Creating a repository method to change a question

Let's create the PutQuestion method in DataRepository.cs to change a question. This is very similar to the PostQuestion method we have just implemented:

public QuestionGetSingleResponse PutQuestion(int questionId, QuestionPutRequest question)
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString))
@"EXEC dbo.Question_Put
@QuestionId = @QuestionId, @Title = @Title, @Content = @Content",
new { QuestionId = questionId, question.Title, question.Content }
return GetQuestion(questionId);

Notice that we use the Dapper Execute method because we are simply executing a stored procedure and not returning anything.

We've created the SQL parameters from a model class called QuestionPutRequest and the questionId parameters that were passed into the method. Let's create the QuestionPutRequest class in the models folder:

public class QuestionPutRequest
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }

That's another method implemented.

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