
Auth0 is an OIDC identity provider that we can leverage to authenticate and authorize clients. An access token in JWT format is available from an identity provider when a successful sign in has been made. An access token can be used in requests to access protected resources.

ASP.NET Core can validate JWTs by first using the AddAuthentication method in the ConfigureServices method in the Startup class and then UseAuthentication in the Configure method.

Once authentication has been added to the request pipeline, REST API resources can be protected by decorating the controller and action methods using the Authorize attribute. Protected action methods can then be unprotected by using the AllowAnonymous attribute. We can access information about a user, such as their claims, via a controller's User property.

Custom policies are a powerful way to allow a certain set of users get access to protected resources. Requirement and handler classes must be implemented that define the policy logic. The policy can be applied to an endpoint using the Authorize attribute by passing in the policy name as a parameter.

Our backend is close to completion now. In the next chapter, we'll turn our attention back to the frontend and start to interact with the backend we have built.

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