
I would like to offer special thanks to Stephanie McComb, my acquisitions editor, who was very supportive throughout the writing of this book.

A huge thank-you goes to Jade Williams, whose infinite organizing power kept the book on track. Jade kept up with a seemingly infinite number of versions of text documents and images, coordinating the writing, editing, and production of the entire book.

My thanks to Lee Ambrosius, (, the highly knowledgeable technical editor for most of the book. Lee's comments improved the book throughout. In addition, Lee and Brian Benton both took on chapters to update; their expert help made this huge project a lot easier. Finally, Darren Young did a superb job of technical editing for Lee's chapters. These three are AutoCAD authorities and you, the reader, benefit.

I also thank Marylouise Wiack for her precise editing of this very technical book, and all of the people at Wiley who helped with the production of this book and its DVD.

Thanks to Kathy O'Connell, AutoCAD Product Manager at Autodesk, Inc., for the excellent Foreword for this book. I also want to express my great appreciation to the members of Autodesk's beta and product teams who were very supportive throughout the beta period. They include Shaan (the great) Hurley, Nate Bartley, Eric Stover, Matt Stein, and many others.

Many people contributed drawings and software for this book. I'd like to thank all of them. They have helped to make this book the most comprehensive book on AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT available.

Finally, I would like to thank my husband, Evan, who helped out around the house while I was writing, writing, and writing. Without his support, I could not have completed this book.

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