Novel Communications-Based Train Control System 145
existing scheme gives the highest average service discontinuity time duration com-
pared to the other schemes. is is because the CoMP is not used in this scheme.
Our proposed scheme gives better average service discontinuity time duration com-
pared with the CoMP-based greedy scheme. is is because CoMP improves ser-
vice availability and no ping-pong hando happens in the CBTC system under the
proposed scheme, which consequently decreases the average service discontinuity
time duration.
7.7 Conclusion
Trainground communication is one of the key technologies in CBTC systems.
Unreliable wireless communications and frequent handos have signicant
impacts on the train control performance in CBTC systems. In this chapter, using
recent advances in CoMP, we proposed a novel CBTC system, in which a train
can communicate with a cluster of base stations simultaneously to enhance the
train control performance of CBTC systems. In order to mitigate the impacts of
wireless communications on CBTC performance, we took a cross-layer design
approach to optimize the control performance in CBTC systems. Unlike the exist-
ing works on CoMP that use traditional design criteria, such as network capacity,
we used linear quadratic cost for the train controller as the performance measure.
3000 3500 4000
Trip distance (m)
Service discontinuity (s)
Existing scheme
CoMP-based greedy scheme
Proposed scheme
Figure7.11 Average service discontinuity time duration in different schemes.
146 Advances in Communications-Based Train Control Systems
We jointly considered base station cluster selection and hando decision issues
in CBTC systems. An optimal guidance trajectory calculation scheme was pro-
posed in the train control procedure to further improve the performance of CBTC
systems. Simulation results were presented to show that the proposed approach
can signicantly improve the train control performance and increase the railway
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