

A00 Architecture, 701, 702, 703
abrasion test, 290
Abruzzo region, 415–23
characteristics of SSB, 341–3
saturated water content, 343
water absorption rate, 342
absorption coefficient, 64
accelerated erosion test See spray test
accreditation scheme, 43
acoustic mass rule, 66
acoustic absorption, 64
absorption coefficients of conventional vs earth building materials, 65
acoustic reverbation, 62–7
building performance simulation, 66–7
simulation tools overview, 67
modern earth building, 41–71
reverbation time, 63–4
thermal inertia correlation, 65–6
materials thermal inertia and absorption coefficients, 66
acrylic coatings, 279
acrylic render, 277
additives, 328
adiabatic cooling, 127
Admittance Model, 22
adobe block, 84
Affiliated Stabilised Earth Group, 33
earth building techniques, 313–15
El Badi Palace, Marakesh, Morocco, 313
Kasbah in Asslim, Draa valley, Morocco, 312
agriculture, 308
air compressor, 380–1
air requirements, 393–4
compressor capacities, 393
alternate wetting and drying test, 344–5
alternative forming system, 391
alternative materials
benefits and drawbacks, 174—5
characteristics, 190–3
environmental, 192–3
health and safety, 191–2
mechanical, 191
thermal, 191
classification, 176–9
high temperature incineration, 177
origins, 176–8
very high temperature smelting, 177
waste cold processing, 177–8
wastes from geological sources, 177
earth construction, 172–203
form, 193–5
age-related aspects, 195
treatment, 193–4
maximisation, 176
particle size and activity, 178
hydraulic bound mixture workability, 179
physical and mechanical properties, 197–8
properties to consider, 198
specific testing, 198
types, 179–90
ashes, 181–3
cement kiln dust, 183–4
flue gas desulfurisation (FGD) gypsum, 183
mineral processing slags, 179–81
recycled construction and demolition debris, 184–7
tyres and glass, 187–90
wastes and by-products, 173–4
UK annual waste arisings, 173
amending, 366–7
amorphous change, 161
aromatics, 242
ashes, 181–3
combustion by-products, 181–2
incinerated waste residues, 182–3
earth building techniques, 309–13
central Asia and Indus valley, 310–11
China, 309–10
Middle East, 311–13
rammed earth fort at Basgo, India, 310
rammed earth section of Kyichu Lhakhang Monastery, Bhutan, 310
asphaltenes, 241
ASTM 2392, 102
ASTM D559, 240, 290
ASTM D 560, 240–1
ASTM E514-90, 262
ASTM E2329 2010, 91
athel tree, 411
Atterberg limits, 163
Atturaif region, 405–15
Australasia, 319–20
modern earth construction, 609–647
contemporary insulated residential buildings, 641–2
cost of stabilised rammed earth, 640–1
designing for thermal comfort, 635–9
future trends, 646–7
large commercial and public buildings, 642–3
material type and selection approaches, 612–16
precast and elevated structures, 643–6
stabilform system, 616–32
stabilised rammed earth walls, 632–5
standards and specifications, 639–40
uses of stabilised rammed earth, 610–12
Australian building codes, 10
Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, 262
Australian eco-morality, 9
Austria, 671–3
composition of an exterior LOPAS panel, 673
LOPAS prefabricated clay panel building panel system, 672
autoclaved aerated concrete roof, 25
auxiliary equipment, 394


Bactria-Margiana archaeological complex, 311
Baked Alaska’ process, 177
balkh, 311
Barcelona Basic Model, 219
base aggregate, 723
bedrock crust, 155
binder, 193
Bitublock, 187
bitumen, 241–5
blending, 366–7
block-out openings, 626–7
illustration, 626
reinforced masonry lintels, 469–70
illustration, 472
blower door test, 118
BN EN ISO 10211: 2007, 57–9
Bogue equation, 230
bond patterns, 455
Brazilian test, 216–17
BREEAM Green Guide, 654
bricks, 454
brittle failure, 209
brucite, 160
BS 5628, 96
BS 8233, 66
BS 3690–1:1989, 241
BS 4315–2, 240
BS EN 197, 231
BS EN 15026: 2007, 22
BS EN 197–1, 231
BS EN ISO 7730, 35
BS EN ISO 10551, 35
BS EN ISO 12572:2001, 26
BS ISO 16814:2008, 36
Bui, Q.B., 298–9
Building Code of Australia, 639
Building Code of Canada, 574
building codes, 638
history, 72–5
Friedrich August’s decree for using cob as ground floors, 74
mud block building standard, 73
modern earth buildings, 72–105
building compactness, 121–3
A/V relations, 122
different A/V relations, 123
recommended A/V relations, 122
building envelope, 19
building physics, 17
Building Products Act, 102–3
building specifications, 639–40
building standards, 639
building technologies
stabilised insulated rammed earth (SIREWALL) building, 744–8
anticipatory design, 747–8
downstream solutions, 744–5
technological advances, 745–7
panels in stabilised insulated rammed earth buildings, 746
bulk material, 193
bulk porosity, 21
bulking of sands, 169–70
bypass valves, 126


calcium chloride, 269
cantilevered wall, 463–4
horizontal dowels, 465
inverted angle, 464
capillary absorption test, 297
capillary rise
damp-proofing barrier, 287
parapet and landscape walls, 629
cement render wall, 630
carbonation, 195
carcinogenic risks, 192
Caritas House Neuwerk, 139–44
entrance and dining room, 141
inner courtyard, 143
outside sun protection for dining room, 142
Caritas House St. Josef, 144–6
modular building illustration, 146
modules under construction, 145
cartone di rilievo, 418–19
Casagrande technique, 164
cast block, 85
cavity wall insulation, 45–56
extruded polystyrene insulation, 54
insulation materials types and properties, 46–50
SIREWALL construction details, 55
SRE cavity wall photo, 53
steel stanchion insulation, 54
cement, 389, 723
cement-clay reactions, 234
cement kiln dust, 183–4
cement-soil mortars, 349–51
characteristics, 350
stress–strain relationships, 351
cement stabilisation, 328–9
principles, 329
cement-stabilised hand-compacted blocks, 326
cement-stabilised soil block (CSSB), 356–61
masonry vault and decorative features, 358–9
illustration, 359
multi-storey residential building, Bangalore, India, 359–61
illustration, 360
residential building, Bangalore, India, 356–7
illustration, 357
seminar hall complex, Bangalore, India illustration, 358
Vikas Project, Auroville, India, 359
illustration, 360
Charles Sturt University Campus, 11
chemical reactivity, 175
chemical weathering, 156
Chief Seattle, 563
China, 309–10
modern earth construction, 688–711
challenges, 689–91
cross waters eco-retreat, 700
future trends, 710–11
Hakka round houses, 689
material type and selection approaches, 692–7
Naked Stables Private Reserve, 707–9
opportunities, 691–2
river house eco-retreat, 700–7
split house, commune by the Great Wall, 699–700
techniques and formwork, 697–9
Vidal Sassoon Academy, 709–10
CINVA-RAM press, 326
classical geometry, 435
clay, 151, 158–63
minerals structure and surface activity, 159–63
illite symbolisation and structure, 162
kaolinite mineral symbolisation and structure, 161
montmorillonite mineral symbolisation and structure, 162
montmorillonite mineral unit, 161
octahedral sheet structural units, 160
silica sheet structural units, 159
clay brick, 52
clay lump/adobe, 653
clay minerals, 159
clay panels, 85
cleats, 471
climate change, 8–10
climatic factors, 410–11
clinker, 229
CO2 reduction, 41
coarse-grained soil, 157
coatings, 288
surface and finishes of earth structures, 293–7
implementation, 294–5
shear test, 295–6
shrinkage test, 295
wall preparation and weather condition, 296–7
cob, 85, 652–3
cohesionless soil, 156, 169
cold climate
commercial stabilised insulated rammed earth, 600–1
commercial stabilised uninsulated rammed earth, 601–2
earth construction applications, 585–7
strength vs. durability from Portland Cement Association, 586
cold walls, 257
colluvial soil, 156
comfort ventilation, 114
commercial buildings, 642–3
commercial stabilised insulated rammed earth
cold climate, 600–1
Sublette County Public Library, 601
desert climate, 602–3
commercial stabilised uninsulated rammed earth
cold climate, 601–2
Grand Beach Public Washrooms, 602
Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre, 602
compaction, 328, 332–3
control, 546
proctor tests, 547
curves, 335
fill materials during construction, 545–6
curves from Proctor tests, 546
typical fill materials, 545
stages in the static process, 334
stages of compacted soil block production process, 335
techniques, 381–3
rammed earth wall with colour changes, 382
composite materials, 176
compressed block, 85
compressed earth blocks (CEBs), 669
compressive strength, 93–6
rammed earth, 587–94
delivery, 592
earth blending, 593–4
formwork, 590–2
moisture content, 593
tampers and tamping, 588–90
unconfined test results, 587
compressive strength test, 615
compressive stress, 206
concrete block, 52
condensation, 52
condition documentation, 418–19
graphical recording of buildings using symbols, 419
conductive heat gain, 584
conductive heat loss, 573–80
Insulated and uninsulated rammed earth, 575
R-values and U-values for common rammed earth building components, 573
rammed earth wall edge thermal bridging, 577
relative impacts of wall and window choices, 579
thermal bridging around window, 576
typical SIREWALL window and door sections, 578
conduits, 392
cone pentrometer test, 164
consistency index, 164
consistency limits See Atterberg limits
consolidation, 212
constitutive relation, 206–9
construction industry, 10–16
efficiency requirements, 11–16
curving panels, 13
facet SRE panels, 13
formwork stripping, 14
heating and hoarding tent in snow, 15
heating and hoarding tent scaffolding, 15
multiple gang forms, 14
precast SRE panels, 12
steel portal frame cladding, 12
structural demands, 10–11
Construction Products Directive (CPD), 102
construction systems classification, 82–6
cob, 85
earth block masonry, 85
earth construction systems, 85
earthen infill, 86
poured earth, 86
rammed earth, 85
wall linings, 86
continuous form systems, 374–7
illustration, 374
manufactured, 375–6
site-built forms, 375
control joint, 619–20
steel tee-lintel system, 627
vertical SRE, 620
controlled permanent ventilation, 142
convective heat gain, 584
convective heat loss, 580–1
Cradle to Cradle, 200, 741–2, 748
cradle-to-grave evaluation, 198–9
Critical State concept, 213–15
cross waters eco-retreat, 700
curing, 244, 270, 333, 335, 383, 398–9
stacking, 336


Darcy’s Law, 27
deep earthquakes, 490
epicentre, 493
delivery, 377–8, 592
installation using conveyor, 378, 379
delivery equipment, 394
density-strength relationships, 337–8
compacted stabilised soil specimens, 338
illustration, 337–8
desert climate
commercial stabilised insulated rammed earth, 602–3
detailing, 507, 509, 628
Dhyanalinga Meditation Shrine, 451–3
illustration, 454
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), 26
differential settlement, 552–3
arching effect, 553
digital documentation, 419–20
accurate representation using CAD, 420
DIN 18945, 74
DIN 18946, 74
DIN 18947, 74
DIN 18951, 74
DIN 52617, 261
dip test, 344
UNESCO heritage site in Atturaif region, Saudi Arabia, 405–15
analysis, 405–6
architectural and planning features, 408
buildings sharing common walls, 412
climatic conditions in the Najd
region, 406–7
dwellings and climatic factors, 11
earth city of Riyadh and first Saudi state, 406
future trends, 413–15
illustration, 407
left standing columns, 414
materials, construction methods and building components, 13
settlement patterns, 408–10
site erosion, 413
ventilation holes that formulate decorative patterns, 409–10
domes, 448–53
design motivation, 428–9
Dhyanalinga Meditation Shrine, India, 451–3
masonry graphical analysis, 449
masonry idealisation, 449
Syrian ‘beehive’ houses, 450–1
door openings, 462
double skin facade, 44
drainage, 477
drained loading, 212
drip test
illustration, 289
scale of assessment, 289
dry-pressed concrete, 268
Dubai Passive House, 128–9
inner courtyard with water, 131
local adapted design, 130
requirements, 128
durability, 343–7
earth walls long term performance testing, 297–9
earth walls strategy, 286–8
earthen structures materials weathering, 300
future trends, 299–300
surface coatings and finishes of earth structures, 293–7
test assessment of earthen materials, 288–93
drip test, 289
freezing and thawing, 293
rainfall test, 291–3
saturated to dry strength ratio, 290
slake durability test, 291
spray test, 288–9
static water stability, 293
wire brush test, 290
water content increase in earthen walls, 283–6
dust sealing, 258, 274
DVL TM 02, 102
DVL TM 03, 102
DVL TM 04, 102
DVL TM 05, 88, 102
dwellings, 410–11
dynamic compaction, 167
dynamics, 205


earth, 83
earth architecture, 404–5
earth blending, 593–4
record strength with 10% cement, 595
earth block masonry, 85
earth blocks, 84–5
earth buildings, 307–21
earth conservation, 401–24
common cause of deterioration, 402–4
earth architecture, 404–5
Loreto Aprutino, Abruzzo region, Italy, 415–23
UNESCO heritage site, Diriyah, Atturaif region, Saudi Arabia, 405–15
materials, 83–4
natural disasters, 481–533
design for wind resistance, 525–9
earthquake engineering, 499–519
earthquakes, 485–99
flood hazards, 529–30
future trends, 533
overview, 481–5
volcanoes and landslides, 531–3
wind and storms, 519–25
rural areas, 611
Africa, 313–15
Asia, 309–13
Australasia, 319–20
Europe, 315–16
North America, 316–18
South America, 318–19
urban areas, 611–12
earth conservation
common cause of deterioration on historic earth buildings, 402–4
erosion mechanisms, 402–3
structural defects, 403
water study and protection principles, 403–4
earth architecture, 404–5
historic earth building, 401–24
Loreto Aprutino, Abruzzo region, Italy, 415–23
UNESCO heritage site, Diriyah, Atturaif region, Saudi Arabia, 405–15
earth construction
alternative and recycled materials, 172–203
characteristics, 190–3
classification, 176–9
form, 193–5
future trends, 200–1
leaching, 195–7
physical and mechanical properties, 197–8
reuse life cycle schematic, 199
types, 179–90
use and reuse life cycle, 198–9
soil materials, 155–71
soil compaction, 167–70
soil consistency, 163–7
soil formation, 155–6
soil types, 157–63
soil mechanics, 204–20
basic mechanics, 205–9
effective stress, 211–12
fundamental soil behaviour, 209–11
future trends, 220
shear strength models for soils, 212–17
unsaturated soil behaviour, 217–19
uses, 220
soil stabilisation, 222–52
bituminous binders and emulsions, 241–6
cement and pozzolans, 229–41
fibre reinforcement, 247–9
lime stabilisation, 225–9
modern stabilised earth construction, 249–52
synthetic binders, polymers and adhesives, 246–7
stabilised soil blocks for structural masonry, 324–61
buildings long term performance, repair and retrofitting, 353, 355–6
cement-soil mortars, 349–51
cement-stabilised soil block (CSSB), 356–61
overview, 324–7
soil stabilisation techniques, 327–9
SSB characteristics, 336–49
SSB production, 330–6
earth construction systems, 85
earth mortars, 84
earth plasters, 86, 100
earth render system, 277
Earth Structures Ltd., 30, 53
earth walling, 4
earthen infill, 86
EBM infill, 86
light clay and poured earth infill, 86
wattle and daub, 86
earthen materials
structures weathering and durability, 300
earth walls long term performance
testing, 297–9
earth walls strategy, 286–8
future trends, 299–300
surface coatings and finishes, 293–7
test assessment, 288–93
water content increase in walls, 283–6
earthen materials classification, 82–6
clay panels, 85
earth, 83
earth blocks, 84–5
earth building materials, 83–4
earth mortars, 84
earth plasters, 86
soil, 83
earthen structures
arches, 436–7
criteria, 456–7
construction, 457
design, 456–7
domes, 448–53
future trends, 457–8
masonry, 427–58
material properties, 453–5
bond patterns, 455
bricks, 454
mix designs, 455
mortar types and properties, 455
materials weathering and durability, 300
overview, 427–9
design motivation of masonry vaults and domes, 428–9
structures weathering and durability
earth walls long term performance testing, 297–9
earth walls strategy, 286–8
future trends, 299–300
surface coatings and finishes, 293–7
test assessment, 288–93
water content increase in walls, 283–6
theory for arches, vaults and domes, 429–36
elastic vs. plastic design, 430–1
funicular vs. geometrical design in masonry, 435
hanging chain, 431–5
hanging models, 435–6
stability analysis for simple two- block structure, 430
vaults, 437–48
earthen walls
increase durability strategy, 286–8
capillary rise cutting, 287
roof design, 287–8
stabilisation or coating, 288
long term performance testing, 297–9
Bui, Q.B., 298–9
difference between linear and nonlinear erosions, 299
Guettala, A., 297–8
in situ walls, 298
walls exposed to real climatic conditions, 298
water content increase, 283–6
causes, 285
erosion mechanism, 285–6
freeze-thaw effects increase, 284–5
mechanical strength subsequent
decrease, 283–4
shrinkage and efflorescence increase, 285
earthfill embankment dams, 539
heterogeneous, 540
homogeneous, 540
earthquake, 485–99, 553–4
energy release, wave propagation and measurement, 490–6
deep and shallow earthquakes, 490
earthquake magnitude, 493, 495
macroseismic intensity, 495–6
seismic waves, 492–3
engineering, 499–519
ground disruption due to lateral spreading initiated by liquefaction, 517
load resisting systems for earth buildings, 501–9
reconnaissance surveys of building damage, 518–19
sandboils due to ground liquefaction, 517
secondary effects, 515, 517–18
seismic response of buildings, 499–501
seismic survival, 509, 511–15
failure patterns of embankments., 555
ground accelerations, velocities and displacements, 496–9
hazard map for mainland USA, 497
local size effects, 498
near faults effects, 498
soil influence, 498–9
liquefaction damaged dam, 554
seismic events origin and location, 488–90
vulnerability, 485–8
out-of-plane wall failure, 487
twentieth-century earthquake fatalities, 486
unreinforced replica historic building damage, 487
earthquake faults, 489–90
horizontal strike slip trace, 492
strike slip fault, 491
trace displacements, 492
earthquake magnitude, 493, 495
relative size on Richter scale, 495
ecological footprint, 104
economic analysis
stabilised rammed earth, 722–7
benefits of local SRE contractors, 727
freight, 727
labour, 724–5
machinery and formwork, 726–7
materials, 722–4
overheads, 725–6
economic impact
stabilized insulated rammed earth (SIREWALL) building, 742–4
business cycles, 742
collaboration within earth building community, 743–4
commercial work, 744
lifecycle cost analysis, 742
scheduling, 743
effective stress, 211–12
efflorescence, 256–7, 285
Egyptian stones See earth blocks
Ekaterinburg Passive House, 129, 131–2
east elevation, 131
north perspective, 132
requirements, 129
elastic design, 430–1
electric double layer, 163
elevated SRE panels See precast SRE panels
elevated walls, 634–5
placing SRE panel, 635
SRE panel transport, 636
EM 1110-2-2300, 542
embankment dams, 538–56
construction specifications, 543–8
compaction control, 546
fill materials compaction, 545–6
particle breakage, 546–8
failure mechanism, 549–54
freeboard requirement, 549–54
future trends, 555–6
maintenance, 554
stability analysis, 548–9
types and selection, 539–41
earthfill, 539
rockfill, 539–41
zoning and construction materials, 541–3
design and specification of filters, 542
soil permeability, 542–3
embedded ledgers, 392
embodied energy, 728–9, 738–9
EMCC, 701, 702, 703, 705
energy efficiency, 9
energy impact, 98–101
earth building materials thermal conductivity values, 100
PEI for different means of transport, 99
PEI for typical building materials vs earth materials, 99
energy recovery ventilation systems (ERV), 566
Energy Savings Trust, 51
EnergyPlus, 22
engineered construction systems, 87
environmental analysis
stabilised rammed earth, 728–33
case study of house management, 731–3
embodied energy, 728–9
lifespan of SRE buildings, 733
recurrent energy use of SRE buildings, 729–31
SRE as recycled product, 733
toxicity of SRE buildings, 733
environmental impact
stabilized insulated rammed earth (SIREWALL) building, 736–42
building size reduction, 739–40
Cradle to Cradle, 741–2
environmental building metrics, 737–8
future trends, 738–7
importance of embodied energy, 738–9
indoor environment, 740–1
Environmental Protection Agency, 9
equilibrium analysis, 438–9
equilibrium approach See limit analysis
Ernestine Building Code, 73
erodability index, 289
erosion, 285–6, 402–3, 413
digging effect of a raindrop, 283
ettringite, 184, 194
EUROKOBRA database, 56
earth building techniques, 315–16
rammed earth Alhambra of Granada, Spain, 316
modern earth construction, 650–84
Austria, 671–3
France, 663–70
future trends, 682–4
Germany, 670–1
Poland, 681–2
Portugal, 681
Spain, 681
Switzerland, 673
techniques, 653–63
traditional techniques conservation and revival, 651–3
United Kingdom, 673–80
European Building Codes, 76
European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), 76
European Macroseismic Scale (EMS-98), 495
evaporative cooling, 127
exposure, 421
external wall insulation, 43–4
extravagant lifestyle, 4
extruded block, 85


fabric insulation, 41–71
approaches, 42–56
cavity wall insulation, 45–56
external wall insulation, 43–4
internal wall insulation, 44–5
modern earth building, 41–71
failure mechanism, 549–54
differential settlement, 552–3
earthquake damage, 553–4
high pore pressure, 550–1
seepage, 551–2
typical forms of embankment dams, 550
field recording, 417–18
m2 wall orientation of buildings, 418
filter paper test, 219
design and specification, 542
categories of Base Soil Materials, 542
criteria, 543
permeability and testing methods for the main soil types, 544
fine-grained soil, 157, 163
finishing, 397–8
rodded PISE, 398
Finite Element Method, 60–1
fire protection, 45
flood hazards, 529–30
causes of flooding, 529–30
design for flooding, 530
cause, 529–30
rising rivers and tidal surge, 530
good site selection and preparation, 530
flue gas desulfurisation (FGD), 183
fluorinated chemicals, 280
footing, 477
forming system, 389–91
alternative, 391
PISE formwork, 390
simple, 390–1
formwork, 371–7, 590–2, 726–7
accumulative cost of maintenance and equipment, 727
concrete used for curving rammed earth walls, 591
continuous form systems, 374–7
parameters, 466–8
cutting avoidance sympathetic design, 467
small panel, 372–4
stripping and curing, 383
Fram polar ship, 113
France, 663–70
completed 9.4-m-high unstabilised earth wall building, 667
completed house at Chasselay with rammed earth corner walls, 668
prefabricated earth walls being craned into position, 667
stabilised compressed earth block apartment at Domaine de la Terre I’Isle d’Abeau, 666
stabilised compressed earth block house at Domaine de la Terre I’Isle d’Abeau, 665
The Domaine de la Terre housing complex at I’Isle d’Abeau, 665
vertical sliding formwork system, 668
free cooling See night cooling
freeboard, 549–54
Freeform Thin-tile Vault, 444–5
continuous expandable cardboard guidework system, 446
masonry vault prototype, 445
freeze-thaw effects, 284–5
freezing, 293
freezing-thawing test, 297
freight, 727
funicular design, 435
funicular geometry, 435
furnace bottom ash (fba), 181


Gaseous Secondary Electron Detector, 237
geometrical design, 435
German Earth Building Code, 74
German Lehmbau Regeln approach, 90–1
Germany, 670–1
gibbsite, 160
Glaser Model, 22
global circulation, 522
bands of airflow giving predominant wind directions, 523
global warming, 111
Global Warming Impact, 747
Grammar School, 146–7
building after refurbishment, 147
construction phases 3 and 4, 147
Grand Beach, 11, 14
Gross Energy Requirement (GER), 728
ground granulated blast furnace slag, 181, 231
ground heat exchanger, 116
ground mixing, 370–1
Guastavino vaulting, 439–41
Elephant House in the Bronx Zoo, 440
St. Francis de Sales Church Dome, 440
Guettala, A., 297–8
gun operation, 396–7


hanging chain, 431–5
horizontal trust values and force polygons, 433
illustration, 432
random arch, 434
hanging models, 435–6
hanging chain explorations, 435
Hanssen-Hoppener House, 136–7
hardware, 392, 724
types and their distributions, 482–3
distribution of hydrological and geological disasters worldwide, 484
proportions of types of natural disasters, 483
significance to earth buildings, 482
vulnerability and risk, 483, 485
header beam style reinforced masonry lintels, 470
illustration, 473
modern earth buildings, 573–83
conductive heat loss, 573–80
convective heat loss, 580–1
radiant heat loss, 581–3
heat-balance equation, 34
Heat Balance Method, 22
heat loss, 583
heat recovery ventilation systems (HRV), 566, 572
heating, ventilation and air conditioning, (HVAC), 30, 605
Hooke, R., 431–5
Horyuji temple, 226
hoses, 394
hot climates
applications of earth construction, 583–5
conductive heat gain, 584
convective heat gain, 584
radiant heat gain, 584–5
Houben-Engels House, 136
humidity flywheel, 570–3
humidity across the north wall of an unoccupied SIREWALL home, 571
temperature across the north wall of an unoccupied SIREWALL home, 571
unoccupied SIREWALL home, 572
hurricanes, 524–5
hydrated limes, 225
hydraulic bound mixtures, 178
hydrophobic admixtures, 258–68
oil- or fat-based water-repellent admixtures, 259–60
capillary rising vs depressing, 261
stearate or oleate molecular structure in capillary, 260
silicone water-repellent admixtures, 260–8
capillary water absorption, 262
commercial pressed concrete blocks under natural weathering conditions, 266
concrete substrates and salt erosion test, 267
device for testing wind-driven rain effect, 263
efflorescence surface coverage over 7 days, 265
mass loss after salt erosion test, 267
polysiloxane molecular structure in
concrete masonry, 262
rising damp test result, 264
water-repellent effect illustration, 259
hygrothermal behaviour
earth materials thermal and hygric properties, 25–8
hygrothermal functional properties illustration, 27
SIRE materials hygothermal functional properties illustration, 28
loads and modelling, 19–25
calculation and results, 22–3
hygrothermal fluxes and alternating directions, 20
hygrothermal loads affecting a building, 19
hygrothermal numerical models source and application, 23
moisture content influence on soil thermal conductivity, 21
validation and applications, 23–5
WUFI Pro v4.1 hygrothermal modelling software graph output, 24
modern earth buildings, 17–40
rammed earth materials bulk density vs dry-state thermal conductivity, 18
passive air conditioning, 29–33
constant mixed mode operation HVAC energy consumption, 32
intermittent mixed mode HVAC energy consumption, 32
relative humidity variation in wall materials, 31


IES Virtual Environment, 22
illite, 162
impact compaction See dynamic compaction
in-plane loaded walls
load transfers, 505–7
bond beam supporting out-of-plane walls, 506
structural diaphragm transferring load, 506
typical modes, 507
incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA), 183
incinerator bottom ash (IBA), 182
indoor air quality, 33–6
indoor environment, 740–1
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), 100, 102
Indus valley, 310–11
industrial production, 103
inertial loading, 501
initial rate of absorption (IRA), 341–2
initial surface absorption (ISA) test, 237
inner leaf technique See wall linings
installation, 377–83
compaction tools and techniques, 378–83
delivery, 377–8
insulated rammed earth, 561, 562, 569–70, 572–3, 573–4, 577–8, 593
business models, 597–9
insulated walls, 632–3
set up for ramming, 632
insulation, 723
integral admixtures
hydrophobic admixtures, 258–68
oil- or fat-based water-repellent admixtures, 259–60
silicone water-repellent admixtures, 260–8
water-repellent effect illustration, 259–60
modern earth buildings, 256–81
future trends, 279–81
others, 268–70
set accelerators and retarders, 269–70
workability and compaction enhancement, 269
internal hydrophobic zone, 273–5
internal sealing, 628–9
series of monolith SRE panels, 629
internal wall insulation, 44–5
International Centre for Earth Construction - School of Architecture of Grenoble (CRATerre-EAG), 405
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural property (ICCROM), 405
International Energy Agency (IEA), 111
International Standards Organisation (ISO), 75–6
intersecting beams, 471
interstitial condensation, 42, 45, 52
ISO 8301, 26
ISO 10051, 26
ISO 10456, 20
ISO 14040, 101–2, 199
ISO 14044, 101
ISO 14064, 199
Italy, 415–23


kaolinite, 160
kneading compaction, 167
KOBRU86 software, 56


labour, 724–5
concrete block-work and ISE walls, 725
lagging steel columns, 471–2
treatment within SRE walls, 474
landscape walls, 633–4
lawn area structure, 633
minimum protection required for walling, 634
landslides, 532–3
land dropping and slumping, 532
Las Vegas Passive House, 132–3
requirements, 132
south perspective, 133
laser diffraction analysis, 158
laser particle analysis, 251
latent energy of vaporisation-condensation, 20
lateral load resistance
wall configuration, 507
bracing lines, 508
Lauriston Science and Resource Centre, 643–5
illustration, 645
leaching, 195–7
assessment, 197
mechanisms, 195–6
pathways and receptors, 196–7
species, 196
life cycle assessment (LCA), 75, 82, 98, 104–5, 198–9
life cycle energy analysis, 98
lifecycle cost analysis, 742
Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability (LOHAS ), 7, 9
light clay, 100
lime cycle, 225
lime stabilisation, 225–9, 329
limit analysis, 431
line of optimums, 168
linear elasticity, 208
linear expansion on saturation, 345–7
damage after 14 years of exposure to natural weathering, 348
experimental set-up, 346
mass loss vs. linear expansion, 347
mass loss vs. strength, 347
wall surface after 11
years of exposure to natural weathering, 348
linear shrinkage, 165–6, 614–15
linear thermal transmittance, 59
Linz-Donawitz process, 180
liquid limit, 164, 250
liquidity index, 165
loam, 166–7
Local Climate Protection competition, 147
local size effects, 498
loess, 156
London clay, 212
loose fill material, 45
Loreto Aprutino
Abruzzo region, Italy, 415–23
building types, 420–1
condition documentation, 418–19
digital documentation, 419–20
earth building consolidated using concrete, 416
field recording, 417–18
orientation and exposure, 421
Patacca house, 416–17
plaster stabilisation, 421–2
restoration, 423
structural instability, 421
tables used to record information for earth buildings, 415


machine mixing, 371
machinery, 726
macroseismic intensity, 495–6
damage states illustrated for two-storey masonry, 497
Modified Mercalli scale, 496
Mansfield Shire information wall, 645–6
lowering an elevated SRE panel into an excavated trench, 646
manual compaction, 379
manual production, 103
manufactured form systems, 375–6
Mapungubwe Interpretation Centre, 441–3
construction, 442
vaulted interior, 441
cement-soil mortars for SSB, 349–51
cement-stabilised soil block (CSSB), 356–61
earthen structures, 427–58
arches, 436–7
design and construction criteria, 456–7
domes, 448–53
future trends, 457–8
material properties, 453–5
overview, 427–9
theory for arches, vaults and domes, 429–36
vaults, 437–48
overview, 324–7
soil classification for stabilised soil blocks (SSB), 325–6
SSB technology development, 326–7
soil stabilisation techniques, 327–9
SSB buildings long term performance, repair and retrofitting, 353, 355–6
SSB characteristics, 336–49
SSB production, 330–6
SSB strength and design guidance, 351–3
failure patterns, 352
stabilised soil blocks in earth construction, 324–61
masonry mortar, 84
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Classification System, 157
massive steel lintels, 468–9
illustration, 471
material sourcing, 366–8
amending and blending, 366–7
quarry waste and recycled materials, 367
site-sourced materials, 366
stockpiling and moisture control, 368
transportation expenses, 367
maximum dry density, 168
mechanical compaction, 379–80
pneumatic compaction, 380
mechanical stabilisation, 223, 328
mechanical strength, 283–4
decrease in compressive strength with an increase in the water, 284
variation of saturated to dry strength ratio following cement content, 284
metakaolin, 231
Middle East, 311–13
mineral soils, 388–9
sieve analysis, 388
Ming dynasty, 309
mix designs, 455
mix water, 395
mixing, 370–1
equipment, 371, 392–3
ground, 370–1
modern earth building, 3–16
building codes, standards and normative development, 72–105
history of building codes for earth as building material, 72–5
new standards developments, 98–103
normative documents, 77–86
parameters for earth building standard, 87–97
standards types, 75–7
changes in industry, 7–10
aesthetic changes, 7–8
social morality and climate change response, 8–10
construction industry demands management, 10–16
efficiency requirements, 11–16
structural demands, 10–11
definition, 5
design elegance, 604–6
fabric insulation, thermal bridging and acoustics, 41–71
acoustic reverbation, 62–7
fabric insulation approaches, 42–56
thermal bridging simulation tools, 60–2
thermal bridging theory, 56–60
heat, 573–83
hygrothermal behaviour and occupant comfort, 17–40
earth materials thermal and hygric properties, 25–8
hygrothermal loads and modelling, 19–25
indoor health and air quality, 33–6
passive air conditioning, 29–33
integral admixtures and surface treatments, 256–81
future trends, 279–81
integral admixtures, 258–68
surface treatment, 270–9
significance in industries, 6
developed countries, 6
developing countries, 6
modern earth construction
applications in hot climates, 583–5
applications in wet and cold climates, 585–7
Australia, 609–647
Austria, 671–3
challenges, 689–91
China, 688–711
commercial stabilised insulated rammed earth in a desert climate, 602–3
commercial stabilised insulated rammed earth (SIREWALL) in a cold climate, 600–1
commercial stabilised uninsulated rammed earth in a cold climate, 601–2
contemporary insulated residential buildings, 641–2
cross waters eco-retreat, 700
designing for thermal comfort, 635–9
building codes, 638
building orientation and room layouts, 636
house size, 638–9
managing benefits, 637
natural ventilation, 637
passive solar design, 635–6
SRE as fire protection, 639
window shading, 636–7
Europe, 650–84
France, 663–70
future trends, 606–7, 646–7, 682–4, 710–11
SRE walls on display at a Construction Trade Expo, 647
Germany, 670–1
Hakka round houses, 689
indoor and outdoor weather interplay, 564–83
large commercial and public buildings, 642–3
material type and selection approaches, 612–16, 692–7
aesthetics and use, 612–13
mix designs, 615–16
selection parameters, 613–14
soil testing methods, 614–15
modern earth buildings design
elegance, 604–6
Naked Stables Private Reserve, 707–9
North America, 561–607
opportunities, 691–2
Poland, 681–2
Portugal, 681
precast and elevated structures, 643–6
rammed earth compressive strength, 587–94
rammed earth North American style, 594–600
residential stabilised insulated rammed earth in a wet climate, 603
river house eco-retreat, 700–7
seventh generation thinking, 563–4
Spain, 681
split house, commune by the Great Wall, 699–700
stabilform system, 616–32
stabilised rammed earth cost, 640–1
stabilised rammed earth uses in different regions of Australia, 610–12
stabilised rammed earth walls, 632–5
standards and specifications, 639–40
techniques, 653–63
California-style timber formwork system, 658
chamfered thermal expansion joint detail on SRE wall, 660
chamfered thermal expansion joint detail on unstabilised rammed earth wall, 661
engineering brick base course with damp-proof layer, 659
glazed timber window frame, 664
lightweight formwork, 658
SRE wall with cage reinforced integrated lintel, 662
stabilform, 657
stabilised rammed earth wall with extruded polystyrene cavity insulation, 659
stainless steel reinforcement cage, 661
steel lintel attached to the adjacent SRE walls, 663
timber wall plate and roof truss connection, 664
unstabilised rammed earth external walls, 655
unstabilised rammed earth internal walls, 656
techniques and formwork, 697–9
traditional techniques conservation and revival, 651–3
clay lump/adobe, 653
cob, 652–3
United Kingdom, 673–80
Vidal Sassoon Academy, 709–10
Mohr-Coulomb criterion, 212–13
moisture content, 21, 593
moisture content-dependent heat capacity, 21
moisture control, 368
moisture storage function, 21
monolithic system, 698
montmorillonite, 161
mortar, 455
moulding moisture content, 338–9
water content-strength relationships, 339
muck, 156
mud block See adobe block
mud hut, 313
multi-colour schemes, 8
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