

Accumulation in bioreactors, 382


decomposition of, 334

from ethanol, 301

pyrolysis of, 390

Acetic anhydride

cytidine reaction with, 817820

production, 556563

adiabatic operation, 558559

co-current heat exchange, 561563

constant heat exchange fluid temperature, 559560

countercurrent heat exchange, 562563

Acetylation reactions, 226

Activation energies

barrier height, 86

and bond strength, 9293

determination, 9093

in rate laws, 76

and reaction coordinates, 84

Active intermediates, 334335

chain reactions in, 343

enzymatic reactions, 343346

first-order rate law, 338339

mechanism searches in, 339342

PSSH in, 336338

summary, 385386

Active sites

in catalysts, 404, 410411

in enzymes, 344

Actual rate of reaction in internal effectiveness factor, 731, 733

Adenosine diphosphate (ADP), 366, 760

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 366, 760

ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase), 359

Adiabatic operations

acetic anhydride production, 558559

batch reactors, 633639

butane isomerization, 5558, 554555

complex reactions with heat effects, 594595

CSTRs, 568572

energy balance, 500502

batch reactors, 633639

equilibrium temperature, 521522

steady-state nonisothermal design, 508509

tubular reactors, 510

exothermic irreversible gas-phase reactions, 67

interstage heat transfer, 522526

nitroaniline production, 643644

PFRs, 594595

propylene glycol production in, 568572, 634639

temperature and equilibrium conversion, 518522

tubular reactors, 509518

Adjustable parameters for nonideal reactors, 846847

Adsorption, 403

of cumene, 421427

in CVD, 449451

dissociative, 270, 412415, 450

equilibrium constant, 412

isotherms, 410415

rate constant, 412

in toluene hydrodemethylation, 439440

Aerobic organism growth, 367

Aerosol reactors, 236238

Affinity constant in Michaelis–Menten equation, 348

Aging in catalyst deactivation, 456459

Air pollution, 2829

Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), 359

Alcohol metabolism, 927

Algae as alternative energy source, 396397


complex reactions, 304

CRE problems, 142

data analysis, 244245

ethylene glycol production, 150

vs. memorizing, 140

multiple reactions, 282284

Aliphatic alcohol, 341

Alkenes, ozone reactions with, 277

Alternative energy, 396397

Alumina-silica catalyst, 483484

Amino acids

in chymotrypsin enzyme, 344

synthesis, 366


from hydrogen and nitrogen, 420

nitroaniline from, 640646

from urea, 355356

Ammonolysis, 226

Analytical solution for pressure drop, 174, 177188

Anthracene dimerisation, 103

Antibiotics, 364365, 369


from ethylene glycol, 157

from ethylene oxide, 185

Antithrombin, 303

Ants running speed, 100

Apparent order in active intermediates, 338

Apparent reactions

in azomethane decomposition, 338

in falsified kinetics, 737738

in kinetic rate law, 7778

Approximations in segregation model, 815

Aqueous bromine, photochemical decay of, 276277

Area balance in CVD, 449

Aris–Taylor analysis for laminar flow, 870871

Aris–Taylor dispersion

dispersion model, 852

tubular reactors, 859860

Arrhenius, Svante, 83

Arrhenius equation

Arrhenius plots, 9093

sintering, 456

temperature behavior of reaction rate constants, 8384

Arrhenius temperature dependence, 356

Arterial blood in capillaries, 275

Artificial kidneys, 346

Aspen program, 188

acetic anhydride production, 563

explanation of, 916

instructions for, 903

Asymmetric distribution

maximum mixedness model, 834

segregation model, 833


in diffusion, 681

in reactions, 70

Attainable region analysis (ARA), 320321

Autocatalytic reactions, 367

Automobile emissions

nitrogen oxides, 277, 485486

in smog formation, 2829

Average molar flux in diffusion, 690

Axial concentration profiles, 871

Axial diffusion, 698

Axial dispersion

dispersion model, 852

packed beds, 745746

Axial variations in tubular reactors, 595596

energy balance, 598603

energy flux, 597598

molar flux, 596597

Azomethane decomposition, 336338


Back-of-the-envelope calculations, 705

Backmix reactors. See Continuous-stirred tank reactors (CSTRs)

Bacteria, 364365. See also Cells

in batch reactors, 378381

in cell growth, 367369

in enzyme production, 344

Balance dispersion, 854

Balance in CSTRs, 872873

Balance on heat transfer fluid in tubular reactors, 543545

Balance on hydrogen in membrane reactors, 219, 222

Balance on reactor volume in CSTR parameter modeling, 876

Bartholomew, C. H., 461, 465

Basis of calculation in conversions, 32

Batch reactors

adiabatic operation, 633639

bacteria growth in, 378381

bioreactors, 377

catalyst decay, 457458

concentration equations, 109111

cylindrical, 137

data analysis methods, 246247

differential, 251258

integral, 247251

nonlinear regression, 258263

design equations, 3234, 94

energy balance, 499, 632639

enzymatic reaction calculations, 354356

interrupted isothermal operation, 640646

isothermal design, 144151

mean conversion in, 816, 819

mole balances on, 1012

in design equations, 33

gas phase, 210212

integral data analysis, 248

liquid phase, 208, 210

RTDs in, 784785

series reactions in, 294298

space time in, 59

stoichiometry in, 107113

Bed fluidicity in hydrazine decomposition, 704

Beetles, 100


adsorption of, 426

from cumene, 5

from cyclohexane, 714

desorption of, 423, 429430

in Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetics, 421422

in reversible reactions, 8082

from toluene, 79, 437446

Berra, Yogi

on destinations, 680

on observation, 243

on questions, 26

on termination, 679

Berzelius, J., 400

Best estimates of parameter values in nonlinear regression, 261

Bifurcation problems, 609

Bimodal distributions, 833

Bimolecular reactions, 70

Binary diffusion, 684688

Biochar gasification, 331

Bioconversions, 365

Biomass reactions

in biosynthesis, 364365

in reaction rate law, 76

Bioprocessing design problem, 926

Bioreactors, 364367

cell growth in, 368369

chemostats, 381383

mass balances in, 377381

rate laws in, 369371

stoichiometry in, 371377

summary, 385386

wash-out in, 383384

Biosynthesis, 365367

Blindness from methanol, 359

Blood coagulation, 302303, 323

Bodenstein number

dispersion and T-I-S models, 869

tubular reactors, 855

Boltzmann’s constant, 905

Bomb calorimeter reactors, 34

Bond distortions in reaction systems, 8687

Bonding for enzyme-substrate complex, 344

Boundary conditions

diffusion, 408409, 685688, 690, 726, 728

dispersion coefficient determination, 863866

dispersion models, 918

mass transfer to single particles, 695, 697

maximum mixedness model, 823824

spherical catalyst pellets, 726, 728

tubular reactors, 600, 855858

Bounded conversions in nonideal reactors, 846

Briggs–Haldane Equation, 354

Bromine cyanide in methyl bromide production, 230232

Bulk catalyst density

packed bed flow, 172

pressure drop, 180

Bulk concentration

diffusion and reaction, 742

mass transfer to single particles, 695

Bulk diffusivity, 721

Bulk phase, diffusion in, 686687

Butadiene from ethanol, 281


butene from, 221

isomerization of, 5556, 512518, 548555

Butanol dehydration, 483484

Butyl alcohol (TBA), 482


in CSTRs, 795796, 871873, 880882

in tubular reactors, 797798


C curves

pulse input experiment, 770776

single-CSTR RTDs, 785

Cajun seafood gumbo, 926927


back-of-the-envelope, 705

enzymatic reactions, 354356

propylene glycol production, 570

Calorimeters, 34

Carbon dioxide from urea, 355356

Carbon monoxide

adsorption, 412415

methane from, 266270

Carbonylation reactions in MCMT production, 661

Cartilage forming cells, 763765

Catalysts and catalytic reactors, 399

adsorption isotherms, 410415

benzene rate-limiting, 429430

catalysis, 400401

classification, 404405

CRE Web site material, 480481

deactivation. See Deactivation of catalysts

definitions, 400401

desorption, 418

for differential reactors, 264265

diffusion in

from bulk to external transport, 408409

differential equation for, 723725, 729730

dimensionless form, 726728

effective diffusivity in, 721723

internal, 409410

for tissue engineering, 763765

in ethylene oxide production, 191

heterogeneous data analysis for, 436437

mechanisms, 439440

rate laws, 438442

reactor design, 443446

in heterogeneous reactions, 79

membrane reactors, 217219

in microelectronic fabrication

chemical vapor deposition in, 448451

overview, 446448

model discrimination in, 451454

properties of, 401402

rapid reactions on, 693697

rate data, 266270

rate laws, 421424

deducing, 438439

derived from PSSH, 435

evaluating, 440442

temperature dependence of, 436

rate-limiting, 419420, 427430

reforming, 431435

shell balance on, 723

steps, 405420

surface reaction, 416418


ethylene oxide, 185

heterogeneous reactions, 7

membrane reactors, 219

PBR, 37, 172

with pressure drop, 178182

Catalytic dehydration of methanol, 484485

Catalytic reactions, isothermal first-order, 730733


cartilage forming, 763765

growth and division

chemostats for, 381383

and dilution rate, 383

growth, 368371

Luedeking–Piret equation, 375

mass balances, 377381

rate laws, 369371, 374

stoichiometry, 371377

wash-out, 383384

reactions in, 365366

Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS), 604

Centers in catalysts, 404

Cerius program, 335

Certificate programs, 605

CFBs (circulating fluidized beds), 472476

Chain reactions, 343

Chain rule for diffusion and reaction, 726

Chain transfer step, 343

Channels and channeling

microreactors, 212

tubular reactors, 797798

Characteristic reaction times in batch operation, 147

Chemical reaction engineering (CRE), 13

Chemical species, 45

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)

in diffusion, 753

overview, 448451

professional reference shelf for, 757

Chemisorption, 403404, 410

Chemostats, 381383

Chesterton, G. K., 399

Chipmunk respiration rate, 713

Chirping frequency of crickets, 99

Chloral in DDT, 6


membrane reactors, 312

semibatch reactors, 226


from benzene diazonium chloride, 91

in DDT, 6

Churchill, Winston, 895

Chymotrypsin enzyme, 344345

Circulating fluidized beds (CFBs), 472476

Classes of cell reactions, 366

Clinoptilolite in toluene hydrodemethylation, 437446

Closed-closed boundary conditions

dispersion coefficient determination, 863864

tubular reactors, 855858

Closed systems, first law of thermodynamics for, 495

Closed vessel dispersion, 855

Clotting of blood, 302303, 323

CMRs (catalytic membrane reactors), 217218

Co-current flow

acetic anhydride production, 561563

butane isomerization, 550551

PFR complex reactions with heat effects, 590591

tubular reactors, 543544

Coagulation of blood, 302303, 323

Cobalt-molybdenum catalyst, 483

Cobra bites, 322

Cocci growth, 367

Coking, catalyst decay, 459461

Colburn J factor

hydrazine decomposition, 704

mass transfer correlations, 701

Collision rate in adsorption, 412

Collision theory, 74

active intermediates in, 335

professional reference shelf for, 97

in reaction systems, 8790

Combination step

acetic anhydride production, 557

batch operation, 145146, 295296

butane isomerization, 513

catalyst decay, 458


with cooling coils, 573

parameter modeling, 876

series reactions, 299

single, 153155

ethylene glycol production, 150, 159

ethylene oxide production, 187

gas-oil catalytic cracking, 470

gas phase, 211

glucose-to-ethanol fermentation, 379

laminar flow reactors mean conversion, 818

membrane reactors

flow and reaction, 223

in multiple reactions, 315

mole balance design, 209

nitroaniline production, 642

nitrogen oxide production, 215

nonisothermal reactor design, 494495

PFR reactor volume, 142144

pressure drop

isothermal reactor design, 170

tubular reactors, 179

propylene glycol production, 569570, 635636

semibatch reactors, 230

tubular reactors

adiabatic, 510

flow in, 163164, 167

urea decomposition, 354


CSTRs and PFRs in, 5357

and species identity, 5

Competing reactions, 280

Competitive inhibition, 357359

Complete segregation in nonideal reactor modeling, 809810

Complex reactions, 304

CSTRs, 307312

description, 280281

PBRs, 304307

PFRs with heat effects, 588595

Compressibility factors in flow systems, 116

Compression of ultrasonic waves, 340342

Compression ratio and octane number, 432

COMSOL program

diffusion, 682, 685686

dispersion, 870871, 918

explanation of, 917918

instructions, 903

overview, 602603

tubular reactors, 601

Concentration-time data

batch reactors, 246

nonlinear regression, 261262

Concentrations and concentration profiles

active site balances, 411

batch reactors, 247248, 296297

CSTRs, 13, 300

differential reactors, 264265

diffusion, 723, 727, 729

dilution, 383

dispersion model, 852

enzyme, 346348

flow systems, 114

gas-phase, 115126

key reactants, 118

liquid-phase, 114115

species, 115117

laminar flow, 871

mass transfer

correlations, 701

to single particles, 695

methane production, 268269

with pressure drop, 178

rate data analysis, 244245

semibatch reactors, 232

spherical catalyst pellets, 723, 727, 729

T-I-S model, 851

toluene hydrodemethylation, 440

tubular reactors, 855

Confidence limits in nonlinear regression, 261

Configuration in chemical species, 4

Consecutive reactions, 280

Constant heat capacities in enthalpy, 505

Constant-volume batch systems, 110111, 251

Constant-volume decomposition of dimethyl ether, 276

Constant volumetric flow for differential reactors, 265

Constriction factor in effective diffusivity, 721

Continuous-flow systems, 113114

in mole balance, 1222

reactor time, 35

RTDs, 768769

sizing, 3847

Continuous-stirred tank reactors (CSTRs)

in butane isomerization, 517518

bypassing in, 795796, 871873, 880882

complex reactions, 307312

conversion in, 868

with cooling coils, 572574

dead space in, 871873, 880882

design, 14, 152

design equations, 36, 94

ethylene glycol, 157162

series, 155157

single, 152155

diagnostics and troubleshooting, 794797

energy balance, 498499, 565, 572574, 585588, 653

in equilibrium equation, 129130

ethylene glycol, 148151

with heat effects, 564574

for liquid-phase reactions, 1214

mass balances, 377

modeled as two CSTRs with interchange, 878880

mole balances, 36, 208212

multiple reactions, 585588

with multiple steady states, 574581

nonideal reactors using, 882883

parallel reactions, 159160, 288291

propylene glycol production in, 568572

RTDs in, 768769, 785786, 794797

in segregation models, 813814

in series, 4850

design, 155157, 160161

with PFRs, 5357

sequencing, 5758

series reactions, 298302

sizing, 4243, 4647

space time in, 59

for toluene hydrodemethylation, 445446

unsteady-state operation

energy balance, 499

startup, 651656


in diffusion, 685686

mass transfer coefficient in, 691, 693

in tubular reactors, 854, 859

Convective-diffusion equation, 859

Conversion and reactor sizing, 3132

batch reactors, 3234

continuous-flow reactors, 3847

conversion definition, 32

CRE Web site material, 64

equilibrium. See Equilibrium conversions

flow reactors, 3538

PBRs, 21

with pressure drop, 178180

rate laws in, 9394

reactors in series, 4758

space time, 5860

space velocity, 6061

Conversion bounds in maximum mixedness model, 823824

Conversion factors for units, 906907

Conversion using RTDs, 807

nonideal reactor modeling, 807808

zero-adjustable-parameter models. See Zero-adjustable-parameter models


potatoes, 96

seafood gumbo, 926927

spaghetti, 197

Coolant balance in tubular reactors, 543545, 600

Coolant temperature

semibatch reactors, 646651

steady-state tubular reactors, 544

Cooling coils in CSTRs, 572574

Coordinates, reaction, 84


dispersion coefficient, 860862

mass transfer coefficients, 690693, 700704

Corrosion of high-nickel stainless steel plates, 100

Costs in ethylene glycol production, 191192

Countercurrent flow

acetic anhydride production, 562563

butane isomerization, 551553

PFR complex reactions with heat effects, 592

tubular reactors, 544545

Cracking in moving-bed reactors, 469472

Creativity in reactor selection, 884

Cricket chirping frequency, 99

Critiquing journal articles

diffusion, 765

mass transfer limitations, 717

Crystalline aluminosilicates, 401

Crystals in microelectronic fabrication, 447

CSTRs. See Continuous-stirred tank reactors (CSTRs)


adsorption, 421427

decomposition, 5, 430431

in Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetics, 421422

rate law, 429430

Cumulative distribution function, 777

Curie, Marie, 767

CVD (chemical vapor deposition), 448451

in diffusion and reaction, 753

professional reference shelf for, 757

Cyanide as enzyme inhibitor, 357

Cyclobutane, 335

Cyclohexane, benzene and hydrogen from, 714

Cyclohexanol, 486487

Cylindrical pellets, 703

Cytidine, acetic anhydride reaction with, 817820

Cytoplasm, 365366

Czochralski crystallizers, 447


Damköhler numbers

in CSTRs

parallel, 160

series, 156157, 160

single, 154155

in gas-oil catalytic cracking, 471

in segregation models, 813, 815, 818

in tubular reactors, 854, 858

Danckwerts, P. V.

on boundary conditions in tubular reactors, 856858

on RTDs, 769, 777

on segregated mixing, 810

Danckwerts boundary conditions

in diffusion and reaction, 685

in dispersion coefficient determination, 863

in dispersion models, 918

in tubular reactors, 856858

Darcy’s Law, 314

Data acquisition for differential reactors, 264

Data analysis. See Rate data collection and analysis

DDT (dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane) production, 6

Deactivation of catalysts

by coking and fouling, 459461

empirical decay laws, 464465

moving-bed reactors, 467472

overview, 454456

by poisoning, 461464

reactors offsetting, 465

by sintering, 456459

straight-through transport reactors, 472476

temperature-time trajectories, 465467

Dead volume

CSTRs, 796797, 871, 880882

tubular reactors, 798

zones, 768

Dean, A. R. C., 371

Death phase in cell growth, 369

Death rate in winemaking, 371

Decay rate laws

catalyst deactivation, 456458, 464465

gas-oil catalytic cracking, 470

moving-bed reactors, 468469

straight-through transport reactors, 474475


in active intermediates, 338

in reactions, 5

Dehydration butanol of alumina, 202

Dehydration reactions, 483484

Dehydrogenation reactions, 220221

Denatured enzymes, 344, 356

Deoxygenation of hemoglobin, 275

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in protein production, 366

Deposition rate laws, 449

Design and design equations

batch reactors, 3234, 94

CSTRs, 14, 152

design equations for, 36, 94

ethylene glycol, 157162

series, 155157

single, 152155

flow reactors, 3538

propylene glycol production, 569

toluene hydrodemethylation reactors, 443445

Desired products

multiple reactions, 281

parallel reactions, 285291

series reactions, 294302

Desorption, 414, 418

of benzene, 425, 429430

in toluene hydrodemethylation, 439440

Dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) production, 6

Diethanolamine formation, 280

Differential forms and equations

batch reactors, 34, 251258

for diffusion in pellets, 723725, 729730

Ergun equation, 173

ethylene oxide production, 186

isothermal reactor design, 169

PBRs, 19, 38, 163, 245

PFR mole balance, 1516

solutions to, 900

triphenyl methyl chloride-methanol reaction, 256258

tubular flow reactor design equations, 37

Differential reactors, rate data collection and analysis in, 264270

Differentiation, equal-area graphical, 255256, 898899

Diffusion, 679, 719

binary, 684688

boundary conditions in, 408409, 685688, 690, 726, 728

from bulk to external transport, 408409

with catalysts, 408410, 720721

differential equation for, 723725, 729730

dimensionless form, 726728

effective diffusivity in, 721723

for tissue engineering, 763765

chemical vapor deposition in, 753

convection in, 685686

definitions, 681682

diffusion- and reaction-limited regime estimation in, 743744

dispersion model, 852

falsified kinetics in, 737739

Fick’s first law in, 683684

fundamentals, 680681

homogeneous systems, 720

internal, 409410

internal effectiveness factor, 730

isothermal first-order catalytic reactions, 730733

isothermal non-first-order catalytic reactions, 733734

Thiele modulus estimates, 735737

volume change with reaction, 733

Weisz–Prater criterion, 734735

journal article problems, 765

journal critique problems, 765

limiting situations for, 750751

mass transfer coefficients, 690

correlations, 690693

mass transfer-limited reactions, 697700

mass transfer to single particles, 693697

operating condition changes in, 700704

mass transfer in packed beds, 744750

Mears criterion for, 743744

modeling with, 687688

molar flux in, 681686

multiphase reactors in, 751753

overall effectiveness factor in, 739743

questions and problems, 757765

through stagnant film, 688690

temperature and pressure dependence in, 686687

Digital-age problems, 317318

Dilution rate

bioreactors, 381382

chemostats, 381

wash-out, 383

Dimensionless cumulative distributions, 788789

Dimensionless groups in mass transfer coefficient, 691

Dimerize propylene, 53

Dimethyl ether (DME)

decomposition, 276

from methanol, 484485

Diphenyl in reversible reactions, 8082

Dirac delta function

in PFR RTD, 784

in segregation models, 813

in step tracer experiment, 776

Disappearance of substrate, 349, 378

Disappearance rate, 56

Disguised kinetics, 738739

Disk rupture in nitroaniline production, 645646


catalysts, 404

COMSOL for, 870871, 918

one-parameter models, 847

in packed beds, 862

vs. T-I-S models, 869

in tubular reactors, 852854, 858862, 866868

Dispersion coefficient

experimental determination of, 862866

tubular reactors, 860862

Dissociative adsorption, 270, 412415, 450

Distortions in reaction systems, 8687

Divide and be conquered case, 705707

Division of cells, 369371

DME (dimethyl ether)

decomposition of, 276

from methanol, 484485

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in protein production, 366

Doubling times in growth rates, 371

Drinking and driving, 324325

Drug therapy, 357359

Dual sites

irreversible surface-reaction-limited rate laws in, 435

surface reactions in catalysts, 416417



nonideal reactor modeling, 808

in normalized RTD function, 782783

in pulse input experiment, 770775

in RTD moments, 780

Eadie–Hofstee plots, 351353

Early mixing in nonideal reactor modeling, 809

Economic decisions and incentives for separations systems, 281

Effective diffusivity in spherical catalyst pellets, 721723

Effective transport coefficient, 695

Effectiveness factor

in internal diffusion, 730

isothermal first-order catalytic reactions, 730733

isothermal non-first-order catalytic reactions, 733734

overall, 739743

Thiele modulus estimates, 735737

volume change with reaction, 733

Weisz–Prater criterion, 734735

in nitrous oxide reductions, 748750

Efficient parallel reactor schemes, 285

Electronics industry, microelectronic fabrication

chemical vapor deposition in, 448451

overview, 447448

Elementary rate laws, 7275

Elementary reactions, 74, 412

Eley–Rideal mechanism, 431

irreversible surface-reaction-limited rate laws, 435

in surface reactions in catalysts, 418

in toluene hydrodemethylation, 439440

Elution, 776

EMCD (equimolar counterdiffusion), 724

Emissions, automobile

nitrogen oxides in, 277, 485486

in smog formation, 2829

Empirical decay laws, 464465

Endothelium in blood clotting, 302

Endothermic reactions

equilibrium conversion in, 518

interstage heat transfer, 523524


alternative, 396397

conversion factors, 906

Energy balances

acetic anhydride production, 557558

adiabatic operations, 500502

batch reactors, 633639

equilibrium temperature, 521522

in steady-state nonisothermal design, 508509

tubular reactors, 510

butane isomerization, 513, 550

CSTRs, 498499

with cooling coils, 572574

heat exchanger in, 565

in multiple reactions, 585588

unsteady-state operation, 653

enthalpies in, 497, 504505

ethyl acetate saponification, 649

first law of thermodynamics, 495496

heat of reaction in, 505508

MCMT production, 665

nitroaniline production, 642

overview of, 498501

PBRs, 499

PFRs, 499

with heat effects, 546547

with heat exchange, 540543

multiple reactions, 581588

parallel reactions, 583

propylene glycol production, 570, 636, 653

semibatch reactors, 499

with heat exchangers, 647

multiple reactions, 658

steady-state molar flow rates, 502504

tubular reactors, 540543, 598603

unsteady-state nonisothermal reactors, 630632

work term in, 496498

Energy barriers, 8487

Energy distribution function, 88, 90

Energy economy

hydrogen-based, 239240

membrane reactors, 220221

Energy flux, tubular reactors, 597598

Energy flux vectors, 597

Energy rate change with time, 907

Engine knock, 431433

Engineering experiment design problem, 925

Engineering judgment in reactor selection, 884

Enthalpies in energy balance, 497, 504505

Enzymatic reactions, 76, 343344

batch reactor calculations, 354356

Briggs–Haldane Equation, 354

Eadie–Hofstee plots, 351352

enzyme-substrate complex, 344346

induced fit model, 344

inhibition of. See Inhibition of enzyme reactions

lock-and-key model, 344

mechanisms, 346348

Michaelis–Menten equation, 348354

temperature in, 356

Epidemiology, PSSH for, 392

Epitaxial germanium, 448449

Epoxydation of ethylene, 329

Equal-area differentiation, 255256, 898899


batch concentrations, 109111

concentrations in flow systems, 114

differential. See Differential forms and equations


in adiabatic equilibrium temperature, 519522

in CVD, 451

Equilibrium constant

in adiabatic equilibrium temperature, 520

adsorption, 412, 423

in thermodynamic relationships, 909914

Equilibrium conversions, 518

and adiabatic temperature, 518522

butane isomerization, 514

endothermic reactions, 518524

exothermic reactions, 518522

feed temperature, 526528

semibatch reactors, 233

stoichiometry, 126130

Equimolar counterdiffusion (EMCD), 724

Ergun equation, 170173, 177

Esterification reactions, 226

E(t) curves in maximum mixedness model, 827828


from azomethane, 336338

ethylene from, 483

in ethylene glycol production, 192

ethylene hydrogenation to, 452454


acetaldehyde from, 301

ADH with, 359

butadiene from, 281

in glucose-to-ethanol fermentation, 378381

Ethoxylation reactions, 312

Ethyl acetate, 204

Ethyl acetate saponification, 647650


hydrogenation to ethylcyclohexane, 492

styrene from, 220221


adsorption of, 403404

epoxydation of, 329

from ethane, 483

ethane from, 452454

PBRs for, 165168

Ethylene chlorohydrin, 240

Ethylene glycol (EG)

CSTRs for, 148151

from ethylene chlorohydrin and sodium bicarbonate, 240

from ethylene oxide, 185

production of, 157162

synthesizing chemical plant design for, 190192

Ethylene oxide (EO), 280

CSTRs for, 148151

in ethylene glycol production, 191

production of, 185190

Eukaryotes, doubling times for, 371

Euler method, 825


batch operations, 145146, 297298

CSTR series reactions, 300301

ethylene glycol production, 150, 159

gas phase, 211

nitrogen oxide production, 215

PFR reactor volume, 142143

propylene glycol production, 651656

toluene hydrodemethylation, 446

triphenyl methyl chloride-methanol reaction, 254

tubular reactor design, 167168

tubular reactor flow, 163164


activation energy, 9192

CSTR parameter modeling, 874876

trityl-methanol reaction, 250251

Excess method in batch reactors, 246

Exchange volumes in CSTR parameter modeling, 879880

Exhaust streams, automobile

nitrogen oxides in, 277, 485486

in smog formation, 2829

Exit-age distribution function, 777

Exit temperature in interstage cooling, 524525

Exothermic reactions, 507, 518522

equilibrium conversion, 518522

interstage heat transfer, 523526

safety issues, 603605, 640646

Experimental observation and measurements, 8, 75

for dispersion coefficient, 862866

for mass transfer limitations, 712

Experimental planning

professional reference shelf for, 273

in rate data collection and analysis, 271


Monsanto plant, 640646

nitrous oxide plant, 613, 673674

T2 Laboratories, 604, 660668

Explosive intermediates, microreactors for, 212

Exponential cell growth, 368370

Exponential decay rate law in catalyst deactivation, 464

Exponential integrals, 815

External diffusion effects. See Diffusion

External mass transfer in nitrous oxide reductions, 749

Extinction temperature in multiple steady states, 579



nonideal reactor modeling, 808

RTD, 777

Fabrication, microelectronic

chemical vapor deposition in, 448451

overview, 446448

Facilitated heat transfer, 712

Falsified kinetics

in diffusion and reaction, 737739

exercise, 763

Fan, L. T.

on RTD moments, 778

on tracer techniques, 777

Fanning friction factor, 175

Fast orange formation, 135136

Fed batch reactors. See Semibatch reactors

Feed stocks, catalyst poisoning in, 461

Feed temperature in equilibrium conversion, 526528

Femtosecond spectroscopy, 335


glucose-to-ethanol, 378381

wine-making, 370371

Fermi, Enrico, 2930

Fibers, terephthalic acid for, 326327

Fibrinogen, 302

Fick’s law

in diffusion, 683684

in dispersion, 852, 859

Film, diffusion through, 690

Finlayson, B. A., 745

Firefly flashing frequency, 99

First law of thermodynamics, 495496

First-order rate laws, 75, 338339

First-order reactions, 73

batch operations, 146

CSTR design

series, 155156

single, 152153

differential equations for

diffusion in spherical catalyst pellets, 729730

solutions, 900

multiple steady states, 577

nonideal reactor modeling, 809

PFR reactor volume for, 142144

reversible, 518

segregation models, 812

Fitting tail, 801

Five-point quadrature formula

PFR sizing, 44

solutions, 902903

Fixed-bed reactors. See Packed-bed reactors (PBRs)

Fixed concentration in mass transfer correlations, 701

Fixed coordinate systems in molar flux, 682

Flashing frequency of fireflies, 99

Flat velocity profiles, 848


in energy balance, 496

numerical solutions to, 870871

through packed beds, 170174

in pipes

dispersion, 860861

pressure drop, 174177

Flow rates

mass transfer and reaction, 745

mass transfer correlations, 700

membrane reactors, 314, 316

multiple reactions, 282

space time, 59

Flow reactors, 113114. See also specific flow reactors by name

concentrations in, 114

gas-phase, 115126

liquid-phase, 114115

design equations, 3538

CSTR, 36

PBRs, 3738

tubular, 3637

with heat exchange, 539540

balance on transfer fluid, 543545

CRE Web site material, 607609

CSTRs, 564574

multiple steady states, 574581

nonisothermal reactions, 581595

PFR/PBR design algorithm, 545563

questions and problems, 610626

radial and axial variations in tubular reactors, 595603

safety, 603605

steady-state tubular reactors, 540543

summary, 606607

supplementary reading, 626627

with variable volumetric flow rate, 115126

Fluid fraction in laminar flow reactors, 787

Fluid Peclet number, 855

Fluidized-bed reactors, 79, 753, 756757

Fluidized continuous-stirred tank reactors, 445446

Flux equation for diffusion in spherical catalyst pellets, 724

Force, conversion factors for, 906

Forced convection, mass transfer coefficient in, 691, 693


from methanol, 359

oxidation of, 328329

Formation enthalpies, 504505

Formation rates in azomethane decomposition, 336337

Fouling in catalyst decay, 459461

Four-point rule in integral evaluation, 902

Fourier’s law, 683

Fraction of collisions, 8889

Fractional area balance in CVD, 449

Free radicals

as active intermediates, 335

in bimolecular reactions, 70

Frequency factors in activation energy, 91

Freudlich isotherms, 415

Friction factor in pipe pressure drop, 175

Frog legs experiments, 683684

Frossling correlation, 692, 694

F(t) function in integral relationships, 777

Fuel cells, 239240


Gallium arsenide layers, 448

Gas-hourly space velocity (GHSV), 61

Gas oil, catalytic cracking of, 469472

Gas phase and gas-phase reactions

adiabatic exothermic irreversible, 67

batch systems, 34, 144

complex reactions with heat effects in PFRs, 589

in CVD, 449

diffusion in, 686687

elementary and reversible, 80

equilibrium constant, 909911

flow reactors, 3536

flow reactors with variable volumetric flow rate, 115126

liquid-phase concentrations, 114115

microreactors, 213217

mole balances on, 210212

packed beds, 140

PBRs, 304307

PFR reactor volume, 142144

pressure drop in, 169170

tubular reactors, 14, 163165, 542543

Gas-solid heterogeneous reactions, 244

Gas volumetric flow rate in space velocity, 61


catalyst poisoning, 461

octane number, 523524

Gaussian program, 335

General mole balance equation, 810

CSTRs, 13

tubular reactors, 15

Generation heat in multiple steady states, 576578

Generic power law rate laws in gas phase, 210

Germanium epitaxial film, 448449

GHSV (gas-hourly space velocity), 61

Gibbs free energy

in cumene adsorption, 425

in equilibrium constant, 910911

Globules in segregation models, 810812

Glow sticks, 342

Glucose in wine-making, 370

Glucose-to-ethanol fermentation, 378381

Goals for nonideal reactors, 846

Goodness of fit in rate data analysis, 245

Gradientless differential reactors, 264

Graphical methods

batch reactor data analysis, 252

equal-area differentiation, 898899

triphenyl methyl chloride-methanol reaction, 255256

Gravitational conversion factor, 907

Greek symbols, 923

Growth of microorganisms. See Bioreactors

Gumbo, 926927


Hagen–Poiseuille equation, 858

Hanes–Woolf model

for Michaelis–Menten equation, 351353

of Monod equation, 376

Heat capacities in enthalpy, 505

Heat effects. See also Temperature

COMSOL for, 917

CSTRs with, 564574

in semibatch reactors, 647650

in steady-state nonisothermal reactors. See Steady-state nonisothermal reactors

Heat exchangers

acetic anhydride production, 559560

adiabatic operations, 638639

energy balance, 565

interstage cooling, 525526

microreactors, 212

PFR/PBR with heat effects, 547

semibatch reactors, 646651

steady-state nonisothermal reactors. See Flow reactors

Heat load in interstage cooling, 525526

Heat of reactions

in energy balance, 505508

molar flow rates for, 502504

Heat terms in multiple steady states, 575578

Heat transfer

to CSTRs, 565

in diffusion, 683

in mass transfer coefficient, 691

in mass transfer limitations, 712

in octane number, 523524

in pressure drop, 185

in tubular reactors, 543545

Height, energy barrier, 85

Helium mixture in monopropellant thrusters, 702

Hemoglobin, deoxygenation of, 275

Hemostasis process, 302

Heptane, 431432

Heterogeneous catalytic processes

in methane production, 269

phases in, 401

Heterogeneous data analysis, 436437

mechanisms, 439440

rate laws, 438442

reactor design, 443446

Heterogeneous reactions, 7, 70, 7980

data for, 244

external diffusion effects on. See Diffusion

mass transfer of reactants in, 720

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 344

High-nickel stainless steel plates, 100

High temperature in multiple steady states, 577

Hilder’s approximation, 815

Holding time in space time, 59

Homogeneous reactions, 70, 7677

data for, 244

rate law parameters for, 246

Homogeneous systems, diffusion and reactions in, 720

Honeybee flight speed, 100

Hot spots in microreactors, 212

Hydrazine for space flights, 702704

Hydrocarbons, partial oxidation of, 312

Hydrocracking, temperature-time trajectories, 466467

Hydrodemethylation of toluene, 7980, 437446

Hydrodesulfurization reactor design problem, 926

Hydrodynamic boundary layer in diffusion, 688


ammonia from, 420

from cyclohexane, 714

dissociative adsorption of, 450

in enzyme-substrate complex, 344

in membrane reactors, 219

in methane production, 266270

in reversible reactions, 8082

from water-gas shift reaction, 912914

water splitting, 487488

Hydrogen-based energy economy, 239240

Hydrogen peroxide

decomposition, 392

sodium thiosulfate reaction, 574

Hydrogenation reactions

of ethylene to ethane, 452454

membrane reactors for, 312

Hydrolases enzymes, 346


semibatch reactor operation, 226

starch, 394

Hydrophobic forces for enzyme-substrate complex, 344

Hyperbolic decay rate law, 464

Hypothetical stagnant film in diffusion, 689


Ideal gas constant, 905

Ideal gas law, 35

Ideal reactors

RTD for, 794799

batch and plug-flow, 784785

laminar flow, 786789

single-CSTR RTD, 785786

in two-parameter models, 871873


in chemical species, 4

in reactions, 5

Ignition-extinction curves, 578581

Ignition temperature

in equilibrium conversion, 527

in multiple steady states, 579

Imperfect pulse injection in step tracer experiment, 776

IMRCFs (inert membrane reactors with catalyst pellets on the feed side), 217218

Independent reactions, 280281, 581

Induced fit model for enzyme-substrate complex, 344

Industrial reactors

dimerize propylene into olefins, 53

in mole balance, 2223

space time in, 5960

Inert membrane reactors with catalyst pellets on the feed side (IMRCFs), 217218

Inhibition of enzyme reactions, 356357

competitive, 357359

noncompetitive, 361363

substrate, 363364

uncompetitive, 359361

Inhibitor molecules, 361

Inhibitors, 356357

Initial conditions in tubular reactors, 600

Initial rates for differential reactors, 264

Initiation step in chain reactions, 343

Inlet conditions

differential reactors, 266

equilibrium conversion, 527528

Instantaneous selectivity

multiple reactions, 281

parallel reactions, 285, 291

semibatch reactors, 227

Instantaneous yield in multiple reactions, 282

Insulin production, 364

Integral data analysis method, 247251

Integral reactors, 19, 37

Integral relationships in RTDs, 777778


numerical evaluation of, 901902

in reactor design, 897898

Integrated circuit fabrication

CVD in, 448451

overview, 446448

Interchange in CSTR modeling, 878880

Interfacial area for catalytic reactions, 401

Intermediates, active. See Active intermediates

Internal-age RTDs, 783784, 801

Internal diffusion, 409410

Internal effectiveness factor

in diffusion, 730

isothermal first-order catalytic reactions, 730733

isothermal non-first-order catalytic reactions, 733734

Thiele modulus estimates, 735737

volume change with reaction, 733

Weisz–Prater criterion, 734735

in nitrous oxide reductions, 748750

Interrupted isothermal operations, 640646

Interstage heating and heat transfer

reactor staging with, 522526

reactor trains with, 536

Ionic forces for enzyme-substrate complex, 344

Irreversible reactions, 70

endothermic, 532534

exothermic, 67

isomerization, 436

order in, 246

Irreversible surface-reaction-limited rate laws, 435

Iso-octane, 431433

Isobutane production, 512518, 548555

Isomerases enzymes, 346


batch reactors, 1112

butane, 5558, 512518, 548555

irreversible, 436

isothermal gas-phase, 39

in reactions, 5

Isopropyl isocyanate decomposition, 278

Isotherm equation in adsorption, 415

Isothermal operations

catalytic reactions

first-order, 730733

non-first-order, 733734

flow reactors, 121

gas-phase isomerization, 39

interrupted, 640646

nitroaniline production, 642643

sulfur dioxide gas-phase reactions, 121

sulfur dioxide rate law, 124

Isothermal reactors, 139

batch, 144151

COMSOL for, 918

CRE Web site material, 195196

CSTRs, 152

design equations, 94

ethylene glycol, 157162

series, 155157

single, 152155

learning resources for, 195196

molar flow rates. See Molar flow rates

ODE solver algorithm, 194

pressure drop, 169

analytical solution, 177188

flow through packed beds, 170174

pipes, 174177

rate law, 169170

questions and problems, 196205

structure for, 140144

summary, 193194

supplementary reading, 205

synthesizing chemical plant design, 190192

tubular reactors, 162168

Isotherms, adsorption, 410415


Januvia, 357

Johnson, Samuel, 333

Journal critique problems

diffusion, 765

mass transfer limitations, 717

Junction balance in CSTR parameter modeling, 873, 877


Key reactant concentrations, 118

Kidneys, artificial, 346

Kind in chemical species, 4

Kinematic viscosity

of helium, 702

in mass transfer coefficient, 691

Kinetic energy in energy balance, 497

Kinetic rate law, 72, 7778

Kinetics in catalyst deactivation, 455, 463

Knee joint replacements, 763765

Knudsen diffusion, 721

Knudsen phase, diffusion in, 686687

Kunii–Levenspiel fluidization model, 753


Labs-on-a-chip, 212

Lag phase in cell growth, 368

Laminar flow

Aris–Taylor analysis for, 870871

dispersion for

pipes, 860861

tubular reactors, 858860

Laminar flow reactors (LFRs)

mean conversion in, 817820

RTDs in, 786789

in segregation models, 813815

Langmuir, Irving, 413

Langmuir–Hinshelwood kinetics

in catalyst surface reactions, 418

for heterogeneous reactions, 79, 244

nonlinear regression for, 259

in rate limiting, 419

single-site mechanisms, 694

steps, 421422

Langmuir isotherm, 413415

Large molecules, synthesis of, 366

Late mixing, nonideal reactor modeling, 809

Le Châtelier’s principle, 911

Lead in gasoline, 461

Lead titanate, 715

Least-squares analysis

batch reactors, 259

multiple reaction analysis, 317

professional reference shelf for, 273

LeBlanc, Steve, 629, 807

Levenspiel, O.

on dispersion coefficient determination, 864

on dispersion model, 853

on reaction combinations, 883

on tubular reactor boundary conditions, 858

Levenspiel plots

adiabatic isomerization, 57

butane isomerization, 515

flow reactors, 4142, 129130

PFRs in series, 52

LFRs (laminar flow reactors)

mean conversion in, 817820

RTDs in, 786789

in segregation models, 813815

LHSV space velocity, 61

Ligases enzymes, 346

Light from ultrasonic waves, 340342

Limiting reactants

in batch systems, 112113

in conversion, 32

Limiting situations for diffusion, 750751

Linear decay rate law in catalyst deactivation, 464

Linear least squares, 259

Linear plots in batch reactor data analysis, 247249

Lineweaver–Burk plots

for inhibition

competitive, 359

noncompetitive, 362363

uncompetitive, 361

for Michaelis–Menten equation, 350351

Liquid-hourly space velocity (LHSV), 61

Liquid phase and liquid-phase reactions

batch systems, 34, 110111, 144

butane isomerization, 5558, 512518

complex reactions, 307312

concentrations, 114115

CSTRs for, 1214, 307312

diffusion in, 686687

flow reactors, 35, 114115

MCMT production, 660

methanol-triphenyl reaction, 276

mole balances, 208, 210

pressure drop, 169

selectivity in, 227

semibatch reactors, 310312

tubular reactors, 163, 543

Living example problems (LEPs)

active intermediates, enzymatic reactions, pharmacokinetic models, and bioreactors, 387

catalysts, 480

flow reactors with heat exchange, 608

isothermal reactors, 196

molar flow rates, 236, 238

multiple reactions, 321

nonideal reactors, 887

nonisothermal reactors

steady-state, 530

unsteady-state, 670

rate data collection and analysis, 273

RTDs, 801

zero-adjustable-parameter models, 837

Locally stable steady-state values, 580

Lock-and-key model, 344

Log-log paper

batch reactor analysis, 252

triphenyl methyl chloride-methanol reaction, 256

Logic vs. memorizing, 140, 142

Logistic growth law, 395

London van der Waals forces, 344

Los Angeles basin, 2829

Low temperature in multiple steady states, 577

Lubricant design problem, 925

Luedeking–Piret equation, 375

Luminescence from ultrasonic waves, 340342

Lyases enzymes, 346

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