8.9 Stochastic Processes

(Kolmogorov 1933), (Cramér 1940), (Wold 1948), (Doob 1953), (Grenander and Rosenblatt 1957), (Parzen 1957), (Leonov and Shiryaev 1959), (Loève 1963), (Brillinger 1965), (Brillinger and Rosenblatt 1967), (Billingsley 1968), (Brillinger 1969), (Gikhman and Skorokhod 1969), (Prohorov and Rozanov 1989), (Van Trees 1971), (Brillinger 1974), (Rosenblatt 1974), (Cambanis and Masry 1976), (Brillinger 1981), (Thomson 1982), (Rosenblatt 1985), (Mendel 1991), (Papoulis 1991), (Scharf 1991), (Boashash et al. 1995), (Politis 1998), (Lahiri 2003), (Politis 2005), (Rao 2008).

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