Implementing the sign-out process

Let's implement the sign-out page in SignOutPage.tsx, which is similar in structure to the SignInPage component:

import React, { FC } from 'react';
import { Page } from './Page';
import { StatusText } from './Styles';
import { useAuth } from './Auth';

type SignoutAction = 'signout' | 'signout-callback';

interface Props {
action: SignoutAction;

export const SignOutPage: FC<Props> = ({ action }) => {
let message = 'Signing out ...';

const { signOut } = useAuth();

switch (action) {
case 'signout':
case 'signout-callback':
message = 'You successfully signed out!';

return (
<Page title="Sign out">

A slight difference is that when the component receives the callback, this component will stay in view with a message informing them that they have been successfully signed out.

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