We have created some Jest unit tests on a List component in a file called ListTests.tsx. However, when the Jest test runner runs, the tests aren't picked up. Why is this happening?
  3. We are implementing a test in Jest and we have a variable called result that we want to check isn't null. Which Jest matcher function can we use?
  4. Let's say we have a variable called person that is of the Person type:
interface Person {
id: number;
firstName: string;
surname: string

We want to check that the person variable is { id: 1, firstName: "Tom", surname: "Smith" }. What Jest matcher function can we use?

  1. We are writing an end-to-end test using Cypress for a page. The page has a heading called Sign In. What Cypress command can we use to check that this has rendered okay?
  2. We are writing an end-to-end test using Cypress for a page that renders some text, Loading..., while data is being fetched. How can we assert that this text is being rendered and then disappears when the data has been fetched?
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