F. Richard Yu earned his PhD degree in electrical engineering from the University
of British Columbia in 2003. From 2002to 2004, he was with Ericsson (in Lund,
Sweden), where he worked on the research and development of wireless mobile sys-
tems. From 2005to 2006, he was with a start-up in California, where he worked
on research and development in the areas of advanced wireless communication
technologies and new standards. He joined the Carleton School of Information
Technology and the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton
University in 2007, where he is currently an associate professor. He received the
IEEE Outstanding Leadership Award in 2013; Carleton Research Achievement
Award in 2012; the Ontario Early Researcher Award (formerly Premier’s Research
Excellence Award) in 2011; the Excellent Contribution Award at IEEE/IFIP
TrustCom in 2010; the Leadership Opportunity Fund Award from the Canada
Foundation of Innovation in 2009;and best-paper awards at IEEE ICC 2014,
Globecom 2012, IEEE/IFIP TrustCom 2009,and the International Conference on
Networking 2005. His research interests include cross-layer/cross-system design,
security, green IT, and QoS provisioning in wireless-based systems.
Dr. Yu serves on the editorial board of several journals; he is co-editor-in-chief
for Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks; lead series editor for IEEE Transactions on
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, EURASIP Journal on
Wireless Communications Networking, Wiley Journal on Security and Communication
Networks, and International Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking;
a guest editor for IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing special issue
Advances in Mobile Cloud Computing; and a guest editor for IEEE Systems Journal
for the special issue Smart Grid Communications Systems. He has served on the
Technical Program Committee of numerous conferences, as the TPC co-chair of IEEE
GreenCom14, INFOCOM-MCV15, Globecom14, WiVEC’14, INFOCOM-
MCC’14, Globecom13, GreenCom13, CCNC’13, INFOCOM-CCSES’12, ICC-
GCN’12, VTC’12S, Globecom’11, INFOCOM-GCN’11, INFOCOM-CWCN’10,
IEEE IWCMC’09, VTC’08F, and WiN-ITS’07; as the publication chair of ICST
QShine’10; and the co-chair of ICUMT-CWCN’09. Dr.Yu is a registered profes-
sional engineer in the province of Ontario, Canada.
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