Implementing CI and CD with Azure DevOps

In this chapter, we are going to implement Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) for our Q and A app using Azure DevOps. We'll start by understanding exactly what CI and CD are before getting into Azure DevOps. 

In Azure DevOps, we'll implement CI for the frontend and backend using a build pipeline. The CI process will be triggered when developers push code to our source code repository. Then, we'll implement CD for the frontend and backend using a release pipeline that will be automatically triggered when a CI build completes successfully. The release pipeline will do a deployment to the staging environment automatically, run our backend integration tests, and then promote the staging deployment to production.

By the end of this chapter, we'll have a robust process of delivering features to our users incredibly fast with a great level of reliability, thus making our team very productive. 

In this chapter, we'll cover the following topics:

  • Getting started with CI and CD
  • Implementing CI
  • Implement CD
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