Recapping the sign-in and sign-out flow

Let's quickly recap the sign-in flow between our app and Auth0:

  1. Our app redirects to Auth0 to allow the user to enter their credentials.
  2. After the user has successfully signed in, Auth0 redirects back to our app with a code.
  3. Our app can then request an access token from Auth0 with the code.

The sign-out flow is as follows:

  1. Our app redirects to Auth0 to perform the logout.
  2. A redirect then occurs back to our app.

So, we will have the following routes in our frontend app:

  • /signin: Our app will navigate to this page to start the sign-in process. This page will call a method in the Auth0 client, which will redirect to a page in Auth0.
  • /signin-callbackThis is the page in our app that Auth0 will redirect back to with the code.
  • /signoutOur app will navigate to this page to start the sign-out process. This page will call a method in the Auth0 client, which will redirect to a page in Auth0.
  • /signout-callbackThis is the page in our app that Auth0 will redirect back to after the logout has completed. 
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