Understanding how the single page is served

We know that the single page that hosts the React app is index.html, so let's examine this file. This file is found in the public folder in the ClientApp folder. The React app will be injected into the div tag that has an id of root:

<div id="root"></div>

Let's run our app again in Visual Studio to confirm that this is the case by pressing F5. If we open the developer tools in the browser page that opens and inspect the DOM in the Elements panel, we'll see this div with the React content inside it:

Notice the script tag at the bottom of the body tag. This contains all the JavaScript code for our React app, including the React library itself. However, this script tag doesn't exist in the source index.html file, so how did it get there in the served page? Webpack added it after bundling all the JavaScript together into bundle.js. If we look in the ClientApp folder and subfolders, the static folder doesn't exist. The bundle.js file doesn't exist either. What's going on? These are virtual files that are created by the Webpack development server. Remember that, when we run the app with Visual Studio debugger, the Webpack development server serves index.html. So, bundle.js is a virtual file that the Webpack development server creates.

Now, what happens in production mode when the Webpack development server isn't running? Let's have a closer look at the app we published earlier in this chapter. Let's look in the index.html file in the Build folder in the ClientApp folder. The script tag at the bottom of the body tag will look something like the following: 

<script src="/static/js/main.eebeebd5.js"></script>

The highlighted part of the filename will vary each time the app is published. The filename is unique for each build in order to break browser caching. If we look for this JavaScript file in our project, we'll find that it does exist. So, in production mode, the web server will serve this physical JavaScript file.

If we open this JavaScript file, it contains all the JavaScript for our app. The JavaScript is minified so that the file can be downloaded to the browser nice and quick. 

Minification is the process of removing unnecessary characters in files without affecting how it is processed by the browser. This includes code comments and formatting, unused code, using shorter variable and function names, and so on. 

However, the file isn't small and contains a lot of JavaScript. What's going on here? Well, the file contains not only our JavaScript app code but also the code from all the dependencies, including React itself.

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