Changing getUnansweredQuestions so that it's asynchronous

The getUnansweredQuestions function doesn't simulate a web API call very well because it isn't asynchronous. In this section, we'll change this. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Open QuestionsData.ts and create an asynchronous wait function that we can use in our getUnansweredQuestions function:
const wait = (ms: number): Promise<void> => {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

This function will wait asynchronously for the number of milliseconds we pass into it. The function uses the native JavaScript setTimeout function internally, so that it returns after the specified number of milliseconds.

Notice the function returns a Promise object.

A promise is a JavaScript object that represents the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. The Promise type in TypeScript is like the Task type in .NET.

Notice the <void> after the Promise type in the return type annotation. Angle brackets after a TypeScript type indicate that this is a generic type.

Generic types are a mechanism for allowing the consumer's own type to be used in the internal implementation of the generic type. The angle brackets allow the consumer type to be passed in as a parameter. Generics in TypeScript is very much like generics in .NET.

We are passing a void type into the generic Promise type. But what is the void type?

The void type is another TypeScript-specific type that is used to represent a non-returning function. So, void in TypeScript is like void in .NET.
  1. Now, we can use the wait function in our getUnansweredQuestions function to wait half a second:
export const getUnansweredQuestions = async (): Promise<QuestionData[]> => {
await wait(500);
return questions.filter(q => q.answers.length === 0);

Notice the await keyword before the call to the wait function and the async keyword before the function signature.

async and await are two JavaScript keywords we can use to make asynchronous code read almost identically to synchronous code. await stops the next line from executing until the asynchronous statement has completed, while async simply indicates that the function contains asynchronous statements. So, these keywords are very much like async and await in .NET.

We return a Promise<QuestionData[]> rather than QuestionData[] because the function doesn't return the questions straight away. Instead, it returns the questions eventually.

  1. So, the getUnansweredQuestions function is now asynchronous. If we open HomePage.tsx, which is where this function is consumed, we'll see a compilation error:

This is because the return type of the function has changed and no longer matches what we defined in the QuestionList props interface.

  1. For now, let's comment the instance of QuestionList out so that our app compiles: 
{/* <QuestionList data={getUnansweredQuestions()} /> */}
Lines of code can be commented out in Visual Studio Code by highlighting the lines and pressing CTRL+/ (forward slash).

Eventually, we're going to change HomePage so that we store the questions in the local state and then use this value in the local state to pass to QuestionList. To do this, we need to invoke getUnansweredQuestions when the component is first rendered and set the value that's returned to state. We'll do this in the next section.

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