Configuring Auth0 settings in our frontend

We are nearly ready to give the sign-in and sign-out processes a try. First, we need to configure our frontend to interact with the correct Auth0 tenant. These are configured in AppSettings.ts:

export const authSettings = {
domain: '',
client_id: 'your-clientid',
redirect_uri: window.location.origin + '/signin-callback',
scope: 'openid profile QandAAPI email',
audience: 'https://qanda',

We need to substitute our specific tenantid and clientid in this settings file.

We have already discovered where to find our Auth0 tenant in the last chapter but, as a reminder, it is to the left of our user avatar:

The domain setting doesn't include https:// at the front. 

The client ID can be found in the Applications section in our Q and A single-page application: 

We are now ready to try the sign-in and sign-out processes.

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