Modeling of the Wireless Channels with Leaky Waveguide 91
slot. Similarly, the end of the leaky waveguide is not covered by the radiation of the
last slot. In other words, at the beginning and the end of leaky waveguide, it is natural
propagation that has higher attenuation and more severe uctuations, which is the
same as the simulation results in Figure5.4. However, μ
is almost independent of
the location of the receiving antenna, which shows the stability of leaky waveguide.
5.5 Conclusion
In the chapter, based on the measurements, we have proposed a linear path loss
model for the large-scale fading of CBTC radio channel with leaky waveguide. e
path loss exponent can be approximated by the transmission loss of leaky wave-
guide. In addition, we have shown that, with the AICc method, the small-scale
fading follows log-normal distribution. e parameters of log-normal distribution
have been determined.
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